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Everything posted by RottieGrrrl

  1. Geez I am so behind on this thread. I'm getting out my bible now to just now read WW's first post.
  2. Mark, I know I got tired of the wayfer teachings of renewing ones mind, without any clear meaning on how to go about that. But I know from my own experience that we can REFUSE to change our thoughts or lifestyles and still expect God to bless us. And when that doesn't happen we seek out other peoples approval. Many times we still want to do our own thing, and expect a different outcome. We have to go around the same old tired mountian again and again and again....expecting things to change. We are not to conform to the standards of this world, yet those that don't do just that are knocked down by the world for being bigoted, and closed minded. Geisha: about the fantasizing about sin thing. Well I can tell you that when my hormones were raging more, it wouldn't take much for me to start fantasizing about certain things. I'm not being flip, it's the truth. It wasn't just temptation, which isn't a sin by itself, but fantasizing about sinning I have done many times. Or even just wanting to get revenge on somebody who wronged me. Stuff like that. Anyway, I still HAVE to read WW's comment, so I'll be back later. I have to get my filing done before I start on Word Wolfs comment!
  3. geisha: A good devotional is a wonderful idea. And I know what you mean about obeying God and not getting hung up on scripture and teachings and people's spins. Boy am I still working on that. I used to suffer terribly from lack of confidence in the Way and offshoot I attended for awhile because I thought I was spiritually inept especially when it came to the...ugh..manifestations. sigh. How silly that was. I was a mess and all I cared about was that. jeff, yeah I liked this guys honesty too. Especially he was pointing out that a thought isn't a sin, it's when it starts to take over your mind that was dangerous. As I said, I'm not going to get into any personal stuff here, but I know EXACTLY what that means. And thoughts lead to actions. To the severe point: look at violent pornography, or child pornography, or ANY porn. What good can that lead to fill one's head with that crap? Why people get addicted to that at all is something totally different, probably based on a variety of things. socks and pond you both made excellent points. I think we are pretty much on the same page as how we perceived this article. Thanks. Now, still waiting for WW?
  4. I appreciate all the responses, but I still appreciate the website, it's doing me a world of good. socks: I agree whole-heartedly with your post! WordWolf promised he'd check in, in a couple of days, it will be interesting to see his take on this! :) geisha: I don't read the KJV anymore, right now I'm reading the New Living Translation online. The beauty of the internet is you can choose from many different versions. I love it. ! :)
  5. Well, you guys have helped me a bit here. It's a reminder to look at the scripture, and not personal spins on things. Though I still have to say I like this piece the guy did on it. For me, anyway. Isn't there anyone out there who thinks this website has some cool thoughts? I would love to hear WordWolf's take on this. Maybe I will PM him.
  6. I knew that masturbation thing was going to catch somebody's attention. LOL. :) Actually I sort of understand what you are saying waysider. But I'm a natural negative thinker, and this article is really helping me understand how in MY case, my thinking is just not healthy for me. I'm not going to go into any personal details but this article hit on a couple of things in my life that need straightening out, and I think some of the scripture quoted here is just what the doctor ordered for me.
  7. My problem is I focus WAY too much on negative stuff. I start out my day with the "daily bad news" watch the news, watch too many crime shows for my own good etc. I found this website refreshing with verses that remind you to try to focus on the good things. Something I really need to train my mind to do. There is a reason God tells us not to focus on the negative, it brings us down! It wears me down personally. Bad news sells though, and it's easy to get addicted to. At least that's how it is for me anyway, I'm ashamed to admit.
  8. Me and this guy I know from work, he's an electrician actually, one of our vendors, were discusing this topic last week. He went to bible college for three years in his younger days, and he was telling me how he never hears any preachers teach on this. That having a bad thought isn't a sin, but entertaining a bad thought is what leads to sin. He emailed me the scripture, James, first chapter, verses 13-15, and I read it, and googled it, and found this interesting website. It's concise and to the point and something I think we all need to be reminded of. Here is the link http://www.dougbrittonbooks.com/onlinebibl...thoughtlife.php
  9. Mark: Thank you! :) Very interesting! And oh my goodness what a great link you provided.
  10. hiya pond! Thanks for chiming in. :) And no I don't want to get into a right/wrong debate, it's just that from what I seem to have read in the NT so far, and what the tv preachers I watch have said is that Joseph is from David's bloodline, and I would think that if Jesus were to be a decendent of David, Mary would have to have been as well. Don't the Jews today believe the messiah will be of David's bloodline? Anyway, I am REALLY showing my bible ignorance here, but is there somewhere that gives Mary's bloodline as well?
