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Lifted Up

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Posts posted by Lifted Up

  1. When I at last began to resign myself to the fact that no further aid was to be expected from man, and knowing that I was utterly powerless to do anything for my own salvation, I kneeled with earnest fervor and asked assistance from Heaven. The remembrance of my innocent childhood, the memory of my mother, known only in my infancy, came welling forth from my heart. I had recourse to prayer. And little as I had a right to be remembered by Him whom I had forgotten in the hour of prosperity, and whom I so tardily invoked, I prayed earnestly and sincerely.

    Another short excerpt...

    Our hostess offered to pull off our stockings and trousers, according to the custom of the country, but as we graciously declined to be so honored, she left us to our bed of dry fodder.

  2. on parallel lines, with so many international players these days, what does a catcher or pitching coach say to someone that doesnt speak english when they go to the mound?

    Dunno; my thought would be how does an umpire toss someone for getting to personal if they are doing it in another language?

    Haven't seen any Russian players around, especially kids, so I don't get a chance to toss any of them when they say something mean and nasty thinking I don't understand them. But it would be fun to do!

  3. ???????

    Now I don't know whether to say it or not!!!

    You mean the face on my $10 bill?

    Alexander Hamilton.

    He actually was one of my favorites from that era, due to a childrens book I read back in the late 50s about him and Aaron Burr and their duel. But I never really studies him after that and did not recognize the writings.

    Hancock came to mind first for natural reasons. I never heard of Alexander Hamilton insurance. :)

  4. Tazawa leaning toward Red Sox?

    Posted by: The SI Staff01:20 PM ET 11.25 Share

    According to reports, 22-year-old Japanese right-hander Junichi Tazawa is considering offers from four major league teams -- the Indians, Braves, Rangers and Red Sox -- but is leaning toward signing with Boston. Definitive terms of the offers are not clear, but the Rangers are said to have made the best offer.

    In the Boston Herald, Michael Silverman noted that:

    "One major league scout from an AL Central team said recently that he personally clocked Tazawa at 94 mph. Other reports say that he tops out in the low 90s. He also reportedly throws a plus curveball, changeup and splitter."


  5. Misread this to start with.

    Thought you said, "This sediment comes from one of my mom's favorite coffee mugs....."

    But I guess there's no butts in your coffee.

    Went to give blood last Friday (true story). Medics wouldn't take it. My iron level isn't high enough.

    And all this time I thought you had a magnetic personality.

  6. I would like to choose between two guesses I am thinking of, whose last names start with the same two letters. Which one to pick because I dont wanna cheat by mentioning both at once...

    and if someone in the meantime beats me to it, maybe it is because they know and deserve it more...

    of course the way things are going it probably isn't either of mine...just two names that come to mind from that era...


  7. Heya - easy does it - we were never known as a sociable group - the 8th "non-response" is right in character.

    Hope you have a good holiday

    You must have spent time as a carpenter because you may have hit that nail right on.

    Yea I'll have a good holiday, if only because through a common quirk in my work schedule, I get paid for working it even though I actually have Thanksgiving day off...since I only have two days off this week, I get paid as if I am working the holiday

  8. Tired of just keeping the 9th corps thread alive! Let 'em live or sleep on their own merits!!!

    Besides, there's something about this 8th corps thread that fits my mood right now.

  9. I sorta went to college to learn about accounting... :redface2: but last worked in the field (as an accountant) 10 years ago.

    All the aptitude tests I took before entering Penn State told me that I should be an accountant...but despite my eternal aptitude with numbers, I knew I would never have the temperament for it. I needed more variety in my life's work...like the changing weather.

    And nobody ever asked me to work with numbers in TWI.

  10. After reading Losing The Way it made me want to speak out more against TWI.

    First, I don't think I could do much speaking out on my own, or at least based on my own experiences. They simply aren't worth speaking out about on my own. Not standing by themselves, anyway.

    When I read Kristen's book, however, quite a few bells got rung. I mentioned early on this thread that being in the 8th corps as well during that first residence year at Emporia helped understand a lot I didn't realize before. Even being also in Indiana during my apprentice year contained some of those bells that were rung. Most appropriately, some of the things that were taught and said that made conditions ripe for people to be abused as she was, suddenly didn't seem so minor anymore.

