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Posts posted by WordWolf

  1. "Tell us about your career, slugger."

    "Ladies and gentlemen,

    we are gathered here again today,

    to have another crack at uniting this man and this woman..."

    "What kind of doctor are you?"

    "I am an orthodontist."

    "A peach of a morning!"

    "Boy, he really went bananas!"

    "You are in a pickle!"

  2. Ok,

    I'm moving this along....

    "Hey, old man, where did you get all this stuff?"

    "The dead.

    Our gods are pleased with you. They will watch the battle."

    "Are they going to help?"


    "Well, then tell them to stay out of the way."

    "What is best in life?"

    "To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women."

  3. Hiway29 got it.

    It's "Measure of a Man."

    I liked the episode, but was disappointed in 2 things:

    A) Picard did not prepare his case well.

    He did not anticipate Riker's case, and Riker made a fair, but refutable one.

    "He's not alive because he can be switched off?"

    Well, 10 seconds, you can switch any human unconscious if you know how,

    or (as Raf pointed out when I said that) in 1 second, a vulcan can throw the switch.

    "He's not alive because of his physical makeup?"

    There's no "that's formism" defense? Are Starfleet members' rights limited

    to their resemblance to humanoids?

    B) Data had been accepted at Starfleet Academy as a student.

    At the time, he HAD to have been fully accepted as alive and a fully-participating

    member of the United Federation of Planets.

    Data had since spent YEARS serving in Starfleet as an officer.

    Can Starfleet retroactively dismiss the entire service record of ANY officer

    and declare them a non-entity whenever they want?

    Is there no 'CLU equivalent in the future?

    This is the kind of case they LIVE for!!! :)

    Seems to me that would have been the most DANGEROUS precedent to set,

    and there had to be TONS of caselaw showing that the rights of any citizen,

    any officer, can't be revoked. I mean, their Seventh Guarantee is against

    self-incrimination (the US' Fifth Amendment), but they can't guarantee

    non-slavery? While you're a slave (lacking control over your own body and

    whether or not it's disassembled), however, you're protected against

    incriminating yourself at trial-doesn't that make you feel better?

    No? Well, me neither.

  4. I'm waiting to hear 2 different results of the tests.

    A) The chromosome count.

    B) A genetic test confirming the cat is the actual mother of the puppies.

    See, a mother cat had kittens.

    She was found with puppies and kittens.

    Jumping to the conclusion that she birthed the puppies is silly-when there are more

    likely possibilities that have happened before.

    One link I read said that there's been plenty of times that's happened-

    and I've read stories down the years where one animal of one species

    raised an animal of another species.

  5. Wordwolf,

    Really? Then how does the overwhelming evidence of the earth/universe being FAR older than 6,000 years fit in with this 'cold science' of Creationism? How about proven measured distances of stars from earth? The total lack of the water that is (supposedly) on the other side of 'expanse' talked about in Genesis?

    Strawman 1.

    A) Supposedly, I claimed Creationism was "cold science."

    I claimed my reply had NOTHING TO DO WITH CREATIONISM,

    any more than my liking Rock and Roll had nothing to do with my reply.

    Your treatment of my post's content was careless, which doesn't impress me with your

    ability to view evidence (which may be better than this, of course...)

    B) All Creationists believe in a 6000-year-old earth.

    There's several positions held by Creationists. ONE of those is that one,

    and I myself have argued AGAINST it.

    Since you knew even vpw never claimed a 6000 year old earth, you HAD to know there

    was at least ONE other position-but you slapped that label on me without hesitation.

    Speaking of questionable 'experts', ever hear of Dr. Kenneth Hovind? Do a Google on him. Look at all the 'theories' that he came up with, all in support of Creationism. For example, do you know that, in order to explain away the fact about how stars are many hundreds of thousands to billions of light years from earth, he says that light actually slows down as it travels, due of course to the laws of inertia and the like. Interesting, except that light particles has no mass, no weight with which to have the laws of inertia take effect on it. ... And this clown is one of the primary standards used in the Creationist world.

    And yet, the main motivation of many Creationists is the maintainance of the validity, the integrity, the 'truth' of their scriptures, and from such, their religious beliefs.

