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Obesity in America


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Since the 1970s we have had a vast increase in obesity, diabetes, juvenile diabetes, degenerative diseases, and cancer, especially breast cancer, as well as record cases of autism and ADD.

We don't seem to check our food and water supply. Since the 1970s, we have put flouride in our water (the flouride that is used is industrial waste and used usually as a rat poison, not a natural flouride), we have gone from using sugar in our food and cereals to high fructose corn syrup, a highly concentrated form of sugar, made cheaper but much sweeter and more concentrated than regular sugar, then introduced bovine growth hormone first into dairy cows to make them make much more milk, but also into angus and beef and steak cattle to make them fatter. The same is sone to chickens.

The hormone, used to make animals fatter, we drink in milk, eat in ice cream and butter, is eaten and by us, which has the same effect on the human body to help mess with the insulin produced by the body and create fat. This hormone also "junks" up a lot of organs in the cows and makes them sicker, and makes us sicker. A pancreas will fail, erectile dysfunction flourishes, thyroids and livers get clogged and so on.

Should we step back in time to the days we never did any of this? I believe we would be a lot healthier.


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Yes, how right you are, we would be healthier to leave all of this junk out. However, we can't turn back the hands of time. It's not going to go away. It is up to each individual to take steps to ensure their own health.

My family is minimally exposed to toxins, hormones, flouride... but I know that I can't eliminate exposure to all of it.

My children were adopted from Russia and nowhere near the size of American children. Many factors play into this fact but the main one, I believe, is that there are no hormones in the dairy products in Russia. American girls are maturing at an alarming rate (at least they were when I researched this subject a while back). Growth hormones in animals carry over into people. My children do have disabilities (high-functioning autism and ADD) however these disabilites stem from other sources.

I can't beat the system, but I don't need to join it either. Organic is a good way to go IMO.

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You hit on so much.

Have you read the studies on Aspertame? It was an invention by a guy inventing glue, he touched his finger to his mouth and found it to be sweet and they okayed it as a swetner even after finding terrible brain function problems in clinical tests.




You should get the free DVD from Peta about meat....

And you know for years nobody could "own" dna any living thing until the guy invented something to eat up the oil spill.

Now the threat of people owning DNA. There is an invention of the "suicide seed" which is owned by the seed companies. You cannot grow something, save the seeds and plant them -- they do not work this helps the owner of that living thing make money as you have to go to him as the source of that seed..



Soy? It was in such demand that they genetically altered it. Now you have to buy NON- GMO to get not genetically altered soy.

The list goes on and on--

Bottom line: Money

Edited by Dot Matrix
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Thought you'd like this:

Review of Merging Infectious Diseases Forum Held In Atlanta

"I ended my paper on the bovine growth hormone and quoted John Robbins from his

book DIET FOR A NEW AMERICA "PCB's were first introduced by Monsanto, a company

whose motto, 'Without Chemicals, Life Itself Would Be Impossible' seems

ludicrous in view of what PCB's are doing to human fertility. It wasn't long

after Monsanto began producing PCB's that it was apparent the chemicals posed

major problems for human beings.

Three years after production began, the faces

and bodies of 23 out of 24 workers in the Monsanto plant had become disfigured.

But that didn't stop Monsanto. More than 750,000 tons of these deadly poisons

have been produced. They can be found today in every American river, the snow

of the Arctic and Antarctic and probably in the tissues of every single fish in

the waters of the planet." Erwin Chargaff, Father of modern molecular biology

said: "The technology of genetic engineering poses a greater threat to the world

than the advent of nuclear technology. Genetic engineering and biotechnology

are a molecular Auschwitz."


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I was fascinated by the book "Going Against the Grain" by Melissa Diane Smith. She states that we were not supposed to be eating grains in the form of flour; it's like dumping sugar straight into your system. Those carbohydrates in grains are causing heart disease, thyroid disease, cholesterol problems, and blood pressure problems, not to mention the weight problems.

In biblical times, grain was stored for times of famine, and even then, man didn't have the industrial roller presses that are changing the structure of the plant. The grain was either sprouted for use, or ground by hand.

In our grocery stores, all snack foods, cereal products, and desserts are grain based. this book is an eye-opener.

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Sure I'm definitely willing to learn more to understand the impact that hormones, pesticides, and preservatives might have on us though please do not underestimate the

sedentary lifestyle of the average american as being a key variable in the obesity trend.

Its quite true that processed foods have problems but people are much more inclined to omit exercise now than ever. And certainly the youth are falling into a dangerous trap of thinking that its okay to play hours of video games while swilling 64 oz. cokes and eating


As any middle-ager knows, as you age it does become harder to get in quality exercise time. And it could be that injuries or the aches and pains of growing older makes it harder to exercise but most people can do some form of exercise. 20 minutes, 3 times a week is great if thats all you can do but most people won't even do that which is a shame especially since many of these people complain about their growing waistline. Worse, people complain about their weight increase as they sit there eating a pint of Hagen-Das

ice cream !

I knew a lady who used to tell me that for her "exercise doesn't work". She said she had some thyroid condition. Okay so maybe it was true but then when you saw what she ate then you knew why she had a massive weight problem. I think if I had a thyroid problem I might try to make healthy food selections but she didn't. It was junk food and crap food. The trouble was that she didn't see anything wrong with it. Well she did but she felt like it was her source of comfort. She isn't alone. Some people like to drink a 6 pak of beer every night as a reward but it comes with a price and a growing mid section. Others might feel that "their sweets" are necessary for happiness.

