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Everything posted by TheSongRemainsTheSame

  1. On/Off are usually on appliances, tools, vehicles that people use. Just a thot...
  2. I have more experiences to prove the Word Of God Is True to those who believe such a thing except one thing... Has anyone raised a blind man from the dead???
  3. I asked a W.O.W. to minister to me. Just flu - like symptoms... This W.O.W prayed for me and thanked God for my sore throat to be healed. I thanked the W.O.W. and left. I laughed in my car about the throat deal... my throat was not sore... what a haox of bs... a few days later my throat was sore...
  4. Just the other day I was thinking about posting a "where are you firebee" thread and a birthday call comes up!!! Now what do i think?
  5. Dig it,,, Wife & I gonna see the third movie of LOTR... as if JRRT really meant it to be on screen and not in your mind.. but what the hey... it's on the big screen... Charles Heston would have also been a wonderfull grey and white hair...
  6. There is a ship and she sails the seas she's loaded deep as deep can be but not as deep as the love i miss I know not how I sink or swim
  7. High Five's Lightside pray lightly Love, Song
  8. Jerry, Just A Thot... Ya know mabe we are just tapping into a resource that has always been within us since we were born... but how to utilise such a resource that has always been in our dna is just what I need to find out how to walk on the water.
  9. ..."I'm not saying you shouldn't question your faith. By all means do. That's how we grow. I have jettisoned lots of TWI doctrine, and some Biblical doctrine. I'm still searching and learning. But despite the loss of the neat little box of answers that piffle used to be, I remain absolutely convinced that God is true, Christ has indeed redeemed me, both of them are rather fond of us, and that they will continue to meet us where we are as long as we continue to seek them with an honest heart. " Peace JerryB ***** Jerry, I just read your post again. So very kewl that you were healed of your respiratory problems "in the name of Jesus Christ by a believing Christian." That is an extraordinary experience. So many an experience we can count on to prove God is real or a validation of ones beleif in a "Christian" God. That is proof enough to validate a faith based life where there once was a powerless life. We all do evolve if we seek a power that we know is greater than our perception rather than just hang on to the old perceptions that the earth is the centre of the universe. THE LEFT LEG:I am not suppose to have my left leg. Then I was not supposed to have my left knee cap.Then I was suppose to not be able to bend my left leg more than 10 degrees. Then I was suppose to not be able to squat. I would always walk with a limp and never run. The Bone Docs said my healing was extraordinary to them, like a miracle. And that was jUsT my left leg. I was called The Chariot Man. But ya know my Bone Man Nettles told me that he could not heal me, that he could only set the bones, and the healing would come. Now that is truth. Now what if I did not have a "Bone Man Nettles" and my healing took place without the bones being set, I suppose my bones would have healed deformed... maybe. Here is another one. One morning I woke up early, yawned and sat on the edge of the bed and stretched. I slipped off the edge and ended on the floor with my right leg pinned like a chicken wing and my left leg straight out. My my my, how do I get myself into these awkward situations. --> Oh that hurt... Well, I tried to get up. I could not. My wife was gone to work and would not be home for hours. I was trapped between the bed and the wall that led to the bathroom. I tried to push the king size bed with my back to give me room to get up. No budge. My right leg was going numb. I tried to get my elbows, hands, arms up on the bed to pull myself up,,, no reach, no leverage. The phone to my left on the night stand... could not bend enough to the side to reach. I was literally trapped... very very helpess... could not feel my chicken winged right leg ... what to do??? I was on the floor on my azz, my back against the bed, my right leg like a chicken wing laying flat on the floor... i became calm realising my silly accident and the seriousnes of my predicament... I tried all the aformentioned manuevers again and again and again with the same results of being trapped. Okay ... I prayed... "Uhm God... hey... uhm ya know I am here and ya see what's going on... can I get some help here." And I just realised how helpless I was and just accepted the situation knowing that I would get out of it some how. Lo and behold, my numb right leg began to move of its own volition as I watched. My eyes were wide open such a display of involuntary movement that finally resulted in my right leg becoming parallel with my left and all feeling restored. I just simply cried silent tears on to my cheeks and got up and called my wife. Jerry, I did not pray in the name of JC, but I was a born again Christain. So many stories of such encounters with the 'miracle' realm eh!!! Makes me wonder why I still can not walk on the water even though I try every time I attend the beach.My wife laughs with and at me each endeavor the attempt to walk on water. So many experiences validates ones beliefs in a 'god' that is just beyond our finite understanding and beyond proof. Grace & Peace & Rok On Man StevenH ..."On a day like today, I pass the time away and walk a quiet mile with you..." Led
  10. Jerry, You and I can go on with all kinds of experiences... beleive me as well as i beleive you those type of things... eg My mom shortly after she was born had spinal menigitis which caused her to become "hard of hearing"... she met my dad Then i was born... ...for years i prayed for my mom's hearing to be restored... ... years later and $$$ much, she had an operation in California...