    As a Creationist who's never based his beliefs on whatever crackpot you've

    managed to find, I reject your suggestion that most Creationists base their beliefs on

    him or his work. I CAN ask around, if it amuses me, and see if anyone's heard of

    him or his.

    Also note that I've no problem believing any scientific theory, so long as the evidence actually

    SUPPORTS IT. Saying "Creationists are wrong because some of them are crackpots with

    silly ideas" is not "supporting" evolution any more than it's refuting anyone except certain


    Along comes a theory (like the theory of evolution), viable tho' it may be, that challenges that, and they are up in arms about it. So please spare me the line about the basis for Creationism being one of scientific inquiry and proof. The main (if not only) interest they have is making sure that the Bible/scripture remains inviolate.
    And I'm supposed to take your word that the thing is actually the logical conclusion supported by

    the evidence, of course. Please spare ME the line that you're fairly representing what I actually

    TYPED ABOVE. You've already passed judgement long before I ever posted.

    I oughtta know. ... I used to believe in that mentality regarding the evolution/Creationist argument. Been there, done that. <_<

    Don't blame me if your own scientific background THEN was that shallow,

    and don't decide mine is equally shallow, since you know little about it.

    So the link that I posted is premature, probably even flawed in its conclusion.
    A cat was found with kittens and puppies, and the ONLY conclusion is that she gave birth

    to both? That's more than "premature", that's silly.

    When I came across that link, I thought back to what we were taught in PFAL about Mendal's Law and "everything according to its own kind" and how that was taught like it was irrefutable science, and I just laughed.

    Well, Gregor Mendel was hardly a scientific hack, and if you want to dismiss a man considered

    important enough to be a "household name" among scientists, that's your choice.

    BTW, no science is "irrefutable"-but there are degrees of validation in REAL science.

    If you held otherwise, that's hardly my fault, but that's not "good science",

    that's "religion."

    Because I see the similarity between VPW's presentation, and many Creationists desperately grabbing onto any 'scientific' source they could (like Hovind) to go "See? See? Told you the account in Genesis was scientifically true!", based on their need to keep their belief in the Bible account safe from being dismantled.
    And vpw plus Hovind = ALL CREATIONISTS?

    Sloppy reasoning, Garth. You can certainly do better than that.

    Crackpots do not set the standard for rational people.

    So if I am to look the fool for posting such a questionable link, how many Creationists should be shown as fools for latching on to their questionable 'experts' to try to prop up Creationism?

    I don't have any numbers-but it sounds like you've been keeping count...

    Hell, remember that judge in Dover, PA who threw out their case, and then gave them a tongue lashing for their questionable presentation? ... And he's a conservative Christian.
    No I don't. I don't follow all the news. Maybe you're on some "anti-Creationist" mailing list that keeps

    you informed on that one better than me.

    So if that is my version of 'the finger', so be it.


    you DID post that link with the specific goal of slapping Creationists.

    I'll adjust my expectations of further posts accordingly.

    Let me know if that ever changes.

  6. Perhaps this is a hoax. Perhaps.

    But I read with amusement some of the responses here, particularly coming from the Creationist side.

    I'm a Creationist. And my comments were based ENTIRELY on genetics and cold science.

    Someone made a claim that seems to violate taxonomic categorization as we know it,

    and BLATANTLY so (like someone just jumping off a sidewalk and flying into the sky.)

    What does that have to do with Creationism?

    Not to worry my friends. This won't do neither here nor there in verifying evolution or not.
    If anything, it might WEAKEN the case for evolution, if something could violate

    not only species, but genus and so on.

    But looking at the whole picture going over the years and decades, evolution seems to be getting more and more evidence pointing its way, and Creationism/'Intelligent' Design seems to be getting less and less. :doh:

    And the march in that direction is showing no sign of slowing down.


    I'd say that's a matter of opinion-I've seen evidence that the basis of evolutionary

    thought has already been disproven on a biochemical level. But you're entitled to your

    own opinion on things.

    I'm curious, though.

    Was this entire thread meant as an attempt to give Creationists here "the finger"?

