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Posts posted by WordWolf

  1. Wordwolfe, if you are not a lawyer you ought to be one. You're good.

    Thanks kindly, but even the internet has better debators and arguers than me.

    Hey Tom Strange,

    Remember Bill Hayes's (God rest his soul) famous Christian Motivational Techniques or Mo Tec for short. I abhorred that class because I hated doing stuff in front of a group. But I really enjoyed the Carnegie techniques we were taught.

    As I recall, Bill was a Dale Carnegie Instructor before he got in TWI.

    Then guess what he developed with VPW's approval. Mo Tech!!

    It made us better salesmen indeed. PFAL classes were rollig down the pike as we applied our Carnegie techniques. They work.

    Can't seem to find offhand the place where someone quoted vpw complaining

    about the dedication of the corps, and how some of the current ones were only

    there to learn the (Dale) Carnegie stuff.

    I thought it was "vp & me", but it's apparently somewhere in "Passing of the Patriarch."

    Funny thing to complain about, for the guy who signed off on putting it IN the

    program in the first place...

    Another 6th Corps guy taught us a speed reading class, taken from Ms. Evelyn Woods speed reading courses that he was familiar with. I actually liked a lot of those classes better than some boring bible teachings.

    Sorry, I digress. But then again, my truth needs no defense so .... Phuq you. :biglaugh::biglaugh:

  2. Feel free to pm me if you've the time and inclination!

    I love to hear stories like that!

    (And if you don't, I can amuse myself speculating on what you

    said. There are many funny options to choose from.)

  3. I don't want to put in the legwork to get into this right now.

    Here's my opinion, which is based on what I've read on the COS,

    which is not inconsiderable.

    (I'm no expert, but I've read more than a little.)


    there is no connection, past nor present,

    between any decision-maker in twi and any decision-maker in COS.


    there is no connection, past nor present,

    between the corporate entities of twi and COS.

    That having been said,

    whenever you have one man designing an organization to centralize

    money and power, and putting the label of "religion" on it,

    you will get similarities.

    In this case, there's even more extreme versions of the way corps

    and just about every progam instituted by twi, really.

    L Ron Hubbard had similar motivations to vpw,

    but used slightly different methods,

    and thus had greater success.

  4. Oldiesman is correct; VP used the phrase in the context of witnessing.

    No one questioned that- so continuing to bring it up is at best, a non-issue,

    and at worst, a smokescreen.

    It is the claim that this was the SOLE USE that is being directly challenged.

    In my WOW syllabus it says to answer a question with a question in order to keep the truth of God's word on the offensive.
    Separate issue-but it is often intellectually dishonest to respond to people's

    questions not by answering them-but by giving them a question back.

    Supposedly, we had all the answers-but we're responding with questions?

    "I have a jack, but I'm not going to help you."

    Reminds me of Session 1.

    And what does it mean to

    "keep the truth of God's word on the offensive"?

    Was that supposed to be taken to mean be offensive when witnessing?

    This little snippet-with answering questions with questions-might suggest

    that if this is ALL the information on the subject-

    I expect there was a lot more...

    Lawyers deal with accusations which are based on claimed facts.

    Or you could have just used the above example...

    " The term apologetics etymologically derives from the Classical Greek word apologia. In Classical Greek legal system two key technical terms were employed: the prosecution delivered the kategoria, and the defendant replied with an apologia. To deliver an apologia then meant making a formal speech to reply and rebut the charges, as in the case of Socrates' defence.

    This Classical Greek term appears in the Koine (i.e. common) Greek of the New Testament. The Apostle Paul employs the term apologia in his trial speech to Festus and Agrippa when he says "I make my defence" (Acts 26:2). A cognate term appears in Paul's letter to the Philippians as he is "defending the gospel" (1:7 & 17), and in 1 Peter 3:15 believers must be ready to give an "answer" for their faith. The word also appears in the negative in Rom. 1:20: unbelievers are αναπολόγητος (anapologētos) (without excuse / defence / apology) for rejecting the revelation of God in creation."

    Jesus most definitely tried to defend Himself in front of Annas, Caiaphas, and Pilate. Paul defended himself in front of the Council, Festus, and Matt Dillon...er...I mean Agrippa.
    Paul definitely offered a defense to Agrippa.

    (Agrippa: "Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.")

    I question whether Jesus really tried to defend himself- knowing a successful

    defense-if it WAS possible-would have really wrecked "The Plan".

    But, that's a subject for a Doctrinal thread.

    Speaking of which, sounds like Paul was not on the same page about apologetics

    as vpw...

    This strategy won't work every time. That's why Proverbs 26:4 & 5 gives us a choice. Answer a fool according to his folly, which Jesus did (Luke 15 and the latter half of Luke 16) or answer not a fool according to his folly (Mark 12) in which Jesus answered questions with questions.

    They "sought to entangle him" verbally. They were trying to get him in

    trouble, and throwing up a smokescreen. There's a huge difference

    between that and never engaging in apologetics. In fact,

    you just made a case against vpw, using Jesus as a compelling example.

    (Luke 15 & 16.)

    If you're witnessing and you KNOW that somebody is just not going to do anything other than belittle you and what you stand for, then you don't have to be so nice to them. Some of you are committed to bearing witness to your misery here on GSC. Are you going to be nice if someone belittles you for that?


    We're barely addressing "witnessing", because we all seem to agree that this was

    ONE-count 'em-ONE-usage of the term, and none of us seems eager to claim

    that it's entirely inappropriate to be used then and there.

    (Maybe in a separate discussion...)

    We're discussing the OTHER usages of the term,

    as in

    "If truth needs no defense, it also stands to reason that

    "Truth Has Nothing to Hide"


    "Truth Has No Fear of Questions".

    While the original statement may be true, it has been used as a means to cover error and indiscretion, and to sidestep or rebuff questions."

    You may have missed somehow that THIS is where we were going with the discussion.

  5. im happy im not involved anymore :>

    imagine having to listen to the tapes, take extensive notes, then being chosen to give a review of the tape, then having to split up into exceller groups and share how the tape blessed you, then having to report back to your coordinator about how you applied the new light into your cleaning schedule etc...

    Are they no longer required to send in notes to hq about how much it blessed them

    after reporting back to the coordinator?

    twi is NOT as strict as it used to be...

  6. Now that I've had my fun lampooning this lampoon-worthy list,

    I think it's only fair we demonstrate the courage of our convictions,

    and save the average twi'er $52.

    Since some of us believe the internet (specific webpages)

    have all these answers, let's provide the URLs for these topics!

    Here's the topic list.

    "Better Spelling Basics

    Building an Understanding of Vehicle Purchasing

    Early History of New Knoxville

    The First Freedom: Religious Liberty in America

    Highlights of African History and Culture

    A history of the Huguenots

    Ideas to Encourage Reading in Young Children

    Maintaining Reliable Transportation

    Making a Home-cleaning Schediule That Works for You

    Powerful Paragraphs

    Sola Scriptura: An Overview of the Protestant Reformation

    Some Practical Aspects of Business Etiquette

    The "Write" Stuff"

    I'll start off.

    A History of the Huguenots:





    Can the rest of you fill in the others?

    ok, WW, I will play, too. :) (Edit here: To avoid confusion, this was in response to WORDWOLF's post)

    Spelling Basics:

    Spelling it right

    English Learner

    English for Everybody

    HomeSchool Curric. Spelling Course

    These are some quick internet resources, which are free, which deal with the subject of spelling.



    Ok, here's the list.

    "A) "Better Spelling Basics

    B) Building an Understanding of Vehicle Purchasing

    C) Early History of New Knoxville

    D) The First Freedom: Religious Liberty in America

    E) Highlights of African History and Culture

    F) A history of the Huguenots

    G) Ideas to Encourage Reading in Young Children

    H) Maintaining Reliable Transportation

    I) Making a Home-cleaning Schediule That Works for You

    J) Powerful Paragraphs

    K) Sola Scriptura: An Overview of the Protestant Reformation

    L) Some Practical Aspects of Business Etiquette

    M)The "Write" Stuff"

    Now, A) and F) have been covered.

    That leaves 10 more topics.

    I'm sure the rest of you will want a piece of this-

    it's just one more way to show up the twi hierarchy.

    And it's fun! :)

  7. Another point that I believe has some merit was something Mike said a long time ago, that these books of Vp's were basically "workbooks" for PFAL students, and not designed for the general public.

    Which is an unsupported assertion of Mike's.

    vpw was quite florid in his descriptions of the education he received-

    his father "paid for the best education money could buy"

    and he studied with "the top men in their fields",

    but somehow none of them got across to them what was made CRYSTAL CLEAR



    In college it was a lot worse.

    Supposedly, he made it thru a competent education at the high school,

    collegiate, Masters level and Doctorate level,

    and yet that didn't surgically implant a habit or knee-jerk reaction

    to cite his sources whenever putting pen to paper.

    vpw knew what a "textbook" was.

    vpw knew what a "workbook" was.

    vpw knew the differences between a "textbook", a "workbook" and a "study guide."

    Anybody who made it thru college should know the difference.

    vpw had all his books (all without exception) written as textbooks-

    as in "this is how it is"-

    with the exceptions of the syllabus for one class or another

    (which were "study guides")

    and the Home Studies

    (which were "workbooks").

    Books that were designed for the general public, for example, like Jesus Christ is not God,

    had endnotes and a bibliography.

    Flip open the back of JCING, and read me the contents of the bibliography. :)
    Yes, it would have been better had he given proper written acknowledgement, even in his "workbooks".

    Yes, even workbooks are supposed to include proper attribution,

    although it's understandable that ones that accompany

    properly-attributed texts may not do so-since they're designed as

    accessories to the textbook that DOES do so.

    (I'm not kicking that the syllabi and Home Studies do not.)



    ALL the classes.

    Even the CFS.

    We never found out, for example, what hygiene video or whatever

    he got the stills of the softcore porn he showed the class,

    and-for all the mention of the 2-women-plus-dog-video,

    we never were given the name of the video.

    (I'm sure because I would never have been able to erase that specific

    information from my brain no matter how hard I tried.)

