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Everything posted by Raf

  1. We have test results, but they're secret test results. See, that's why no one's collected the million dollars yet. They want to keep the test results secret. Gimme a B! Gimme and UNK! What does it spell?
  2. Quick Change Jason Robards All the President's Men
  3. Pirate wins that faceoff... Last entry was Randy Quaid.
  4. Was anyone else in Doc Hollywood?
  5. Bob Hoskins Who Framed Roger Rabbit Christopher Lloyd
  6. I cheated to find it: Good one, Sharon!
  7. I put Tom up originally, then changed it. That was the edit. I like avoiding the obvious when I can (ie, Max von Sydow instead of Ah-nuld for Conan).
  8. Everything I've seen so far adds up to an awesome movie. I hope I'm right.
  9. Here's a link I bet you didn't expect... Max Von Sydow Minority Report Colin Farrell I made a quick edit: hope no one noticed.
  10. I don't know. All the New Yorkers who live here think it should be considered the South. Actually, it's only SOUTH Florida (east and west, I think) that are not considered "the south." We look at Tallahassee as South Georgia.
  11. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? "I practice three hours a day so that when I meet a pirate, I can kill him!"
  12. Brian Dennehy Presumed Innocent Paul Winfield
  13. I was away for a bit and missed this drivel, so allow me a late response: If someone were to say drinking sewer water was beneficial, I would point out that it's not. I don't imagine it would go beyond that, but if such a person were to persist in his insistence that sewer water was beneficial, I would continue with more facts before finally giving up on him. Whether you consider it a waste of time or not is really not my concern. You asked for a substantive thread I had started, then you judge me for responding to someone else's deeply held belief. I am not really concerned about your judgment, truth be told. I didn't ask you, and now that I have your judgment, I will promptly ignore it.
  14. I still want to know why Jean Luc Picard has an English accent. Maybe the British have taken over France by the 23rd Century.
  15. Cesar Romero Batman Burgess Meredith
  16. Oh, shoot: Is that "It Happened One Night"?
  17. Don't wanna be me? Step through this door and be him! Plus, I can control!
  18. The Talented Mr. Ripley
  19. You can go with any movie you want. I'm only teasing about the oldies.
  20. This reminds me of another poster who said we shouldn't criticize Wierwille's doctrine because 98% of it is true. I asked him how he determined the percentage that is true without being "critical." Never did get an answer. Calling people mudslingers because they tell the truth about VPW is as silly as calling the prophets mudslingers because they told the truth about David. (Well you were the one making the comparison, Senator). Wierwille's sins, and their exposure, are a warning to those who claim to speak for God. The truth will be told.
  21. You should really do a little bit of research before declaring as "strawman" a position that someone on this board actually holds. Strawman implies that I made up that position, which is not true. Had you been a real investigative engineer, you'd have known that.
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