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Everything posted by RottieGrrrl

  1. For some reason I thought I was starting a private conversation with WW, and either I don't know what I'm doing, or ....I don't know what I'm doing. BUT. here is my BIG question that I have a problem with. Why would God allow the devil to be in the Garden to tempt Adam and Eve anyway? I heard one TV preacher say he believes that the serpent was really supposed to be put there by God as an angel to help Adam and Eve, and instead turned on God and took advantage of them. Without getting off on a tangent about that teaching, it does NOT make sense to me that God would allow a sneaky evil being to tempt them. What if satan wasn't there? Would they have not stood at least a better chance? The TV preacher said that would be like throwing your child onto the highway to play. But even though I think this guy is OFF on this subject, I kind of see his point. And okay, if anyone has the patience with my crazy questions. What would happen if Eve had eaten the apple but not Adam. Would we still be okay? Sheesh. I know. I guess she would have died but he wouldn't have. I don't know. But you know, these are honest questions I have. Anyone? Take your time cause I know poeple have lives (unlike me) but I really would appreciate any input. :)
  2. I am going to fire away, just got back on the computer after a week of flood watch here, anyway, I will start the PT with you. and I AGREE about the 21st century stuff. I try to read easier versions, but I still get confused about certain things., sigh, okay, on to the PT :)
  3. Yeah I do have another question, but I don't want to bleed you guys to death because of my pea-brain. So I guess I'll leave it be for now.....
  4. good grief Steve Lortz, I never knew about Leviathan the sea monster! Thanks! Waysider, thanks for the link, looks interesting! Human without bean: (what bean are you without?lol) thanks for the contrib. :)/>
  5. This stuff is a LOT to digest. So I'm taking my time here....I'm reading everybody's stuff.
  6. WW I have to say, you are quoting parts of the OT I didn't even know existed. MAKING THIS REAL HOMEWORK FOR ME! lol. :)
  7. Just an aside here, but can you imagine what a kick-foot warrior Michael must be? I'd hate to be on the bad side of him! ;) kick foot? lol. I did not type that, lol.
  8. You guys, this is freaking FASCINATING. I'm going to take awhile here getting my Word and digesting this. Thanks for the homework for today! Love it! :)
  9. With all due respect, I want the Word's answer to this, and people who have studied the Word of God. I am a believer in the Lord Jesus, and would like an answer relating to Genesis. Just to make myself clear Wordwolf?I did not want to call your name, but him or anybody who has a knowledge and belief in the true Word of God please? :)/>/>
  10. I am trying to do some basic bible study here, and I don't know if this question has been answered before, but can somebody give me an idea of WHY the devil was in the garden of Eden in the first place? And if anyone is on a roll here, why did he take on the form of a snake, and then why would God curse the serpent? And if the serpent didn't crawl on his belly before he was cursed, what the hell (scuse the pun) was he doing before? walking on 4 legs? Seriously, I know this is not all answered in the Word, but does anyone have any ideas?
  11. RottieGrrrl


    Yeah Exie, I told my Mom about the thing that happened, years later, and she had NO recollection on who the heck the lady could have possibly been. DON'T be disappointed if your Mom doesn't remember. God put it in YOUR memory for a reason. NOT particularly your mama's. I'd love to hear more though???
  12. RottieGrrrl


    Well my wee bittle little girl thing is odd, and really an anti-climax, because there is really no story, but I believe that's only because I KNOW that God intervened. I was so teensie I couldn't have been more than 3, when I look back on it. So I believe God kept this memory in the back of my head, which didn't come FORWARD until I was an adult and experienced a couple of other angel experiences, so I would know He really is watching over us, even though at times it sure doesn't feel that way! :( Anyways. What I remember, is I was in a grocery store with my mother, and we got seperated. Please remember this was the 60s. The awareness of child abduction did not come until John Walsh and Adam, it truly didn't, even though it happened. Well, I remember being scared, and just saying "Mom?" "Mom?" "Where's my Mom?" I was frantic, looking for her, scared and lost, and she wasn't even aware that I was gone. She was, well, shopping. Nothing happened in these small towns, what's to fear? Well, all I know is, some kindly elderly person came up to me, and said " Are you looking for your mother?" I nodded. She just said. Stay right where you are, she will be turning the corner in about a minute. And lo and behold, I waited, and there she was. She didn't even know I was gone. When I looked back on this as an adult (after I was more Spirit-CHEW-LEE- AWARE-, lol. :) ) (you know what I mean) I KNOW that there was some peodephile (sp?) there. There MUST have been. I just know this. But for whatever reason, God was able to spare me from that horrible fate. Thank you God for that. That would have killed my mother. Oh, and there was no way my mother knew this woman. For those who think it was a neighbor. I just know that.
  13. RottieGrrrl