  8. If truth needs no defense, it also stands to reason that

    "Truth Has Nothing to Hide"


    "Truth Has No Fear of Questions".

    While the original statement may be true, it has been used as a means to cover error and indiscretion, and to sidestep or rebuff questions.

    Well put. That WAS the point I was getting at.

  9. If this is true, why did he tell us in 1972 "lots of the stuff I teach is not original"?

    Why did he have printed in the books he "sought enlightenment from men of God scattered across the continent"?

    Why did he have some of the books he learned from in the Way Bookstore, for all to read? (with the exception of Leonard & Stiles who he credited verbally)

    That doesn't sound like someone not giving credit or trying to hide where he got his information from.

    The fact is, he did give credit where credit was due; he just didn't give proper written acknowledgement.

    I'm not sure if this is a medically-unsound level of denial,

    or a deliberate attempt to deceive the newer posters.

    So, I'll give the benefit of the doubt as to intent.

    Here's what Oldies creatively refers to as "giving credit where credit was due"...

    "The Way:Living in Love", page 209, says the following:

    "Lots of the stuff I teach is not original. Putting it all together

    so that it fit-that was the original work. I learned wherever I

    could, and then I worked that with the Scriptures. What was right

    on with the Scriptures, I kept; but what wasn't, I dropped."

    That's the entirety of the written credit to the people he got the entirety of

    "his" books from.

    Now, that's buried in the middle of that book, which was hardly

    required reading. What WAS required reading was the Orange Book,

    the White Book, and so on.

    The Orange Book has NO bibliography. NONE.

    And it was a composite from Leonard, Bullinger, Norman Vincent Peale, etc.

    The dedication is to his daughter.

    Here's the ENTIRE introduction.


    ""Introduction: the Abundant Life.

    Jesus' proclamation as recorded in John 10:10 is the foundational

    Scripture for this book.

    ...I am come that they [believers] might have life, and that

    they might have it more abundantly.

    This verse literally changed my life. My wife and I began in

    the Christian ministry, plodding ahead with the things of God,

    but somehow we lacked an abundant life.

    Then one time I was especially alerted when I read from the

    Word of God that Jesus said He had come to give us life more

    abundant. I was startled into awareness. As I looked about me

    at communities where I had served and among the ministers with

    whom I had worked, the abundant life was frequently not

    evident. In contrast to these Christian people, I could see that

    the secular world of non-Christians were manifesting a more

    abundant life than were members of the Church. Thus I

    earnestly began to pursue the question:

    'If Jesus Christ came that men and women might have a

    MORE ABUNDANT LIFE, then why is it that the Christian

    believers do not manifest even an ABUNDANT LIFE?'

    I believe most people would be thankful if they ever lived

    an abundant life; but The Word says Jesus Christ came that

    we might have life not just abundant, but more abundant.

    If His Word is not reliable here in John 10:10, how can we

    trust it anywhere else? But, on the other hand, if

    Jesus told the truth, if He meant what He said and said what

    He meant in this declaration, then surely there must be

    keys, signposts, to guide us to the understanding and the

    receiving of this life which is more than abundant.

    This book, POWER FOR ABUNDANT LIVING, is one way of

    showing interested people the abundany life which Jesus

    Christ lived and which He came to make available to

    believers as it is revealed in the Word of God.

    This is a book containing Biblical keys. The contents herein

    do not teach the Scriptures from Genesis 1:1 to

    Revelation 22:21; rather, it is designed to set before the

    reader the basic keys in the Word of God so that

    Genesis to Revelation will unfold and so that the

    abundant life which Jesus Christ came to make available will

    become evident to those who want to appropriate

    God's abundance to their lives. "


    That's it.

    NOTHING on the authors he did a cut-and-paste from.

    Later in the book, he speaks of other Christians.



    "For years I did nothing but read around the Word of God. I

    used to read two or three theological works weekly for month

    after month and year after year. I knew what Professor

    so-and-so said, what Dr so-and-so and the Right Reverend

    so-and-so said, but I could not quote you The Word. I had

    not read it. One day I finally became so disgusted and tired

    of reading around The Word that I hauled over 3000 volumes

    of theological works to the city dump. I decided to quit

    reading around The Word. Consequently, I have spent

    years studying The Word- its integrity, its meaning,

    its words.

    Why do we study? Because God expects us as workmen to

    know what His Word says."


    To most people who can read English, this says he's contrasting

    the contents of his book with other theological works,

    which he STOPPED reading and consequently produced THIS

    book as a result.


    The White Book is FAR more interesting.

    The early editions of it were JE Stiles' book.

    With vpw's name on the cover.

    COMPLETELY Stiles' book.

    What does the White Book's preface say?

    Here's the ENTIRE preface.



    ""When I was serving my first congregation, a Korean

    missionary asked me, 'Why don't you search for the

    greatest of all things in life which would teach Christian

    believers the HOW of a really victorious life?'

    This challenge was the beginning of a search which led

    me through many, many hours of examining different

    English translations, the various critical Greek texts,

    and Aramaic 'originals', looking for the source of the

    power which was manifested in the early Church.

    Finally I realized that the experience referred to as

    'receiving the holy spirit' in the Scriptures WAS and IS

    actually available to every born-again believer today.

    I believed to receive the gift of holy spirit and I, too,


    Ever since receiving into manifestation the holy spirit,

    I have had the desire to put in written form the longings

    and fears that were mine regarding the receiving thereof.

    I believe that sharing my quest with the believers who are

    today seeking to be endued with power from on high may

    be instrumental in leading them to the answer of their

    hearts' desires.

    I knew from the Bible that what God sent at Pentecost was

    still available. It had to be, for God does not change. I knew that

    the receiving of the power from on high on the day of

    Pentecost had meant increased ability for the apostles and

    disciples years ago, and that I needed and wanted the same

    blessing. I knew that if the Church ever needed the holy

    spirit in manifestation it needed it now.

    Throughout my academic training in a college, a university,

    four seminaries, from the commentaries I studied,

    and from my years of questing and research among the

    various religious groups claiming adherence to the holy

    spirit's availability, there appeared many things

    contradictory to the accuracy of the recorded Word of

    God. I knew their teachings were sincere, but sincerity

    is no guarantee for truth.

    The Word of God is truth. I prayed that I might put aside all

    that I had heard and thought out myself, and I started anew

    with the Bible as my handbook as well as my textbook.

    I did not want to omit, deny, or change any passage for,

    the Word of God being the will of God, the Scripture must

    fit like a hand in a glove.

    If you are a Christian believer, I sincerely encourage you to

    study this book. Do not allow your past teachings or feelings

    to discourage you from going on to receive God's best.

    If you need power and ability to face up to the snares of

    this live, you may find your answer while reading this book.

    It is my prayer that you may be edified, exhorted, and


    For those searching the Scriptures, desiring to know the

    reasons why, how, what or where, I suggest you do a

    careful study of the introductions as well as the

    appendices in this volume. For those who simply desire

    to receive, read chapters 1 though 5 and enjoy God's

    great presence and power.

    "II Timothy 2:15

    Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman

    that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the

    word of truth."

    To his helpers and colleagues every writer owes a profound

    debt. This seventh edition has been read and studies carefully

    by men and women of Biblical and spiritual ability.

    To all of these I am most grateful."


    To the normal reader of English, this ALSO says he ONLY

    used the Bible-NOT the works of other Christians...

    and while we're at it, these other Christians are in error.

    The only people he thanks are his proofreaders-

    never the people whose material COMPOSED the book.


    Oldiesman said

    "That doesn't sound like someone not giving credit or trying to hide where he got his information from."

    That does to MOST people.

    In fact, this is a veritable smoking-gun of such....

    The White Book's 2nd Edition had an important difference in the Preface.

    The earlier edition (2nd said this):


    "The Word of God is truth. I prayed that I might put aside all

    I had been taught and start anew with the Bible as my

    handbook as well as my textbook. It took me seven years to

    find a man of God schooled in the Holy Spirit, a man who knew

    the Scripture on the Holy Spirit, and could fit it together so that

    I dod not have to omit, deny or change any one passage.

    He made the Scripture fit like a hand fits into a glove,

    and when you can do that, you can be assured of having


    That man was JE Stiles, the man who PERSONALLY led him into

    speaking in tongues, and whose book on the Holy Spirit vpw

    copied over and omitted his name.

    But even anonymous, this feeble acknowledgement-lacking his

    name as if vpw can't remember it-

    acknowledged it came from someone else.

    "It took me seven years to

    find a man of God schooled in the Holy Spirit, a man who knew

    the Scripture on the Holy Spirit, and could fit it together so that

    I did not have to omit, deny or change any one passage.

    He made the Scripture fit like a hand fits into a glove,"

    Now, here's the SAME paragraph in the 7th Edition.


    "The Word of God is truth. I prayed that I might put aside all

    that I had heard and thought out myself, and I started anew

    with the Bible as my handbook as well as my textbook.

    I did not want to omit, deny, or change any passage for,

    the Word of God being the will of God, the Scripture must

    fit like a hand in a glove."

    Again, 2nd edition:

    "It took me seven years to

    find a man of God schooled in the Holy Spirit, a man who knew

    the Scripture on the Holy Spirit, and could fit it together so that

    I dod not have to omit, deny or change any one passage.

    He made the Scripture fit like a hand fits into a glove, "

    7th edition:

    "I did not want to omit, deny, or change any passage for,

    the Word of God being the will of God, the Scripture must

    fit like a hand in a glove."

    Does everyone ELSE see the difference?

    Honest readers call things like that edit

    "attempts to hide where he got the information from"

    and "not giving credit" (to say the least.)

    Oakspear summed it up as follows:

    "Think about when Wierwille does mention other people, often he pays them left-handed compliments, like saying BG Leonard was great on experience, and poor on documentation, or how Stiles is never mentioned again after that passage in TW:LIL.

