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Posts posted by WordWolf

  1. I went to see it for the first time either right before or during my first year in-rez while I was home on vacation. It was a midnight movie that ran every weekend. It was so much fun... people with squirt guns, umbrellas, throwing toast... I think it was the first time I remember hearing the term "cult" movie.

    Years later - my daughter went to a special showing at the Tampa Theater (an old movie house here in town)on Halloween night and experienced much of the same - except they had actually hired "actors" to perfom up in front of the screen, not just folks who came to play along on their own. She did say there were squirt guns and toast - but no umbrellas.

    Here's the IMDB link to The Rocky Horror Picture Show

    According to the site -- the next TV airing is on VH1 at 12:30 am on October 31st.

    Let's do the time warp.... again...!!!

    Does anyone want to try and meet in chat for it?

    If we can manage it, we can watch it together and do the callbacks and stuff!

  2. Actually, it would not be CALLED "in tongues", but something like that isn't so

    hard to think out, whether or not you experience it.

    I pieced it together before the Advanced class, but it comes up there.

    (Here's my explanation.)

    We perceive things via our 5 senses. That's how we receive and process information

    about the world around us.

    So, God can-and seems to-relate information to us in forms like our 5 senses.

    So, God gives us revelation (some of it) in a form that is LIKE sight, hearing,

    smell, taste, or touch. It seems to be the best explanation for when Jesus

    referred to a FOUL spirit-the devils smelled bad to him.

    Mind you, that might be ENTIRELY DIFFERENT from what you're describing, Roy,

    since one is sent by God, and the other seems to be you attempting to sense one

    way or another. Some of that actually sounded like using your skin and flesh to

    sense in ways it CAN but normally is not used to do, like sensing a heat signature

    or something.

    But, I thought you'd like the information.

  3. "I know all about you people... baseball, root beer, darts... atom bombs."


    "Little Green Men."

    Quark, Rom and Nog end up crashing at Roswell back when.

    Then they try to swindle a business deal with paranoid US military types,

    which backfires...

    The first 3 things, Quark knew from his bar, of course.

    'Atom bombs' he overheard from the soldiers!

  4. Magic. Performed by a group who was probably a one hit wonder, made up of former member of the Bay City Rollers (now THAT is a disturbing memory!). As far as the name of the group, I wouldn't have a clue unless I look it up.


    The group name was "Pilot."

    Song takes you back, no?

    It takes me back as far as I can remember listening to the radio!

    Your turn, Bluezman!

  5. I've been to RHPS so many times, I'm embarrassed to say!!!

    My boyfriend just after high school and I attended it over 50 times (I dressed up as Janet and was in front of the screen) Most of the folks in my group of friends then were either transvestites, gay, or straights who enjoyed the movie.

    Saw it again last night with Steve! and sadly I couldn't remember a lot of the audience lines.

    Little help?????

    The audience callbacks will vary from city to city and over time.

    However, here's the best set I found online.


  6. Ok, dress code for those not in character, first time...

    IMHO, it should lean into the comfortable and casual

    (there's movement, and you'll probably get some water on you.)

    Black is good when deciding between 2 colours.

    Thus, black jeans are recommended-wear from me.

    For the most part, "virgins" will just follow the action.

    (Don't block the aisle, don't block the area in front of a used seat-

    since both will be used.)

    If you study anything in advance, make it the chorus of the TimeWarp-

    and its accompanying steps.

    Once the movie starts, you'll be getting up for the TimeWarp, and that's it.

    The TimeWarp comes a few minutes after "there's a light..."

    The order of your props should be worked out so you don't have to fish

    them out.

    A) The rice

    B) The watergun (with water)

    C) the newspaper

    D) the lighter-use a FLASHLIGHT, since the lighter is used with the newspaper (IMHO, fire hazard)

    E) when using the lighter/flashlight, watch for when to switch it ON and OFF.

    F) put them all down, now comes the TimeWarp.

    G) Lab. Snap the rubber gloves.

    H) Party stuff-noisemakers, whatever. Jingling keys work here.

    I) Toilet paper.

