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A New Excuse for Being Overweight


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Neighborhood crime, or the perception that their neighborhood is unsafe, can keep residents from the exercise they need, U.S. researchers report.

Respondents who believed they lived in a low-crime neighborhood were 30 percent to 50 percent more likely to meet the U.S. Surgeon General's recommendations for physical activity than people who believed they lived in a high-crime neighborhood.

The study also found:

About 19 percent of respondents cited crime or fear for personal safety as a barrier to physical activity;

People who did not perceive crime or fear for personal safety as a barrier to physical activity were about 40 percent more likely to meet physical activity recommendations;

There was no difference between men and women in terms of associations between levels of physical activity and perceptions of neighborhood crime or fear for personal safety.

I guess the people in the survey never heard of exersize videos or gyms. :rolleyes:

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I think if you live in a high crime area, you probably don't have a lot of money. Plus you might work a low paying but still exhausting job. Your grocery bill might involve a lot of potatos, rice, 4/$1 mac and cheese, ramen soup. Fruit and veggies can get pretty pricey. Lean meat? Boneless skinless chicken breasts? yeah, sure. More likely hamburger in a tube and hotdogs.

I've never really lived in a high crime area, but I have fed a family on a low budget. The heaviest I ever weighed was when we were the poorest.

Haven't bought mac and cheese in a box since we left TWI.

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I do not think it is an excuse.

I worked with a woman who had a child who was afraid of grass , the stuff growing from dirt you know on the ground.

the child was 8 years old and had NEVER really had much dealings with the stuff. They had a nice large home in the inner city and a large yard .. yet her children where not allowed to play outside in the yard, ever.

to much crime . Once in a while they would take the kids to a park but inner city parks are not really safe either. So they played inside always and away from the window.

We had a four year old a shot by his dads drug dealer in a business deal gone bad.. a 12 year old shot by a drive tho shooting at nine o clock at night walking home frm church.

the city does not have the large stores no walmarts no large tops or local stores only the convenience stores with junk food and high prices, to go to the store on the bus with kids is an effort of time and money as it is an half hour ride each way on the bus.

The large stores claim they can not go into the city because it is not worth the crime they must pay for from thiefs and problem workers and theft from worker.

I believe it.

Where I live we have a fresh air fund where kids from large citys can maybe see a lake for the the first time in their life by staying with a family who takes them in for two weeks. some marvel that stars are REALLY in the sky ! they have never seen them with city lights and buildings blaring out the nature .around them.

gyms cost money alot of money and they do not set up shop in drug infested nieghborhoods or low income ghettos .

It is true about the cost of food... unbelievable i can not Stand spending twenty dollars for a good meal I have to prepare yet if I want to eat healthy it costs alot. NO more street markets with vegatables and fruit like the old days they will get robbed for a few dollars.

Many people in the city stay home and do not go out , no caars or no gas money to go anywhere and to leave your house means the neighbor can rob it.

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In addition to what's already been written here, I've seen a sense of hopelessness in such places. Once that sense of "oh what's the use...it's never gonna matter anyway" sets in, you're doomed to inaction on any front. People stop pursuing anything, education, health, and many other worthwhile things.

The cited study claimed almost half (30 - 50%) were overweight, but only about 20% of those individuals said "fear of crime" was a factor. Therefore, I think there are other things operating here - hopelessness and/or helplessness could be a contributing factor.

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Most likely, social issues such as street crime are a factor, however we seem to live in a gluttonous culture.

I know little about city life anymore having lived back here in the woods for nearly two decades. There's very little crime in my immediate area due to the fact that I own everything within practical pistol range of my front door.

I have noticed, however, that when we do go to town and occasionally eat out, restaurant portions have gotten MUCH larger in the past few years. I went to a Scout training a couple months ago in the city of Fayetteville and noticed there were restaurants offering "all you can eat" buffets on almost every street corner. The only crime I perceived was people making pigs of themselves...myself included when I went to the Chinese buffet. Chinese food isn't available within 60 miles of my house and I dearly love it, so it was inevitable that I would forget myself when I went to town.

Now we're as full as a dog tic rolling around on the porch, and we waddle home and decide to catch a movie on the teevee. After the title is shown and maybe the first scene, it goes to a commercial break. We see a beautiful close up of a big juicy sub sandwich from Quiznos, then a succulent lobster tail from Red Lobster then a pizza commerical, then back to the movie. A few scenes later, we're treated to something from Burger King, a coffee commercial...OH! I think I'll fix myself some coffee to drink while watching the movie. While I'm up, I guess I'll grab that bag of chips....hmmmm...is there any dip in the refrigerator? Yeah, here's the Pace Picante sauce....oh, and here's some leftover lasagna that might spoil if it doesn't get eaten...not really hungry, but what they hey.....and so it goes.

Crime may be a factor, especially when the crime victims are out of shape and too fat to run or fight if confronted, so it's safer to stay home. I really think there's a lot more to this and it's dangerous and it's done intentionally.

Just my 2 cents.

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I know little about city life anymore having lived back here in the woods for nearly two decades. There's very little crime in my immediate area due to the fact that I own everything within practical pistol range of my front door.

If I'm ever in your neck of the woods visiting,

remind me to honk LOUDLY (as I come within range).

:biglaugh: :blink: :biglaugh:

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City life. Yep, low wages, high crime, no car. I call the cops at least once a week on someone in this complex who's going off their rocker at 3 am. Also called the night the SUV slammed into the Sedan in the case of road rage or drug deal gone bad and pushed it 4 car lengths sideways down the road, then one or the other shot off the gun. I can't say which one, by that time I was grabbing the phone off my desk (which sits directly beside the sliding glass door which was in the line of fire, if aimed up, we're on 2nd floor) and I was hitting the floor and telling the lady 'shots fired' and 'to get the squads rolling' as I gave her the details. Interesting night, not anything I care to repeat anytime soon. Cops never called me, so the perps never showed up bleeding or dead at a local hospital and must have gotten away. By the amount of fluids and car pieces left on our road though, both cars were almost if not all the way totaled.

Hey Too Tall! Yeah, you know who you are. 6' 5" and 190 lbs, huh? 5' and 85 lbs here, so when we gonna arm wrestle to see which of us skinnies wins? Bwhahahaha.

(David, did you *really* think I could pass that one up? No, I still haven't found the ladder yet, so yer safe for awhile me thinks. No, I'm still not ready to cut my hair so you can restring your fiddle bow, either. :P)

Save a few pounds for me Tom! Only time in my life I hit 100 pounds was when I was 7 months or more pregnant and I'm not sure if that really counts. :)

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