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Everything posted by RottieGrrrl

  1. Intresting stories WG! It's got to be either Costco or Sams.
  2. Btwi: My Mom says thank you very much :) I LOVE the men's expressions on this. They are so funny. They look more than the women! I'm going to show this to my boss tomorrow morning. He will get a kick out of this.
  3. RottieGrrrl

    Were you happy?

    Good Lord Lisa, you had a different experience than I in TWI. I'm so sorry. :( BUT, it really sounds like the typical garbage that was around. The group think tank in action. AND I know what you mean about knowing what you SHOULD have felt. I actully DID feel the anger and frustration, but it was, like you said, pooh poohed away by people who were more "spiritual" than I. Hell, it still goes on in "christian" churches and wayfer offshoots. I was really happy when I first started going to fellowship and learning about God and the truth of the bible. I was relieved that I wasn't going to hell, I never heard of being saved by grace and not by works, though it's a popular teaching now, I think the Way had really taught what people just were not teaching...anywhere... I felt I was a part of a family, something I needed, but I soon found out that I really was only part of the group if I did everything that they did, taking the classes etc. Truly, do you think anyone would have been welcomed back time after time if they weren't going to take their 200 dollar class? (by 1979 standards 200 dollars was a lot of money) Then after the damned 200 dollar class came the 100 dollar "intermediate" class that I faked my way through. Finally I thought, damn, I am 17 years old and I am trying to be responsible with my money, and I can take classes from here till the cows come home and it's never going to satisfy these people. I still think I have more commen sense than many ex-wayfers that are actively involved in the Way fellowship offshoots. I may not be as intelligent as some, but I have a hell of a lot more commen sense. And I don't try to gloss things over when it comes to the glaring mistakes made. I really hate that. Who do they think they're talking to? The same stupid 17 year old I was years ago? Looking back, I still think the people were young, enthusiastic, sincere, but that damn PFAL and the classes really ruined everything. I still think the people were for the most part, great. It's the Way that got in the way, so to speak, and as far as I can see from the small fellowships and offshoots, it's still that same damn tired old song and dance 30 years later.
  4. Yeah, talk about a million dollar strip act. Although I googled her and she calls herself a "performance artist." I'm okay with that! BTW I just showed that to my 89 year old Mom (happy mom's day!) and she was actually more curious about where this was than her act. I told her I don't know but this aint some strip club that's for sure. It looks like a theater.
  5. Wow! :blink: How does she do that?
  6. I like to call myself the "office manager." I work in a one girl office. Well, two girls if you count Nico. (my rottiegal) She goes to work with me every day! :P
  7. Yes! I was tempted by the same commercial, the upside down tomatos. I did research as well and I found mixed reviews so I nixed the idea. I'm wondering if anyone here has tried them.
  8. RottieGrrrl

    jonny lingo

    Thanks for the weather updates all! Makes me feel silly to complain about 50 degree temps here. Johnny sounds like you had a wonderful birthday, I bet the fish in restaurants there are as fresh as fishing for them yourself. Yum.
  9. RottieGrrrl

    jonny lingo

    I wonder what the temperature in Alaska is this time of year?
  10. Your welcome Jeff, my boss gave me that one. Yes you have to be careful in those public librarys I know!
  11. Dear Walter: I hope you can help me here. The other day I set off for work leaving my husband in the house watching the TV as usual. I hadn't gone more than a mile down the road when my engine conked out and the car shuddered to a halt. I walked back home to get my husband's help. When I got home I couldn't believe my eyes. He was in the bedroom with a neighbour lady making mad passionate love to her. I am 32, my husband is 34 and we have been married for twelve years. When I confronted him, he broke down and admitted that he'd been having an affair for the past six months. I told him to stop or I would leave him. He was let go from his job six months ago and he says he has been feeling increasingly depressed and worthless. I love him very much, but ever since I gave him the ultimatum he has become increasingly distant. I don't feel I can get through to him anymore. Can you please help? Sincerely, Mrs.. Sheila Usk Dear Sheila: A car stalling after being driven a short distance can be caused by a variety of faults with the engine. Start by checking that there is no debris in the fuel line. If it is clear, check the jubilee clips holding the vacuum pipes onto the inlet manifold. If none of these approaches solves the problem, it could be that the fuel pump itself is faulty, causing low delivery pressure to the carburetor float chamber. I hope this helps. Walter
  12. I wish I knew how to garden. I don't like flowers because they attract bees but I love vegtables. Home grown tomatos, green peppers, yum. I actually bought some opium poppie seeds (Papaver somniferum) because I thought I could grow them and slice open the pods and smoke them when I get my cramps, but I found out that although it's legal to buy the seeds it's illegal to grow them and I just don't want to take the chance. Although I'm sure people do grow them.
  13. Ok Thanks Paw, that makes sense, and thanks all and Brush what you said makes sense too, but I noticed SteveO's number 3000 and something so I just thought that's a HUGE difference over what the board says as far as how many registered members are here. :)
  14. How come the forum says "We have 2,429 registered members" but the most recent members who have posted have member numbers in the 3,000's? Just noticed that.
  15. Actually the pic isn't too bad it's the "message" that is a little raunchy. 7th grade humor, at best. :)
  16. I just found something for the guys. tee hee. At the risk of offending anyone I won't print the image just the link. ;) Why men shouldn't have online affairs
  17. jen-o. Another guy asked me the same thing, he wanted to send it to his co-horts. I haven't found one yet. The only thing I can think of to do is to do a google image search, with some choice (offensive) key words and turn OFF the "safe search" mode, so you can get any kind of results. BTW, I've SEEN some of these "phone sex" gals, when they've done specials on HBO. (when I had HBO) and this guy does have his female counterparts with sexy voices, that's for sure.
  18. This pic has been around for at least a few years that I know of. I'm just wondering who the heck this guy is and WHY on EARTH he would allow someone to take his pic. Or maybe he took it himself? Questions questions.
  19. Nah, copenhagen is just joking. I'm actually showing a pic of my last online rendezvous. PS. Stay away from him he's mine. <_<
  20. I saw that story too, and I guess that opened my eyes up to the greed and lack of humanity involved in that "sport." I was never a fan, but I thought to each their own. I will never look at horse racing the same again. How sad.
  21. Here is the link Top 10 Smartest and Dumbest Dogs THE SMARTEST 10: Australian Cattle Dog 9: Rottweiler 8: The Papillon 7: Labrador Retriever 6: Shetland Sheepdog 5:Doberman Pinscher 4: Golden Retriever 3: German Shepherd 2: Poodle And the smartest dog... 1. Border Collie THE DUMBEST 10: The Basset Hound 9: Beagle 8: Mastiff 7: The Pekingese 6: Bloodhound 5: Borzoi 4: Chow Chow 3: Bulldog 2: Basenji And the dumbest Dog.... 1: Afghan Well I don't know who made anyone an expert, but I did know one Afghan, totally brainless dog. I only met one though, in all fairness. I mean, not that I couldn't love one....
  22. I used to LOVE this guy back in the 80s. What a cutie! Kid Creole and The Coconuts If this doesn't get you dancing NOTHING will! Why can't YOU be like Endicott?
  23. You guys are all nuts. I guess that's why I feel I fit in.
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