    J) Toast.

    K) Party hats.

    L) Cards (for sorrow and pain)

    I THINK that's the order.

    Keep in mind the props thru the TimeWarp seem to be more important.

    Try and follow everything.

    You're watching a movie that's a take-off on the old Science Fiction Double Features,

    and as such, only makes sense that way.

    You'll see mad scientists, and people from another planet, and so on.

    And there's a Narrator.

    And the audience banters with all of them.

    Please note the consistent insults every time the full names for Brad and Janet are said.

    or when they're being introduced to characters.

    (You'll pick it up early enough.)

    The audience callouts change from city to city.

    In NYC, you'll ALWAYS hear the ORIGINAL callout ("Buy an umbrella..."),

    but in other cities (like Boston), they don't use that one, for example.

    Also, people may invent a new one that may just be used now, if it's timely.

    Eventually, some become regular use locally.

    Mostly, it's silly, and stupid, and a lot of fun. Do NOT take yourself seriously.

    Especially at the very beginning, which will be explained at the time.

    And varies somewhat from city to city.

  7. I know what happened to his Transylvania Twist

    Bobby "Boris" Pickett

    "The Monster Mash"

    You left out the backup singers, the Crypt Kickers!


    Yes, Frankenstein invented a dance-craze.

    I had "Bride of Frankenstein" playing in the background,

    so the song was easy to think of.

    Your turn.

    Go, wasway!

  8. That's the process we've been discussing.

    I ran it a few weeks ago, most recently.

    I needed to find instructions like you just posted,

    but they were sufficient to run BOTH parts of the error-check,

    not just the one that requires a restart.

    And I presume Disk Cleanup is probably hidden somewhere,

    and a tech may be able to tell you how to restore its command.

  9. Jackie is just speeding away

    Thought she was James Dean for a day

    Then I guess she had to crash

    Valium would have helped that bash


    Lou Reed, "Take a Walk on the Wild Side."

    (I don't think the Velvet Underground had a piece of that action....)

  10. Search Google with "Chris Geer" arrested "The Way" and you will find several references to porn sites... LOLOLOL...sorry I just can't help myself

    Now that we've had a chance to laugh about it, I'd like to point out something that

    may be obvious to those of us who use Google constantly.

    Google's searches (and most search engines) are dependent upon keywords,

    and upon number of links pointing to that site in reference to that word.

    That's why one fun prank is the "Google hijack."

    Get enough people to link to a particular page, and it comes up as the first result,

    which means that when you hit "I'm feeling lucky" and get sent to the first result,

    you'll get that page.

    Example One: during the whole "are there weapons of mass destruction" controversy,

    if you typed in "weapons of mass destruction" and hit "I'm feeling lucky",

    you got a page that was designed to resemble a Google searchpage,

    saying "weapons of mass destruction" was not found,

    and giving options to search another country and whatever.

    It actually fooled some people even when they expected a prank.

    Example Two: This one still works.

    If you type in "french military victories" and hit "I'm feeling lucky",

    you get another mock Google page saying "french military victories" were not found,

    and offer to search for "French military defeats" instead.

    That page goes to a partial list of French military history- just the defeats-

    written and run by a Canadian.

    Example Three: This one still works.

    If you type in "miserable failure" and hit "I'm feeling lucky",

    you will get a certain legitimate webpage that was not made-up for a joke.

    The joke is in the search and the result.

    I'll let you run the search yourself and see.



    Ok, the part that doesn't affect users, but affects site-owners, is that they

    can't make other people link to their site- which would raise their listing in

    searches, which would direct more traffic to them, which means more money

    to paid sites like pr0n and stuff.

    So, they can't drive their traffic that way, so they figured out they could

    drive their traffic the other way.

    Every month, there's a list of most commonly-searched-for items.

    (It's on Google somewhere.)

    So, the site owners took a lot of words that ranked in searches,

    and began sticking them somewhere in their site.

    You can tell because some searches will show you the item you're searching

    for in a long list of names, or random words, and not in a sentence or

    anything. (Often, they'll be alphabetized in a stack of similar names or words.)