    If so, saying "your mother" would have been faster,

    and more topical.

    Just because your exposure to Mendel's Law was confined to twi does not mean it's either

    obscure or unscientific. It's basic genetics, and any properly-educated Darwinist would

    have had the same reaction I had.

    Just because something was said in pfal is neither a guarantee it is right OR wrong.

  7. Can't remember the name of the episode, but it's about some planet that phases in and out of existence, like Halley's Planet or something.

    I think of it more as the Phantom Zone Planet,

    which I thought of when discussing Superman 2.

    The episode is called "Meridian."

    Dax thought of living there, which would mean 60 years before she saw the gang again.

    (And O'Brien STILL wouldn't be finished with the upgrades..)

    Meanwhile, on the station, someone was paying Quark a fortune for a

    Major Kira holo-program. So, he was trying to access her records, then trying

    to get her likeness on a holocam, then trying to trick her into a holosuite....

    Go, Raf!

  8. "I was admiring... your markings. Are they decorative?"

    "No. Are yours?"

    "No. ...If you don't mind me asking... how far down do they go?"

    "All the way."

    "Do you think you'll be done overhauling the station by the next time I see you?"

    "I doubt it."

    "Well, let me put it another way - if I ever catch you pointing a holo-imager at me again, you will end up EATING IT."

    ""Quark! I don't have time for this! Why don't you make HIM your one millionth customer?"

    "But Major, that would be dishonest."

    "Oh, that never stopped you before!"

    "But this is a special occasion! An event like this only happens once in a bar owner's lifetime. Let me tell you about your prizes!"

    "You mean I won something??"

    "Of course you won something. It's part of the celebration."

    "I never won anything before."

    "Well. Now you have. Congratulations."

    "The gravimetric distortions are intensifying, but they don't seem to be coming from the star itself."

    "But where else could they be coming from? There aren't any planets in this system."

    "There are now."

    Well, if the last quote didn't do it, what can I find?

    This one's approximate, I THINK it's exact...

    "..later, I may let you count them."

    "The trick is to scoop out the pulp, and eat the thin layer inside the rind. Here, try some."

    "It's delicious."

    "Especially if you've been looking forward to it for sixty years."

    "Sixty years?"

    "Huh. That's a long time between meals."

    "If all that fresh air and sunshine start getting to you, you're welcome to come back up here to the Defiant."

    "We're managing... just fine."

    "I'm sure you are."

    This is the episode I remember for a most obvious continuity gaffe.

    It wasn't the FIRST time this mistake was probably made,

    but it was a very obvious occurrence of this mistake...

  9. Hey! Didn't VPW talk about teaching the trees.....?

    Uncle Harry did.

    He said that when vpw was in the forest neglecting his chores, he (UH) didn't

    see him, but he knew vpw was preaching to the trees.

    Of course, he just KNEW this without ever SEEING it himself.

    On the other hand,

    Billy Graham WAS seen practing by preaching to trees.

    ""He transferred in January of 1937 to Florida Bible Institute (now Trinity College) from which he graduated in 1940 with a bachelor of theology degree.

    Graham's mother and younger brother Melvin had gone to visit him there and found him talking to the trees, Melvin Graham said.

    "When we arrived, someone at the Bible Institute told us Billy was out in the woods practicing his preaching," he said. "We walked out into the woods and there he was doing an altar call to the trees." "

  10. Hey folks,

    Remember when Doc Vic taught us that, according to Mendel's Law (or whatever law that he taught that its "everything according to its own kind")?

    I remember it clearly.

    I was taking Genetics classes during the day and pfal at night in the same semester.

    We used the EXACT same chart in both.

    For a split second, I thought I'd lost about 12 hours of memory and went straight

    from pfal to Genetics class before I woke all the way up.

    (I was on a long schedule at the time...)

    Remember the part in the class where he said according to this, that you can't get a catty-dog or a doggy-cat" because you just cannot mix the 2 genuses?

    Here's a story that will make you do a double take. Everything according to its own kind being inviolate, huh?


