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Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Gnosticism and Reason

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Does that mean that radio waves are called waves because they are are light?

Gamma rays are not "light".

They are electromagnetic radiation. They are neither light nor darkness. They are energy in motion within the framework of the known spectrum.

Why do you feel that has any bearing on what's written in the Bible?

Well, science dissagrees with you...

"Gamma-rays are the most energetic form of light and are produced by the hottest regions of the universe."


Argue your point with NASA. :)

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Well, WW, water is a very valuable commodity, especially clean drinking water, so your dictionary entry would not technically apply.

Are you Muslim?

Have you checked the price of wine lately? :)

Wine is fermented over months... Ethel alcohol is the result. The same Ethel alcohol that Henry Ford used to power the first automobile. Since then Ethel alcohol is used and traded as a valuable commodity. So we are to believe that water H2O miraculously became C2H5OH? That is alchemy, pharmacia…

Water, a dollar a gallon, wine 9 to 1000 dollars and up per bottle.

I believe Mohammed was a prophet of Christ Jesus but I do not take the Qur’an literally either.

I guess my point is that the Bible cannot be wholly divinely inspired with so many scientific and logical errors.

Or are you saying God is an idiot? God didn't know the earth was round?

God could give them laws about stoning homosexuals but God didn't know there was light in darkness too?

Mamma’s don’t let you babies grow up to be homos, how disgustingly hateful and "ignorant"...

You may consider instead your own judgment day... You tell others that they are going to receive damnation and hellfire, or are you just pointing a finger at others?

I don't mean these words in a hateful way, and I actually don't think the subject of homosexuals killing themselves is funny either.

I have just over time become suspect of "the word of God" and I discern that God is bigger than the narrow and often erroneous truth “the Bible” conveys.

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He is holding a Bible, not the superimposed title that was put on to the book. Let's keep the truth visible here. If you wish to make a joke, then say that is what you are doing.

In "Stealing Jesus," gay Episcopalian author Bruce Bawer argues the propaganda of Focus on the Family leads to the higher suicide rate among gay teens. He suggests that James Dobson is "more willing to sacrifice the lives of gay youth " who, devastated by hatred, commit suicide at an alarming rate "than to change the societal attitudes that cause them to take their own lives."

A link

I am not making a joke, Dobson is. Any picture of James Dobson would have sufficed to make my point, it is just that the particular photo I used made my point in the photo also. Is the image of the Bible without a phony label supposed to strike fear in the hearts of homosexuals? Is that this God of love and truth? Is this “free from the law” free indeed, or just more law disguised as “the good news?”

They profess themselves to be wise, while they bury their young.

Wise Words?

US refuses to sign UN rights document on gays

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Empty space itself is still a thing. Darkness is not just a void or empty but that void itself is an object... and as that void expands, light, matter and energy are emitted.

Tohuw Bohuw

No form and void, again ambiguity.

Does that sound like zero?

So in the beginning zero created one but one "became" (I guess) zero (empty and void).

So the emptiness, even though it was a void, it was still a thing. Zero played upon the harp of the string theory and there was light.

So then light lived within the darkness... God did not have to create light God just spoke it into being.

Because the light and the darkness were one with zero.

The void was formless and as the void expanded the result was matter/light. They began to fill the empty void. Even an empty void needs great power to occupy such a space as the universe occupies.

Light needs a void. Thus if there were not a void then light would have no expanse with which to travel. Darkness is a thing.

The darkness of the void itself is energy. God spoke light within a void. Light lives within darkness. Light and darkness are interdependent.

If light expelled all darkness, there would be no void. Light would cease to exist because it could no longer shine. If darkness expelled all light then darkness would shrink and implode upon itself.

Can a tree exist where there is no water and earth?

Light cannot exist without a void where it can shine.

Who created this void? Who created this empty space? "It didn't just pop put of a balloon." :)

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Tohuw Bohuw...became without form and void. The operative word(s) "became without."