    Does he ever say "So-and-so taught me such-and-such", no, he throws out names, then about the best he can bring himself to say is that he kept what was accurate and threw out the rest. Specific credit and recognition was not ever given. Forget about footnotes, forget about endnotes, forget about a bibliography, he never, ever, mentions what he learned from whom, all he says is "Lots of the stuff I teach is not original. Putting it all together so that it fit -- that was the original work. I learned wherever I could, and then I worked that with the Scriptures. What was right on with the Scriptures, I kept; but what wasn't, I dropped." - a pretty lukewarm recognition of men that he copied from!"

    As for credit to BG Leonard, the man from whom 100% of the contents of the first

    pfal classes was taken without his permission,

    what does vpw say about him?

    Again we turn to "The Way:Living in Love".

    "TW:LIL, pg-207.

    "He loved me, and I learned some stuff from him. He had tremendous believing.

    That's why I love the guy."

    "The summer of 1953, our whole ministry went up-Dotsie and Donnie and some of the

    others from Van Wert. We took his whole trip- really learned a lot about the other

    manifestations of the holy spirit. But he worked from personal experiences.

    I worked what he taught from the accuracy of the Scriptures. When I came home,

    I made up my mind that I was going to tie the whole thing together from Genesis to

    Revelation. So I did, and in October, I had the very first 'Power for Abundant Living' class.

    At that time, the Foundational Class and Advanced Class were together-the whole thing

    in two weeks. But the syllabus today is basically the same. The basic principles from

    the Word are the same. The class has filled out. But I knew the greatness of our

    age-the age of holy spirit and that every truth must fit in the framework of the

    manifestations. I just had to teach it to somebody."

    "I taught without a syllabus, but the class was the same.

    You could throw the syllabus away now and I could still teach it.

    It's a burning reality in my soul."

    That's a pretty interesting way to refer to a class that was ENTIRELY Leonard's


    As to specifics on how he got the White Book,

    here's what he said...

    "TW:LIL, pg-209.

    "Somewhere in there I wrote the first holy spirit book. I can't

    remember exactly what year.

    I'd been working those 385 scriptures and they began to all

    fall into place."

    "We're having the sixth edition printed now of

    that book: Receiving the Holy Spirit Today.

    It's a great piece of research."

    On that same page, he says

    "Lots of the stuff I teach is not original.

    Putting it together so that it fit-that was the original work.

    I learned wherever I could, and then I worked that with

    the Scriptures. What was right on with the Scriptures, I

    kept; but what wasn't, I dropped."

    So, he deliberately and specifically put forth that he wrote

    the White Book in its entirety,

    then makes a vague comment that he "put it together so that

    it fit"-which is a lie, since he just copied over the previous book.

    Why did he lie about that?

    I'm sure there are people who would say it was a different reason

    than "not giving credit or trying to hide where he got his information from."

    I think it should be obvious that he did NOT

    "give credit where credit was due".

    We know some of what he used from Bullinger.


    he NEVER said "Are the Dead Alive Now?" was ripped off

    of Bullinger's "The Rich Man and Lazarus:an Intermediate State?"

    and other works of EWB.

    However, that's where it came from.

    BTW, the reference to "working those 385 Scriptures"

    means, in plain English,

    taking the contents of Bullinger's "The Giver and His Gifts"

    (now known as "Word Studies on the Holy Spirit")

    and adding it to Stiles' book to make a bigger White Book.

    Virtually none of us ever heard him mention that-

    and I only knew once I got my copy of EWB's book.

    As to giving credit to Bullinger at all,

    vpw's exact words were



    "She gave me my first copy of Bullinger's

    'How to Enjoy the Bible.' She said, when she first

    heard me teach, that I taught like he wrote, and I'd never

    met the man or even read his stuff."

    He flat-out denied any familarity with his writings.

    For MOST people, it is crystal-clear what vpw was trying

    to do here-and succeeded with completely until the

    Information Age arrived.

  10. That is absolutely a beautiful song, Tom! Geddy Lee has a very unique voice. Some people hate it but I think he sounds great, even with his mild speech impediment.

    The song is Tai Shan by Rush. Yes, I had to pull out my disc to find the name, so is that cheating?


    I'd say not. You knew the artist, you had the album.

    Geddy Lee has a mild speech impediment?

    Please post the next song.

  11. "Truth needs no defense."

    Patently wrong, especially when everyone believes a lie.

    The saying was vpw's excuse to cover his gross deficiencies.

    Many times he either didn't understand fully what he was quoting from another writer

    (like his inconsistent explanations of "allos" and "heteros"

    and "all without distinction" in one place being "all with a distinction"

    in another place).

    Furthermore, a number of times he just pulled explanations out of his

    donkey. How could he justify that? He could NOT- so he made a virtue

    of his deficiency.


    Remember in pfal where vpw "explains" to the class about apologetics?

    That was where we learned that this is how people learn to "apologize

    for being a Christian."

    Now, that was vpw pulling an explanation out of his burro.

    The actual meaning, which I just grabbed in about 10 seconds

    by typing "what is apologetics" into a browser,


    " The term apologetics comes from the Greek apologia, which means "defense" or "answer." Apologetics is the task of defending a particular idea or belief system and answering its critics. The origin of the concept of apologetics lies in the beginnings of Christianity. Between the second and fourth century, a number of Christian teachers wrote defenses of Christianity against pagan critics."


    So, the word "apologetics" means a "defense" or "answer",

    and is not an "apology" at all.

    This would have been obvious to vpw if he was even 1/2 way competent

    in Greek studies as he often put forth with all his explanations from the

    Greek (cribbed mostly from Bullinger). However, as you all should remember,

    he never studied Greek texts or even Church history

    (which would have educated him on the development of early apologetics),

    but he himself said his specialty was "Homiletics", or "Preaching".

    (The softest option available, really.)

    BTW, wikipedia has this to say on "apologetics"...

    "Apologetics is the field of study concerned with the systematic defense of a position. Someone who engages in apologetics is called an apologist or an "apologete". The term comes from the Greek word apologia (απολογία), meaning defense of a position against an attack."

    " The term apologetics etymologically derives from the Classical Greek word apologia. In Classical Greek legal system two key technical terms were employed: the prosecution delivered the kategoria, and the defendant replied with an apologia. To deliver an apologia then meant making a formal speech to reply and rebut the charges, as in the case of Socrates' defence.

    This Classical Greek term appears in the Koine (i.e. common) Greek of the New Testament. The Apostle Paul employs the term apologia in his trial speech to Festus and Agrippa when he says "I make my defence" (Acts 26:2). A cognate term appears in Paul's letter to the Philippians as he is "defending the gospel" (1:7 & 17), and in 1 Peter 3:15 believers must be ready to give an "answer" for their faith. The word also appears in the negative in Rom. 1:20: unbelievers are αναπολόγητος (anapologētos) (without excuse / defence / apology) for rejecting the revelation of God in creation."

    "In the English language, the word apology is derived from the Greek word apologia, but its use has changed; its primary sense now refers to a defensive plea for forgiveness for an action that is open to blame. It is occasionally used to refer to a speech or writing that defends the author's position."


    vpw was so deficient in apologetics-explaining WHY a belief should be held-

    that he evaded the entire subject and smeared it with a label.

    Did he do that deliberately, knowing what the term meant and deliberately

    lying about it?

    Or was he so incompetent that he couldn't even open a collegiate dictionary

    to find its definition, which is something our supposed "Greek scholar"

    should have been able to rattle off from memory?

    Take your pick-it was one or the other.

    (And of course, I'm evil for even mentioning it. I'll put that on my tab.)



    vpw plagiarized the style of "never try to explain when you can declare

    something true by divine fiat" like he plagiarized nearly everything else.

    He got it from LAMSA.


    "Lamsa considered himself to be the man God set aside and inspired for our times, and his followers still view him as such. One even senses in Lamsa's writings an implicit claim that he stands in the line of apostles with Moses, Jesus, Paul, and Mohammed. Lamsa explains his unique calling through editor Tom Alyea: "God had revealed to Lamsa his purpose and how it was to be done. It was a one-man job. In the Bible testimony is given that God spoke to man; however, it is not recorded where he spoke to a committee...Yes, only one man could translate the Bible from Aramaic. God knew it, and Lamsa knew it, and so it was."49

    Lamsa also attempts to establish scholarly credentials as a means of gaining acceptance. He claims to have been born about 1892, and to have acquired an A.B. degree equivalent in 1907 and a Ph.D. equivalent in theology in 1908 from Archbishop of Canterbury's College, Turkey.50 He also claims to have graduated from Episcopal Theology Seminary in Virginia51 and to have studied at the University of Pennsylvania and Dropsie College.

    Lamsa, however, appears to have exaggerated his academic credentials. First, he claims to have attained a Ph.D. at age 16, only one year after his A.B.52 Second, there are no records of his graduation from a seminary, and his own writings suggest that he was never at any school long enough to attain any valid degree.

    Lamsa's writing style reflects his exalted view of his own mission and character. He usually writes embellished narratives or discourses, not documenting either blanket assertions or detailed comments. For example, he dismisses his lack of supporting evidence for his theory that the New Testament was originally authored in Aramaic by saying, "What is a fact needs no defense."53 He assumes that his peculiar habits, culture, superstitions, idioms, and musings all match and illuminate Scripture, resulting in often incorrect or simplistic interpretations. By contrast, scholars in the fields of New Testament studies and Aramaic offer detailed evidence, accept criticisms, and yield much more cautious and informed conclusions.


    Simply put,

    twi tries to declare everything they say as true beyond question-

    and then suppresses the questions.

    This was instilled from the beginning by vpw himself.

  12. Now that I've had my fun lampooning this lampoon-worthy list,

    I think it's only fair we demonstrate the courage of our convictions,

    and save the average twi'er $52.

    Since some of us believe the internet (specific webpages)

    have all these answers, let's provide the URLs for these topics!

    Here's the topic list.

    "Better Spelling Basics

    Building an Understanding of Vehicle Purchasing

    Early History of New Knoxville

    The First Freedom: Religious Liberty in America

    Highlights of African History and Culture

    A history of the Huguenots

    Ideas to Encourage Reading in Young Children

    Maintaining Reliable Transportation

    Making a Home-cleaning Schediule That Works for You

    Powerful Paragraphs

    Sola Scriptura: An Overview of the Protestant Reformation

    Some Practical Aspects of Business Etiquette

    The "Write" Stuff"

    I'll start off.