    Is this wild, or not? :blink:

    Talk about something that yanks Yet Another Plank out of the Creationist platform according to TWI.

    I heard that in the news.

    I'm waiting a few days for the whole story to be researched before I'm even BOTHERING.

    If somehow it's true, the extra documentation will help convince me.

    More likely, this will give them time to debunk it.

  11. "I was admiring... your markings. Are they decorative?"

    "No. Are yours?"

    "No. ...If you don't mind me asking... how far down do they go?"

    "All the way."

    "Do you think you'll be done overhauling the station by the next time I see you?"

    "I doubt it."

    "Well, let me put it another way - if I ever catch you pointing a holo-imager at me again, you will end up EATING IT."

    ""Quark! I don't have time for this! Why don't you make HIM your one millionth customer?"

    "But Major, that would be dishonest."

    "Oh, that never stopped you before!"

    "But this is a special occasion! An event like this only happens once in a bar owner's lifetime. Let me tell you about your prizes!"

    "You mean I won something??"

    "Of course you won something. It's part of the celebration."

    "I never won anything before."

    "Well. Now you have. Congratulations."

    "The gravimetric distortions are intensifying, but they don't seem to be coming from the star itself."

    "But where else could they be coming from? There aren't any planets in this system."

    "There are now."

  12. This clearly occurs at DS9.


    The first sounds like an exchange with Dax.
    The second with O'Brien.

    If you remembered the context, you'd know why this line was worth remembering...

    The third probably Kira chewing out Quark.
    WHY is she chewing him out? And why is he daring her anger?
    Since they sound like they're still getting to know each other, I'll guess "The Emissary."

    The other stuff was correct, but not this.

  13. "I was admiring... your markings. Are they decoratiive?"

    "No. Are yours?"

    "No. ...If you don't mind me asking... how far down do they go?"

    "All the way."

    "Do you think you'll be done overhauling the station by the next time I see you?"

    "I doubt it."

    "Well, let me put it another way - if I ever catch you pointing a holo-imager at me again, you will end up EATING IT."

  14. Does this mean what it looks like it means? Is rosie setting up her geriatric care? Sounds like they are stuck with her till they bury her. What happened to the "five years" and then time for new blood?

    It also seems to me that, in addition to watering things down, they are operating from a "wishful thinking" perspective. Surely they aren't getting that many "new people" if they really are getting any new people. From what I understand and hear, it wouldn't be near enough to off-set the "old people" who are waking up and leaving the group.

    Looks like she doesnt want a taste of the treatment she gave Mrs W.

    And "term limits" was a campaign promise-you don't expect her to tell the TRUTH, do you?

    And yes, they're reshuffling the chairs to make it LOOK like there's more people.

    Because if they keep SAYING there's more people, some will believe it...

    IMO, the reason so many people have titled responsibilities is to make the organization seem larger and more affluent than it really is. How impressive it must look to outsiders or newbies who know nothing of TWI or its history -- all those names, all those important titles!!!! "Minister" of facilities, U.S.A. operations, finances and International Operations - wow - he must be reallllllly important! And there are 14 members in the president's cabinet! They must have a LOT to manage in order to justify having that many staff to their followers. Hmmm - wonder what their responsibilites are?

    Gotta justify the budget...

    I remember the first year that I got involved in TWI: I was in a twig of over 20 people, a branch of 8 twigs, 8 local branches were grouped into an "Area" (later a "Territory"), there were 7 or 8 Areas in the State. The Region included all of the East Coast from Maine down to DC. Only 8 in the whole country.

    The last year that I was involved in TWI I was in a twig that included only seven adults (3 married couples) and their children. There were no other fellowships in the state. Two years before the only Way Corps left the state after running a 2-fellowship "branch" and the Limb. We were included as part of the Limb of Missouri and the Kansas City branch, which was over 3 hours away.

    Let's see... 20 x 8 x 8 x 7= 8,960 in the state.

    Supposing all of those were "typical." (Average-sized twig, and branch, etc.)

    And of course, that was one of the biggest states (NY, vs CA which were about it.)

    Later... 7 x1=7 in a state.

    My the numbers sure have gone down a bit, haven't they?

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