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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2010 in all areas

  1. We just turned off the negative reputation points. Although they were fun, especially in the Politics forum, they proved useless (and actually made some upset). Disagreement with a post now will have to be done via a non-vote. The forums will highlight anything that gets 10 positive points. So if you think something someone wrote is good, +1 it so others will find it more easily.
    2 points
  2. A series of articles in the Way magazine was written by the Presidunce's crabbinet on Keys to the Werd's Interpretation (yes, the same keys that were stolen from Bullinger in How to Enjoy the Bible: http://philologos.org/__eb-htetb/ but that's ). So one cabinet member writes an article on To Whom the Word is Addressed. It was a longer article, and covered the sections of the Werd addressed to all the administrations as the way taught them, as well as the second aspect of this topic as taught by the MOG on Jew, Gentile, Church of God. The author of this Way Magazine article gets to examples of scriptures addressed to us in our administration. He shows an OT verse, Isaiah 53:5: "with his stripes we are healed" to teach that they in the OT looked forward to Jesus Christ's coming and "claimed" their healing based on his future realities. The companion verse in the NT, of course, is I Peter 2:24: "by whose stripes ye were healed," and the author of the article used this verse the same way every other MOG in the way did, to show that this is addressed to us today and we look back at his accomplishments to claim our healing. So I'm editing this article, and I ask myself, "Is I Peter is addressed to us? I thought the Church Epistles are addressed to us. And the author of the article just taught that also." (Of course along with the "leadership" epistles of Timothy and Titus.) So I ask the obvious question "Is I Peter addressed to us? It's not one of the Church Epistles, yet we say it's addressed to us and that we can directly apply this verse." It turns out that no one in my department had an answer to this question, so it moves on to the great Research department. What was their final answer? Yank the whole section out of the article because they don't have an answer either and neither can they get an answer....Why? After 50+ years of the "best Biblical research on the planet," no MOG has taught an answer to this. And of course because Victor Paul Wierwille didn't say who Peter was addressed to, then we don't really know what's true and what's not. This is what they call "proven ministry research" and if something new comes along that can't be compared to it then it will not see the light of day.
    1 point
  3. God gave us emotions. If we are to believe the Bible, then we can see that God has emotions. While I don't think it's necessarily good to be led by emotions, I do think it's wise to take them into consideration when confronted with something. TWI's need to discount emotions should be seen for the red flag that it is. There is no spiritual gain without a certain amount of pain and suffering. TWI's practices were designed to get people to deny pain and suffering while doing things that caused it.
    1 point
  4. To be honest with you it's been a long time since I have felt any real emotions either. Like JavaJane any emotion that would cause me grief, empathy, or sadness I would consider as an attack from the Adversary. It was all fear (False-Evidence-Appearing-Real);I needed to shut out the feelings and renew my mind. I would often wonder why some of the tragic events on the news would not phase me. I would sum it all up that they weren't walking in the light of God's Word so of course "what do you expect Worldy people!" For me today, I am grateful that I have cried a few times at the movies and that my heart goes out to the victims on the news. I have been such a fricken robot, numbed to the core, Way Disciple these past few years that it is a miracle that I can feel at all. My emotions are still a roller coaster ride but I know it is all going to be so much better.
    1 point
  5. Many hugs to you both; I always remember the little things Yahweh has always done for me, even though we could not explain it, we just knew someone had their eye on us, do you remember the little things Yahweh did, I think those were the special times.
    1 point
  6. But what is so cool, is how our Father got us through it all, we always knew our Father was with us, and our Father is still with us, that is so cool. That always gives me a good feeling, that Yahweh is mindful of us, and ours.
    1 point
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