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  1. Past hour
  2. Ok, name the actor.... Burton Mercer Russ Lasky John Bourgignon Freddie Bauer Spike Nolan Jack Chester
  3. Today
  4. "Even a man who is pure at heart, and says his prayers at night, may become a wolf when the wolfsbane blooms and the moon shines full and bright."
  5. I feel better- I kept thinking this was the same song, and I was sure you wouldn't post the same song like that.
  6. Blazing Saddles "I Am Groot." (I'll take any movie with that line.) George
  7. FYI, the lines I quoted were not from Surfin' USA, although the writer sued the Beach Boys and won, because Surfin' USA was so much like this song. George
  8. I doubt Brad Pitt was alive when Mother, Jugs, and Speed came out. George
  9. Yesterday
  10. Next one. Depending on the medium, it can be hard to convey that some characters are tough guys, etc, with some media making that harder than others. Possibly the lowest point for such an attempt was when the tough guys were wearing PINK UNIFORMS. Which tough guys wore them, and what the heck happened? (WHY were they wearing pink uniforms?)
  11. This movie has the odd distinction of winning the MTV Movie Award for "Best Fight" despite not being an action movie. That's not especially odd, but this movie is a COMEDY. Included as weapons in that specific fight were a HAND GRENADE, brass knuckles, a whip, a machete, and a TRIDENT. It was a 5-team melee, not a simple fist-fight (obviously), and those paying attention saw the use of a net, and a man on fire. One guy entered the fight smoking a pipe, which was not used as a weapon- someone threw him a machete before he ambushed another fighter getting too distracted before he tried to murder another. (Pretty SHARP machete, too- it took the guy's arm off with one chop.) It looked like it was going to be team-on-team, until the third team arrived....then the fourth team arrived....and finally the fifth team arrived, making it "a bilingual brouhaha", as someone from the fourth team put it. Amazingly, despite all that, there were actual, agreed-upon rules. "No touching of the hair and face." "Obviously." There was at least one guy killed, but his hair and face were left alone. Amazingly (or not, given that this was a comedy), the fight was interrupted by the cops arriving, but NOBODY was arrested in the movie, or even charged (despite weapons dropped at the scene, presumably leaving fingerprints behind.)
  12. "Repeat after me. 'I'" "I" "(Your name)" "Your name!" "(Twits.) 'Pledge allegiance'" "Pledge allegiance" "'To Hedley Lamarr' " "To Hedy Lamarr" "That's HEDLEY!" "'That's Hedley.'" " 'And to the evil for which he stands.' " And to the evil for which he stands." "Now, go do that voodoo that you do so well!"
  13. I can only think of 2 Nick Fury's. And the Caucasian one doesn't make me think of SeƱor Love Daddy as a name. So, obviously, I have to go with SAMUEL L. JACKSON.
  14. I'm overdue for watching that movie again.
  15. On the off-chance he's wrong, "Brad Pitt????"?????
  16. All right. Time to end this. Senor Love Daddy Madlock Stacks Edwards Gator Purify B-Bop Greg Meeker Wes Luger Andrew Sterling Tat Lawson Frozone Nick Fury Darius Kincaid George
  17. Surfin' USA They're really rockin' in Boston In Pittsburgh, P.A. Deep in the heart of Texas And 'round the Frisco Bay George
  18. Holy Smoke Clockers Somebody to Love The Irishman The Duellists National Treasure Moonrise Kingdom Red Dragon Copland Mother Jugs and Speed Thelma & Louise The Last Temptation of Christ
  19. Last week
  20. Any chance this was Wormser? That would make this "ANIMAL HOUSE"????
  21. ANTHONY HOPKINS? I know "Red Dragon" is a Hannibal Lechter story...
  22. Here's a wild swing in the opposite direction. DANNY TREJO?????
  23. You'd see them wearin' their baggies, Huarache sandals, too.
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