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What Did Wierwille Actually Teach?


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Much is made by PFAL and Wierwille fans that Vic "taught us the Word", sometimes as a counter to any discussion of the abuses and evils of TWI. Emphasis is put on how blessed one got, and how TWI followers "put on the Word".

But exactly what was taught (other than what any Christian, or for that matter, any decent, moral person would teach) that could be applied in everyday living? Especially anything that would make the "Word" taught in TWI superior to what anyone else taught?

Sure, the trinity was rejected, and "the truth" of a unitary God was taught, but what do you do with that information? Okay, the dead are DEAD and not in any way conscious, but how do you fit that knowledge into your everyday business?

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Hmmm...The first thing that comes to mind is that Mr. Wierwille taught (although, I would hardly use the word "superior" to describe it)...that when I "believed" something...a certain power exuded from my mind that altered events in the external world...that I could actually decide to make things happen by the power in my brain...and this power wasn't confined to Christians alone...it "worked for saint and sinner alike".

What a glowwwwrious day it was when I realized that the mother was responsible for the death of her own child when he was struck down dead by that vehicle on the road!...she had actually made it happen by merely thinking about it...glowwwry!

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...He also taught me that I had the ability to "discern"...and to actually "see" the hideous demons that inhabited those poor souls who refused to cough up the required amount of money to learn about this "mind power", as taught by Mr. Wierwille...

Many a time I would walk through the mall "seeing" these minions from hell as they tortured the bodies and souls of many a "nametag rejecter"...

...ohhhh, those poor depraved people who had opened themselves up to satan's legions...and they even had NAMES!....What is thy name?...the answer was "OCCULAR CANCER"....Aieeeeeeee!

Edited by GrouchoMarxJr
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There were a few things I learned in twi that I apply BUT I could have learned them elsewhere in a much safer enviroment!

For the most part the things that set twi apart may be good to know but don't really affect much of day to day living. (Example 4 crucified. Good to know but what is more important to know is that Jesus Christ died for me and made available forgiveness!)

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Time and place....actually you have to focus on the time in the GENERATION that was going on. From that aspect I think he taught alot (even tho later was found out that it was plagerism) but that doesn't deny some of the teachings. But I think he taught what people needed at that time in history/generation to get out of drugs and the hippie movement. Of course I'm from the "old" school and not referring in any way to any of those from 87 on. I'm referring to the 70's. I think he taught a movement that people needed at that time. I think if he had not (even tho I said he plagerized, etc.) I think a lot of people would have committed sucide, died because they didn't like what they were doing but had no "out" or wanted out but didn't know how.....they were searching. TWI was an out for them that gave them something to feel clean and whole again. I think it was an open door to a path it was up to them to find from that point on. I don't throw stones at some of his behavior, but would rather look at, focus on those that probably lived, and still live (even tho I know some died 'after the fact of TWI yadda yadda' I'm not talking about that - that is part of when you get a second chance, you decide how to "spend" it'). But I think with the hippy era going on that he helped a lot of people. Just think it went down the toilet as time went on from there. And if you actually "think"....there are a lot of preachers and sermons that you could classify as "plagerizing"...they repeat someone else's philosophy, teaching, etc. It wasn't actually just HIM, many did and still do. I think he initially took a stand for something good, and as MANY preachers, cross the line when pride occurs...and reaps those results.

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Sogwap, I think you have a valid point. IF (and boy is that a big if) I could take what I learned from PFAL, and IF VPW never did the awful things I now believe he did, and IF LCM and others hadn't taken PFAL and shoved their application of it down our throats - then yeah, I could say I got some good things out of PFAL.

There is therefore now no condemnation, by grace ye are saved, etc. I learned those things at a time when I desperately needed to forgive myself and couldn't. I desperately needed God's forgiveness and didn't think I could ever receive it. So yeah, those lessons from PFAL pulled me out of a lot of stuff. Could I have learned those same lessons from another church? Perhaps, but I didn't.

However, would I want my kids to take PFAL, knowing what I know now about the man who taught it? Nope. Because to me, that would be teaching my kids to trust the teachings of a rapist, and that I would never do.

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Very well said Sogwap and Abigail. I know that I got on my knees one night in 1975 in Alexandria, Virginia, and prayed to God to send me a Christian so I could go to their church or whatever. I was that specific. I even promised Him that I would definitely go to their church or whatever, if He sent someone. It was like I cut a deal with Him. And that very next morning around 0900, when I was getting the 100 foot restaurant boat ready for the luncheon cruise on the Potomac, a WOW gal came walking down the dock in a "Cruise Ship Dandy" sailor/cocktail waitress dress as a "new hire", who was witnessing to me within minutes. I know God Almighty sent her in direct answer to my desperate prayer during that very dark time in my life, and nothing will ever convince me otherwise. And what did I get? PFAL, The Way Ministry, etc. As time went on, the ministry began to show it's negative side, and as time really moved on, I knew when to leave it all behind. But I believe that much of what I learned, plagerized or no, was and is still valuable to me, regardless of whose mouth it came from... :)

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