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  2. Oakspear

    Checking In

    Hey guys & gals, your old buddy Oakspear popping in for my periodic “hey” Life continues well: My wife & I will soon officiate our 900th wedding; 17 years marrying folks I gave up alcohol in 2022; too many bad decisions & the hangovers got to be too high a price to pay I got out of retail grocery 8 1/2 years ago & have been working as an analyst in the department of revenue, also training new hires & will be retiring in one year I do a lot of concert photography & sold a photo to Alligator Records I enjoy seeing some of you on Facebook or Twitter, and occasionally I get nostalgic for the days of yore on Grease Spot, including Weenie Roasts and weddings, but don’t really have the desire to be here as much as I used to. My tablet remembered my password, so I interpreted it as a sign to interact for a bit Love you guys!
  3. The list of things that Wierwille talked about that that he clearly didn’t understand would be a long one.
  4. I used to think there were good times when I was in TWI, but the more I reflected on it, any good times were IN SPITE of TWI, and not BECAUSE I was in TWI.
  5. Oh my. Martindale is out & about “teaching”? He has a “ministry”?
  6. By the time Martindale canceled the ROA (because of rampant sex, or secret gay people? I forget) I was glad to see it go. It had gone from a fun reunion, hear some Bible, meet new folks to a regimented yell-fest where attendance at teachings were required and you had a good chance of being underwater if your tent was pitched in some of the fields.
  7. Alec Baldwin The Hunt for Red October Sam Neill
  8. No need to wait for WordWolf, George. That's him, I can confirm Nels Coxman in Cold Pursuit, Ra's al Ghul in Dark Knight Rises, Qui Gonn Jinn in Star Wars: Episode 1. Only ones missing are Rob Roy, Michael Collins and Brian Mills (Taken franchise). And Schindler's List of course. Oh, it's Liam by the way.
  9. Yesterday
  10. I almost went with the trifecta of Carly Simon songs but changed my mind. Dress up tonight Why be lonely? You'll stay at home, and you'll be alone So why be lonely?
  11. Again, I feel like I'm late to the party. I'm finding out that Hernandez's view about "good" philosophy being a necessary (or at least a helpful) tool to help Christians understand life and God better is not that uncommon among scholars and some ministries. Just goes to show that up until a couple of months ago, I was still holding onto vp's catchphrase "it's the word, the word and nothing but the word" (or something like that). I guess the bible is fair game for ministers, preachers, and believers to come to their own truth. The likelihood is zero, though, that anyone will find a "truth" that takes all the guesswork and inconsistencies out of God and his promises for our lives in the here and now (IMHO).
  12. Rocky


    A man sees/hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest...
  13. "You've got spunk!" "Oh, Mr..." "I HATE spunk!" George
  14. Regarding the article " Relationship with apologist changes heart of atheist." As some Christians have become evolutionary creationists because they can no longer deny the science of evolution, I wonder if Hernandez’s teachings on biblical philosophy is a way to get around or legitimize the growing awareness of the gospels being linked to Homer and Paul’s epistles to Plato, Socrates and Aristotle. Here are some quotes from Hernandez’s webpage “Do Christians Need Philosophy?” http://www.erichernandezministries.com/christians-need-philosophy-question-20/ The greatest commandment in scripture tells us to love God with all of our heart, strength, and mind (which literally means your intellectual capacity and faculty of understanding). The first thing to note is that we are commanded to exercise our faculty of understanding as a way of honoring God, being made in His image, as a reflection of His intellect. As a Christian, or as merely a person with a mind, we need tools to help guide our thinking. Philosophy and theology are vital tools that God has given us to exercise such guidance. And as a side note, could we not say that the Holy Spirit has guided us to engage in proper philosophy? The issue here isn’t with philosophy, per say, but in engaging in proper philosophy. We should not think of philosophy as man trying to make up stuff to sound smart. That is what Christians who have bad philosophy tend to do. Philosophy literally comes from the words “philo”, the love of, and “Sophia”, meaning wisdom. So it literally means the love of wisdom, and a quick look at the book of proverbs clearly tells us much about wisdom. Hence, if we have good philosophy, our thinking will be properly guided when we engage in virtually every other field of study. Especially and most importantly, our theology- the study of God. Colossians 2:8...The context of this verse here is Paul speaking to Christians who have had people attempting to persuade them using “hollow and deceptive” philosophy. The key in this verse is to avoid the BAD philosophy, and not simply to avoid philosophy altogether. Lastly, I’d like to address the view that some Christians take by saying, “the gospel is simple, we don’t need philosophy to understand it”. The error again is that this is not only false, but un-biblical. How can we have the audacity to assume that our own thinking is so precise and proper, that we can afford to be intellectually lazy and neglect the very tools (such as philosophy) God gave us to help understand all that He is? Are we really that prideful to admit we don’t know it all and need help? Or are we too lazy and find it easier to simply say, “the Holy Spirit will just tell me.” This is not how Christ lived his life, because he himself grew in wisdom (luke 2:52), and in claiming otherwise, we make ourselves out to be better than Jesus. Such assertions make these people hard to be taken seriously. Philosophy is a gift from God, and a gift that will enrich our lives, our minds, our worship, and our outlook on who God is. This is what it means to love God with our minds.
  15. Mike McCann Dr. David Marrow Nels Coxman Peter Swan David Stewart Gawain Kegan Charles Churchill Michael Lamb John Carns Father John Fielding Carl Anderson Liam Docherty Martin Falcon Martin Brogan Leo Cutler Briar Gates Danny Scoulars Tony Aaron Franz-Otto Dietrich Michael Gates Sheriff Will Braverman Ethan Frome Dr. Fergus Lamb Ben Ryan Captain Mikhail Polenin Zeus Qui Gonn Jinn Henri Ducard Ra's al Ghul
  16. Jim Morrison's grave is in a private cemetery in France. From time to time, well-wishers show up at his grave, drink and leave a mess. The cemetery was thinking of having him re-interred elsewhere. One comedian asked how big a rock star you have to be, to be thrown out of places for too much partying long after you are dead! Although, obviously, he isn't the one doing the actual partying.
  17. There were rumors of Jim Morrison's body being moved from Paris to Florida. Is that it? George
  18. I wondered about this when I read the article "Relationship with apologist changes heart of atheist," so I tried to find the debate Daniel Nieto mentioned in that article. It looks like Aron Ra (atheist) and Eric Hernandez (Christian apologist) have done two debates; one on faith and one on the soul. I think it's the debate on faith that may be the one in question. It seems to be well known because there is a portion where Aron Ra is accused of "losing his mind over a simple question and yelling at Hernandez." A very popular 16-minute clip on YouTube focuses on this portion and uses gimmicks to make fun of Aron Ra. Hernandez shows it at the top of his home page for Eric Hernandez Ministries. It all just looks like a PR promotion for Hernandez. Aron Ra seems to discuss this debate in an hour-and-a-half video which I have only started to watch in order to find out what was said to be wrong about his definition of faith. I also want to see how Hernandez operates in his role as an apologist.
  19. I want to see a paisley sunrise.
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