    A History of the Huguenots:





    Can the rest of you fill in the others?

  13. Haha, yep, but how many can say they managed to get themself kicked out of every twig in an entire state? I look at that as a badge of honor. :)

    Back in the 80s, that would have been one for the record books!

    Nowadays, though, that might be three bootings, depending on the state.

  14. No not a quick get away. I was in no hurry whatsoever. In fact I was quite relaxed. My friend was somewhat anxious, however, if I recall. :biglaugh: You might be quite surprised who he was. We had a great afternoon.

    So how long were you and Craig on grounds that afternoon?


  15. Another quote from "Born Again to Serve",

    by Mrs W.


    ""Beginning with a radio broadcast on Saturday, October 3, 1942, Rev. Wierwille and his assembled youth group performed their first live radio production. Rev. Wierwille certainly didn't realize at the time that this program would launch a ministry which would change the lives of thousands. His first radio program was designed to teach principles of the abundant life "through musical performancs and scriptural messages." Dr. Wierwille later said, "I felt we had to do something to bless the people, and a radio broadcast might arouse some excitement and serve as outreach." The personal impact of such regular teaching and preaching, Dr. Wierwille explained, "was that it got me back to digging the Word.... That broadcast and the Sunday morning service made me, made me, go to the Word for two or three new teachings a week. It got me into the Word, got me growing in it and kept me fluid.

    "We were pioneers in using people for our performances," he continued. "All of the other religious programs used adults. But I thought if we started with young people, it would grow into something and the adults might catch on."

    [Pictured in the first broadcast of Vesper Chimes.......One man, one young female pianist, three young female singers and Mrs. Wierwille.]


    ""Rev. Wierwille said the following of his days in Payne:

    After all this activity and reaching out to learn more, I must know to satisy my inner yearning. And so I stood in my newly rented office and prayed to the Father. "Father, teach me the Word, teach me the Word." He told me as plain as day that if I would study the Word, He would teach me the Word like He had not been able to teach it to anybody since the first century. And, of course, at that time I thought, "Now that's a dandy. Boy, if I learned this Word of God, everybody will listen to me. The whole church will be blessed; my denomination will grow by leaps and bounds because we'll have the Word of God." And I thought that was terrrific. But during the process of that revelation, I said, "Father, how will I know that this is You and that You'll really teach it to me? Because I had worked the Word in commentaries and the rest of it, and I couldn't understand it, couldn't get it to fit.

    And the sun was shining brightly. It was in the fall of the year. Gorgeous. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. And just on the inside of me it seemed to say, "Well, just say to the Father, "Well, if it'll just snow right now, you'll just know that this is God talking to you.'" Cause you see. I'd never had much experience with God's talking to me. And this business of His saying to me, just as audibly as I am speaking to you, that He'd teach me the Word if I'd teach it, sort of shook me. I'd been expecting to hear from heaven for a long time, but I hadn't heard that way before. Oh, my ears were perhaps clogged up. Since that time I've heard a lot of things from Him.

    And I said, "Lord, to know that this is true, I'd like to see it snow." And I opened my eyes, and it was pitch-black, almost pitch-black outside, and the snow was falling so thick. I have never seen it fall that thick since that day.

    And I sat in that little office, and I cried like a baby. Because I guess it was about my time to cry because I'd grown up but I didn't know the Word. And from that day on since He promised He'd teach me the Word, I have tried with all my heart to learn this Word.

    Rev. Wierwille never told anyone of this experience until much later when he was teaching The Way Corps. It was a most astounding phenomenon which he kept to himself."


    Skyrider gives a little timeframe,

    and continues quoting "Born Again to Serve".


    In June of 1944, the Wierwille family left the Payne church, with approximately 120 members, and moved to the St. Peter's Evangelical and Reformed Church in Van Wert which had 16 on the active membership list.

    In Mrs. Wierwille's book, Born Again to Serve, many Christian men are noted to help Rev. Wierwille with his search for answers. Listed below are highlighted excerpts from the book.

    E. Stanley Jones

    p. 48

    "Rev. Wierwille had made plans to go to the E. Stanley Jones Ashram (as he called his religious retreats) at Salisbury, North Carolina, the latter part of that July 1944. Since there was gas rationing because of World War II, rides had to be shared. So Rev. Wierwille rode with three other people from northwestern Ohio to North Carolina.

    Later Rev. Wierwille said of E. Stanley Jones, "I considered him a wonderful friend. I learned a great deal from him and I liked him very much. But I began to grow and develop not only to enjoy intellectualism but also the heart and love which I picked up from Rufus Moseley, Starr Daily, and Glenn Clark."

    Rufus Moseley

    p. 52

    "One of the main speakers of the 1944 Ashram in North Carolina was a spirit-filled man whom I mentioned previously, Rufus Moseley. Brother Rufus, as everyone called him, a retired professor by that time, literally jumped for joy as he taught....

    His teachings were so simple yet so dynamic. 'When we are born from above through faith that causes us to receive Him, we are born of His nature, of His love, of His Word, of His seed, and are given power to become like Him.' Also, 'We're made for the highest and nothing short of His best for us, and our best for Him, for all can satisfy us....So centralize on Jesus and his way of life as perfect union, perfect love, and perfect joyous obedience and you get these and you get everything.' He wrote in his book Perfect Everything, 'Many are tempted to believe that everything man needs is within himself, that all he needs to know are the laws of mind....and no need for a personal God or savior....We must be wise enough to be taught and led by the Holy Spirit.'"

    Perry Hayden

    p. 55

    "In his search for Christians with a dynamic knowledge of God, Rev. Wierwille somehow heard of Perry Hayden, a Quaker miller from Tecumseh, Michigan, who was inspired by a message in his Quaker church and set out to illustrate some of the Bible lessons on "tithing," "rebirth," and "returns on what you sow." As quickly as arrangements could be made, Rev. Wierwille invited Perry to come from Michigan to visit our church and tell us about his [tithing] experiment."

    Glenn Clark

    p. 56

    "Having attended the Camp Farthest Out in the summer of 1945 at Lake Koronis in Minnesota, Rev. Wierwille invited the camp's founder, Glenn Clark to come to speak and teach us in 1946...

    "Because of his dream of 'going farther out spiritually.' Glenn developed the concept of the Camps Farthest Out. His first experimental camp was held at Camp Koronis in Minnesota, in 1931...

    "We thought Glenn Clark's Camps Farthest Out was the best design in camps that we had ever seen. And so we have used many of the C.F.O. principles and activities in The Way Family Camps at Camp Gunnison--The Way Family Ranch in Colorado."

    E.W. Kenyon

    p. 76

    "E.W. Kenyon (1857-1948) was another man whose dynamic writings had a great impact on Dr. Wierwille's life. Kenyon was a man who had a great thirst for a knowledge of God. And what he learned, he was diligent to pass on to others..........by studying Kenyon's writings, Dr. Wierwille was able to teach more of the accuracy of God's Word."

    "Kenyon's one fixed goal was: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (II Timothy 2:15). Dr. Wierwille enthusiastically promoted Kenyon's writings: The Blood Covenant, The Two Kinds of Faith, The Two Kinds of Knowledge, Identification, and Jesus the Healer, to mention some of them. These were valuable sources of inspiration for himself personally and in his teaching ministry."


    Skyrider continues...

    "According to Mrs. Wierwille's book, there is a long list of men and women who significantly taught and influenced her husband.....one of the most profound being Rev. B.G. Leonard.

    Rev. B. G. Leonard

    p. 90

    "Ever since the Divine Healing Convention in Tulsa in December 1951, and since Rev. B.G. Leonard prayed with us for Mary's healing over the phone in December 1952, Dr. Wierwille's hunger for more knowledge about God's healing power was piqued. In late winter, February 1953, Dr. Wierwille felt the need to spend time with B.G. Leonard.....

    "B.G. Leonard called his work in Calgary 'The Christian Training Centre.' Dr. Wierwille described his first impressions there: "I walked in and B.G. was in the middle of announcements. They must have lasted an hour and a half. Then he took his violin and played hymns for a while. When he finally started preaching, he taught his heart out for another hour and a half. Then everyone left and I sat there. He said, 'I thought I told you that you couldn't come.' And I said, 'Yeah, but I didn't hear you.' "

    In June of 1953, four months after Dr. Wierwille's initial trip, our family traveled with two other carloads of our friends to Calgary to take B.G. Leonard's class which he called "The Gifts of the Spirit." At his Christian Training Centre, a large upstairs room over a pawnshop, our son Don and I were students in this class from June 28 to July 15. Dr. Wierwille was with us, but of course, he was not a new student, though he wanted to sit through the class again because what B.G. Leonard was teaching was so thrilling and powerful about the "gifts" of holy spirit and about spiritual healing."

    p. 99...."In October 1953, Dr. Wierwille taught the first Power for Abundant Living class, which was held in the basement of St. Peter's Church. The first two classes were called "Receiving the Holy Spirit Today." The name was then changed to the broader title......"


    Much thanks for Skyrider for posting that in the "Outreach Beyond vp's congregation" thread.

  16. I don't have a completed one yet-not one I'd be satisfied with saying

    "this is a complete one."

    However, the one I've gotten so far is, I'd say, maybe 85% complete

    up to 1985. (If not more.)

    It developed on the thread "the way:living in wonderland",

    where we examined vpw's own claims about himself,

    then we finished by looking at some timelines put out by

    twi here and there. (Most of the dates were courtesy of

    the twi book "the Way:Living in Love" or the biography

    twi put out when vpw died.) The thread itself is worth

    reading for its own reasons, and you can see the development

    of the timeline there from a few dates to a more complete form.

    The thread is


    The "5.6" version of my vpw timeline was dated 2/26/06,

    and is the most recent version. It's on page 26.

    I wouldn't crosspost it, but I think it's relevant to Skyrider's

    original post-asserting vpw carjacked the work of others.

