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  2. Any chance this was Wormser? That would make this "ANIMAL HOUSE"????
  3. ANTHONY HOPKINS? I know "Red Dragon" is a Hannibal Lechter story...
  4. Here's a wild swing in the opposite direction. DANNY TREJO?????
  5. You'd see them wearin' their baggies, Huarache sandals, too.
  6. Some familiar movies there, but I'm not clicking on a common nactor. George
  7. The Empire Strikes Back Carrie Fisher Shampoo George
  8. No. He's had comic roles, but I wouldn't consider this actor a comic actor. Senor Love Daddy Madlock Stacks Edwards Gator Purify B-Bop Greg Meeker Wes Luger Andrew Sterling Tat Lawson George
  9. No. I was sure one of you would get it. I'll leave it up a bit longer. I've already done this film with another memorable line. George
  10. Phantom of the Opera was #1, with 13,981 performances. The rest: 2: Chicago (1996 revivial) 10,825 3: The Lion King 10,445 4: Wicked 7,984 George
  11. The Ballad of John and Yoko...by...uhhm...John and Yoko
  12. "Standing in the dock at Southampton tryin' to get to Holland or France"
  13. Holy Smoke Clockers Somebody to Love The Irishman The Duellists National Treasure Moonrise Kingdom Red Dragon Copland
  14. Yesterday
  15. Gotta be someone ridiculous..... "Jack Black?""
  16. Is this "Court of the Crimson King"????????
  17. This movie has the odd distinction of winning the MTV Movie Award for "Best Fight" despite not being an action movie. That's not especially odd, but this movie is a COMEDY. Included as weapons in that specific fight were a HAND GRENADE, brass knuckles, a whip, a machete, and a TRIDENT.
  18. That was going to be my next guess. I still remember feeling the heat from the flash-pots on my face. (I closed my eyes for a moment to keep my contact lenses from drying up.) This was Andrew Lloyd Weber's "Phantom of the Opera."
  19. Ok, here's one: After watching one episode, Kevin Feige hired the "director" for Marvel movie projects. Perhaps not coincidentally, several of this series' stars had bit roles in Avengers Endgame, Spider-Man Homecoming and the two Captain America sequels.
  20. Maybe someday I'll watch it. Along with Pulp Fiction. “Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.” George
  21. Honestly can't find anything else remotely interesting. Lol. Still looking
  22. The Secret of My Success Helen Slater City Slickers George
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