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Everything posted by Raf

  1. It's not black and white. Even after you ID the film, you may not figure out what the "thing in common" is. Every other hint is more revealing than the Wings clue. Especially the one I hid in response to WordWolf's first guess. So let me clarify something else: Eastwood did not direct the movie I'm thinking of. He directed the Best Picture winner from the year before. The one Eastwood directed was written by the same person.
  2. Nope. It's a more mundane thing in common than that. How many movies won Best Picture where the writer/director conceded later some other movie should have won? Can't be a long list. It'll hit you.
  3. Baby Grand Billy Joel and Ray Charles sing a love song to their pianos.
  4. Glenn Miller Patsy Cline Otis Redding Aaliyah John Denver Stevie Ray Vaughn Ricky Nelson... And I can't name anyone in Lynyrd Skynyrd, but a bunch of them. That should count.
  5. Planet of the Apes Mark Wahlberg The Departed
  6. There was a rich man from Nottingham Who tried to cross a river. What a dope! He tripped on a rope! Now look at him shiver! Beg for mercy, Rich Man!
  7. Minor correction: The Eastwood movie won Best Picture first. Then this movie, which was made first and released first, but due to Oscar rules was not eligible until the following year. I still haven't sorted that out.
  8. Crash Brendan Fraser Blast From The Past
  9. So Wings was the first Best Picture winner. It has something unusual in common with ONE other Best Picture winner. What was the movie, and what feature does it share with Wings and no other Best Picture winner? It was a 21st century movie. It was decidedly NOT a favorite to win. Its screenwriter holds the distinction of writing two consecutive Best Picture winners. This was the first. He directed it. Clint Eastwood directed the second. The screenwriter/director later said this movie didn't deserve to win. A lot of people agreed with him. One notable exception: Roger Ebert.
  10. They say no one's gonna play this on the radio. They say melancholy blues are dead and gone. But only songs like these played in minor keys Keep those memories holding on.
  11. "I have broken the fourth commandment, Padre." "You killed somebody?" "No, that is not the fourth commandment!"
  12. You could mention that the theme song hit the charts. Unlike SWAT, it had lyrics. [I'm already behind on so many threads, I just didn't want to hold up yet another one. Heeeeh heeeeeeh heeeeeeh].
  13. It did get air time, but yeah, a little on the obscure side. In my time I've wandered everywhere Around this world, she would always be there Any day, any hour, all it takes is the power in my hands...
  14. Scrooged. I'll catch up. Promise
  15. totally forgot this. it is a kevin Smith film. It had 2 sequels.
  16. Late at night, when it's dark and cold I reach out for someone to hold. When I'm blue, when I'm lonely, She comes through. She's the only one who can.
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