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Everything posted by Raf

  1. Raf


    You guys are just full of joyous occasions, aren't you? p.s. My Firebolt is a 1998 model. Sturdy, reliable. Sweeps well into corners and around skyscrapers.
  2. I recently enjoyed "Where is God When Bad Things Happen" by Luis Palau. Very comforting.
  3. Raf

    If Steve! Were God

    Oye, don' mess with Gloria Dios! Latinos are more protective of Gloria Dios than they are of Madre Maria and Espiritu Santo...
  4. Intriguing. And Hawaiian so-called pizzas are banned from the premises, correct?
  5. Harvey Keitel The Piano Anna Paquin
  6. Raf

    The ! Anniversary

    Hard to believe it's a year, April 10. A year since the par juice. A year since the spiritual ring. A year since the SNORT! A year since two, er, six of the luckiest people I know became one family. Congratulations Steve! and Cindy! and the ! litter.
  7. I remembered reading about that, but something doesn't make sense there: "approximately one month" would mean that Wierwille saw his snowstorm in early September of 1942. Impossible. That's summer. There's conflicting info on this, I know.
  8. Just make sure you both bring physical rings.
  9. Johnny Depp Edward Scissorhands Winona Ryder
  10. Yeah, thanks Engine. And thanks, Jerry.
  11. It's way out in the middle of nowhere, I'm sure. No flights available to the public, but if you know where to look, you can get there by broom. I'll get my firebolt. :)--> Congrats!
  12. Christopher Walken The Dead Zone Martin Sheen
  13. Leave it to TWI to take a concept born of individual generosity and turn it into an obligation. It goes beyond abundant sharing It's giving your plurality You really want to move the Word It's time to raise your vision. It goes beyond abundant sharing. It's giving your plurality You've got the choice. It's in the Word. What's your decision? Don't you love how the "choice" is not whether or not to give, but rather whether or not to "do the Word." It's okay if you DON'T do the Word. That's your choice. You're just not doing the Word. No guilt trip there, right? Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver.
  14. Holy cow. Zix, I have to agree with you on this one. Excellent.
  15. I want to point out that I have no problem with the accuracy and integrity of God's Word. I simply do not believe that PFAL is synonymous with that term, and the fact that something appears in PFAL is not evidence to me that it is "the accuracy and integrity of God's Word." It is a thesis to be tested, as the scripture instructs us to do. I'm tired of sycophants criticizing researchers who do exactly what God's Word instructs us to do, which is to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good. I think Wierwille got a lot right. Allos and heteros is something he got wrong. Big whoop? Yeah, big whoop, unless you are so wedded to his "rightness" that you are both unwilling and unable to see the plain truth right in front of your eyes, merely because it plainly and flatly contradicts what the earth-shaker wrote and taught in a class. He was fallible. His works were fallible. So why does it surprise anyone when a flaw is pointed out and documented?
  16. Raf

    If Steve! Were God

    Nope. I have it on good authority that Mrs. God is a Latina. Her name is Gloria Dios. Spanish people invoke her name all the time.
  17. Wierwille used the definitions of heteros and allos as part of his proof that there were four crucified, not two, with Jesus. That part of his argument is discredited. I agree with WTH in that it doesn't mean (by itself) that the four crucified position is wrong. It simply means that the heteros allos part of the evidence does not prove what Wierwille said it proved.
  18. Chris Rock Head of State Bernie Mac
  19. Clearly, you cannot be speaking of Wierwille, for whom the concept of "research" in this particular instance meant regurgitating what so-and-so said about allos and heteros (had his research extended further, he would have seen that he was wrong).
  20. I'd pull THE's feeding tube in a heartbeat if Paw would let me get away with it.
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