    For those people-and they WILL come out of the woodwork-

    who are swift to claim that the timeline lacks any sort of

    documentation-I direct them to 26 pages of discussion of

    same on the thread I linked in this very post.

    You'll see the sources for the statements, as well as the

    corrections and clarifications as the version #s go up.

    So, here's that crosspost.

    "Edition 5.6 of my timeline.

    I added the Moody reference,

    and a detail about the vpw/bgl class.


    This timeline is mostly from publications OF TWI.


    Let's see.

    victor paul wierwille was born to a large family of German descent.

    (Born December 31, 1916.)

    According to locals, Ernst, his father, was an alcoholic with negligible

    education, with a bad temper who acted as a bully.This was true in his dealings

    with locals AND with his own family.Each child had their own chores.

    Little Victor chose to neglect his chores, and would vanish for hours into the woods nearby.

    (It has been noted that this running off may have been as much to avoid

    an abusive father as it was to avoid doing any work. Or it may be unrelated.)

    He claimed that when he was young, he once told a minister that he wanted to be

    a man of God like him. Other than this statement, Little Victor showed

    no actual involvement in the church, no actual effort or work in the things of the church.

    So, this seems to suggest an interest-not in being a man of God- but in being

    the man the whole community turned out to see, to have their respect.

    As a teenager, young Vic continued to lack any qualities of a man of God. In fact, he went out of his way to earn a reputation going in the opposite direction. He was a bully, a showoff and a braggart.

    (He seems to have been taught this at home.) He did all sorts of things for attention. He was quick to start a fight or mouth off at others. He had a quick wit. One of his common ways of showing off was to tear up and down the streets of New Knoxville on his motorcycle, trying to get attention.

    His demonstrated talents seemed to be limited to his quick wit and his ability to play a guitar,

    which he showed competency in.

    Old Man Wierwille was preparing to pass on thefamily farm to young Vic, as was the family

    tradition. Young Vic balked at this. He'd had plans to go to college. At first, he considered

    a few fields-business and so on- but by this time, he had decided upon the seminary.

    (This was before the time he referred to as "believing the Bible as the Word of God".)

    Old Man Wierwille was skeptical of this, and said that young Vic, having shown lack

    of hard work on simple manual labour on the farm, would never make a good preacher.

    Young Vic convinced him he would do better with books than with sweating out in the field.

    Young Vic went to school for the ministry.

    His community thought it was some kind of joke- everyone knew he lacked the proper character.

    (He never overcame that impression with them.)

    Victor had the option to study "Bible Languages" or other subjects requiring hard study. He instead chose to study Homiletics, the "softest" option he could have learned. (He never overcame his deficiency in study in Bible languages, church history, etc.-not even to the level of an informed layman as of 2004.)

    Victor was married July 2, 1937(Mr was 20, Mrs was 21). According to vpw, he and Mrs W married secretly while he was still in college. No reason for this was ever given.

    Victor suggested he played on his college's basketball team, and that after college

    he played on the professional team "the Sheboygan Redskins." His claim of each was

    phrased ambiguously ("I played basketball all through college" "I was involved in the

    Sheboygan Redskins") and the purpose seems to have been so that he was believed

    to have said he did both without actually making the claims. Later, he began

    making claims that he also "invented the hook shot" at this time.

    He graduated with a BA from Lakeland College in 1937. Donald was born in 1940.

    Victor graduated Princeton Theological Seminary in 1941, with a Masters in Practical Theology.

    He did his "trial sermons" in 1941 in Payne, Ohio for the Evangelical and Reformed Church.

    According to his memorial in 1985, he started his first pastorate July 1941,

    and was ordained July 29, 1941.

    (According to his account in TW:LIL, his first pastorate began in 1944 in Van Wert, Ohio,

    and continued until 1957.)

    Victor entered his first pastorate and wasted little time becoming a bully and a

    control freak AGAIN. He himself claimed he started his job by immediately

    doing whatever the elders told him not to do- even though it hampered his ability to do his job

    properly. According to him, they confronted him on this, he mouthed off at them, and they just

    let him go about his business, and the local church prospered as a direct result of him.

    He was known for building a fairly interesting sermon, and getting people involved,

    including the youths. (This was STILL before the time when he claimed he believed

    the Bible was the Word of God.)

    He said the following year, (1942) he slowly became discouraged and was searching.

    He was still the man he had been, which is to say he was prideful, arrogant, boastful,

    liked attention, and viewed the clergy as a PROFESSION and not a holy calling.

    (He could have been just as "called" as an accountant or actuary, say.)

    During 1942, he claimed he was ready to give up being a minister.

    About a year later (Payne, 1942, August), he met Rosal1nd R1nker. She was a former

    missionary to China and Korea. She's remembered as the anonymous person

    who asks vpw

    "Why don't you search for the greatest of all things in life

    which would teach Christians the HOW of a really victorious life?"

    This woman fixed a great deal of attention on him, and had a forceful personality.

    She spent some time with him alone. It was of this time that he later claimed

    he asked forgiveness of God. He also credits her with DOGGING HIM

    "on the Bible being the Word of God",

    and she "got me STARTED on the right track".

    which, until this time, he hadn't believed, not even in all his years of school.

    During 1942, he claimed he was ready to give up being a minister in August AND September.

    One month later (September 1942), an event happened that he later showed a habit of re-writing.

    As Victor told God he was getting ready to quit (again), He claimed that God spoke to him and said

    He (God) would teach him (Victor) His Word (God's Word)

    like it had not been known since the 1st century,

    if he (Victor) would teach it to others.

    (This is the famous 1942 promise.)

    vpw did not discuss this event with anyone until he told the early corps-according to Mrs W.

    Thus, the earliest possible origin-point of this story is 1969,

    when the "zero corps" was begun.

    Victor of course lacked the education in church history to contextualize this claim-

    since it was inaccurate as stated. This implies that this was a made-up story,

    or it came from a god lacking knowledge in history.

    Victor later added a second part to his story- a snowstorm.

    He said that he required PROOF of God, and asked God to let him see it snow.

    A moment later, he opened his eyes, and he saw a veritable blizzard out his window.

    The later addition to this story suggest that he felt it needed more support

    after using the initial story. Victor showed no marked improvement, neither in

    character, nor in behaviour, thru the rest of the 1940s (nearly the entire decade after this

    supposed promise), which strongly supports the rather direct assertion that he lied thru his teeth.

    vpw referred to this as one of the two most significant days of his life.

    October 3, 1942, vpw did his first radio broadcast. He continued to do a radio show

    under one name or another for several years- Vesper Chimes, aka Chimes Hour Youth

    Caravan. Its name changes to Chimes Hour Youth Caravan in 1947.

    Rhoda joined its staff in 1947.

    (Supposedly, the name "the Way" was in the documentation for this group since 1942.)

    In 1948, vpw was issued a "Doctorate" from Pikes Peak Seminary, an organization lacking

    accreditation and formal classes (among other things.)

    At some point, vpw began claiming that he took EVERY class

    Moody Bible School's Correspondence program issued.

    According to official records at Moody, vpw never turned in a single class of

    their correspondence school. This may mean he took classes and never

    finished ANY (which indicates laziness), or that he was lying about taking

    any of their classes.

    At one point, Rufus Moseley attempted to minister Holy Spirit to vpw, but vpw demonstrated

    an inability to receive it. In 1951, he visited missionaries in Honduras.

    In 1951, vpw made another claim he was ready to give up on the ministry

    (even after, supposedly a direct promise of God about really important stuff

    which promptly failed to materialize.)

    In November, 1951, vpw attended the Full Gospel Rally, in Tulsa, Oklahoma

    (a big Evangelical conference.) He made several claims of this conference.

    People at the conference OTHER than vpw supposedly had no difficulty beginning

    speaking in tongues. He claimed he faked speaking in tongues in a clever

    way, and others were unable to tell. He was further disillusioned about working for God.

    He then claimed a miraculous snowstorm blocked him into the city entirely, and

    ALL the evidence there NO blizzard whatsoever (and there was a WEALTH of evidence

    -at the airports, Amtrak and bus depot, the hotel staff, the attendees,

    etc) was concealed by angels. vpw also, apparently, never approached a window,

    or they made an illusion at the window.

    vpw has referred to this as one of the two most significant days of his life.

    (Many people currently feel that vpw completely made up the story that God spoke

    to him in 1942, and that his dependence upon this event plus the event at the

    Full Gospel Rally to establish his authority were both dressed up with made-up

    snowstorms to make them sound more spectacular. The specifics of both

    appear to support this position-especially since vpw was fond of increasing

    the magnitude of his claims in things as time went on.)

    Supposedly, a woman came up to him and told him that she knew a man who can help him-

    JE Stiles. He claims God told Stiles to attend the conference with the sole purpose

    of ministering the Spirit to vpw. vpw met with Stiles, and made a few chauvinistic

    observations to himself, before going off with Stiles.

    Stiles worked with him for a few hours nonstop, hammering across to vpw what

    the Bible says on speaking in tongues, and working over his doubts one by one.

    Finally, vpw was able to speak in tongues.

    It was during the 1950s that vpw's behaviour was noted to finally improve,

    although he still did not stop including inappropriate words or concepts in his sermons.

    In March, 1953, vpw found out about BG Leonard, and pushed his way into BG Leonard's

    CTC Gifts of the Spirit class, which Leonard told him was closed, but permitted him

    to enter after vpw arrived. vpw took this class twice, bringing several people with him

    the second time. (That second time was July 1953.)

    vpw then went off for a few months by himself, then told Leonard that he'd like to run

    Leonard's CTC Gifts of the Spirit class locally for his congregation on a one-time basis.

    Seeing the benefit to other Christians, Leonard agrees.

    vpw then ran the first of "his" Receiving the Holy Spirit Today classes, (October 1953)

    and took a photograph of that class. He told the students that this is "his" class

    called RtHST, with NO mention of Leonard's class from which 100% of the content

    had been directly lifted. The students had no reason to think he's lying. vpw sent

    the photograph to Leonard and told Leonard that this is a photo of the class that took

    Leonard's class on a one-time basis that was run locally. Leonard took vpw at his word,

    and had no idea that vpw continued to run Leonard's class with vpw's name on it,

    defrauding both Leonard AND the students. That the classes were interchangeable

    in terms of material was the opinion of vpw himself- anyone who had graduated

    Leonard's "Gifts of the Spirit" class was considered to be-by vpw- a graduate of

    "vpw's" RtHST class.