    Personally, I don't think it's particularly successful (It doesn't lure ME to

    their sites), but since it costs them little to add that to their pages, and they

    seem to have no penalty for doing it, I expect that they'll keep doing it for a

    long time.

    So, since certain names get searched for online, eventually, some site operators

    have grabbed them off the lists and just shoved them into abstract blocks of text

    they dump onto their sites. It says nothing about the content of the sites, nor

    about the names they used.

    I hope I didn't spoil anyone's fun TOO much.

  11. Sure. People had varying experiences w/ VPW. I had varying, as in good & bad, experiences w/ him myself.

    What I was trying to express was that it is difficult to say wht the BOT actually did, as expressed in POP without having a simple, VPW vs BOT perspective. The BOT perspective, in answer to this question was "nothing." Or "Not much."

    VPW's perspective was "a LOT." There was a LOT of infighting on staff concerning the old vs the new ways.

    They, the BOT, certainly changed a LOT of policies that effected everyday life @ HQ and through the ministry. Some of the changes were brought on by growth of the corporation. At least on paper....

    I always felt that if we were in fact "God's ministry" we would not have tried so hard and spent so much money lining up w/ "corporate" ways of doing things and did things "God's way." God's way being clearly defined by the Bible.

    Things didn't go that way.

    For example:

    There was a time when ANY believer could rent ANY vehicle in TWI's fleet (including Ambassador One the corporate turbo pro w/ jet enhancements). The BOT changed this policy saying that it was driven by IRS rules.

    I, among others, felt this was BS.

    I've told the story on GS before about how I went in w/ another staffer and we rented one of the limos and went on a double date to a local drive-in with a couple ladies from staff. It made for a really cool date.

    The new rule put the kibosh on that kind of thing and took a lot of "heart" out of the way we did things.

    Hard to know stuff like that w/o being there.

    It was VPW's policy that EVERY piece of equipment, EVERY asset that the ministry owned belonged to EVERY believer because it was YOU, as in YOU the believers, who supported the ministry financially that paid for every stinking thing we used every day.

    I won't disagree, on any of that.

    I will add one caveat, however- as documented by lcm himself, vpw pretty much had

    staked out some equipment was HIS. That's why he had someone pick up vpw in

    "his" golf-cart, but forgot to ASK PERMISSION FIRST, and vpw blew up at him later,


    So, I'd say his policy was that ALMOST EVERY piece of equipment, ALMOST every asset that the ministry

    owned was available for use (not belonged to-it was always considered twi property) to EVERY believer.

    That's roughly the same thing you said, but not EXACTLY the same, and I thought it

    was fair to point that out.

    We staffers didn't actually support the minstry because most of us got 100% of our income FROM the ministry. This meant, to me, that I owed each and every believer my very life because you paid for the roof oever my head, my vehicles and even the food I ate which kept me, and my family ALIVE.

    I'm sure you guys know that the average TWI staffer doesn't think that way today.

    No arguments there!


    What did the BOT do?

    They led TWI down the path to where it is today.

    Sure you can lay that at VP's feet as he was "the man".

    Facts remain, however that VP instituted a LOT of policies & procedures that made TWI a really cool place to live & work at one time.

    Seems many rules are often-commented-on because they were caustic and destructive.

    Some rules which are not are usually not commented-on so much.

    That includes the "you can check out the car" policy.

    I think it was very good to have such policies, and he either instituted them or

    signed off on those policies, so he's responsible for THOSE as much as the others.

    It is my OPINION that certain things that affected him PERSONALLY were dictated

    to the nth degree, but most things that did not were given broad outlines,

    checked sometimes to make sure they were still working, and the people in charge

    of them otherwise were to proceed at their own discretion.

    (Read that: they could do their jobs without someone perched on their shoulder like

    some vulture, unless you answered to Im0gene or Rozilla herself.)

    Interesting however that he also do the things that he is so much maligned for here in these foums. At the same times and even on some of the same days.

    Honestly speaking, my total experience w/ VP was that he was like an adopted Grandfather to me.

