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Why are some hq staffers indispensable?


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Some of those long-time hq staffers are, seemingly, indispensable. Not your average-Joe, mind you......but a super high-tech savvy A/V guy who flies behind the scene of camera angles, class tapings, and wears a cape and all. He's Super Joe..........and he's been at hq since when? the mid-70s? 1974, 75?

Meet Bodyguard "Bullet"........strapped tightly to his side is his 9mm Glock. He's shadowy-shrewd and knows how to enforce intimidation in any situation. Rising thru the ranks of twi's "safety department," he's at the top of his game, his pecking order of pricksters. During martindale's reign, "The Bullet" was summoned to silence the husbands, the angry men who learned of the sexual predation, and was agressively involved when Ex-Twi demanded martindale's resignation. "The Bullet" is known to help load trucks, drive trucks, and even pile the stuff at the designatee's requested mark&avoid location.....and whisk away, not looking back.

Salute Sally Secretary..........she never misspells the mog's or mogette's sanitized teachings. She would like to have kids.......but doesn't. She'd like to correct the errors in fraudulent "research".....but dares not speak her mind and remove all doubt. She's faithful......as she enters the office every morning promptly ten minutes before eight. On the wall near the entrance hangs a picture of the Ultimate Sacrifice.......Rhod@.

Meet Mower Mike......."landscape artist" by day, way production singer by night. He's content to sit on his mowing machine year after year.....knowing that his "real ministry" is singing on stage at the renowned Prevailing Word Over the World Auditorium. His songs are reaching around the world and he knows it.....so he cares little about the daily grind of manicuring twi's property. He's a day-dream believer.

And, then there's Housekeeper-Honcho Holly. She relishes in the title and lords over her crew of 22......simply to disguise and deceive her true intentions. Once the mundane scheduling is set.....Holly Hotstuff secretly goes off on shopping sprees with Rosalie and the big girls. So what if her husband is gone.........and nearly forgotten? She's got entitlements, she's got "a piece of the action" and she ain't going anywhere!!

Seems like the ole adage is true......"It's not what you know, but WHO you know."

And the wheels on the bus go round and round.


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I dunno.. I think it's a little bit about what one knows as well. Not as in education or talent.

More like: the "bullet" knows where a whole heap of figurative dead bodies lie.. and it would not suprise me, if not a few literal dead bodies.. and he probably has the names, addresses and phone numbers of husbands of every lady loy laid his filthy hands on.. probably knows where the possible skimmed resources are hid, knows where all the "safe houses" are.. and likely could give details about current staffers who perhaps at one time shared loy's preclvities.

Housekeeper honcho Holly probably has enough documentation about the current pres's alleged proclivities..

Little miss secretary probably could clue people in on the intellectual dishonesty, who actually did loy's and other's "research" ..

maybe it's not all of the bigwig staffers.. but I think this is the case for the majority.

they did put b*rn*ta out to pasture.. from what I observe, she exhibited good ethics, loving character.. they probably knew it would go against her grain to REALLY stir up any muck.. out she went..

Edited by Ham
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Nice, dead-on description Skyrider. It is who you know at TWI, and most other places as well..

I'd also add, birds of a feather flock together; like attracts like.

They are all very much like each other. I read a study once on who makes it to the "top" in corporations. Its not the smartest, best educated or hardest workers, its people that others on the top like to hang out with. Certain staffers "click" with the top people and are tested, groomed, and slowly invited into the club over time. Its an unspoken part of corporate life.

Years ago, I would watch some of TWI's top people pick out corps people, hang out with them, watch who got dropped, and who lasted - they look for people like themselves, and find them.

Although, I'd say that the AV lifer at HQ is an exception - I've always wondered what kept him. He never wanted to be ordained, VP basically after years had to force him, yet, he's still there. He didn't hang out with a whole lot of people. Every rule has an exception, I think he's it. I'd really like to know why he has.

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Although, I'd say that the AV lifer at HQ is an exception - I've always wondered what kept him. He never wanted to be ordained, VP basically after years had to force him, yet, he's still there. He didn't hang out with a whole lot of people. Every rule has an exception, I think he's it. I'd really like to know why he has.

He told me back in '80 that he didn't ever want to work anywhere but HQ.

I also think that he is not quite so competent as he looks. He was very good at organizational skills, recognizing and using skilled workers and playing HQ politics. His actual audio and video production abilities seemed dry, textbook and uncreative. And I told him not to go with Betamax and he didn't listen :)

His personality and management style would probably not be successful in the private sector. A better fit for him would be career soldier. I think there's some real deep insecurity going on with him and that he desperately needs the structure of HQ and the feeling that he's doing God's will.

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Nice, dead-on description Skyrider. It is who you know at TWI, and most other places as well..

I'd also add, birds of a feather flock together; like attracts like.

They are all very much like each other. I read a study once on who makes it to the "top" in corporations. Its not the smartest, best educated or hardest workers, its people that others on the top like to hang out with. Certain staffers "click" with the top people and are tested, groomed, and slowly invited into the club over time. Its an unspoken part of corporate life.

Yeah......some people just know who to chum with to grease the wheels.

Meet Jumpin' Johnnie.......always ready with a one-liner from corps night or quip from a lunchtime sharing. He emphatically quotes the "present truth" of the mog (and now mogette), and learned this practice on the field......showcasing his talents and brown-nosing smooshness. Sure he jumps, always jumps and continues to jump......its served him well so far. And, now he's so close to the top prize......at the v.p. level, he still plays the game of insubordinate but his eyes are fastened on the top chair, the twi presidency. Just a few more years.....and hopefull, she will retire..........and disappear.

And then there's Way Builder Roger Ratchet......increasing in increments, and assignments, since his interim year. During the building years, his input was constructive and all........but now, twi has very little need of any building expertise. Nevertheless, he is a staple element of the image.........the practical side of maintenance, repairs, and upkeep. Not an Ermal, mind you........or even a Howard.........but there is a place for this window-dressing in twi. After all, it's "your abundant sharing at work."


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