    To this day, many students STILL think this was was vpw's class, even when

    evidence is introduced to the contrary. Later, vpw added the contents of JE Stiles' work

    on "Gifts of the Spirit" and Bullinger's work on the Holy Spirit as well as

    "How to Enjoy the Bible", and expanded the class into a class that was the

    sum of the 3 men's work-Stiles, Bullinger and Leonard-rather than just Leonard.

    He also renamed the class "Power For Abundant Living", rather than

    "Receiving the Holy Spirit Today".

    vpw later made a few offhand comments here and there that the material in the class

    is not original, but its compilation was.

    (However, as it was constructed, vpw could have been sued by copyright holders for

    Bullinger, Stiles, and Leonard. Leonard found out but chose not to prosecute.)

    It is often noted that the supposed 1942 promise claimed vpw would be taught-by God-

    things unknown since the First Century Christians, if vpw would teach others-

    yet ALL the material vpw taught was all taken from Leonard/Stiles/Bullinger/Kenyon

    and a few others, and thus, it was all KNOWN. Therefore, if a god gave vpw revelation

    in 1942, it was a god that lied, since vpw's source for everything was

    MAN and NEVER represented information lost since the First Century AD-not even once.

    In 1953, vpw also took JE Stiles' "Gifts of the Spirit" book, changed a few words,

    and self-published it as the 1st Edition of "Receiving the Holy Spirit Today."

    That it was the same year is no coincidence-it was the "original" textbook for

    the "original" class. ("Original" in the sense that they were the 1.0 version of

    his class, not that they originated at that time.)

    Later editions would include incorporation of material from Leonard and Bullinger,

    and would include more cosmetic changes in the order of the words and the

    specific words used in an attempt to make it look less like Stiles' book.

    Among the changes was the deletion of a reference to an anonymous Christian

    who "put it together" for vpw (that was Stiles), who was missing by the 4th

    edition book, where vpw put it all together himself.

    vpw ran "his" PFAL classes continually from 1953 onward, with some success.

    Dr E.E. Higgins was one of the students in the October 1953 class. She's known as

    the anonymous person who would call vpw at night and ask what God

    showed him that day. In 1954, Dr Higgins first introduced vpw to EW

    Bullinger's books, and gave him his first copies of the Companion Bible, and

    "How to Enjoy the Bible." The contents of both these books later became integral

    parts of "vpw's" class.

    According to his published memorial, Bishop KC Pillai took PFAL in 1954,

    and began teaching a class on"Orientalisms of the Bible".

    (Pillai also wrote 3 small books: "Light Through an Eastern Window"

    and Volumes I and II of "Orientalisms of the Bible.")

    According to the memorial in 1985, 1955 was the year they officially chartered

    "the Way".

    In 1955, JP was born. 2 months later, VPW left JP with family for the next

    year or so, and took his wife and eldest son on a tour of the mission fields in India,

    on the Evangelical and Reformed Church's dime.(1955-1957) (Per TW:LIL)

    He was irritated that he's reminded he is not officially designated as a spokesman

    or investigator of theirs. According to his account in TW:LIL,

    he there met Bishop KC Pillai, whom he later invited to teach.

    According to the memorial, this tour of the mission fields ran from 1955-1956,

    and included stops in Great Britain, Europe, India, and "the Bible lands."

    According to the memorial, 1956 was when he wrote

    "the Dilemma of Foreign Missions in India."(According to TW:LIL)

    In 1957, vpw returned to Van Wert. He cut his ties with the Evangelical and Reformed

    Church, and took "his" PFAL class with him.In 1957, he and Harry bought out

    their brothers and bought the family farm outright. Rather than take ownership

    themselves, they declared it the propertyof "the Way", a church organization

    (thus tax-exempt.)(Per TW:LIL, Harry said this was the time they chose the name

    "the Way".) Work began on fixing up the farm.

    In 1959, he ran a Wisconsin Summer Camp. In 1960, he ran an Indiana Summer Camp.

    In 1961, he moved to the farm (refurbishment being sufficient for the move). Bishop Pillai

    arrived and taught at the summer school. (Per TW:LIL.)

    In 1961, he ran a Miamisburg, Ohio Summer Camp.

    In 1962, he moved the summer school to the farm (refurbishment being sufficient

    to hold classes there in the new BRC.)

    In 1962, Lamsa taught at the summer school.(Lamsa is another unconventional teacher

    who claimed special knowledge of the Bible and special status as a man of God.)

    In 1963, vpw went to Lima, Ohio and filmed the sessions called "the Teacher".

    (Despite this, success STILL had not taken off as vpw wished.)

    According to the memorial, 1967 was when "Are the Dead Alive Now?"

    (which is adapted from some of Bullinger's books) was published, and PFAL was filmed.

    This was the edition of PFAL that incorporated Bullinger's books

    (the contents, but not the books themselves) into the curriculum.

    In Fall of 1967, vpw first filmed the PFAL class. This was done in a setting

    with bright studio lights. (Bright studio lights do not cause cancer.)

    vpw claimed that a doctor told him that filming a second day would mean

    permanent eye damage, and that he was staring into 8000 watts.

    He filmed for 3 complete days, getting sore eyes from the bright lights

    (which do not cause cancer.) The figure of 2000 watts seems to be a more

    realistic figure for the light level of the filmed class (which is still VERY bright.)

    According to TW:LIL, In 1967, vpw read about the Christians at the House of

    Acts. vpw went there, impressed them, and convinced them he has extensive,

    EXCLUSIVE knowledge they lack. He then turned those he could from unorganized

    Christians into a recruitment arm for his class and organization. They agreed

    to handle things on the East and West coasts, and many young Christians were

    impressed with THEM and join. It's been suggested that one of the reasons he

    went there was because he'd heard of the "free-love" movement and wanted to

    connect with Christians who would have sex outside of marriage. Thus claim might

    sound ridiculous if his accounts of them didn't include little comments about their

    displays of affection-and especially since he'd asked one of them-back then and

    there-to give him DETAILS on what an orgy was like. He followed up by claiming

    that God PERMITTED orgies-but considered monogamy BETTER.

    It's also believed that San Francisco is where vpw bought the pornographic materials

    he showed the corps, some Advanced Classes and CFS classes-like the movie

    of the two women with the dog. (He MENTIONED that video to many Advanced

    classes and CFS classes where it was not SHOWN.)

    According to the memorial, his trip to Haight-Ashbury/House of Acts was in 1968.

    As of 1969, sizeable numbers of young people had flocked to twi from both coasts

    as a result.

    Once there was sizeable membership in both coasts, vpw pushed out the Christians

    from the House of Acts and insisted authority would come FROM hq and tithes

    would go TO hq. No exceptions. At that point (1969), vpw made his first attempt

    at a Way Corps, which resulted in the famous "Zero Corps".

    At some point-presumably early in the way corps history, and possibly as early as 1969,

    vpw (according to Mrs W's account) first begins to tell his "snow on the pumps" account

    to people, starting with the way corps.

    At another point-before the early 1970s-vpw began adding to the "special revelation"

    that produced the books and classes (which were really compilations of the work

    of other Christians with their names removed) and began speaking of special

    revelation about current events. He began to expound on some conspiracy

    theories to the corps, and about attempts to take over the United States.

    vpw was getting this material from the John Birch Society and the Liberty Lobby.

    A few people on-grounds were aware of information coming in from them,

    but almost nobody knew those were the direct sources of his supposed

    "revelation". As he had done often before, he just claimed to mysteriously

    know things and never cited a source-leaving the listeners to guess that there

    WAS no conventional source, making this ANOTHER thing God just told him.

    These conspiracy theorist organizations and their personal biases fill in the blanks

    in some of his odder statements. Their anti-Semitism helps explain his claims

    that the current Jews were not descended from the historic Jews (which has been

    disproven genetically since), and his recommendations of books like

    "the Thirteenth Tribe." Their condemnation of rock and roll and musician/celebrities

    explain his claims of all musicians being possessed, and his recommendation of

    "the Marxist Minstrels" to the corps (which claimed rock and roll was a communist

    plot to take over the United States.) vpw even had David Noebel, who wrote

    "the Marxist Minstrels" come and lecture the corps.

    In 1971, vpw began his WOW Ambassador program. This program underwent some

    changes, but primarily was a one-year committment to get sent out,

    support yourself, find housing, and run PFAL classes.

    According to his memorial, 1971 was when the Orange Book, "Power for

    Abundant Living" was first self-published. It contained mostly material from Leonard's

    class and from Bullinger's book "How to Enjoy the Bible".

    A number of pamphlets called "Studies in Abundant Living" accompanied the

    PFAL class from fairly early on (the filmed class names "Studies in Human

    Suffering", later renamed "Job:Victim to Victor".)

    In 1971, the first 3 volumes of "Studies in Abundant Living" are published,

    compiling the pamphlets into 3 small hardbound books.

    In 1974, Emporia College in Emporia, Kansas was bought. It was renamed

    "the Way College of Emporia". Despite an absence of accreditation, licensed professors,

    and a school "library" composed ENTIRELY of used textbooks donated by way members,

    it was put forth as if it is a normal, accredited college.

    In 1975, "Jesus Christ is Not God" was published. This was the last book-

    not counting Vol 4 of Studies in Abundant Living- that was actually put together by vpw.

    In 1976, campuses were purchased in Rome City, Indiana ("the College of Biblical Research")

    and Gunnison, Colorado ("the Way Family Ranch-Camp Gunnison").

    In 1977, the PFAL '77 was done live at Ball State University. According to the memorial,

    in 1977, Howard Allen and Donald Wierwille were installed as Trustees on the

    Board of Trustees (replacing "Uncle" Harry Wierwille and Ermal Owens.)

    In 1977, Volume 4 of Studies in Abundant Living was published.

