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Everything posted by Raf

  1. Casablanca: The Next Generation Starring James Van der Beek, Paris Hilton and Jamie Kennedy
  2. Ok, I'll fess up: I pretended to like that song. Dreadful, wasn't it? Why am I here? I enjoy chatting. I enjoy dialogue. And it's cheaper than therapy.
  3. Hooray! Good news bustin out all over, eh?
  4. Aren't you glad I linked to a Superman movie without using someone a bit more obvious?
  5. Superman III Robert Vaughn Baseketball
  6. That's not a very nice thing to say, Steve! Oh, you meant...
  7. If it were an inaccurate description, I'd be insulted. As it stands, I'm very happy to see that someone went and named a drink for me! If I see it, I'll raise a glass in your honor.
  8. Is pawnbroker sharon's hubby?
  9. I'm not surprised that you can't see the comparison and therefore write it off as 'idiotic." If I had any respect for your analytical skills, I'd try to explain it to you. But I don't. So I won't.
  10. Well, at the very least, people should remember all the good he did done and not focus so much on his diet. Have some respect for the dead, after all.
  11. You know, the vast majority of people who met Jeffrey Dahmer did not end up on his dinner plate. Why judge him based on what happened to a few?
  12. Batman and Robin Chris O'Donnell The Bachelor
  13. welcome to the cafe, pawnbroker. Please, provide the next quote for us to guess...
  14. The cop, con, victim Misunderstanding that leads To a tragic choice
  15. "You look like the poster boy for birth control."
  16. Must be an Irene Cara film festival today.
  17. That would explain similar. It wouldn't explain identical. Oh, and NO ONE noticed that Marty, er, Clint was a ringer for Seamus McFly? No one?
  18. Well, I didn't want to look obsessed. I'd forgotten the first quote, to be honest, so the allusion (on TWO other threads!!!) was a coincidence. The second quote rang a bell. The absolute giveaway is the Elvis' birthday quote. Some other TWI-appropriate quotes in that film: Don't let your - run you life. You are a pitiful b-. :)-->
  19. Yes, Wojo was in DC Cab. He ran the cab company, if I recall correctlike.
  20. If you see him again, tell him I saw DC Cab like five times. :)--> Two DC Cab references in one day. Haven't thought about that movie in years!
  21. But hell, it's a free drink. I'll down it and worry about the commentary later.
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