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J0nny Ling0

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Everything posted by J0nny Ling0

  1. Wow. The Year of the Monkey. Amazing!
  2. Socks, I was just listening to "Monkey Man" again, and I noticed something. Remember when it was recommended that we read "The Marxist Minstrels"? Do you remember the term "nerve jamming chords"? Well, all of these years, the chords in that song "Monkey Man" seemed to be to me, the very epitome of the nerve jamming chords that we were warned about. And I know what they were talking about. I couldn't explain it in musical terms, because as I've told you before, I am not that musical, except for in a "raw talent" (and undisciplined) sort of way, but those chords that the Stones used in that song have sort of a "nerve jamming" effect, except that, I really like it! Yeah, I dig it it! Do you hear what I am talking about Socks? What is your understanding on this?
  3. Zixar!! Ooohh oohh ahh ahh! (Cheetah scream) Yer a monkey!! Speaking of Cheetah...Hmmm...
  4. But then after I went back to sleep, I had a very disturbing dream. It started out in the same dreamy way, but then the "music began to change" and grow weird. I went to the same far away land, and there I saw her again. But she was walking away from me this time! We were on the same beach, but the wind was boisterous and the waves were crashing on the beach with a ferocity I had not yet encountered! Her hair seemed to be the same from behind (although it blew about wildly!), but when I called to her, she didn't answer! At first I thought that the wind had caught my voice away, but no. So when I caught up to her and put my hand upon her shoulder, she turned around and looked at me and this was who I saw! REET! REET! REET! [This message was edited by Jonny Lingo on March 09, 2004 at 12:58.]
  5. Socks- ROFLMAO!....CHIANON...Snort...haha... And hey, I had a dream last night that I was caught away in thr spirit and went to a farawy land. And while I was there, I met a woman so beautiful that she would be hard for me to describe. We walked along the beach, gazed at the moons, and could even see that "Pretty Blue World" hanging up in the heavens like a gorgeous blue jewel. It was dreamy and so peaceful to be there walking with her. But when I woke up, I realized that it had been a dream, but the Ethereal quality of it lingered heavily in m' mind. But then, as looked at my still sleeping and ever beautiful wife, my heart was tinged with guilt as I gazed at her sleeping so peacefully beside me. Yet I knew that since nothing had occurred between me and this beautiful woman in my dream that all would be ok. She had given me such a dream of peace. But what was so wild and nothing short of a miracle, was that I found her photograph under my pillow! So, I scanned it and here she is! [This message was edited by Jonny Lingo on March 09, 2004 at 12:43.]
  6. Hay there Sistah Ex-10! Welcome to the world of Amazing Sea Monkeys! Yeah, it really is quite Amazing, isn't it? But I don't know about the Chia Pet thing. We'll have to check with the Amazing Sea Monkey Research Department. I think Tom Strange is far better at research than I, so maybe he can come up with something for you...Make sure you go back and click on "Monkey Man" and give a listen to one of the finest Amazing Sea Monkey Hymns that was ever written...Until Then...
  7. Man Socks, I am really blown away now..That thing you just shared about the Beatles and Monkeys and the seven letters...Mow!! And I never knew about "Monkey Grip". They really knew man they really did... And Andrea, sorry for not welcoming you here. So, welcome Sistah! Sometimes I get so hot I just have to ask the Amazing Sea Monkeys to help me "cool it" so I can think more better...
  8. Like I said Diaz bruh, you make sure that your kids see it when you deem it proper, and I will do the same with mine! OK?
  9. Man! It's so Amazing! It seems as if everytime we turn around, new evidence of the Great Mystery keeps popping up in songs! And now this new song! Let's stop hiding our monkeys and get them out for all to see! Uh...wait a minute... maybe I should rephrase that...I uh.. well, let's see those Amazing Sea Monkeys go and grow by going MOW now!!!
  10. Ahhh Bluzeman..Thank you thank you. I am once again so refreshed by hearing that long ago Amazing Sea Monkey Hymn. For you other OLMs, the true message of the song isn't revealed until the end of the song, so be patient, enjoy those patent Rolling Stone Kieth Richard guitar rythms, and toward the end of the song, you too can hear that amazing message! I had forgotten that aspect of the song, but is it of little wonder that the end of the song is the part that has stuck with me through all of these years? Amazing..
  11. Oh my Gawd! I just realized something else! Remember the Rolling Stones? -You do-Now what song do you think just occurred to me?! Here it is: I'm A Monkey! Those Amazing Sea Monkeys must have really really known that we love Rock and Roll! Look at what we have uncovered here: Ten Years After singing: I'd like to Change The World, Hard Monkeys, Here They Come, And the Monkeys singing their theme song as well as this latest revelation on "The Last Train To Clarkesville-thank you Tom, such a fine OLM you are. Wow. Or should I sat MOW! Because our generation has come to love Rock and Roll so much, the Amazing Sea Monkeys chose it as a "vehicle of communication of the word of MOW making it as vital as possible!" So, if we all get on that "Last Train To Clarkesville" we'll be able to join our Amazing Sea Monkey brothers and sisters. We could all sing "I'm A Monkey" together! And Bluzman, couldja wouldja please find that song and post it to this thread? What a fine Amazing Sea Monkey Hymn, and it really should be added to our Hymnal..
  12. J0nny Ling0


