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What is wrong with us


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You know I would say that 85% of the women I have met in my adult life have experienced some sort abuse at the hands, voices, actions of a man. And that is just from the women that have confided in me.

Recently I learned of another person in my family that ended up marrying a seemingly quiet and normal guy who turned out to be a wee bit crazy. Stalking, threatening with weapons, just plain being a freak. What is up with us guys?

I know a girl who told me in her soroity they had a "speak out", where girls could get up and share with other girls thier abuse stories. She said 90% of them got up with a story and you know some of the others just couldn't say anything. I know that because my friend was one of the silent ones.

That is sickening.

It makes you want to press charges against all these people rapping and singing and positively portraying women as "b!tches" and "Hoes" and infidelity and all that.

What is wrong with men? There is something very wrong.

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Many victims become victimizers....you are just noticing many who happen to be men...

Coincidently, woman do as well, as mothers immediately comes to mind. It is more insidious because its harder to put your finger on....usually in the home away from prying eyes...where shame is used to give the illusion of control...

Well, you know what they say...If it's not one thing, it's your mother!

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There's nothing wrong with you guys!

Part of the problem is that more abuse is reported today...there are fewer taboos about talking about it.

Part of the great number of victim is that one perp abuses so many people...how many is lcm responible for hisself?

Somek things that used to be considered normal are now called abusive. For example - my father spanked me hard...and once or twice used his belt. Fifty years ago he was "strict" but today he'd be called abusive.

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Everybody abuses others; it's human nature. Some do it as bullies, to have an advantage over others, while some know that it's best avoided and only do it under pressure. Who among us hasn't snapped at someone (like our kids perhaps) out of impatience. I don't think guys have the patent on abuse.

My mother (born 1910) once told me that her mother locked my mother's sister in a closet for 2 days as punishment. I also heard that my dad's dad had to have the police called on him by his wife a time or 2 for the way he spanked my dad and his sister.

Think about it. The most abuse you ever got was from those you trusted (family, TWI, school friends, etc.).

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When women get angry it is called depression.. it is ok for a woman to be depressed to be moody to have crying spells. to share their feelings.

Men also feel angry and become depressed but so many cant cry to their buddies and say the feelings they feel . being manly in america means bravado being able to handle all the pain and abuse life dishes out BUT never show how much it hurts.

Boys do not want to be sissy and cry , men handle stress it is their job and they should never need help. Emotions are for girls are just some of the false ideals society has stricken on men.

hence why rage happens why abuse happens. why men cant cope.

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