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Everything posted by RottieGrrrl

  1. I don't have time to write right now but you guys are cracking me up. I think I lost it when I read Jim's. (brush, I hate BK too. and...forgot the bottom BUN?)
  2. That was back in the days before everything was computerized. I remember being a cashier at a gas station and going through the same thing you did. I started using their calculator! Just the other day at McDonalds I gave the guy something like you describe, and he STILL gave me a bunch of pennies back. I didn't even bother trying to figure it out.
  3. I know this is dumb. But I swear I am so frustrated! Okay I guess I can't blame the workers, you never know what people mean and they deal with hundreds of jerks and kooks. But this is getting frustrating. Arbys: Me: I'd like a beef and cheddar plain. (which means no barbecue sauce) Worker: Does that mean you don't want cheese? Me: No I DO want cheese on my beef and cheddar I just don't want the sauce. McDonalds.: Me: Number 2 plain please (Number 2 is Quarter pounder/w cheese) Worker: Does that mean you don't want cheese? Sigh. What really was the last straw and why I am writing this is yesterday at Wendy's. Wendy's is pricey and just an occasional treat for me, but I love their burgers and had to try the "Baconater" which comes with bacon and cheese Me: I'd like a Baconator with lettuce and onions only please. Worker: Do you want cheese on that? Me: Yes please. Worker: No problem Ma'am first window please. I get back to work drooling to try my Baconator, and bite into it.... NO BACON!!!! And don't even get me started on how many times they forget a part of my order and I don' notice till I'm miles away! ***edited because I can't spell.
  4. Wow at first glance I thought that was Raf behind Hillary!
  5. RottieGrrrl

    What is...?

    You guys crack me up.
  6. HEY! Stop talking about my dad! :)
  7. Jeff that's really quite awesome. :)
  8. This is an oldie, and I probably posted this before, but it's one of my faves and since it's Memorial Day I thought I can get away with it! Dog Property Laws 1. If I like it, it's mine. 2. If it's in my mouth, it's mine. 3. If I can take it from you, it's mine. 4. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine. 5. If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way. 6. If I'm chewing something up, all the pieces are mine. 7. If it just looks like mine, it's mine. 8. If I saw it first, it's mine. 9. If you are playing with something and you put it down, it automatically becomes mine. 10. If it's broken, it's yours.
  9. Well, thanks for all your comments. I will not be condemned to stoning just yet. I have a few old corny ones up my sleeve. But now you have all unleashed my corniness. Thou shalt be warned..........
  10. Uh oh Rum, That WAS a Groaner!
  11. :P Bless you waysider. :P
  12. If the GSr's don't hit me for being corny, than Jesus will, for a really BAD joke, but that never stopped me before, here it goes... St Peter decides to take the day off to go fishing, so Jesus offers to keep an eye on the Pearly Gates. He is not sure what to do, so Peter tells him to find out a bit about people as they arrive in Heaven, and this will help him decide if he can let them in. After a while, Jesus sees a little old man with white hair approaching who looks very, very familiar. He asks the old man to tell him about himself. The old man says, "I had a very sad life. I was a carpenter and had a son who I lost at a relatively young age, and although he was not my natural child, I loved him dearly." Jesus welled up with emotion. He threw his arms around the old man and cried, "Daddy!!!" The old man replied, "Pinocchio!!!" ____________________________________________________________________________ please throw me stones of marshmallow. I will forgive you all when the time comes.
  13. HI JEFF! That was so sweet for the add! I added you too! Yeah my pic is me and my RottieGrrl Nico at PetSmart at Christmas!

  14. Hey no kidding about the gas. Believe me I thought of that when I got my money, how much will go towards gas and oil! WG: Yes! My dentist already explained the procudure to me and it's exactly as you say. The kit itself cost 245 bucks I believe he said. 2 hours at a time, and he warned me about smoking cause it could really get in the teeth. That's going to be hard for me. But yup, just like you said.
  15. hee hee. I knew you'd peek here Jeff. :)
  16. Yah no kidding. These gas prices arn't burning a hole through peoples pockets, their burning a hole through their pants. And prices everywhere are going up because of higher delivery costs. Man.
  17. LOL Ron, thanks. :) I liked the guy who said that's so old I remember when it was new.
  18. Direct Deposit last Friday. I went to VonMaur and got the cutest crystal lined top on sale half price for 49$! I also bought some rhinestone NYDJ (not your daughter's jeans) for 118$! What fun! :) Now I think I will get my teeth whitened. Someone write George Bush and tell him I did my part in saving the country!
  19. I know, I know! thanks for commenting though! lol. :) I'm waiting for my friend JeffSjo to chime in, he likes my silly jokes! but he usually accesses the puter from the library so I guess I have to wait.
  20. A lady walks into a bar and sees a really cute guy sitting at the counter. She goes over and asks him what he is drinking. "Magic Beer", he says She thinks he's a little crazy, so she walks around the bar, but after that there is no one else worth talking to,goes back to the man sitting at the bar and says,"That isn't really Magic Beer, is it?" "Yes, I'll show you." He takes a drink of the beer, jumps out the window,flies around the building 3 times and comes back in the window. The lady can't believe it: "I bet you can't do that again." He takes another drink of beer, jumps out the window, flies around the building three times, and comes back in the window. She is so amazed that she says she wants a Magic Beer, so the guy says to the bartender, "Give her one of what I'm having." She gets her drink, takes a gulp of the beer, jumps out the window, plummets 30 stories, breaks every bone in her body, and dies. The bartender looks up at the guy and says, "You know, Superman, you're a real a$$hole when you're drunk!"
  21. ((((((((((((WRDSANDWRKS))))))))))) THAT'S IT!!!!! Thank you SOOO much!
  22. When I'm reading greasespot forums, all of a sudden the replies are all links I have to click on, instead of just being able to read them all at once. Here is an example from the "Just plain silly thread." I can read the first post in full, but then the replies are like this. All links I have to click on to get to the full post. waysider YIKES! (In Ab minor) May 14 2008, 07:55 PM dmiller Hmmmm. I always thought *A Flat Miner* was what ... May 14 2008, 11:29 PM waysider This one is "killer"! ... Yesterday, 08:54 PM Steveo I dont mean to be mean, but I didnt care for that... Today, 05:49 AM waysider I dont mean to be mean, but I didnt care for that... Today, 06:53 AM RottieGrrrl This is definitely a guy thing. ;) Today, 09:46 AM This has happened once before and GreasyTech helped me out, but I totally forgot how to change the view on this thing! Can anyone help?
  23. This is definitely a guy thing. ;)
  24. :P Typical male response! (from a caveman no less!) :P
  25. WG these stories are a hoot. This is why when I go to my warehouse club I DON'T BROWSE. I know where the steaks/meats/desserts are and I hightail it there and out. Next time I may take a little extra time to notice what's going on around me....but then again....maybe not.
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