    In 1978, the land for the LEAD Outdoor Academy was purchased in Tinnie, New Mexico.

    In 1979, Advanced Class '79 ran (live, I imagine.)

    In 1980, "Jesus Christ Our Passover" was published. This was the first book written by

    competent staff and researchers. According to the book itself, it was written

    "by Victor Paul Wierwille", with no mention of anyone else. It was a higher-caliber book

    than twi normally self-publishes.

    In 1982, twi celebrates its "Fortieth Anniversary" since the radio shows that

    weren't called "the Way". In 1982, vpw installed LCM as the new president of twi

    and vpw becomes "president emeritus".

    In 1982, "Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed" was published. It also was written by staff,

    and said "by Victor Paul Wierwille" on the cover.

    It relied largely on the calculations of another writer as well. This book also saw the

    breakthrough of proper crediting, since it actually named the other writer

    (Martin) and his book.

    In 1984, a live PFAL class was taught at Camp Gunnison, and a manor house was

    purchased in Gartmore, Scotland. It was named the Way College of Biblical Research.

    (aka Gartmore House, or "the big house" to the villagers of Gartmore.)

    vpw spent his life drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking cigarettes and cigars-

    tobacco products. Although he usually did it "off-camera", many people knew some

    of this. Everyone knew he at least smoked, but he seemed to chain-smoke when

    "no one was watching." Furthermore, he had a "coffee cup" next to him for morning

    meetings and so on-and often, the contents had nothing to do with coffee. Those who

    ever commented on it (who were few enough among those who noticed) were

    treated to his comments about us not being "under condemnation" and thus it wasn't

    sinful, and therefore had no consequences.

    However, there WERE consequences....

    By 1984, the long-term exposure to alcohol-which damages internal organs, including

    those that act as the body's filtration system and also damages the brain-

    and long-term exposure to tobacco-which is a known cancer-causing agent

    (unlike studio lights)- resulted in some permanent damage to vpw' body.

    He acquired cancer of the eye and liver, and suffered a stroke.

    vpw quite vocally-and often- announced that the eye damage was the result

    of getting cancer from the studio lights used when filming PFAL- thus saying it was

    the result of virtuous activity, and used to give the students a guilty conscience.

    Once, when addressing the corps, he was speaking on personal committment to

    God. He said "I gave my EYE-what are YOU willing to give?"

    Further, in private, vpw was MOST disturbed that he had ANY physical problems,

    especially this one. He claimed he'd never been sick or needed an aspirin EVER-

    not ONE DAY in his life-before this. Not even in PRIVATE did he ever seem to admit

    he'd exposed his body to carcinogens for DECADES. He had surgery that

    removed the cancer-stricken eye.

    The details of the stroke were COMPLETELY hidden-although there were witnesses-

    and the existence of any cancer produced a problem. According to vpw's DOCTRINE,

    any Christian should be able to believe sufficiently to burn out a cancer from their

    body. vpw had slowly manipulated his personal image to the point that he was

    frequently seen as some sort of super-Christian-which is what he wanted. However,

    this meant he should have EASILY believed away his cancer.

    WORSE, he'd taught in the Advanced class that, since a cancer has a life of its own

    (like algae), it must be the result of devil activity. Since vpw was supposedly a

    super-Christian, he should have been able to deflect such an assault easily.

    However, rather than adjust his image, or correct his doctrine-which had already

    hurt many other Christians-he simply hid the cause of his descent into death.

    In 1985 the "Word over the World Auditorium" opened at the organizations hq on the farm.

    vpw died May 20, 1985 at age 68. According to his death certificate, the cause was

    cancer of the liver and of the eye. According to most people in twi at the time,

    the cause was UNKNOWN. The most commonly-stated reason was

    "he got tired of fighting."

    In the last few months of his life, vpw visited Gartmore and spoke privately

    with Chr1s Ge*r. He (CG) later claimed that his own paper which he wrote

    afterwards-"the Passing of the Patriarch"-was based entirely on private

    conversations with vpw. (Some people believe him, some do not.)

    That paper-among other things-also claims that vpw would have been

    able to "believe himself healthy" if he'd wanted to.

    Volume 5 of Studies in Abundant Living was published

    posthumously. Its contents were from vpw, it was edited by Chr1$ Ge*r.


  17. I love the post-but must make a correction or two.

    Remember that term? Didn't vpw say something in piffle about spiritual hitchhikers....going thru life hitchhiking off others' believing?

    It's a very apt description.....and wierwille would know. He took a "ride" on B.G. Leonard's growing ministry and enrolled in B.G.'s class, Gifts of the Spirit in March of 1953. Until that time, wierwille was stranded and was going nowhere, fast.

    What happened after wierwille "thumbed this ride?"


    (1) He convinced mrs. and don to take B.G.'s class in June/July of 1953.

    (2) Then, wierwille rushed back to Ohio to run B.G.'s class for others....copied B.G.'s format, etc.

    (3) Tweaked this class (later renamed pfal) and boasted of God showing him (vp).

    (4) Incorporated twi that year.....in 1953. Why THAT year??

    (5) B.G. Leonard found out about wierwille's thievery and plagarism....and copyrighted his work therafter.

    (6) In later years, wierwille cuts and pastes to his class format....and the revamped pfal class is filmed.

    (7) Wierwille hitched "a ride" on the works of Bullinger, Stiles, and others.

    Was wierwille a spiritual hitchhiker.....??? :unsure:

    Or, did wierwille in fact carjack B.G.'s vehicle...?? :evildenk:

    Imo, the latter scenario is the apt description. For indeed, a hitchhiker generally is thankful for the generosity of a ride from point A to point B....and goes on his merry way. Whereas, a carjacker grabs what he wants and kicks the owner to the curb.....and drives away with the vehicle.

    And, lest we forget......in pfal, "I've got a jack but I ain't gonna help you" comment.

    Whereas, wierwille coulda said......"I'm into carjacking so as to help you." Wanna ride??


    In the interest of completeness, here's how I described this in the 5.6 version of

    my vpw timeline...

    "In March, 1953, vpw found out about BG Leonard, and pushed his way into BG Leonard's

    CTC Gifts of the Spirit class, which Leonard told him was closed, but permitted him

    to enter after vpw arrived. vpw took this class twice, bringing several people with him

    the second time. (That second time was July 1953.)

    vpw then went off for a few months by himself, then told Leonard that he'd like to run

    Leonard's CTC Gifts of the Spirit class locally for his congregation on a one-time basis.

    Seeing the benefit to other Christians, Leonard agrees.

    vpw then ran the first of "his" Receiving the Holy Spirit Today classes, (October 1953)

    and took a photograph of that class. He told the students that this is "his" class

    called RtHST, with NO mention of Leonard's class from which 100% of the content

    had been directly lifted. The students had no reason to think he's lying. vpw sent

    the photograph to Leonard and told Leonard that this is a photo of the class that took

    Leonard's class on a one-time basis that was run locally. Leonard took vpw at his word,

    and had no idea that vpw continued to run Leonard's class with vpw's name on it,

    defrauding both Leonard AND the students. That the classes were interchangeable

    in terms of material was the opinion of vpw himself- anyone who had graduated

    Leonard's "Gifts of the Spirit" class was considered to be-by vpw- a graduate of

    "vpw's" RtHST class.

    To this day, many students STILL think this was was vpw's class, even when

    evidence is introduced to the contrary. Later, vpw added the contents of JE Stiles' work

    on "Gifts of the Spirit" and Bullinger's work on the Holy Spirit as well as

    "How to Enjoy the Bible", and expanded the class into a class that was the

    sum of the 3 men's work-Stiles, Bullinger and Leonard-rather than just Leonard.

    He also renamed the class "Power For Abundant Living", rather than

    "Receiving the Holy Spirit Today".

    vpw later made a few offhand comments here and there that the material in the class

    is not original, but its compilation was.

    (However, as it was constructed, vpw could have been sued by copyright holders for

    Bullinger, Stiles, and Leonard. Leonard found out but chose not to prosecute.)

    It is often noted that the supposed 1942 promise claimed vpw would be taught-by God-

    things unknown since the First Century Christians, if vpw would teach others-

    yet ALL the material vpw taught was all taken from Leonard/Stiles/Bullinger/Kenyon

    and a few others, and thus, it was all KNOWN. Therefore, if a god gave vpw revelation

    in 1942, it was a god that lied, since vpw's source for everything was

    MAN and NEVER represented information lost since the First Century AD-not even once.

    In 1953, vpw also took JE Stiles' "Gifts of the Spirit" book, changed a few words,

    and self-published it as the 1st Edition of "Receiving the Holy Spirit Today."

    That it was the same year is no coincidence-it was the "original" textbook for

    the "original" class. ("Original" in the sense that they were the 1.0 version of

    his class, not that they originated at that time.)

    Later editions would include incorporation of material from Leonard and Bullinger,

    and would include more cosmetic changes in the order of the words and the

    specific words used in an attempt to make it look less like Stiles' book.

    Among the changes was the deletion of a reference to an anonymous Christian

    who "put it together" for vpw (that was Stiles), who was missing by the 4th

    edition book, where vpw put it all together himself.

    vpw ran "his" PFAL classes continually from 1953 onward, with some success.

    Dr E.E. Higgins was one of the students in the October 1953 class. She's known as

    the anonymous person who would call vpw at night and ask what God

    showed him that day. In 1954, Dr Higgins first introduced vpw to EW

    Bullinger's books, and gave him his first copies of the Companion Bible, and

    "How to Enjoy the Bible." The contents of both these books later became integral

    parts of "vpw's" class.

    And yes,

    I believe "carjacking" is an apt analogy for what he did to Leonard and Stiles

    (and later, Bullinger and Kenyon.)

  18. This was too good not to have some fun with...

    "Learn and grow in new areas with the Household Enrichment Series!"

    Anyway.... they say that you can increase your understanding in a variety of categories with their thirteen informative and practical teachings presented by the ever so holy staff at HQ.

    Better Spelling Basics

    [You-yes, YOU-can learn the greatest method of spelling since the First Century

    Christian spellers!!!!

