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Having spent the better (worse?) part of three months playing the online game World of Warcraft, I thought it might be mildly profitable to share definitions of some of the peculiar idioms that young people are using on the Internet nowadays:

ty - short for "thank you"

tyvm - short for "thank you very much", pronounced "tivvum".

LFG - Acronym for "looking for group"

LF1M - Acronym for "looking for 1 more"

WTS/WTB/WTT - Acronym for "want to sell" "want to buy" "want to trade"

OMG! - Acronym for "Oh, my God!", used to express surprise or shock.

WTF? - Acronym for "What the f__k?", used to express disbelief or disapproval. Also bowdlerized to stand for "Where's the food?" in instances where parental units may be looking over one's shoulder.

ZOMGWTFBBQ! - Acronym used to express high levels of surprise. Apparently the 'Z' doesn't stand for anything.

Woot! - Exclamation of happiness or approval, similar to "cool" "awesome" or "neato", except that "woot" has no real definition.

1337 or Leet - Bastardization of the word "elite", as applied to computer hackers or game players. Most of the terms in here are considered "leet-speak".

teh - Deliberate misspelling of "the", as it's easy to make this typo when typing fast. Most often used in conjunction with another word, usually of incorrect tense, as an emphatic adjective. Also mildly imitative of international gamers who do not speak fluent English but whose native tongue includes gender-articles before words, like Spanish or French. "OMG! Server crashes are teh suck!"

one/eleventy-one - Often used to facetiously simulate the finger slipping off the shift key when typing too many exclamation points: "I just reached level 60! WOOT!!!!!111!!1!11!!!!one!!!eleventy-one!!!11!"

ninja - as a verb, to grab something you can't use or something someone else fought for. Very uncool.

weaksauce - Exclamation or description of something feeble, distasteful, or undesirable. "I fought that elite dragonkin for an hour, but just as I kill him, some Night-Elf Rogue runs up to the chest it was guarding and Ninja-ed the plate mail I'd been farming for two weeks!" "OMG! Rogues can't wear plate! That is teh weaksauce!!!one!"

gay or ghey - universal pejorative adjective, with misspelling to avoid auto-censors.

nerf - to substantially reduce the power or effectiveness of something. The 1.10 patch seriously nerfed Hunters. I can't hit anything any more!" "OMG! That's ghey!"

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Zixar, Master Online Game player I see. :spy:

I play Eve Online myself, which is a space based game where you can fly an assorted variety of ships and play different roles, such as space fighter, miner, merchant trader, mercenary, pirate, etc. And believe you me, that game is sheer *massive* in size, both in the size of the play area, and the number on online players playing at the same time. One time it got to over 25,000 online at once, all in the same galaxy! (Ie., All playing in the same persistant game world, for the technically minded game players) :o

Anywho, some of the phrases that I hear over there, in addition to many of yours, is:

carebear = someone who plays in a totally (most of the time anyway) non-aggresive manner towards other players

'roids = short for asteroids, which are often used for mining ore and minerals

rats = short for piRATe, usually reserved for the computer generated enemy ships that attack your ship when you come into the area

cans = usually containers of either ore (from mining), or loot (that appear when you shoot down another ship)

ore thieves = people who usually sneak up on you while you're mining and steal the ore out from the can you're putting the mined ore into, and then split before you can do anything about it. Also very uncool, like the ninjas.

macrominers = ships used by certain players that operate on running macros that usually mine the crap out of asteroid fields (leaving little for others), and is a practice that is forbidden by CCP. Ie., if you get caught by CCP, you're account is terminated. Permantly!

nerf = same thing as in Zix's post, and also highly complained about when CCP (the authors of Eve) 'tweaks' the game and limits a capability or piece of equipment.

noob ship = the ship that you start out with when you first start playing and learning Eve

skills = different abilities that your character train for that cover a *wide* range of subjects/areas. And they come at different levels too, where the first lvl (defined below) takes the shortest time (about half an hour or so), and the fifth lvl, which can take you up to a month!

lvl = short for level

corp = No, not Way Corp (thankful for that, ehh? ;) ), but short for space corporations, literally hundreds to choose from, and are either computer generated or are player made corps, each one having different agendas and goals to accomplish.

corp wars = when different corp(orations) go to war against each other

podded = when not only your ship gets destroyed, YOU (in your escape pod) get smoked by enemy fire. BUT, not to worry, you are regenerated as a clone at a nearby space station. :)

character name = a name that you can assign to your character that other folks can call you by. Mine is ((ahem)) Garth Skytrader. ..... Ahhhh shaddap!! :biglaugh:

Anywho, that's just a few of them, and here is the link to find out more about Eve Online.

Warning: Due to its size and incredible depth of play and content, it can be VERY addictive and time consuming once you get started. It is THAT fun! Believe me! I spent many an hour per week playing this game when I first started (June 2004), and it is to date my favorite online game, bar none. (So I know the feeling, Zix! :B) )

Edited by GarthP2000
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There ya go, Dave! :) And that's another thing about Eve: it's superb graphics. ..... which brings up the point that, to really play the game, you'll need 1 gigabyte of memory, 3D graphics card wtih 128meg of onboard video memory, 400-600 meg of HD space, and a 1.5-2.0 ghz Pentium 4 (or equivalent) box to run w/o any real problems.

At least!


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I think each game (I know Eve does) has a downloadable client software package that installs, and then you can then subscribe on the web site for monthly charges. When you run the game, it'll ask you to log in (using the login info provided you by the site), and then you can start playing.


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And it's not "noob", it's "n00b", you n00b, you!

n00b: from "newbie", its usually a new person still stumbling with something and not up to speed.

L337: from "elite", it's both something cool and first-rate (or "uber-"),

or the online slang and typing style we're discussing.

As in "I am teh L337 gamer!"

"Or 'OMG do u speek l337?'" (That's usually meant ironically, as a slam.)

r0x0rs: something really cool-

"This game r0x0rs!"

And 2 terms from Japanese animation fans (otaku):

kawaii: cute (meant in an innocent way-

a kitten can be kawaii, but that hot babe is not)

chibi: the miniturized, somewhat more kawaii version of something

I once shocked one teenager by replying,

in perfect AOL/L337 slang:

"OMG!!11! Teh chibis r so kawaii!!1!!"

I commented that us old folks can still learn languages.


And you'll want to look this instructional flash video over...


And here's a list of some common internet abbeviations:


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ok i gotta ask

how you get to play this game

thanks :beer:

You buy the World of Warcraft client at your local gamestore. It comes with your first month of play included, but after that you either pay by credit card or buy pre-paid timecards. It's currently $14.95/month, with discounts for 3-month/6-month/12-month advance purchases. Sounds like a lot, but it's cheaper than a single movie for two, and you can play it 24 hrs a day for that month. Cheap entertainment, really.

WoW, as it's called, is the most popular online Role-playing game out there, with reportedly over 5.5 million users worldwide. I'll warn you, though, it can be extremely addictive.

There are multiple servers, but there isn't any communication between them. So, if you're inclined to play and want to play with me, select the "Khaz Modan" server to create a character on. I mostly play Alliance characters on Khaz Modan, although I have a couple of Horde characters for variety. (You can create characters on all the servers, but you can only share things between your characters on the same server. You can have up to 10 characters on any 1 server.)

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