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Everything posted by RottieGrrrl

  1. Holy Cow! I didn't know this story was about Pete! Of course I know Pete! We dated back in the 80s...
  2. There was a man named Sulio and Sulio knew EVERYONE in the whole world!!! Once when Sulio got a new job, Sulio says to his new boss, "Boss, I know everyone in the whole world!" His boss doesn't believe him, so he says "No you do not know everyone in the whole world" but Sulio says "Yes I do!" so Sulio's boss says "Well prove it!" then Sulio says "Pick someone... and I know them!" Well Sulio's boss thinks for a minute and then comes up with a name. "Steven Spielberg! I bet you don't know Steven Spielberg!" Sulio says "Steven Spielberg! Steve and I were in boy scouts together when we were kids!" but Sulio's boss says "No you weren't!" then Sulio says "Yes we were!" so they fly to Hollywood and drive up to Steven Spielberg's house. Sulio knocks on the door and Steven Spielberg answers and Sulio goes "Steve!!!" and Steve goes "Sulio!" and they hug and catch up for 30 minutes and Sulio's boss can't believe it. But then he thinks "Well that could happen, it's just one person," so he tells Sulio and Sulio says "OK, pick somebody else!" This time Sulio's boss has someone in mind! "The president, George Bush! You don't know George Bush!" but Sulio says "Oh yes I do! George and I were on debate team together in college!" Sulio's boss says "No you weren't!" and Sulio says "Yes we were!" so they fly to Washington and they catch up with the President at a press conference. They work their way through the crowd until Sulio get's close enough to catch Bush's eye and waves "George !" and the President waves "Sulio!" and after the press conference they hug and catch up for 30 minutes and Sulio's boss is stunned-- he can't believe it. But then he thinks "Well that's just two people in one country-- that doesn't mean he knows everyone in the whole world!" so he tells Sulio and Sulio says "OK, pick someone out of the world spectrum and I know them!" And Sulio's boss knows just who to pick so he says "The Pope! You do not know the Pope!" and Sulio says "The Pope! The Pope BAPTIZED me!" and Sulio's boss says "No he didn't!" and Sulio says "Yes he did!" so they fly to Rome where the Pope is giving Mass in front of hundreds of thousands of people. They work their way through the crowd-- without much luck-- so Sulio says "Boss, we're never gonna get there together through all these people so I tell you what--I'll work my way up there and when I do, I'll give you a sign that shows you I know the Pope!" and he leaves. Well Sulio's boss waits and waits and waits and just when he's about to give up, he sees the Pope come out onto the balcony and right there beside him is Sulio! Shortly afterwards, Sulio's boss passes out. Sulio comes back and finds his boss passed out and he fans him and says "Boss! Boss! Wake up!" and when his boss comes to, he asks "Boss what happened?" Sulio's boss looks at Sulio and says "OK, I can see Steven Spielberg. I can see George Bush... hell, I can even take the Pope! But when somebody standing next to me asks 'Who's that up there with Sulio?' that's a little more than I can take!
  3. I have read that one of the founders of AA, Bill Wilson, supposedly got his entire "12 Step Program" through the guidance of the Ouija Board. I don't know if that's true or not, but can you imagine? That would certainly put a damper on the whole program! BTW, those boards are nothing to screw with. My dearly departed dad taught me the alphabet on the damn thing, of all things to use! But he liked playing around with it too. One day, him and my Mom were fooling around with it, (I was but a child) and he asked the thing some stupid question, and the answer came back, FU. I'm NOT kidding. I was too young to understand what was going on at the time. All I remember is that he looked sharply at my Mom and said "did you do that?" My Mom shaking her head saying NO! My Mom filled me in many years later on what that was about. She said the thing swung like it had a mind of it's own, too. :o As time went by it was hidden away in the attic, but for whatever reason my dad did NOT want that thing to be thrown away. I snuck up there one day (when I was a teen) and threw it out. He never found out. I have looked up on the Internet, Ouija Board horror stories, or stuff like that, and there are some HAIR raising tales. I don't doubt many of them either. I would NOT fool with those things. When I have been around people in the past who pulled out the board for some "fun" I walked out the door.
  4. RottieGrrrl

    Botox update

    I just have to say, I am EXTREMELY happy with my results. I did the filler on Thursday, instead of Restalyn I went with a collagen filler. For the first couple days I was a bit swollen and the lines in my forehead were red, although it did look slightly better, I was like, well damn, for 800 dollars this doesn't seem like much. But now, 3 days later, the lines are almost completely gone. I mean, it looks so natural, I'm wondering, did I ever worry about lines in the first place? Maybe it was a fig-newton of my imagination. Bottom line. Expensive yes. Works...as far as I can say, I'm extremely happy and it gives me some comfort to keep these nasty lines away for a short while. It's a splurge. Would I do it again? Yes...considering I had money to splurge with. This was probably my vanity splurge for, well, awhile. But I have to tell you, I really am happy. :)
  5. RottieGrrrl

