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Everything posted by OldSkool

  1. Personally, I didnt. My department coordinator at the time told us what was going on and if we were approached by this person to go ahead and be as candid as possible. The changes started soon afterwards. They basically reconfigured a lot of HQ specific practices after this person visited. If I had to guess I would say the way's lawyers were behind this maneuver in case the court cases did goto trial. So, yes, this was in the year 2000/2001 for certain. When the changes happened they happened quick. No more need basis employment arrangement, no longer mandatory to be at lunch, no longer mandatory to attend STS, pregnancy policy went away silently, on down the line. Understand that the Allen lawsuit shook these idiots to the corps of their souls, and instead of coming clean and navigating the issues honestly they employ every underhanded, slap happy method to whitewash and conceal what wierwille and martindale had been doing all those years. They were in survival mode and they were likely smart enough to understand without their contrived, controlled environment they would all be working menial jobs someplace that doesnt care they were once directors of a cult.
  2. 2001ish. There were many many changes during that time, the wooden spoon was the most memorable. Its difficult to seperate which changes came from which action. With the cult expert we were told to be honest and talk to them. Yes, they had to tell people to be honest.
  3. They didnt want the perception that TWI promoted or condoned child abuse. There were plenty of abusive situation they want to cover up and the law suits were over abusive practices.
  4. I feel it's the inverse. We reasoned God put of existence by demanding a formless God can only exist if he's proven to have form. The enlightenment period comes to mind as to where on the horizon the shift occured.
  5. Word!! Exactly what happened. This is why the wooden spoon fell out of favor because all the mom's carried one. Imagine how freaky that looked to a cult expert. He probably laughed.
  6. Oh ya, I used to boast that I WAS PRES CABINET...as if that really meant something...it doesnt, and it didnt, and it never did. It means I was one of a group of people given high-pressure administrative jobs to help the directors because they couldnt micromanage effectively enough with out such a support structure. We were nothing, I was a nobody living in fantasy land in a cornfield with a group of equally deluded individuals engaged in a giant circle....yeah. But dont ya love it when someone tries to use one of those cheesy, made up positions as if God almighty set the person in that position. Laughable.
  7. So, you are saying that if PFLAP isnt masered enough it causes self-destruction. How astute. Yet you are still trying to pump life into that BS. Do youever get tired of banging your head against the same obstacles?
  8. Wasnt me, but the law of believing certainly sets a person on a prideful, unrealistic pedestal because it leads a person to believe that they can visualize their way out of anything, which is impossible.
  9. My Lord, I have seen people imagine themselves into scripture in so many, many ways. Like parallells between Vic and the Apostle Paul passing down the mantle to craig the way Paul did with Timothy. You guys sure like to pretend. But you ignore the scriptures that Peter mentioned that accurately describe Vic, Craig and all the rest who were in on their escapades. 2 Peter 2:14 Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:
  10. My illustration with my son covered a two year time span before I started to figure out something was rotten. In that two years I reshuffled the chairs on the titanic in every conceiveable configuration with no success.
  11. I would need two copies of pflap, one to induce vomiting and the other one to cover up the mess..
  12. No, they wouldnt. Just like when Roaslie let the cult expert that BakerHostedder brought to HQ to interview people to see if TWI was really a cult, they would find out all they needed to know in a very short timeframe. The cult expert's conclusion that TWI was a cult based on these factors. Rosalie then made superficial changes in appearance only to make TWI seem like it was no longer a cult. Your acting like these highly trained profofessionals would stumble over spiritual matters, I assure they wouldnt. Mike sees a scarcity of miracles because he believes mastering PFAL materials brings them about. That's really sad.
  13. It would be interesting to say the least. Personally, I feel without the fake, controlled fellowship environment, classes and all the re-indoctrination that most people would recognize pflap as half baked, semi Christian self help material. I don't care which class and I don't care which version of pflap book. Without that group constantly rubbing in how great and miraculous the material is hardly anybody would arrive at the same conclusions based on applying the content alone. And God forbid a somewhat astute observer compares pflap to scripture because then it really falls flat. It's that Barnum and Bailey hype that convinces people of the material, not the fruit of the material itself.
  14. No. I moved on from the law of believing in any and all forms to a faith based relationship with Jesus Christ. I would watch pflap for it's entertainment value and that's about it.
  15. And please note how mike continues to assime scarcity of miracles in our lives. I have no shortage of miracles in my life, except I simply have no need to sound like Im boasting. So I will keep my life as private as needed in this regard.
  16. Because I can recognize a lie? Nah. Ive moved on. I understand fullwell what the lob is all about. Occultist use it too there mikey. But anywho. Im out for now.
  17. Because the law of believing if false. It's that simple. Ive moved from a law of believing based relationship, where I do everything, to a faith in God/Christ relationship where my faith is in God to fulfill his promises and meet my needs above all that I could ask or think. To be clear I am not longer stuck where I was trying to rationalize why God wouldnt answer my demands. Now I ask (of course I do what I can) but I ask and wait on the Lord.
  18. The video is definitely biased to a Christian perspective. I kinda glean what I can and keep it pushing. Keep in mind whatever video I post is simply to watch and discuss if need be. I almost never agree 100% with the videos and will call bias with a quickness. Anywho, thanks for tagging along. As I said for me it's more of a eyeopener that our founders had various beliefs and it wasn't all Bible verses and Kumbya. Personally, I fault mainstream Christianity for saying they were Christians in the first place. A fairly brief study proves otherwise, so all the gushy gush that America founded asa Christian nation is false. I would say everyone benefitted from liberty.
  19. To be clear, I found the video an easy answer to the fundamentalist beliefs that our founding fathers were Christian. Personally, I don't care what they believed I just want the truth on the matter. With me that's where it ends begins and ends
  20. It hasn't been fun or easy but well worth it. I'm alive and happy.
  21. Thanks! The encouragement means a lot.
  22. One of the way corps principles....complete bullshonta. Usually an indepth spiritual blah blah resulted in someone getting accused of being possessed and given the bums rush after sleeping with one of the trustees.
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