    I'll have to get that book Kit. :)
  14. RottieGrrrl


    I had a couple, (that I know of, remember, we don't always know!) But back in the year 2000, I had just lost my old shepherd mix, and was in between dogs. Nico wouldn't even be a twinkle in her mama's eye for a few more weeks. :) Anyway, I was depressed without my dog, and was taking an early morning walk in my neighborhood, probably about 6:30am. I used to do it with my old dog, and missed doing it. Well, I was walking down the road, which was quite deserted, and some strange looking guy was coming up towards me walking in the opposite direction, and I just got a MAJOR creep alert. It was like God was telling me to cross the street. Well back then, I was too "polite" to do something so obvious. I'm NOT polite anymore, lol. But as he was getting closer it was like I felt God was practically SCREAMING at me to cross the road. No cars, no people, nothing, and this guy is eyeing me. I started praying, and I looked FAR ahead, and I saw the Lombard Log cabin, which people use for campouts and stuff, and I saw a group of people outside, they had been camping there overnight, but they were so far up ahead in the distance, they didn't see me. Anyway, I was still asking God for help (since I didn't listen to Him about crossing the street) and all of a sudden a black and white police car sidles right up to my side, driving very slowly. I couldn't see the driver, but I was actually saying, "Pete? Pete?" Pete is the only Lombard cop I know, and we chat whenever I see him. I was so releaved! But he just sort of sidled by me, while the creepy guy looked at the cop car, and then just walked past me totally ignoring me. Phew! Well as soon as the creep passed, the Cop car drove ahead, and turned into the Lombard Log cabin, and turned into the parking lot and disappeared. The cop car passed right through all the people at the Log Cabin, and they didn't even look at the cop car, which I thought was weird. I mean, a cop car drives right through your parking lot where your camping, you would think at least one person would glance at it, but they didn't. Then as I walked up to the Log Cabin, I started to get a strange thought in my head...and I finally reached the log cabin, and went into the same lot the cop car went, and sure enough...just like I already knew, there was no exit. That cop car just disappeared. Which is why the people in the Log cabin didn't glance at the cop car. They didn't see it. I believe only me and the creepy guy are the only ones that saw that car. I was stunned, but absolutely amazed and wonderous at how COOL God is. There was another time, that I'm absolutely sure that an angel helped me, but it was such a simple thing, that when I called a friend of mine to tell him, he said "Oh, that can't be, that wasn't a life or death experience," Well there is nowhere in the bible that says it HAS to be life or death. Then I called him a couple weeks later, and he said, "You know Rottie, I had something like that happen to me once." LOL! He was skiing with his wife and got lost and another skier popped out of nowhere and gave him directions to the main road, and when my friend turned around the guy was gone. He said, "Either that guy was a super fast skier or..." lol. And then I do remember another when I was a wee bittie little girl, which I'll tell another time. But I LOVE hearing angel stories, and I think if we really think about it, we ALL can remember a time when we've met one. But I think most of the time we don't. It's really up to God if he wants to reveal it to us or not, we are not always going to know!
  15. Oh thank you ALL for voting. I had computer problems and just got a new computer so I wasn't able to come back until now. She didn't win, HashBrown won, lol. But at least I have something to remember for prosterity, Thanks ALL, lol.
  16. I wasn't going to do this, but she's only on during July. She's in a commercial. I'm such a stage mama I know. This is my new little rottie GRRRL. lol. http://wciu.com/udog.php?section=vote&assetID=10008532
  17. 100% Free, Your post about the "musician" really tickled me. Thanks for sharing that.
  18. I know! It's so silly but I swear I can almost believe it's a real dog talking!
  19. I know a lot of people have alredy seen this, but it's just too good for words. I've watched it about a two dozen times and I crack up everytime. Ultimate Dog Teaser
  20. They are getting plumper and cuter now. :) A few more weeks and the lucky SCREENED parents will be able to take them home. God bless the well bred pups and the new parents. What a joy. I do remember the first night home with Nico. I tried to keep her in a cage, but she cried so much that I ended up sleeping on the couch for a whole month, and building a little fortress around me so she wouldn't go crawling away in the night. She was happy, and I could wake up every 2 hours to take her outside to potty train her. The pups miss their litter mates the first nights. I remember the breeder telling me that I would spoil her by not cage training her, but Nico hated it from the start, and it never became a problem. Just a few chewed cords, favorite purse that she chewed the strap off of, headband since I had since 1980, etc. But what is all that for the love of a puppy? ;) OH! Adult in the room now I think to feed them! They are happy to hear the human voice! LOL! OMG! They are in a HUGE pen now and "big brother boom" just came in and they are trying to take his pic with the pups. This is too much, lol. :)
  21. Tomorrow is THURSDAY? Wow, this week flew by.

  22. good post socks. And very true. The government depends on making money from people's addictions, smoking, drinking, gambling. I've seen a couple of the youtube videos, damn, I was just getting cigarettes today. I should have asked the guy if the disposable ones came in yet that I can try first.
  23. Wow, this is still confusing to me. :) I guess I'm going to have to wait until I can buy one of the disposables and try it myself. I can only assume that the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies are against electronic cigarettes is because neither one of them are making money off of them. edited because I can't spell.
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