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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2023 in Posts

  1. So in the Way mag May June 2023 there is a “Word Over the World Report” entitled “A Time to Come Home”. This highlights the BOD deciding a year ago on a new campaign A Time To Come Home a strategic plan to reach out to former Way Int followers and invite them to “come and see”. The scriptures quoted here are from 2 Chronicles 30 where Hezekiah sent letters to all Israel and Judah saying they should come to the house of the Lord at Jerusalem and keep the Passover. Rom 12 is also quoted referencing one body of Christ. So clearly the BOD has an unspoken view of themselves along with HQ as “Jerusalem” and can quote one body of Christ while translating it into a cult view with zero remorse or even a second breath. To correct this doctrinal and practical error, first HQ is not Jerusalem where God had his physical center in one location. By the Ways own teaching this is not written to the modern day church. Yet that doesn’t matter one iota in building images of HQ as “Jerusalem”. If that were the case then there would be no need for other denominations in the body of Christ to have centers themselves. But they twist scripture even while trying ti share the most benign verses. Next, seriously how can you be so blind to quote Rom 12 about one body of Christ out of one side of your mouth, then completely discounting 95% of the actual body of Christ including your former followers out of the other side of your mouth? Dont trust lying words in magazines whose design is to carry you off captive. The campaigns designed behind closed doors are for one purpose only - to benefit one organization and its leaders. Blind guides lead others into ditches.
    2 points
  2. Huh, nobody's sent me one. But why would they? They don't have any address that's even remotely relevant. But if they did... perhaps I would return it with the invitation, "Come on back - to the wider Christian community." Come to church with me for a month or so. See what my church teaches. See what the congregation do to reach out to others, and to help the community generally. See what the Christian community in my city, comprising many denominations, does, to help not just the Christian community, but the entire city - believers or not. See how we engage with those around us. See the help, healing, deliverance available to all. And then tell me you can do it better. Yeah, right.
    1 point
  3. I guess I must be in purgatory then lol. Not MA but not welcome either. I love how their grandiose self centered views show forth in the scriptures they use to justify them. I mean why don’t they dust off those musty rear ends and get out in the greater Christian community and “see what is going on there” ????#!? I mean I already know what is going on there. Ads on YouTube with staff members tossing a ball to each other and catching it. Promos for their programs all which keep the machine running. Teachings heavy on tradition with stolen poems about Way Corps that talk about not having dull heavy handed traditions. Molten statues for all to fall on their knees before. I mean there is a major breakout of Mikeitis there at HQ with tens and hundreds of ostriches all burying the heads to not see what they don’t want to see.
    1 point
  4. And it's a sad place to see anybody still stuck in blatant error and cult land out in the cornfields. Those books they esteem so highly even superced scripture to them as they let their books define scripture. Sad. Those few books are considered proven ministry research according to them and as such are above question and treated as gospel.
    1 point
  5. Unless you are me and they know you post on GSC. They know who I am and after I ordered from their bookstore they have my address, not that I care, but thankfully theyve never sent me one of their post cards. I agree with you though, why would anyone desire to go back into bondage?
    1 point
  6. Which is appropriate in an ironic sort of poetic justice kinda way considering they are pharisees in practice and HQ is rife with all sorts of cultic legalism.
    1 point
  7. My wife and I each got a card in the mail. That must be joking, I mean seriously? We have come so far ahead of that twi teaching they would not grasp any kind of reality that is truth. Not that any of them might want to actually learn anything from god. They are stuck in a narrow analytical world of a few books.
    1 point
  8. I guess all you M&As are "forgiven" if you've been invited to "come & see". From what I hear, they won't even let you drive by the place. But then again, why would you want to?
    1 point
  9. On 5/11/2023, Charity said: ...the best thing I learned from being on GSC was that I'm not alone and neither are you.
    1 point
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