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Easy Movie Quotes

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16 hours ago, GeorgeStGeorge said:

Correct.  Hulk smashes the crap out of Loki and utters the phrase.


Loki: "Enough! I am a god, you dull creature! And I will not be treated like..."

Hulk: *seizes Loki* *smashes Loki off the walls several times* *pauses, glances at Loki*  *smashes him off the walls and floor* *dumps Loki on the floor*  *walks off*  "Puny god."

It was the pause that sold the scene, for me.

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On 1/26/2025 at 1:15 PM, GeorgeStGeorge said:

Since we're back for the first time in a week, I'm feeling generous.  Besides, you would have gotten it on the next try.  :wink2:

Rocky IV.  Human, you're up.


Thank you George.  Good thing for me there wasn't anymore "Rocky's".

"The rifle is the first weapon you learn how to use, because it lets you keep your distance from the client. The closer you get to being a pro, the closer you can get to the client. The knife, for example, is the last thing you learn".

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Okay, the tagline from this might be  "No women, no kids".

Or, if you've seen it, this one is memorable "You're not going to lose me. You've given me a taste for life. I wanna be happy. Sleep in a bed, have roots. And you'll never be alone again, Mathilda". 

Think inappropriate relationship.

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Well this isn't in most people's wheelhouse then.   My mistake.  They were lines from the movie "Leon: The Professional".   "No woman no kids".  Leon teaching Mathilda (Natalie Portman) how to use a sniper rifle.

New movie quote.  I remember the first time I posted this line which has been awhile now, but nobody got it and I was shocked.  

"Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads".



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1 hour ago, WordWolf said:


I know you're kidding around WordWolf, but I can't see where this guess is going.  Is that some sort of shade for the color white in Morocco?   Or maybe it's deeper than that, perhaps a word play for the wedding dress that a princess would have worn on her wedding day?  WordWolf you may have used this quote on this particular clue before but I don't remember what it means.

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6 hours ago, GeorgeStGeorge said:

Say "White House" in Spanish.  Note that adjectives usually FOLLOW nouns in Romance languages, unlike in English.


"White" in Spanish is "blanca" or "blanco", depending on the gender of the noun it describes.  "House" in Spanish is "casa." In Spanish, the noun often precedes the adjective describing it. 

Example- "Living 'la vida loca.'"   In the song, Ricky Martin also translated it once- "She'll make you live 'the crazy life'.."

"Living 'la vida loca' is "Living 'the crazy life.'"   Rendering it word-for-word rather than translating it would be

"living 'the life crazy.'" When translating, you may need to shuffle the word order to make it work properly in the target language. 

So, I wrote "WHITEHOUSE".  That's not grammatical, but if it's translated directly into Spanish, complete with the words mashed together, you get "CASABLANCA."  

"The white house"  would be "la casa blanca." (In the news, The White House is 'La Casa Blanca'  and The Pink House is 'La Casa Rosada.'

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7 hours ago, Human without the bean said:

I know you're kidding around WordWolf, but I can't see where this guess is going.  Is that some sort of shade for the color white in Morocco?   Or maybe it's deeper than that, perhaps a word play for the wedding dress that a princess would have worn on her wedding day?  WordWolf you may have used this quote on this particular clue before but I don't remember what it means.

So, it was the right answer, but translated directly into English. "Casablanca" isn't an English word. However, it IS a proper noun, and often proper nouns are not translated from one language to another, but simply transliterated.

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