"Who created this void? Who created this empty space?" Heck, brother, surely we have attained to higher matters.

Zero is not round it is oval...hhhmmm...ova...

Very good point.

Some scripts show zero as a circle and some as merely a point.

But yes, the western zero is an oval. :)

As in ovulation, ovaries, egg. Light impregnates darkness.

And yes, higher matters can only be achieved when built upon a rational foundation.

Love and God bless you all.

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Perhaps you would find what you're seeking on a site like this:


I am not existential, I believe God exists and is alive, but maybe God exists in the state of zero? This might explain why God seems so silent, Why is God's voice so still and small? I believe zero is a state of godly love, humble humility, Christ-like compassion, empathy and peace.

Thanks for the links, they will, I am sure, provide some very interesting insight. :)

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I am not existential, I believe God exists and is alive, but maybe God exists in the state of zero? This might explain why God seems so silent, Why is God's voice so still and small? I believe zero is a state of godly love, humble humility, Christ-like compassion, empathy and peace.

Dr. WearWord,

I love this verse. . . . The heavens declare the glory of God,and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

I don't think that God seems silent. . . He has declared Himself to us through His creation. The pictures that you posted on this thread. . . the heavens declare the glory of God.

Do you really believe that such an awe inspiring magnificent display is silence? If God is outside His creation and the universe is expanding. . . how infinite He is. . . .What's more. . . you and I live in a time where we get to see so much of the expanse. . . and yet there is more and more. . . beauty upon beauty declaring the glory of God. It is breathtaking.

But, not only has He revealed His Glory in the heavens. . . . He has given us an account of Himself and His plan. The scriptures.

Most importantly, He has revealed Himself through His Son. Through Jesus. . . That is where you find God. . . and He is not silent concerning Himself.

I do believe though that God hides His face from us from time to time. . . if you know His face to begin with. . if you have that intimate relationship with Him. Maybe so we will seek Him . . . maybe to chasten. . . I don't know. . . I do know it works. . . I am on my knees before Him. . . I seek Him again and again. . .

If we truly humble ourselves before Him. . . STOP telling Him who He is. . . and seek Him. . . Stop putting ourselves above Him. He will reveal Himself to us. He is not a designer God. . . who exists in the state of zero. . . He is Holy. . Remember, the pride of man brings a snare, but HE who trust in the Lord will be safe. . He said: I AM that I Am. Hear and give ear; be not proud, for the LORD has spoken.

Toward the scorners he is scornful,

but to the humble he gives favor.

For though the LORD is high, he regards the lowly,

but the haughty he knows from afar.

How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever?

How long will you hide your face from me?

When you hide your face, they are dismayed;

when you take away their breath, they die

and return to their dust

Whoever has a haughty look and an arrogant heart

I will not endure.

Haughty eyes and a proud heart,

the lamp of the wicked, are sin

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

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another way to put "it" perhaps...you tell me

seems zero is also love

the ONE home we never left

all embracing

all excepting

all inclusive

all perspectival



CLEAR light of truth

and great integrity

all "darkness" ...all light

always already has been

is now

and always already will be

broadband so impartial

as to be worth being called sacred

and divine

for being so invincible

so enduring

and so obvious

and its within this vast choiceless Witness

in which/whom we are all




all of us

all of us

all of us


our bodies

our organs

our brains

our minds

our hearts

our feelings

our wishes

our memories

our thoughts

our dreams

our visions

our words

our languages

our sufferings

our pains

our wounds

our sins

our desires

our griefs

our joys

our sorrows

our angers

our significances

our relationships

our egos

and while our ego would like to tell us otherwise

we are all (including the above list of parts) already always united with/in God

simply for being a body of waves in face of The ocean of Spirit

for being trees in a Forest of Gardens

and it is by this simple radical seat and position

north, south, east or west

where "God plants his a$s"

...which is quite like nowhere

and everywhere

all at once

obviously a lonely place

but for fearing the reaper

neither orthodoxy

nor protestantism

nor reason

are able to touch/hold/taste/handle/feel this big/little gem

...at least gnosticism gets about half of it

even though they/we are all always already















our egos go there every night

once the dreams have faded

and its the ego's final destination

in its one wild life

all this really is old old old news to our planet...discovered by those who died and suffered a lot more than us in history

as it seems most every one of earth's ancient wisdom traditions developed words and languages for "it"

...typically through some form of a "book for dying"

perhaps some here are just trying to point at "it" in "greasespot"

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God is "I AM" God is "Love" God is "Light"

God is true self awareness.

