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Everything posted by nandon

  1. nandon

    Song of the moment

    Shuck Dub R.L. Burnside
  2. nandon

    Song of the moment

    The Kinks Living on a thin line
  3. It was a 2 for one swap. It's even. The NY guy said "do what you have to do". Phil was not beloved. Mobs dont like wars because money is lost. The FBI guy said "YES, we're going to win this one!" when he heard phil died because they HAVE a case AND a witness that will testify against Tony. Had phill took tony out, that case would have been tossed out the window, and the FBI guys career wouldn't get advanced. The guys in the pizza place, could be hit men, or FBI guys watching him, or just chase messing with us.
  4. A lot of people have been seething about the final episode. I don't really get why they are so upset. First of all I am very satisfied with the show as a series. People are saying something like this: I wanted it to be more tied up, or I wanted a more conclusive ending.. What wasn't conclusive about it? Did you want the show to follow tony to the grave? Did tony have to Die or go to jail for it to be a good ending? To me, it was tied up and conclusive. Tony figured out a way to get rid of phill and get right with NY again, and he AJ finally got back on track, meadow is going good and carmela is all right. Paulie moved up, the therapist moved on. What else is there? Plus i liked the ending because it leaves the possibility of a movie. There could be more, but there doesn't have to be.
  5. i liked the ending, sets up a movie.
  6. i;ve got a feeling it will be at least a little disappointing. im taking back my original prediction. predictions: Tony and family leave. Phil dies. Paulie is Boss. Sill doesn't make it. and at some point Tony uses his AR-10 (just for the hell of it).
  7. I think Paulie takes over after tony gets whacked.
  8. Dr Gene Scott was amazing. I'm not offended at the video, reminds me of a baseball manager going nuts... kind of funny. I can see how its offensive though. LMAO at the cigar, hat, glasses and beard... At LEAST he REALLY did have a PHD. too bad he's dead, i think his wife teaches now. Gene Scott puts VPW and LCM to absoulte shame. Combined, they don't even come close to his ability, education, impact and apparently rants on worldwide TV.
  9. you have a link to that thread? thanks :>
  10. So they did recognize it (kind of)?
  11. wonder if they had sex after the show
  12. How do you post youtube videos so that it just shows the video on the post, not a hyper link?
  13. Yes he is a fantastic human being, no doubt about that.
  14. roader, I got out around 2000-2001 i don't know what they do now, but i remember leutenant col. sam* something was on the STS for a couple years in a row on Vet's Day. *what was his name? i forget.. I think it was sam something
  15. TWI is huge into military people. I think you're wrong here. I know veterans day is a big deal.
  16. nandon

    oscar vs floyd

    i ordered it, can't wait to see it. but, i think UFC will now be my focus, when it comes to fight sports. i hope oscar wins
  17. Leah was a tremendous person. I had a lot of fun hanging out with her at rock of ages and advanced class specials. very solid person. had no animosity or hate whatsoever. Hope to see her again one day.
  18. LOL. who thought of that idea?
  19. thanks Bliss... damn boone gettin a divorce,,, bummer, he's still involved w/TWI? The hobbs were fun people, I'm glad i got a chance to know them.
  20. The wallaces, mark and jo, lobiancos, tom and mary edwards, dave and susan mignolis, frank and john hobbs, boone ray anyone know anything about them? where they're at etc.. thanks
  21. interesting thing i just noticed... Both sides of this argument seem to be motivated by fear. ANIT_GUN_PPL: "IF people HAVE guns" 1. afraid of careless folks having a gun, 2. afraid that accidental gunfire will kill/injure ppl etc. 3. afraid crimials will have advantage over them. PRO-GUN-ppL: "If People dont have guns" 1. afraid that criminals WILL have and advantage over them, 2. Afraid the governemnt will turn against them, 3. afraid of invasion from another country I don't really think its a bad thing to be motivated by fear.
  22. wait a second... Couldn't basinger Just have given that recording to the a judge or her lawyer and handeled it that way? Wouldn't a Judge see that Baldwin is possibley out of control with his fathering skills and wouldn't the judge do something to check into the situation (supervised visits for 6 months, loss of visitation or whatever they do)? My question is: Couldn't a favorable result could have been gained by Kim for the kid without it going public? PS If anything I say is BS in anyones opinion... please let me know, i am not offended by that term. I enjoy people who disagree with me it helps me re-think my positions, although I ignore ad hominem arguments as much as possible. Others may feel different and I respect that. Good point. I guess it could turn out to be a positive. Very funny movie
  23. D, u think this phone call was at the same intensity level as that story? meh,... i see what your saying, i just don't think that THIS phone call was THAT violoent.. that's where we disagree,, but i get what you're saying, and you're right.
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