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Lifted Up

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Posts posted by Lifted Up

  1. One I havnt actually seen but an uncle told me about was many years ago, back in the 50's probably, a tornado tore through a town call Ruskin or Ruskin heights, and tore the "s" and 'k" off a "Ruskin" sign, leaving the rest...

  2. Back in the old days, my Dodger days, the Sherry brothers pitched for them and could hit like crazy.

    Of course, the Babe was a dang good picther, but I guess he just hit too well.

    and then there was that feay byTony Cloninger; two grand slams in one game.

  3. Did you guys see that GAME last night? Tech got Okla-Hammered. It's almost enough to make a girl dream of a shot at the championship. We'll have to see how the next couple of weeks turn out. We have to play Okla. State at their place; that's never an easy thing.

    Fingers crossed.

    I'm just waiting to see all the fighting over who gets to play in that big game, now that we're evidently out of it; locked into the Rose Bowl and probably playing someone we already beat the tar out of.

    'Bama and Florida are up there, but I think they will have to play each other twice in a row.

    Or maybe not twice. I was looking at the schedules and I guess they have the SEC title game on each team's schedule now at it confused me.

  4. I dropped the spellers, but knew I wouldn't get in trouble for it.

    My thinking when I was painstakingly drawing those reflection angle lines with the neat little arrows. After the announcement which took place in the middle of that procedure, I hrridly scratched the rest of them in about 30 seconds what should have taken 3 or 4 minutes, and didn't worry about getting any bad marks for it.

  5. 8th grade science class, Bryant Intermediate School, Fairfax County VA, drawing angles of reflection on a paper upon which was situated a mirror and several pins.

    Two days later I was standing in the streets of Washington, watching the funeral procession. I rememebr to this day the repetitive drumbeat.

  6. Another tidbit from my interim corps/Philly WOW year.

    I actually went to a few Philly games. Well, where else can you be around a lot of people? (Can't say I got any of them signed up, though.) And, between seasons, I rememebr all the hype about Pete Rose coming to the Phillies. The word was that the fans wanted him, and he wanted to come. reportedly when asked if he would take less money to come to Philly, he said yes, but not a lot less. Well, of course, things got worked out. I think it was 800 thousand a year for four years. OK, someone index that to inflation, and I bet it is still quite a bit less than todays contracts. Right? Wrong?

  7. I just thought of another 9th corps I ran into that fall, but she wasn't at HQ...it was when I went out for LEAD, I think her name was Diane something, and I think she was from Canada.

  8. "Submitting" such as Kristen had to do, to stay in "fellowhip"; to prove that she was still "spiritually mature", was apparently so established that she did not outwardly question what she was asked/told to do, and in turn submitted any doubts that arose in her mind to the doctrine that if the man of God says it's OK, then it's good. But I find it interesting, according to what she wrote, that a flag went up right away when she came across VPW's writings on Hitler and the Holocaust.

    I think that finding and reading those writings (I'd sure like to hear more from her on this) helped her realize that she was being abused. Anyway, I'm sure that starter of this thread could say a lot about those writings.

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  9. I am on the list but crossed off, because I didn't graduate.

    Hey, we have something in common then...shall we try for more when my youngest son's birthday comes up in 8 days?

  10. It wasn't a bad puzzle, Lifted! I just happened to have done one on The Ten Commandments a few months ago, and it was pretty similar.


    Oh. Well, I hadnt been following this thread and didn't check back.

    But I should have dedicated my question to the late Ellen Crean (and perhaps Charlton Heston) . The two of us had a lot of talk back and forth on our favorite movie.

    As for Star Wars...and I erred, it was really "empire" I meant...I was thinking of my FC and my namesake (2 different stars of the movie).

    P.S. You're still up; let's have a good one!

  11. I'm looking at a list of 9th corps and there are only two persons on it with the initials LR and both are female.

    Well then you could probably take a pretty good shot if it were a guessing game. Anyway, I also didn't want to imply I knew this person well; I just remember her as I do many others with my infamous TWI memory.

    Lemme see, some 9th corps at HQ that fall of 1979,

    RN & CN, JK, BP & SP, VD, LR, DB, and I know I dont have them all...

    P.S. You have a list...is it of all who were in, or graduated, or what...e.g. a list of graduated 8th corps would not have me on it...


    Where is tcat these days?

    I've wondered about that myself.

    As far as the birthday thing, I think some people do that on purpose, maybe because they don't want to reveal their real birth year, the idea being that no one could possibly think they arereally over 100 years old...of course some, like Psalmie, are simply having fun!

  12. Hmmm. Well, Jeff Nicely finished with the 9th, and he used to do a heckuva jungle bird call. I can't re"call" who else did bird calls - anybody else remember?

    I didn't mean to start a guessing game, I just by habit don't freely toss names around; should I mention the name here? Initials were LR.

    One reason I remembered this little act is that I saw it on my way out of the dorm to get filmed running. We were told that the filming crew was going to film runners in a particular area. This paid off in me getting shown, though briefly and from fairly long range, alone in the center of the picture on "Changed".

  13. From my point of view, things have worked out great. I have always preferred cold and snowy winters over sizzling hot summers, so that part fits well with having a wife from Siberia.

    While I must concede distance was a determining factor in my choice of college back in the '60s, climate might have tipped the scales in the same direction I wound up going...I was accepted at Penn State and Florida State.

    To change the subject, there was a 9th corps I knew at HQ I have never asked about or seen mentioned (As I have mentioned others such as Simon). This one I remember from snapping a picture of this person leading a bird call demonstration at PFAL77. I still had that picture at HQ. Almost all other 9th corps that fall at HQ I think I have mentioned or seen mentioned over the last few years.

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