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Everything posted by Raf

  1. Okay, new game (not that the old one is going anywhere)... This is simple: I quote the movie, you name it. If you guess correctly I say yes, and you pick the next quote. Try to wait until your "guess" is verified, but if you're absolutely positively sure, then go on without verification. (Example: "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" comes from Gone With the Wind. You don't have to wait for me to verify that. But other quotes may be a bit obscure). Ready? Begin... That is one nutty hospital.
  2. Holy God! IDOLATRY ALERT! IDOLATRY ALERT! AWOOOGA! AWOOOGA! AWOOGA! He made the earth move under his feet He brought religion tumblin down (tum-bul-ing down)
  3. Andy Serkis Dangit, what movies has he been in? Oh, wait, I know! Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (Yes he was. His role was minor, but he was in it). Sean Bean
  4. No, he did not. He has not. He continues to dodge, distract...
  5. You haven't been. Relatively, anyway.
  6. All current and former members of TWI are welcome at the GSCafe. :)-->
  7. Actually, I found it was a fairly easy task. The only difficulty is in your persistent denials that this task was accomplished within a week of your arrival. Mike, Yes it is.
  8. Tref, :)--> Take a look at the opening post on the thread. That should explain it. Please, please continue. Molly Shannon My Boss' Daughter Ashton Kutchner (sp?)
  9. I agree! Hear me out, though: My belief is that if we who still profess to be Christians decide to follow this advice, and honestly examine the scriptures, we will not have lost any "baby" in PFAL. We will, however, have lost ALL the bathwater. Not a bad exchange.
  10. And why is PFAL so great if it, too, is riddled with errors (and it is)?
  11. I haven't read everything and won't have time to right now, but to answer a coupole of things: 1. By fair/unfair, I meant that you deliberately compare my decision to give a certain amount with the compulsory/guilt tripping of TWI's ABuSe, which detracts from the value of your argument. 2. Making a pledge and following through on it is not even close to being told that giving less than 10 percent is ROBBING God, and anything above that is just peachy. They're not the same thing, and your comparison of them is ludicrous. Other points later. Off to dinner in NYC! :)-->
  12. There's a mistake at the top of this page. Trefor Heywood's entry appears to be invalid. How did you get from Daniel Day Lewis to Brenda Fricker without a movie in between them? Daniel Day Lewis is where we leave off.
  13. Cute. Only problem is, Jason Isaacs was in only ONE of the Harry Potter movies, so she could only have meant II. In the future, please indicate complete titles. :)-->
  14. Buzzzz! That's the same movie. Also, sequels and/or prequels are not allowed if both actors are in both movies. (In other words, you can't use Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets because it's the same movie Jason Isaacs was in, and you can't use Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone because Alan Rickman and Richard Harris were in both movies). Since Jason Isaacs was only in one Harry Potter movie, Chamber of Secrets was the only possibility. Here's something that WOULD have been allowed: Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone Ian Hart Finding Neverland Why? Because Ian Hart was ONLY in the first Harry Potter movie (he played Prof. Quirrel). So if you're using sequels and prequels to get to an actor who's ONLY in one installment, that's okay. But not to get to actors in all the installments. Get it? Got it? Good. WE left off at Richard Harris. The Count of Monte Cristo Jim Caviezel Frequency
  15. Hey, why isn't my logo coming up?
  16. What we do on our time, stays on our time. Oh, and Steve! If you're going to shamelessly plug another website, do it with some style...
  17. Raf

    Forum Pruning

    Here's an idea: delete all threads whose sole purpose is to ask another poster to look at his/her privates. Er, private topics. That ought to save about 9,000 or 10,000 posts right there.
  18. Tim Robbins Mystic River Kevin Bacon And that's a long time between Kevin Bacon references!
  19. Paul Newman The Hustler Jackie Gleason :D-->
  20. I think judgment and logic are symbiotic. But what do I know? :)--> JERRY! JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!
  21. Raf

    Forum Pruning

    Taking the name of THE in vein? I have never, EVER, injected the name of THE into my bloodstream.
  22. Raf

    Forum Pruning

    Oh, all right. How about the archived birthday threads? And does this mean our post counts will drop (I don't have enough arguing left in me to get back up to 5,000).
  23. Raf

    Forum Pruning

    please.... kill.... THE
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