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  1. Today
  2. That was John "Hannibal" Smith from "THE A-TEAM."
  3. Interesting thought, but no. Nothing so grim. Try for something sweeter.
  4. Yesterday
  5. Real familiar. I just can't place it. George
  6. The Addams Family "I love it when a plan comes together!" George
  7. That part of this line is really the most memorable quote.
  8. In case that's unclear, I'm looking for a role, and those are actors.
  9. I have trouble remembering Michael Rosenbaum in that role. So, who's turn....oh, it's mine. Hang on.
  10. Last week
  11. Raf


    But I take issue with the point you made. I do not believe it is accurate about any more than a few people. I guess I just would have phrased it differently.
  12. I was thinking Blood, Sweat and Tears, but she did it too, so you're up. George
  13. “…only sharks swim at midnight” Reminds me of that charlatan.
  14. You didn’t have to extrapolate on it because no one furthered the conversation until i did.
  15. I forgot he was in Jurassic Park Jeff Goldblum Transylvania 6-5000 George
  16. Now troubles are many They're as deep as a well I can swear there ain't no heaven But I pray there ain't no hell George
  17. Raf


    I did. I also let it stand and didn't move it or edit it or delete it or nothing. I also didn't extrapolate from it to make a point about all Christians without exception or all Christians within a certain category. Some Christians? Certainly. Here's an example.
  18. No, I guess not. Let me fix that up. Holy Smoke (appropriate, hey) Clockers Somebody to Love The Irishman The Duellists National Treasure
  19. A few posts up you said cman was babbing because of his posts. Apparently you decided this was irrelevant to the discussion.
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