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Everything posted by OldSkool

  1. In my experiences there was a lot of laziness within leadership at twi. Any burden that could roll downhill lands on the next tier all the way down to the those attending fellowship.
  2. Thx. I was very emotional when i posted it due to the very personal nature of things and could ve done better in my wording for clarity sake. I really aporeciate the kind words.
  3. I only hope im marked n avoided. That way in case i ever have a sucker attack to go back they wont let me...lmao.
  4. I don't remember any of your responses and aren't sure that i've followed along on your threads. Be that as it may, Wierwille wasn't a Dr and was a plagiarist. The way international is very selective in what they allow / disallow when it comes to what is deemed acceptable in the lives of their followers. I think our Lord called it straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel. TWI picks out the tiniest minutia in their followers lives to hold them accountable and keep them on the hamster wheel. Never fast enough never good enough. Yet TWI knowingly turns a blind eye to all the BS that wierwille pulled, from his sexual exploitation of young females in his congregation , to his plagiarism in most all his works, to his crap doctorate degree from pikes peak, etc. Standards are standards and according to TWI they strive to exceed acceptable standards in any and all categories as representatives of Christ. But they only do so where it doesn't threaten their sham of a ministry by exposing VPW for the fraud he really was. Anywho, not my place to judge your walk and I really hope that your life is great while getting better everyday. Cheers!
  5. Im doing great. I attribute that to not believing a lot of what wierwille copied into "his" books from other authors. His works are loaded with error. I did my rounds through the offshoots when i first left twi. All of them are based on wierwilles stolen material. Of course Shoenheit has a vested interested in telling u you would do well with wierwilles books since his own cult is based on wierwille.
  6. Lol no worries. Its a work in progress around here.
  7. Pretty cool illustration of how donations should be used to help meet peoples needs. I was in twi from 1996 to 2008. ANY and ALL donations went to HQ. Money needed within the regions was allocated by HQ and sparingly at that. Twi hoards money for the sheer greed of it. Barely any monetary compensation is sent to non-salaried way corps to cover expenses incurred while doing ministry business. Those who ask for money are heavily discouraged from doing so by their limb or region leadrship. The bone heads running the show at HQ figure theyve taught people how to fish instead of giving them the fish they need. Law of believing / tithing /abs / plurality giving. Sink or swim in other words. The Way International is highly reprobate when it comes to using donations to help those in need.
  8. Lol! Now thats comforting! Vodka, but either one will do. ;)
  9. Rofl!! Good point, how is one to know if their posessesed or not? Ok off to felloeship for some discerning of spirits.
  10. The other kids basically were blamed for being a bad influence on Tim.
  11. Last i knew Tom and Marilyn were in Raleigh NC. They were my moms branch anfellowship coordinators. This was of 2008 so not sure since then.
  12. So very typical. Rosie wants to appear to not be in charge but she n donnie i mean donna def still at the helm. Reminds me of when T!m M@rtind@le and a car load of young staffers went out to Grand Lake in Celina and got wasted. All the young staffers were fired when word got out of their night of youthful drunkenness. T!m wasnt disciplined. In fact he had a room in founders hall. Donna took his name plate off the door but he was still staying there anytime he needed. I dealt with the blowback for months from young people on staff. Oh, there was a mass exodus of young staffers that same year. Once word got out on the field it became very difficult to bring young people to HQ. Lol. Just give the appearance of change, you know, shuffle the cards a little but same deck, same predictible results. Anytime rosie starts a sentence with "I think blah blah" it's understood as a command. I have no doubt jydl knows all to well what rosie red thinks should be done. And thats ecactly what he will do. A spineless yes maam is he. (Typed in my best Yoda voice.)
  13. Appreciate the link Skyrider. Had never read that thread before. Blizzard, whiteout, pitch black sky, snowstorm(s), snowjob - whats the diff? Meh.
  14. Still sound great, very talented. I didnt even get posessed listening. Vpw was an idiot for whatever beef he had with these guys.
  15. Great post, dont be a stranger Socks!
  16. I had forgotten all about that. I remember well now that you mention it.
  17. Lol, no its not. U cant unsee something once seen. To top it off i cant shake that damn chorus out of my head. I remember they wrote that pos when i was still in. Watching it live was hilarious. That one track was the laughing stock amongst so many of my former peers. Funny stuff. I guess you either laugh or cry...lol
  18. Seems like there are multiple factors that killed creativity and caused proffesional grade musicians to gtfo. I can say for a fact that rosie micromanages every aspect of the sts. The current sorry state of way productions is a reflection of her non musical controlling influences. Sure nobody's surprised with that info. The sorry state of twi is a reflection of where she led it. Anywho back to work.
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