    Puppy Names

    Hershey is a cool name for a chocolate lab. Seems I read somewhere that dogs respond better with a two syllable name with a long e or long o at the end. Have fun with your new pup and enjoy it while it lasts. As much trouble as they may be you will soon be wistfully thinking of how cute Hershy was as a pup. :) PS. Take LOTS of pics! They grow up so fast!
  6. Oh my what a treasure of a link! All these great Twilight Zone episodes. I have been thinking of this particular episode lately. Now I can see these instantly instead of hunting for my favorites on NetFlix! The TW-Zone had some extremely innovative episodes. They had some clunkers but for the most part they were just great. I also have a special liking for the one where three astronauts become stranded on a planet of little itty bitty people. One of the astronauts has become completely facinated with the power he has over the little people and spends his days enjoying torturing them, having them build a huge idol in his image, making them worship him as their god. The other astronauts are appalled. The spaceship is finally fixed but this one guy refuses to leave with the other two, instead wanting to remain on this planet to control these itty bitty people. The astronauts cannot talk him out of it and leave him. Well, the ending is FANTASTIC! I don't want to spoil it, (even though it's probably 45 years old by now!) but what a message that left!
  7. That's absolutely adorable, but I'm wondering if someone didn't train him to do that. :)
  8. Welfare, I was wondering. Well Geez Louise, that just aint right. No matter how you look at it. One might argue that they have given up the right for the outside world to respect their beliefs and leave them alone if they are going to be doing that. I mean, GEEZE!!!! And yeah I have heard that polygamy is extremely hard to prosecute because of what you said, that the marriages are "spiritual" and hard to prove in a court of law. Notawayfer and temple this is extremely interesting. I can't thank you enough for your insights on this. This should be interesting to see how this case turns out, I mean it could drag on for YEARS.
  9. Funny! I saw on TV where some guy advised people to do #1 when there is a big shopping cart blocking the aisle. He said he did it all the time. :)
  10. just want to hop in here real quick and say notawayfer thanks for the clarification. not done reading all this yet. Okay, one thing I'm wondering. How the heck are these kids being cared for anyway? I mean, How can one man take care of 50 children he's sired (well maybe 50 is an exaggeration ) and who knows how many "wives" he has? Are the women working outside jobs? Are the men rich or something? I mean serioiusly, where do they get the money to care for all these kids and wives? and I agree that freedom of religion should be respected. That is why I am actually happy the Scientologist's were able to buy out CAN, the cult awareness network that I believe was located in the Chicago area. These people (CAN) were all over the Way for their doctrine, for not believing in the trinity, for believing that Jesus died on a Wednesday and rose on a Saturday, the 4 men on the cross with Jesus, etc. Anything outside of their orthodox beliefs they labeled as a cult. That was just wrong. I am no fan of Scientology but it took a group who had a lot of money to keep filing lawsuits and shut them down. And it still goes on, I know I couldn't go to a normal church or talk to a "normal" christian and tell them I don't believe Jesus is God without being labeled as a heritic. Sigh. It gets tiresome.
  11. notawayfer that's eye opening, and yes I've heard plenty about Colorado City and how controlled it is by the LDS. Interesting how the big mouth shut up when she was around the men. And from what I've seen of "the men" it's laughable. What a bunch of wooses they look like. The hairdo's and prairie clothes are quite strange. And yes, it looks like Stepford meets little house, LOL Ironically, it seems like these "men" allowed the women to come out in public to gain sympathy for them, and it seems to have done just the opposite. People seemed absolutely appalled with the way these women are. I say GOOD! They are so sheltered I think they don't quite get how bizarre they appear. Plus the women are in total denial that anything wrong is going on. I guess in their eyes it isn't wrong.
  12. George the doc said about 3 times a year. Actually the more you do it, the less you need. I'm thinking seriously about the lazer surgery though, that could be part of my Christmas bonus. That's about 1500 dollars for one agressive treatment, or 350 dollars for 10-12 treatments. The 1500 dollars would be cheaper, obviously, but you need a few days downtime. Cause he said I would be all bloody and gooey.
  13. OMG. Rick Ross the cult expert is on the morning show now on Fox (i'm at work but I have a tv here) and they are talking about this. They showed a part in the beginning where all these ladies said "Good morning" in unison, the same monotone voice. All hands folded identically in their laps. Rick Ross said these interviews with these ladies are very scripted, and programmed, and carefully orchestrated, and obviously controlled by the men. They have absolutely no individual personalities. It really is scary. I mean it's like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
