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Everything posted by Lightside

  1. I heard VPW say it 62 times..... "Over 900 promises", in the Old Testament.
  2. Alfakat, Who is the pretty girl in the picture with you? She looks so fimiliar. Has she got a first name? Thanks,
  3. Speaking of Good Seed, I'm looking at their 1973 album right now. Here are the tunes: Born Again Love The Lord Farther Along How great Thou Art Living In Love What A Friend Looking Up Gather Round Believers I Saw The Light The Future is Bright Thought I'd drop some names; and maybe some of youz guys can remember sometin' about um. Greg Anderson Rich Gootee Jeff Tyler Rick Panyard Doug Adams Chris Browning Mark Hood Jim Moore Steve Rudolph I also have an album titled: Good Seed/rooted and grounded, with Brian Bliss singing "Let the Music Start", "Happy to be home again", by Barry McCoy; and "Bright and Morning Star", by Joe Fair, Ralph Graham and Paul Cuoco, with the rest of the Good Seed gang singin' the rest of the songs. But my all-time Good Seed song is: Accidentally
  4. Didn't he sing that Ambassador song? Oh, Ted, you got the words to that one?
  5. Check out this site: http://www.hammerjammer.com/ One piece of fruit of this talented mans contribution to his great passion-Music Check out the pic of his daughter-Kristina
  6. I did pop in Cliffs CD and got all the words down on paper. Man, that stuff is poetry in motion. Remember America Awakes, 1976 or so. Brians song: Sons of God I've got half the song down from memory; but have forgotten the last verses. Can you remember the words? I use to print out that song as a poem and give it to Christians I met. Very powerful. At the end of the poem, I put: Author: A Follower of the Way,The Lord Jesus Christ No hype intended, but I still believe that many of these men and women were, like the OT describes, Prophets of music, God inspired seers, chief musicians, directors of temple worship--In NT terms: A GIFT OF GOD TO THE BODY. [This message was edited by Lightside on December 25, 2002 at 7:51.]
  7. Cliff and Lynn recorded a CD in June of 2001, called, "All we Have", The Love Guy and His Gal. Yep, My Life's Dream is on it. I'll get the words to the song to ya, shortly. Cliffs website: All-We-Have.com E-mail me: abcz@mail.com if you want Cliff and Lynns address and telephone number, e-mail address (it's on the CD, inner cover) Listening to this CD is like listening to the Bee Gees singin' their old tunes in the 21st Century. It'll bring tears to your eyes!!
  8. HEARTBEAT-Joyful Noise-PDSTRO Easy to love you It's gotta be God Pioneer Putting wings to your prayer Brand new way Gospel songs accidentally Give a listen Two hands All the love in your heart He was quite a man You rescued me OUR HEARTS KNIT TOGETHER-Agape Gather round brothers and sisters God delivered Jesus Christ Father and child Blessed is the nation Give him your heart Heart of England God's heart pulsates Fireside song Our hearts knit together The hope Time to Dance-Paul Vergilio Dionisio He sent His Word God can do it all for you Still sweeter every day Best of God's heart Do my will I like to witness Changed JOYFUL NOISE Simple life Lift you heart to the Lord Which way are you headin' You've got to come back Brand new way-Now I know who socks is. Christian man Give Christ a try Deliverance Who has rolled away the stone When you've got it, you've got it Ready to go-Our beloved Ted Ferrell JOYFUL NOISE-II You've got to listen You are what God says you are Brand new me God's love is the answer It's available The comforter has come-God bless Ted Pentecost song New life Precious Lord Thankful JOYFUL NOISE-III God's wonderful people family song Lord I believe Fountin of living waters Isn't god Good Attic of you mind-Teddie bear Ferrell Healthy, wealthy & wise Blue skies My life's dream Our hearts knit together-David Bailey My most favorite collectible album: WE'RE ON GOD'S TEAM-Joyful Noise We're on God's team He is all that I need I've been born again Raise your head Both barrels blazin' I'm gonna carry my bible to school Words of my Father One day Stand and be counted We're on God's team (Reprise) Why you may ask? Because I have the autographs of all the Joyful Noise artists on the cover. Dean, Claudettee, Johnnie, Cliff, Skip, Richie, Brian, Ken, Ted, Mary Ann, Stevie Kay, Helen, David, Bev, Ralph, Joe, Paul, Mike--Where ever you are, Thanks for the memories--Your songs healed one broken souls heart--Mine
  9. At our last meeting EVER, call it our excommunication-take a vacation meeting with our new area leader, he stated an outright lie. My wife and I, with all the love of God in our hearts, tried, by stating that he had forgotten what he said, then saying he misunderstood what he said, then showing him a copy of the statements he made. (IN WRITING) The son of a b-tch still denied it. One and a half years later, we were told by a corps grad, who was at the area leaders excommunication-take a vacation meeting, that the Way ministry fired him for: "MAKING DEVILISH DECISIONS CONCERNING BELIEVERS LIVES" In 18 months this guy DESTROYED THE AREA. AND THE WAY INTERNATIONAL "DID NOTHING" TO CORRECT THIS FIRED EMPLOYEES MISTAKES.
  10. Hi, Yes it is me, Mrs. Lightside. I live in Columbus, Ohio. We no longer stand with TWI since October,1994. What a blessed decision, we love being reconciled with our brother and sisters in Christ. You may contact me at cabarney@columbus.rr.com. Carol
  11. Check out the work of Dr. Thorpe: HTTP://www.peregrineinc.com/ Awaiting China SDA approval on up to 10 different cancers. Peregine expecting 3-brain,lung,colon cancer. Awaiting FDA approval for Phase III clinical trials for brain cancer Many believe this guy is responsible for the success of this company: http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=237 People of today believe this just as much as 1st century folks believed that dippin' in a pool of water would heal them or touching a hankie that the MOG touched. Maybe God is alittle bigger than our little box vision of Him.
  12. http://www.kingstontrio.com/ Never forget being in the second grade around 1958, going on a field trip, to the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I., formerly Kings Town. We get to a frat house, and who do you think is there?? Yep, the Kingston Trio, playin' for the kids. They had done a small gig at the university and wanted to perform for us youngins. [This message was edited by Lightside on November 25, 2002 at 17:55.]
  13. Were in South Bend, IN. Are they still there or taken new Corps assignment? Thanks, [This message was edited by Lightside on November 24, 2002 at 14:19.]
  14. Did Rick have a window cleaning business in Columbus, late 80's, early 90's? If so, this Rick moved to Florida.
  15. In the 1989-94 era, when the way was hurtin' for corp candidates, you think they would have been a-little-sweet. In my experience, as soon as they found out you wanted to go in the corps, they got their claws out, and showed their true colors. It was obvious, right in your face, as soon as you sent in the application, you immediately became a flawed believer, who THEY were gonna straighten out. SO glad we wrote um back and said: Thanks, but no thanks!!! This became the biginning of the end for us.
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