    I'm sure not many here share that kind of experience.

    I'd be mildly surprised to see ANY here share that SPECIFIC type of experience with him.
    In short I'd say, which is not so much vague as it is paraphrasing, that the BOT killed the Godly heart of HQ which lived in the staffers. Those of us who really believed in our hearts we were serving GOD and functioned as independant thinkers, strong individuals who really weren't there to serve VP; we had a heart for GOD.

    I'd agree. You and I had been making completely different points at the same time,

    which LOOKED contradictory.

    The BOT either got us to change to the "dark side" or got rid of us. Many of us REFUSED to be broken and we were FIRED. Some, like myself in the most heinous ways.

    The issue is perspective.

    I was a malcontent, a violator of company policy. Therefore eligible for termination on those grounds.

    MY perspective was that I felt it more important to spend time with my wife and three children than to leave them home while I sat through a tapes of teachings I had already attended when they were taught live. I felt I should study my notes from said teachings w/my wife.

    BOT said I was wrong because WC grad staff was "required" to attend Corps Night. Their perspective was, "If you don't support the Corps by going to Corps Night how can we expect the current WC to attend either?"

    I felt that was BS. I said. "Maybe because they are PAYING to be here as a part of their COLLEGE and it is one of their CLASSES? I'm here as PAID staff to work my job from 8 to 5 - - M,T,W,T,F. After work time my time is MINE to do w/ as I choose.

    Catch my drift?


  12. He could have meant 'check disk'

    Double click My Computer

    right click the drive 'c'

    left click properties

    left click tools

    left click 'check now'

    It will probably want you to restart to perform.

    This tool is also in your start menu under system tools.

    Yeah take the password out-good idea.

    Or unplug the phone line and that program may complain too.

    Spybot is great for finding rogue dialers.


    Yes, I believe it was called Disk Verify in another version, since some people

    still call it that (98 and earlier.) But the options in the steps you listed

    (which are the ones I meant, but I don't have them memorized and would need

    to look them up) say it checks the disk for errors, so I can see calling it

    "check disk."

    BTW, my XP does NOT have an option to do it under "System Tools"-

    that's where 98 used to have it, and it's the FIRST place I looked.

    I had to go on a cyber-safari to find it.

    Worse, I think some recent updates of Windows may cause the thing to

    not complete anymore run that way, and you need a NEW

    set of instructions to run it. (Me AND someone else suddenly can't get it

    to run correctly following the same instructions you posted-anymore,

    and had to find ANOTHER set.)

  13. Hahaha!

    This was during the officer exchange program.

    Mendac (Mendoc?) served on the Enterprise,

    and Riker served on a Klingon battlecruiser.

    (The IKC Pagh, if I remember correctly,

    one of the big Vor'cha class things.)

    This line was Riker at dinner in the Klingon Mess Hall,

    making a good accounting of himself during crew banter.

    I agree this episode was fun.

  14. Just my opinion, but if the ex-way splinters don't want to take on a forum for their stuff, why should Gresespot? Nobody here can speak for anybody else, and if they (the splinters, groups, whatever) don't want to take the time to moderate it, answer questons, be patient with people, why should anyone here?

    It just seems to me if they wanted an open discussion forum, they would run it. Evidently, it's not that important to them. If they don't want to bother, why should we?

    What I meant was: we have a forum specifically about twi, and some discussions in it are not about

    twi itself, but about its spinoffs. I'm not asking "should we give them a forum", I"m asking

    "should we move those discussions to a new forum"? We're already having the discussions.

  15. We know from history that the Romans took customs and observances of the people they conquered and stirred them all together in one big pot. They did this to placate them. VPW knew people on the outside would want to see baptisms but that wasn't possible because of the TWI doctrines involving baptism.

    Dedicating babies to God was nothing more than an effort to appease those on the outside looking in.

    Don't even get me started with salt covenents.

    Just my opinion.

    We also were reminded recently that twi was fond of CONDEMNING something,

    RENAMING it, then declaring the RENAMED version perfectly acceptable.

    So, "infant baptisms", bad.

    "Baby dedications", good.

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