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Sermons We See


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Remember that poem entitled Sermons We See.......it had a wealth of wisdom in it.

I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day,

I'd rather one would walk with me than merely point the way.

.....[and so the poem goes].....

Major denominations and small non-denominational churches are everywhere...... bible groups galore...... study guides, retreats, seminars and purpose-driven books ...... splinter groups are splintering off other splinter groups....... internet "ministries" ....... tele-evangelists and drive-thru confession booths......etc. etc. etc.

Preach, preach, preach......talk, talk, talk......study, study, study. icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:--> icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

What are some of the sermons you've seen in the past six months?

I love sermons that I can SEE. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

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Sermons I've seen?

My neighbors and very dear friends are retired but they are busier than most working people doing all kinds of beneficial things in the community. 80 years old and they had a Russian exchange student for a year. They did a wonderful job with her, too.

They have an elderly, sick couple that they include in all the holiday plans so that they will not be alone. They drive them to the grocery store because the couple can't drive.

They volunteer to help with mentally handicapped children and I would be here all day talking about how much they do including the wonderful, helpful things they've done for me.

I have many co-workers who go out of their way to do and say nice things for people at work and many of them are done anonymously.

One co-worker is going through a very rough time in her life, but you would never know it. She is constantly giving of her time outside of work to help those less fortunate than she.

And, of course, you all who post on here! icon_biggrin.gif:D--> You warn those who may be considering getting involved with that destructive group; you help those who are newly out or wanting out; you help each other with practical non-TWIt related issues of life; you share your joy, insight and wisdom freely. You all have a lot to give and you give it without hesitation! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

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The guys I work with gave me flowers today for "Womens' History Month," and they're taking me to lunch tomorrow too.

At work, if some one is sick and they use up all their sick time, they can receive donated leave from co-workers. One time I had to be in the hospital and I received 100 hours of sick leave from people.

People are always recognizing other peoples' birthdays, throwing baby showers, etc.

The blood mobile comes around and there are those who give blood on a regular basis.

I guess most of the examples I can think of right now are from work.

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