    Hey you Mainers, Cacoon Chucker- Do any of you know the whereabouts of Tom and Margurite Lawrence? Tom is a big guy and was in the Ninth Corps. He is a mild mannered "Clarke Kent" type. Margurite was Margurite Smith, the identical twin of Madelaine Smith of the 11th Corps. Tom and Marg lived in Bar Harbor, and I think he is a native Mainer. I did look them up in some search thingamajig, and found a Tom and Margurite Lawrence in a place called Seal Harbor I think, on some Island. But there was no e-mail address. They had been fairly active in the JAL thing when the whole thing blew up, but I contacted JAL and he said he hadn't heard from them for years. But I thought that maybe some of you Mainahs might know something. Tom is an excellent photographer and may be doing it professionally and I wonder if he has a studio with a website. I guess I am looking to catch up with Margurite mostly. She had been a best pal kind of a friend when I was in my first year in rez. I had been dating her twin during that time and we had a neat friendship, and I always wondered what became of those two. Maybe someone could fish around Seal Harbor for me if you happen to pass through? Jonny Lingo
  13. Thank you Rick, Thank you Socks, and all of you for your chimp like prayers.... I'm all better now. That was....Amazing...
  14. Hmmm, I know that Dan was from Illinois, up around Chicago. Maybe they moved back to be around his Fam for awhile. Thanks for the tip on Dale Sides site Engine. Didn't come up with anything. Ya know, I actually slap fought with Dan once up in Waters of Life dorm at Gunnison. It lasted for a few minutes until I snuck a good one in on him and he picked me up and threw my whole body across the room and into a bunk. Man that guy was big and powerful! A great friend to be sure. And Jenelda and I were companions in trouble on our interim year in North Dakota. A good year..
  15. Socks Aww, thanks man....much better now....really was so soothing and healing...the biggest thing I saw in the song was the heart man, the heart!!......And now my guilt is entirely inconsequential...nothing like a healing, ritualistically played,Amazing Sea Monkey hymn really... [This message was edited by Jonny Lingo on March 06, 2004 at 22:58.]
  16. Speaking of MOW, I just can't believe what has occurred to me! When I was a kid, we had a Siamese Cat name "Kitty Si". That's long i, as in Si-amese. At any rate, this cat was way loud and cantankerous. He would stomp around the house saying; "MOW! MOW! MOW! I think he was tring to tell me something! I think he wanted me to know of future events! And everytime he would stomp around the house proclaiming MOW!, my dog, my faithful companion Spunky would whimper and whine as if to say; "Listen to Kitty SI! Listen to him!" But I failed in my duties to take notice. And to think that I shamelessly threw many an alarm clock or pillow at him! But after Kitty Si passed on into the blue yonder, I always vowed that if I were to ever have another cat, I would name him "Kitty MOW", because it sounded funny. This is truth I tell you! And not yet a year ago, we got an orange Tabby cat from the pound, and do you know what we named him?.....Dunston, Sir Dunston...Yeah, I missed the mark yet again and am now in the doldrums of my failure to the Amazing Sea Monkeys, and now deeply lost in condemnation. Is there any Amazing Sea Monkey doctrine which can help me through this time? I swear it, I will change our cats name to Kitty MOW as of this moment! [This message was edited by Jonny Lingo on March 06, 2004 at 17:28.]
  17. And Socks! You are really onto it as an OLM! I was just wondering why it is that our glaciers here in Alaska are melting at a rapid rate! I know now that is because the Amazing Sea Monkeys need as much "hatching habitat" as possible for to carry out their mission! So many questions being answered! Oh, I just wish we all could read it in the original, it's just, so so...If only we could find that Last Lost teaching!
  18. Dot Matrix- I wish the same also. If the movie sticks around in Juneau or Whitehorse, I may be able to see it on the big screen...
  19. Nooooo! They feed Amazing Sea Monkeys to the sea Horses?! Then we must mount an expedition against them! OLM Socks! Did you hear that? You may very well live in California, and therefore you are the closest! You must take your armada down to San Diego and rescue the Amazing Sea Monkeys from the jaws of the heinous sea horses! Go forth now! Set sail and kick some seahorse a$$! And report back to us of the success of your mission! Alvin Lee (God rest his soul) is counting on you!
  20. Ah yes! A Sistern! Surely with a badge like that she too is an OLM? and Socks, what do you mean by "big little tops"? If you shall tell me what big little tops are, maybe I can help you with "What does this mean!? BTW, It was not Bluzman who sed that but Jonny Lingo... Ahh but Bluzmon! Where is the audio post of "Here They Come" by Ten Years After? Please find it and post it for it is most important! For I really liked that song...
  21. You are right. I never let my kids see the Wizard of OZ either...
  22. Diazbruh- With all of the garbage available in our culture, I hardly think that they will be skewed for life if they watch this. And I am thinking of 8 years old and up... I saw Old Yeller meet his death by rabies as his beloved best friend shot him at point blank with a black powder rifle when I was seven or so. I didn't know a whole lot about life yet, but believe me, that was way traumatic for me as a kid! I cried and cried when Old Yeller died and asked my Mom to explain it to me over and over, but in the overall, even though I had no "requisite knowledge to put it in perspective", it was good for me: Old Yeller was a hero Life ain't fair Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do People who settled this country dealt with tough hardships... But hey Diaz. This is a nice thread. I don't want to argue with you. You seem to be a nice man, and it seems to be tending that way, so you keep your young'ns from seeing it, and I'll take mine to see it, or watch it when it comes out on DVD. Peace bruh :)--> JL p.s. I spose there is only one "perfect parent" and I guess He is the One whom we should learn more about talking too! :)-->
  23. Why Little Hawk, I am sorry to say that I haven't found anything out about Linda's whereabouts. Hope things are good in Shepherdsville. Sounds like a nice place...
  24. Confucious also say: Man who walk around with hand in pocket feel cocky all day long!
  25. J0nny Ling0

    10th Corps

    Wow, so nice to have an event like that nearby. What are they shooting? .22's?
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