My point is that we do have issues with our major sources of processed foods. That is for sure. But we also have major issues with our willingness and interest in getting in better shape. Its like we as a nation don't care anymore and any time we see someone who is in shape we attempt to make them look like they have the problem as if they are some "fanatic" or "musclehead" even when they are just doing what we should be doing.

In my mind, fitness is a gift that you give to yourself. It keeps lasting and your mate certainly thanks you for it. Whats not to like about it ? More years, more quality, better sex, and better looks. Notice I put the aesthetics last because the things before it are what people should be focusing on - added years with a better quality of life ! I'm not talking about getting out and "doing roids" or "getting ripped". I'm talking about taking control of your health. Thats a great thing to work torwards because its actually one of the few things we CAN control in our lives at least to a large extent.

Edited by diazbro
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Diazbro - sure cannot discount exercise

Tom - I actually was working for an MD who is holistic who shared so much with us about the nutrition lie I was over well... whelmed

Rejoice - I did not know about those seeds, thank you

I mean Bramble thanks for the seed info, Rejoice thanks for the book

Did you read "fighting the food Giants"? Where a man in a hat product paid people to alter the food to make us more hungry after we ate something so we'd eat more? All in the inside notes of that company.

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Hello everyone!

Health and healthy living is one of my dearest subjects. I have experienced good and bad health, and certainly enjoy excellent health by far the most.

BUT..... Getting and maintaining excellent health is HARD WORK!!! Maybe that's an understatement~

In America it seems that our health is under attack daily. 24 hour, non-stop attacks. Most Americans have cowared to the flow of lies, and the sickness and disease related problems prove it.

To take charge of our bodies and feed them the right stuff is to stand against the normal flow. It is a lonely place most of the time, yet the benefits are well worth the effort.

Currently I'm engrossed in the book 'Eat To Live' by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

For anyone interested in enjoying healthy, disease free living, this man has put together some thought provoking information that is easy to understand.

It seems that food has become one of the top addictions in America. We enjoyed being served, and the least amount of work done by us in the kitchen the better.

Perhaps we've been dooped by the 'food industry' into thinking that maybe, just maybe there is something in their stuff that is okay...

From experience, I'm seeing that back to basics is the best. Water only fasting will allow our bodies (for the majority) to heal themselves. (and get rid of all that fat)

Anything chemically added to any of our food will only make our bodies work harder trying to 'deal' with what we just put in our mouth.

Why can't we stay away from stuff we know isn't really 'good' for us?

Why do we continue to overeat, and down empty calories that don't feed our cells?

Why do we think about food so often?

Too many people are very sick and on medication because they can't seem to stop eating the wrong things~ and the medications are weakening their internal organs.

We are digging our graves with a fork & knife~ an old saying... seems to be true.

An addiction?

There is a way to get out it.

Another Site with excellent informational material:


We ordered the book and DVD "The Pleasure Trap" from this place.

Does it make anyone else mad out there, to see the fast food industry making billions every year, knowing their product is just some dead crap.

Our children are being ripped off. We see it daily. Parents too busy trying to make enough money to afford all the 'stuff', or some just to pay the bills, and the 'eating' is one of the first areas to suffer.... prepackaged, dead, salty, chemically treated, fatty crap is served with a smile... no wonder there are so many kids needing 'pills'....

If you feed your body 'dead food' you're not going to enjoy excellent health~

:) with love,


Info for the gardeners:

(Heirloom Seeds for Springtime Gardening

We here at Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds have been working day and night to mail everyone's orders out in a timely fashion. Right now we are shipping within about 2-4 business days. We have had a record amount of business again this year - it seems like everyone is really getting the heirloom fever! We are also honored to be mentioned in a record number of newspapers this season, and were named one of the top 10 seed catalogs by the Sacramento Bee. Visit our popular website to find unique treasures while they're still in stock. (www.rareseeds.com)

Also, our other two websites have become very popular. Our forums at www.idigmygarden.com now have over 800 members, and we believe it is the largest active community of heirloom gardeners online. We have also added many more photos to Jere Gettle's Gettle.org website. Now gardeners can browse many photos of our travel adventures, vegetable displays and more. Wishing everyone a successful gardening season, we hope to see you at this year's heirloom festivals! )

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Anybody here want to do a Greasespot seed exchange?

If so, I have some seeds to swap.

Mesclun salad mix...Seeds of Change....certified Organic

Snow white ivory colored cherry tomatoes...Tomato Growers Supply....may be hybrid, I dunno

Black Plum cherry tomatoes..."....."

Red Pear cherry tomatoes...."....."

Yellow Pear cherry tomatoes...."....."

Mesclun mild mix....Park Seeds

A couple of years ago, I tried an experiment to offer some unusual tomatoes for sale, but the experiment failed as nobody was impressed with the funny looking tomatoes. They are quite low in acid...maybe acid free... and therefore taste different than regular tomatoes and don't can as well.

I want some Paw Paw seed and some organic Burley tobacco seed (if such a thing exists).

Let me know.

I gotta get busy, now. My seed taters are dry, the ground is moist and the moon is waning.

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