    Building an Understanding of Vehicle Purchasing

    [Learn how to REALLY buy a car! People in the world with their secular views

    think they know how to buy a car, but they don't have the SPIRITUAL insight it

    takes to compare prices. Please note that they also do evil things like take out

    a car loan to buy the car. Learn to drive a beater until you can afford a new car!

    Early History of New Knoxville

    What was New Knoxville like before Columbus arrived?

    Learn the secrets of its earliest days!

    Thrill to the arrival of settlers! Enjoy the thrillride as they plant and harvest crops!

    Fun for all ages!

    The First Freedom: Religious Liberty in America

    Learn what no textbook can ever tell you-American History!

    Sure, you learned about the Puritans in elementary school,

    but you never REALLY learned about them with an indepth, spiritual perception!

    Highlights of African History and Culture

    (Was this a typo? AFRICAN history and culture? At twi???

    A history of the Huguenots

    [The people that vpw claimed a descendancy from! Learn all about

    them as vpw would have taught about them!

    Ideas to Encourage Reading in Young Children

    Learn how to read interesting books to your children!

    Learn how to read in front of your children!

    It's innovative!

    Maintaining Reliable Transportation

    [The world calls it "car maintenance", but we know better!

    Learn all the aspects of making sure your car is tuned up!]

    Making a Home-cleaning Schediule That Works for You

    The SECRETS to making a schedule to clean your house!

    Don't imagine you know how to REALLY schedule that until you

    learn the Keys to Scheduling a Cleaning As Good as the First Century

    Christians did!

    Powerful Paragraphs

    How to write so people will want to keep reading!

    Learn to be as exciting as twi articles and twi books!

    Sola Scriptura: An Overview of the Protestant Reformation

    Learn the entire history of the Protestant Reformation-

    at least the part that jibes with our theology!

    Some Practical Aspects of Business Etiquette

    [How to wear a suit to work!

    Nose-picking: not in the interview!

    The proper way to shake hands when introduced!

    Sign up now!

    The "Write" Stuff

    How to write! You've only been learning it since you

    were 5 years old-but now you can learn the twi way to write!

    Only available to Way Class Grads for $4 each.

    So the new money making venture for TWI this year, in addition to the TWO AC Specials is this $52 tape series.

    [All this for only $52! (All members required to own their own set.)

  19. Yeah, Patriot......what you said.

    Time and time again, corps were confronted on their MARRIAGE, their SPOUSE'S behavior/problems/etc. Many corps were drop-kicked into next week for being clueless on their spouse. Yet, donna knew the adulterous activities of her husband. She wasn't dumb or innocent. Could it be that she was growing tired of the hypocrisy, the shadow of her husband......and desired to see him knocked off his high horse??

    Maybe donna cunningly distanced herself from her husband knowing what was to befall him. It was really only a matter of time....and she had time on her side. And, rosalie.

    Why didn't donna lose her status, her lofty castle?? In one word.......Rosa-lie, that's why.

    For Donna to have "distanced herself" from her husband,

    there would have had to have been a connection in the first place.

    Someone said this about Donna, who knew her personally.

    "My time with Donna was during the time period of 1978-80.

    At that time she was an arrogant, mean-spirited b*tch in her

    late twenties. She coveted after power....she explained to a

    bunch of us once that when she was 'husband-hunting', she had

    dated numerous top twi leaders, dropping names of 1st and

    2nd corps guys. She said that when she got to craiggers,

    she knew he was the one. Why? Because she knew that he

    was going to 'the top' as she put it. She somehow knew that

    she was destined to be on the top rung of the twi ladder and

    she got herself there. It's almost like the story of MacBeth-

    ambition, power, money. She was willing to put up with lcm's

    adultery in order to maintain her position as 'first lady of

    twi'- it was a simple tradeoff. Her disgust with her husband

    was only exceeded by her own lust for power and position.

    Today, she probably feels like she 'earned' the right to live in

    the corps chalet for all the years of putting up with bozo.

    Of course, with her sexual orientation being in question,

    perhaps she is still 'earning' her position as

    'first lady of twi'?"

    Someone else replied to that


    "That's exactly what she told ME once in a conversation.

    She told me (this was late '70s) that she had decided years

    before she would do Whatever It Takes to 'get to the top'.

    She was totally committed to being a top hot dog

    (as they used to say.) She was very calculating. Although,

    back when she was young, to look at her, you never would

    have thunk it because at one time, she was a wonderful,

    compassionate person who truly did have a heart for people.

    In fact, I think it was that quality that helped get her to the

    'top.' She is where she is now by deliberate, scheming


    And here's what lcm himself said in his book...

    "LCM finally decided he needed to get married. He goes to Dr

    and lets him know his thoughts and seeking advice. Dr promised

    he'd look out for a good woman for him.

    Later, LCM decided to marry Donna and immediately told Dr.

    Dr said 'She's a good woman' and then rode off quickly

    on his motorbike. LCM found out later that he had gone at once

    to call Donna and talk to her to let her know and understand fully

    what she was getting into with LCM. He was going to be a great

    leader in the ministry and she had to be prepared to handle

    herself accordingly, etc."

    (For those curious, I pulled those quotes up before,

    to include in the "vp and me in wonderland" thread,

    http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.php?showtopic-8019 )

  20. For variety, I thought I'd wonder what they'll write about next month,

    so I saved some time and wrote it.

    ""Because planning is a part of believing, the in-residence Way Corps develop skills in good, solid planning as part of their training. All of the students were involved in planning the trip to the office supply store this summer, thinking through the itinerary. They planned vehicles, shopping list, division of labour, finances, etc.

    An overall coordinator was chosen, and then assistants were assigned to coordinate the different groups responsible to plan various aspects of the trip. Organizational meetings with all of the in-residence Way Corps were held periodically. These meetings showed everyone the essential details that each group put into their piece of the plan--the details necessary to successfully carry out such an event from start to finish.

    One student writes, "In each category of planning, I learned that our plan had many variables within it. We had to consider how each portion of our plan is affected by other aspects of the plan, and how our portion affects other elements as well. We thought through these details and double-checked everything so that, to the best of our ability we did not miss anything. We also consistently sought counsel from one another, which was invaluable to our success."' "

    Now you don't even need to read the waymag to read the waymag!

    It's more fun than Mad Libs, and twice as fast!


  21. 39 members?...That's it?...jut 39 members?

    I recall when an advanced class would draw hundreds...sometimes thousands!

    Oh well...must be the cream of the cream. Last one to leave twi, turn out the lights. :wink2:

    And that's not even "39 students."

    That's 39 "people who signed up on myspace to discuss or read the board about

    the Advanced class".

    The actual number of people interested in taking it is smaller,

    and the number of people who plan to is smaller than that,

    and the number of people who will show is smaller yet.

    I'm figuring less than 10 people on that board will actually attend-

    remembering that it's unlikely that all attendees are on that board.

  22. Here's my feedback on this.

    Keep in mind it's commentary on the current state of affairs,

    and not on anything else-past, present, future, fictional, etc.

    'Because planning is a part of believing, the in-residence Way Corps develop skills in good, solid planning as part of their training. All of the students were involved in planning the trip to the Advanced Class at Headquarters this summer, thinking through the itinerary. They planned vehicles, food, finances, routes, and lodging.
    Right. Let's be generous and say it's a 25-person trip.

    (It's probably less than 20, but let's be generous.)

    They're in residence (where, BTW? I thought they were AT HQ.

    That would mean "travel" means "a brisk walk across grounds".

    *scrolls down* Oh, Colorado to Ohio.

    Must be the Camp Gunnison site.)

    They're planning a trip for the bunch of them.

    They planned:

    1) vehicles

    2) food

    3) finances

    4) routes

    5) lodging

    Now, how much planning is involved with the vehicles?

    Figure out what you have, and what you need.

    One twi bus and you've got all the seating worked out FINE.

    Plus space for luggage.

    Or 2 passenger vans and one car.

    Or 4 cars above "compact" size.

    Make sure the cars run.

    How complicated is that?


    packing a sack lunch? Packing supplies in general?

    Scheduling stops at a 7-11 to buy more stuff when

    gassing up?

    This takes HOW much planning?


    Figure out how much the other steps cost,

    double that, divide by the # of people,

    and make sure people each have that amount.

    One person with a calculator, tops.


    this is a fun part.

    Stare at the maps.

    Find the nearest interstates,

    and how to get on & off them.

    Make sure every driver has the plan, and a good map.


    Motel on the way there? Straight drive thru?

    Stopping in a scheduled rest or campsite?

    Are they counting "reserve room at destination hotel"

    as part of this step?

    How tough is all this supposed to be?

    When in college, a bunch of us college types took

    trips from NYC to St Louis, Boston, Albany,

    Dallas and so on. And we worked all this out.

    With a variety of travel methods.

    And all the trips went off as planned.

    Complete with hotel rooms and stuff.

    This didn't require "special training" or anything.

    An overall coordinator was chosen, and then assistants were assigned to coordinate the different groups responsible to plan various aspects of the trip. Organizational meetings with all of the in-residence Way Corps were held periodically. These meetings showed everyone the essential details that each group put into their piece of the plan--the details necessary to successfully carry out such an event from start to finish.

    A series of meetings were run to handle each step.

    Committees studied each step before recommending a course of action,

    then carrying it out.

    There were meetings, planning meetings, and preplanning meetings.

    Are you sure you want to rush into that preplanning meeting without


    When we college kids planned, things were handled in ONE quick

    meeting as more of a 2-minute update, then we moved on to

    other items. These guys need entire meetings on this?

    With this much planning, I've RUN events, not gotten TO events.

    One student writes, "In each category of planning, I learned that our plan had many variables within it.
    He needed to learn this?

    When I eat a fricking hot dog on the street there are variables

    (where to get it, what to put on it, what to drink.)

    We had to consider how each portion of our plan is affected by other aspects of the plan, and how our portion affects other elements as well. We thought through these details and double-checked everything so that, to the best of our ability we did not miss anything. We also consistently sought counsel from one another, which was invaluable to our success."'

    They needed to train to learn "make sure everyone's on the same page

    and knows what we're doing"?

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