  11. lashanta longogitsomi postidio muchoosheo my children your posts are much too long *** Lolshanta roflmao rok n rollalala la la la funnierio Laughing with my children ... does anybody remember laughter ... *** [This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on January 10, 2004 at 21:14.]
  12. Apples and oranges Steve. The verses and examples I posted dealt with a person hearing the manifestation of speaking in tongues in the context of the preaching of the gospel; like your first example of the evangelist and the reactions of the crowd. Your experience with the child is completely different. The mother didn't hear you speaking in tongues and the benefit of intercession is not a sign to unbelievers, it's intercession. In the example you mentinoed, the benefit was that you were able to tell her what to do for the child. I have been told repeatedly that when I intercede for my friend, it works. So he always asks me to pray for specific things. I never do. I just speak in tongues for him. Is that proof that I have holy spirit, etc. No, it's intercession. The benefit of intercession is answered prayer. Peace JerryB *** Apples and oranges Jerry for sure. I do dig both crates full!!! No doubt about that. But what is the proof that sit is for real whether it's doing one thing or 10 others? I have none. "The Bible says" is no more proof than JRRT's Middle Earth. And that is what I am being honest with in my life. I am not saying that you are being dishonest, but that I am being honest with my thoughts and my understanding of what I see and have experienced as far as a faith based life and you yours. I pray for someone and that person recieves the benefit of answered prayer... i just do not understand that... i used to think i did... but it does not make sence to me anymore. It sounds like 2+2=4.00000000001. Just that little infitesimal edge needed to accept it by faith. The child had cholic. The mother was frustrated. The child picks up on the stress with great distress and the mother is calling me instead of medical attention. I am under no stress from the whole scene and the child apparently goes to sleep because i silently sit? Facetiously....Oh, now i know... it was word of knowlege and word of wisdom coupled with beleiving and gifts of healing and the spice that got it going was SIT.... 5 out of 9 is pretty good spiritually. :D--> The child actually & finally gets relief from proper medical diagnosis. I suppose it's beating a dead horse to death. Grace & Peace StevenH
  13. ..."Which part of it was real and which part of it was all imagination?".... dawayback *** I wonder too!!! Song
  14. Oakspear, wherever the thought of "skunk pelt" originated from... certainly makes impacts of thought... hence i started a thread about it... and came back here my short comment... Rok On Song
  15. Maybe it was the other way around eh... please pray tell... you were the kid with cholic...??? [This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on January 08, 2004 at 15:11.]
  16. Geometry is truth. The leaps of faith are the realisations of truth and not to be confined by leaps of faith. Truth has evidence that the v-8 can be made. Whoops George ... could not resist... your turn of thot
  17. hmmm interesting that I would have a super natural sence about such an event in your life... Rok On Mike Song
  18. Has anyone ever had one of those 'slinkys'? Have ya ever noticed they con (can) only go down the stairs and not up... whoops... where am i going with that thot...
  19. whoops... i forgot to mention that there is jc that got up from the grave, as evidenced in our proof we SIT...
  20. Whew, now I who have a life expectancy of 120 years have a chance against spirits that are only 6000 years of age... that is a relief!!! ;)-->
  21. supercalafragilisticexpialadoloshanto whoops... Um-deedledeedledeedle um-deedleday Um-deedledeedledeedle um-deedleday Um-deedledeedledeedle um-deedledeedle Um-deedledeedledeedle um-um um-um um-um For example... Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious If you say it loud enough you'll always sound precocious Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Um-deedledeedledeedle um-deedleday Um-deedledeedledeedle um-deedleday Um-deedledeedledeedle um-deedleday Super-super Supercali Super Supercalifragi So when the cat has got your tongue there's no need for dismay Just summon up this word and then you've got a lot to say But better use it carefully or it can change your life For example... Yes? One day I said it to me girl and now me girl's me wife Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious If you say it loud enough you'll always sound precocious Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious If you say it loud enough you'll always sound precocious Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious If you say it loud enough you'll always sound precocious Supercalifragilistic Supercalifragilistic Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious [This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on January 08, 2004 at 13:52.]
  22. Xenoglossia...hmmm... yepper... I thinks I will do a little more reading the subject besides KJV memories and pfal experiences... Any one who would take several years studying sit practitioners must have something to say... the added plus is the 3-4 years its publication prior my completing the 12th session... Thanks George Aar Song
  23. Pirate are you sure the one of bathrooms you entered was not the ladies room... :D--> ROFLMAO :D-->
  24. ABCDEFG HIJK LMNOP QRST U&V WX Y&Z Now I've said my ABC's Tell me what you think of me? Yo DJ, i doubt very seriously you have even begun to derail this thread. It's all responses to those who have reply'd. I mean, take for eg. bango strings... it's all sit (stay in tune) ... :D--> ;)--> ps... remember those stop sign stickers with S.I.T. written in the middle that was to be posted on our dash boards...
  25. whoops double post [This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on January 08, 2004 at 12:29.]
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