  11. I'm doing this read the bible in a year thingie, and I started reading the New Testament along with the OT. I have a question. It seems like the bloodlines all point to Joseph being from the "house of David" but Joseph was not the paternal father of Jesus. Was Mary from the David's bloodline as well? and yes, I remember Wierwille taught something on this, but I really am looking for fresh responses. It just doesn't make sense to me that every blood-line comes to Jospeh, Mary's husband. WW you out there? anybody?
  12. WW you are being a great help to me, thanks loads. :)
  13. well now wait a minute, not to drift here, but I just pulled out my American Standard and Gen 9:22-24 sure looks like Ham is the youngest son to me. Any thoughts WW or anybody else?
  14. kimberly thanks for clearing that up. To be honest with you I chose the NLT version to read online because it's easier for me, but it's probably NOT the best translation. That is where it says Ham is the youngest son. NLT Genesis 8-11 (Gen 9:24) Word thanks a bunch, I will go over this later today when I am doing my study, and interesting enough I am doing this study from biblegateway.com. It lets you choose your own version of the bible and how you want to read it. I chose Chronologically. But I have to be careful with this particular translation I guess. It's easy to read but not quite accurate, as kimberly inadvertently pointed out. So I will go over this later tonight when I am doing my little study! :)
  15. Cynic thanks for the link. Whew! you are correct there are a variety of views out there. WordWolf. That would be great, I'd love to hear what you have to say about this. :)
  16. Happy new year to all! I just started a "read the bible in a year" online program, and I don't understand the part in Genesis 9 where Noah got drunk and fell asleep naked in his tent and his 3 sons covered him, and then Noah got mad at his youngest son Ham and cursed Canaan. Is there some explanation for this? Thank you for any help! It's got me befuddled! :)
  17. fullyunderstand I hope the naysayers here didn't scare you away. Pay no attention to them I strongly believe in this principal to be true. In fact, I was kicking myself this morning because I was reading in the local paper where there was an event yesterday, just a couple of miles away that I would have LOVED to bring my dog too, and I missed it. I was doing NOTHING yesterday and I just wanted to kick myself this morning. But now, I already asked God to make it up to me (and Nico) and I just KNOW He will. It may sound corny but I really believe I will have something to look forward to now that will be twice as cool as the event I missed. BTW, I like your icon, is that your dog? Looks like a baby pit bull!
  18. This thread is a definite keeper for me, these are some great songs!
  19. blind man in the bleachers is beautiful............:( :(
  20. sudo didn't you have a blind guy video there? can't find it now. WAIT, found that one, you had another one there though . Or am I crazy?
  21. forvige me. I can't see past the "shannon" video" my eyes are too weepy. Yes that's the one. :(
  22. :( :( I see it's going to be a weepy Sunday.
  23. I can't watch it either! Even if I go to another room though that dang song makes me cry. I try to change it too. But it did get me to join the ASPCA so like I said it does it's job!
  24. That song Shannon, about the dog dying. Henry Gross? " "Shannon, is gone I heard She's drifting out to sea She always loved to swim away Maybe she'll find an island with a shaded tree Just like the one in our backyard" I remember about 10 years ago I was working at a job and this song came on the radio and I told the two women in the office if they don't change this station I was going to start crying. They looked at me like yeah right. Well about the first 30 seconds I burst out crying. They looked at me so shocked that I started laughing. Then crying. Then laughing because of the way they were looking at me. Then crying... and so on. One of them finally handed me a tissue while the other one changed the station quick. The other song that ALWAYS gets me is the ASPCA commercial with Sarah McLachlan "Arms Of An Angel" with her haunting voice and all those sad dogs looking at the camera. Oh MAN! I couldn't take it, I called up and was in tears joining the ASPCA. That was almost a year ago and I STILL cry when that commercial comes on. I try to change it, but I tell you, that commercial does it's job! :(
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