    Even a little experience of my own (the "loosening up" thing I have mentioned on a couple posts somewhere) that happened later at HQ became much more significant, not so much for my experience, but for how it showed how ripe conditions were for such experiences as she and others have gone through.

    I realized that if I could ever help back up her...or anyone's...abuse experience by telling about some of these things in light of the abuse that was committed, I could and would do that. I realized further that even many of the good in my own experience could be relevant. It could help illustrate how people presumably of common sense and good upbringing could wind up committing themselves to the point of obeying, even if it meant being abused. The late Jan Groenveld, whose posts graced the onelist (now the Way on yahoo groups I guess) , always had that quote at the end of her posts, "The most dangerous lie is that which most closely resembles the truth".

    Of course, there is something, the importance of which comes ahead of speaking out, and that is getting healed. I think Kris' remarks about how writing about her experiences was healing, on her second interview with Paw, drove that home. So, if the need for me to speak out didn't arise, that is fine because the most important thing is being accomplished, the healing. I hope that is the case as well for any others who speak about their abuse.

    The most real experiences to people are those they have lived. The most real experiences of someone else to a person are those they let you (or me or anyone) live. Kris wrote in a style that lets us live her experience, not just hear it told about from 30 years or whatever later.

    Of course, the whole thing requires trust. I imagine it is hard to tell an experience of abuse to others without fear of being doubted, criticized, stalked, personally attacked or etc. etc. and etc. It also can be hard for someone to trust an account when believing it requires a major adjustment to one's thinking about how their live has been lived. I've thought that all this trusting can go together, or fail together.

    That's my own thoughts on this, and sometimes lately I have wondered if I've been barking up the wrong tree. (I use that expression partly because our small dog likes to chase the local squirrel population, and often winds up literally barking up the wrong tree).

    However, to comment on your post which I took the liberty of quoting above, if it makes you want to speak out, then look for ways to do it.

  11. OK, before anyone corrects me, Norm was a catcher and sometimes caught Larry.

    And Larry wasn't that GREAT a hitter, looking up his stats. I think what happened is I remember a game when he was 3 for 4 with a home run and that made an impression on my young-eventually-to grow-older mind.

  12. I work in retail grocery, not as bad as the toy stores & department stores, but still very much holiday driven. People who are in the store 52 weeks a year, twice or 3 times every week suddenly don't know where anything is :asdf:

    yea, I've never seen the Black Friday madness at the grocery...it is spread out.

  13. I had my one and only tour of the White House earlier that month, although in later years I sang at the Pageant of Peace a couple times on the White House Lawn as part of my HS choir...and i certainly passed by enough times.

    JFK was the first President I saw live. It was only briefly as he passed by near where I lived. This was not long before we moved to the DC area. It was in Columbus, OH; he came to campaign for Governor Michael DiSalle in the fall of 1962. It was the only campaign I ever actually worked in. DiSalle lost his bid for re-election to James Rhodes.

  14. (sigh)...it would be nice if economic eating and healthy eating went together.

    Yes, I know it can...but I guess we are talking about these things going together for people who not aonly do not have a lot of resources to pay, but also reasources to search and dig and all that.

    As fast food joints, bargain menus usually mean, well, you know...

    I have been in mourning many years over Wendy's getting rid of their salad bars.

  15. And under the new contract with the tiered system, new hires make about $14 - $15 an hour. Barely enough to Why does anyone need to make $14 - $15 MILLION dollars PER YEAR? Just how much crap can one family possibly need to buy?

    I don't have any direct comment to make on this...for now...

    but you are hereby invited to post some of these opinions on the baseball thread!!!! :)

    And I invite myself to do a better job of proofreading. I am tired of editing my posts for silly little typos!

  16.  The difference is today, there's no loyalty when it comes to corporations and employment

    Just curious; you are obviously contrasting "today" with "yesterday"; how long ago was "yesterday"?

    and are you referring to employer or employee loyalty, or both?

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