  14. Groucho sad to say this is the most half interesting thing Larry King has had on for quite awhile. He really is quite lame and boring. I think Larry "jumped the shark" for me when he had Jessica Hahn on a few years ago. The reason being there was absolutely no reason for her to be there. She had no book out, no new tell all story, it was just an interview with Jessica reliving her hey day with the Jim and Tammy scandal. I was just watching this stupid crap, scratching my head, and thinking...WTF?
  15. George I don't think it KILLS muscles it just stops you from using them. And it is temporary. It does nothing to fill in creases already made by facial expressions and that is where the filler comes in, like Restylane. Although I can already notice someone of a difference, my creases have "flattened" out a bit.
  16. Krys a friend of mine, has the same problem you described, had me ask about this when I saw the dermatologist. That would be a plastic surgeons job (I don't think an injection would help) and it probably would be an outpatient procedure, but I know what you mean, nothing is cheap, and it would be better if you could get your insurance to cover it. Not that I could't benefit from a boob job, but I suppose that is where I would draw the line. Unless I needed it for reconstructive purposes. But the idea of cutting into my body and inserting gel filled sacs sounds dangerous to me, and the long term health risks would be questionable. Besides I like being able to save money on bras and the like!
  17. Good grief. :blink: I'm watching Larry King right now and these women are pathetic. The Stepford wives seem like wild wanton women compared to them. These women are complete zombies, they are dressed the same (like they are in prison) the same hairdo, same monotone voice, same answers. I honestly have never seen such complete brainwashing in my life. Never. shudder.. :(
  18. Gannon: "Whadday think joe, cartwheels?" joe nodds knowingly. "Sugurcubes" Blueboy: "My hairs green, I'm a tree!" LOLOLOL According to IMDB this is the latest on Michael "blue boy" Burns Retired in 2002 from his faculty position at Mount Holyoke College, completing a 22-year career there. He and his wife moved to Kentucky and restored a historic horse farm in Kentucky and is now on the National Register of Historic Places.
  19. Thanks bnis, I agree. Thanks for the link on medical tourism. I like the fact that their are other affordable options for people and competition is always good.
  20. I've read up on Botox, it's been around for a long time. Anything abused is not good, but done in moderation it is totally safe. I don't know if this is as much "looking younger" (although nothing wrong with that) than to just get rid of these dang forehead lines. It's bothering ME. The only reason I never looked into it earlier was I felt I couldn't afford it, and had more pressing things to spend my money on. Which is still true, but a little splurge won't kill me.
  21. Thanks WG and I agree with you 100%. If I had the money for a mini lift I would do it. But dang cosmetic surgery is expensive and it's not covered by insurance, unless somehow you can convince them you need it done for health reasons I suppose. And as for bad plastic surgeries there are boatloads of them out there. These celebs have so much money it's hard for even a good doc to say "No" even if the doc thinks its a bad idea. I remember that lady who was jealous of her husbands obsession of cats and got plastic surgery to look like a cat (like tigers, those kind of cats!) Here she is, found a pic. Her name is Jocelyn-Wildenstein and from what I hear the plan backfired. Eeek!
  22. Well good Lord in heaven help me before I ever had as much done as Joan Rivers, though at least she's honest about it. Not that I would ever have the money she has for it either. I'm barely able to justify spending 1000 dollars on this, considering I still need work done on my molars which is more important. But I figure I've spent thousands on Nico for her leg surgeries,(with help from my dear Mom) so what the heck. But come on. There must be some GSr who had SOMETHING done. A Chemical peel, something!
  23. Okay Hape your a guy, and waysider, I HOPE your a guy because that is a TOTALLY guy question. You guys don't wrinkle like women do and it doesn't bug you as much so this question is directed more towards women.
  24. Last week when I was getting my hair done, my hairdresser pulled back my bangs, and in the harsh light I saw..GAWK!... these UGLY forehead lines. I swear it seemed they had popped up overnight, like a bad zit. I went home and looked at them in the mirror and it really hit me. Oh my god, I'm getting old. NOOOO! The next day at work I made an appointment to see a dermatologist, and I went today on my lunch hour for a consultation. I ended up having botox injections right there during my lunch hour. Five little shots in my forehead, for $380.00, which included a 10% discount for having it done the same day as my consultation. He told me while the Botox would relax the muscles beneath the skin, I would still need a filler, so I am coming back next week to get something called Restylane. That treatment will be around $550.00. It's only temporary, it doesn't last forever, but I figure next BIG Holiday season (like Thanksgiving) when I can have some time off I can go for the lazer treatment for about 1500 dollars. My boss is nice enough to let me do this during work time, though he teased me a bit about it. I'm just wondering if anyone here can fess up to having some cosmetic treatment or even surgery done. Just being nosey. ;)
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