How bout' that one.

I saw this and immediatley broke it down to a place I was comfortable with, so yeah that can work.

Our God is in heaven;

he does whatever pleases him.

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Dr WearWord,

Don't know why you put up Stonehenge to illustrate your point that God is zero. Are we talking about the God of the bible or something else that is zero??

As an aside, before they roped off Stonehenge. . . I used to tag along with some "older" kids and hang out at Stonehenge. It was desolate. . . chilly. . . dusk. . . and we were alone there. Very cool. You could sit on the rocks . . . climb around. . . it was fun.

Got found out though. . . ended that. I was only in that area of GB a few months.

Never met God there.

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The Father's House

There were once ten brothers who lived together in one accord. Their father and mother knew the minds of these brothers. Two brothers were very strong and could carry most of the weight of the other brothers. Though, two brothers were very bossy and pointedly, sometimes annoying. Two brothers were very tall and there were two brothers that were quite and just followed along with the others. The least of these brothers, were two, who were soft and mild compared to the others. One day the two strong brothers began to quarrel, they fought over who was respected more by the other brothers.

Then the bossy opinionated brothers picked opposite sides, as they argued the finer points. The tallest brothers both spoke up and they picked opposite sides also. So now it was three against three and the two brothers that just followed along with things, couldn’t make up their minds, so the strong brothers agreed to pick one brother for each side and, it was done. The mild brothers wailed and railed upon the strong brothers, that they would divide the house of their father with such disregard. But the mild brothers did not want to upset the balance by not choosing an opposite side…

So the family of brothers became opposed and divided by the two brothers who at first contrived to set their family at naught.

So there the brothers sat facing each other and idly staring at one another. One side against another they plotted. Then the meekest of the brothers spoke up and said, “Why don’t we all just shake hands?”

The father’s house is two hands.


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The father’s house is two hands.


reminds me of universals like


hand gestures

and the general universal human significance of commandments in both tens and twos and ones

and other ten-headed dragons...such as the enneagram

original way of being digital, perhaps

which is even, balanced

united and divided, simple and complicated

able to hold handfuls of opposing truths and goodnesses

which is perhaps why all those unforgettable heros of zero of the axial age

(such as abraham, moses, buddha ...and most famous and significant of all perhaps...jesus)

found it hard to miss these our original/sacred/divine instruments of measurement

(the ones we are still currently using to type these words)

while wandering half dead and alone for so long in the deserts and wildernesses and such

when they were mostly naked and had nothing and met God and lived and such

their "day of the lord"


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hi Lindy

nice to bump again

regarding location or place

seems to my me...

for orthodoxy and protestantism and such...

"heaven is somewhere else

some other time

for me and my kind"

for reason and such...

"there is no such mythical otherworldly heaven to be found

so if there is a heaven...this is IT

and IT is All there is to find"

for gnostics and such...

"IT is NOT heaven...

heaven is not an it to be found"

for certain rabbis, priests, prophets and others...

"heaven is all here...all now

All is in All"

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Heaven is the big carwash in the sky.

It is a place where our memories of this reality fade and are replaced with a new reality much more splendid and majestic than this world.

Heaven is the return back to God/Zero. Heaven is going home to where all life started from.

Heaven is completing the circle of life, rebirth, and all that we gather in this life that is sacred will stand in heaven and all that the ambiguously generous and merciful God of creation feels is unworthy will be left behind.

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