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H. Potter


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I remember the very first rock of ages we attended, we were waiting for what seemed like hours in line for food, the children were very very young and hot and thirsty but they were being so good , they were playing ring around the rosy a child game we all know.

Have mercy this woman FREAKED OUT ON THEM started yelling at them and told me I cursed my children to die! She made everyone of of us cry and go back to the tent and cry some more for fear the devil would kill us that very minute.

Now I know what the song was about... I didnt then.

I do not think she helped me in my "chrisitan walk" I do not think she was a winess of Power from on High.

I think she was a mean spirited fear obsessed woman fighting a losing battle of controling the world.

but so many believe this way about different things some HP books , other people flip about the music or the school system,

where does just simple common sense and trusting God play a role in life anymore?

the bible says the world is going to get worse in its evil before it is over, how do parents think this way? I know they do to the extreme and maybe they are right.

I was sheltered as a kid grew up on a farm and ended up in a cult and in a big mess with some very evil people in the name of holy bible. Soo I guess I really do not feel like I can be the one to judge so harshly what is so right and wrong in todays world.

those who oppose HP and those who love it , it seems. But truly have you ever read some of the fairy tales we read as kids? as an adult? haha some of them are quite the story as well if your talking about magic and fantasy etc.

I do not worry about such things life has enough serious problems and issues with children to think a novel will be the only thing that can hurt them or influence them in a negative way your life sure has been alot different than mine in raising children.

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of the old days when I wasn't allowed to watch ET because it was DEVILISH...and my parents went to see Star Trek and Star Wars...oh and the cabbage patch kids were also from the devil, and so is raping women or coercing them to have sex under duress...

I'll take harmless stories that encourage imagination and creative usage of latin over cultish brainwashing anyday. Viva le liberte!

No one can tell me what to read my kid...or censor me any longer.

I just finished Phoenix and thought it was great.

Dungeons and Dragons at my house tonight followed by devilish re-runs of Fantasy Island...and the devilspirit infected carebears.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ring around the rosie

is about the plague, right? How did that curse your kids?

One of the reasons I became interested in the Bible is that I was raised by a father who loved books and shared them with his children. The books we enjoyed the most were the ones that showed a clear contrast between good and evil, with lots of drama and violence, and the good winning.

Kids who read Harry Potter are ripe for being taught about God..

"Hear the end of the matter, the sum: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole man. For God will bring every work into judgment, with everything that has been overlooked whether it be good, or whether it be evil."

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The Harry Potter books are great. Yes they have 'magic' but as stated above it it slighly changed latin words.

Kids are smarter than given credit for but it is still parents' responsibities to know what their children are reading, doing, talking to/hanging out with etc. The schools can only do so much and in Portland, Oregon not so much... and it is the parents' responsibilites to teach the child what it needs to know to survive and thrive in the real world when the child leaves home.

My mom exerted little control over what I read, I wasn't allowed to read sweet valley university cause the characters didn't respect their parents. That was a situation to jump in as a parent to say STOP! That is not the way it is.

Harry Potter got lots of kids from being in front of the tv to reading books again. Push that to reading the classics(new and old) and a child will be ready to enter high school and college. Teachers in hs and college, especcially english teachers, are always making comments and offhanded remarks about books. A kid that has the read the book will have a greater understanding of school and be more likely to succeed.

Also, if a 8-9 year old is reading book 4 or 5 then they are reading books with upwards 900 pages!!! that's outstanding no matter the content.

bless u all

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The Way taught us how to walk with power by believing God's Word.

Well..., they didn't exactly teach us, because if they did, people would actually "walk with power." They don't. If they did, The Way would not be a cult, and the Word would have moved like we haven't seen since the 1st century. Boy, that rings a bell. But, they don't.

As a substitute for spiritual power (which nobody really had), The Way "operated" spiritual intimidation. Whatever we did, whatever class we took, The Way moved the bar just beyond our reach, to explain why we didn't walk with power, and to keep us coming back for more.

Didn't give enough. Didn't believe big enough. Blew it on this principle, or that one. Need to work the foundational materials better.

The Way leaders let us believe that they DID walk with power, but just not when we were around. We know that Jesus once put the unbelievers out of the room. If the leaders didn't impress much in our presence ("spiritually," as opposed to verbally), it was our unbelief.

We were supposed to "operate" the manifestations - wisdom, knowledge, discerning, faith, miracles, healing. Tongues was never a problem, was it? Not for 99.999% of us. And interpretation and prophecy, both of which sounded awfully cliched, repetitive and dull to be inspired by God Himself. "Yea verily I say unto you..."

Operate, huh? The first 3 were easy as pie, to "operate," and maybe, just maybe baby, to fake.

What a lot of people just don't see is how this pretense, this living lie, of "walking with power" dishonors Christ, dishonors God. If there is no power, there is no power. Forget "potential." Forget "promises," as you presume to understand them, and don't, can't if it's really God's Word, since it would "have to come to pass," and of course, it doesn't. Forget rumors, memories, stories of deliverance, all the rest that reinforces this fakery. When we believed, and claimed, to walk with "power," we were (or are) imposters.

The denominations really have it right. They know that for all intents and purposes, the miracle stories are mythology. The miracles in the bible are mythology. This does not deny their truth, but it affirms their irrelevance to life as we know and live it. That was then. This is now. One two buckle your shoe. Three four, make a break for the door.

Where is Harry Potter in all of this? Simple. When Harry sets his mind to "operate" power, something always happens. His skills may be a little rough, but something happens. The inherent power inside of him is always ready, always there, to be used. And he uses it. Too bad he's a fictional character, huh?

If all we were ever taught about "Christ in us," the incorruptible seed, and especially the power of God there at our finger tips, if all of that were true, Harry Potter wouldn't impress anyone, even if he were real. Even if magic were real, nobody would care. Why? Well, of course, the power of God we all thought we had would make Harry look pretty weak "spiritually."

Ironically, this little work of fiction, so skillful on many levels, points to the glaring lack of power in lives of those who profess faith of all kinds, most of all present and former Way believers who live out their faith as imposters, with this difference. Great imposters will fool everyone, but themselves. Our kind of imposters fool nobody but themselves.

It's an odd little irony, consistent with wonderfully wacky ways of human belief, that Harry Potter, fictional boy wizard, is in this way more real than you and I ever were, in our misbegotten conceits of possessing God's almighty power for ourselves.

PFAL. "Reparo!" Dang, didn't work.

"Lo shanta!" Nope

"Check please!" That's better. Now that always gets results.

[This message was edited by QamiQazi on July 25, 2003 at 14:50.]

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