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Posts posted by imbus

  1. Shucks,

    I agree. Love is the greatest power in the universe. I too ask God when I start my shift," What can I do that will make a difference?" I get to be with these kids for 2 hrs. in the morning, so how the morning is makes or breaks their day. I take them hiking, biking, game morning or take them to the ranch to play with the goats.

    Their are some kids that are so wounded that their defensive distrust cannot be penatrated. And no matter what you do or how much time you spend they cannot connect.

    When these kid are well established in their street mentality and life style of violence, they look a kindness as a weakness and take full advantage.

    The child I mentioned had sent several staff to the hospital for trying to keep him safe.

    He is the only child I felt would have a bleak out come. That he would be killed in the process of killing. Now that my friend is sad.

  2. Gladtobeout,

    YOU ROCK GIRL. I'v been dreaming of thoose peanutbutter bars for years. It was the only comfort food or food that gave me comfort. I would trade my sandwich for one of those. We got bag dinner for corps nite on Wed.

    Thank for giving the recipe. This is a great day.YYYYYYIIIIIIPPPPPPEEEEEEEEE.

  3. Don't know if this has been covered. Jim Jones and the Kolaid capper. Jonestown was a mock, ficticious story of CIA cover up. That their were not 900 plus people who commited suiside but a plan to get a top secret facility out of the country. The coffins were used to break it down, peice by peice. I got this info at Advance class of "79".

    I have a few questions.

    1. If it was TOP SECRET, how did TWI get the info?

    2. Explain to the Family memebers where their love ones are.

    3. If this really did happen (which I don't buy) Why put your organization at risk for being a target by the Gov't, to keep this info concelled.

    It appears once again the attention that TWI drew to itself as being the only source for globle truth. That their take is absolute and from Gods perspective. How ARROGANT.

  4. I threw out my material a long time ago.I figured I would take the teaching of diablo spiritus seriously. How spiritus inhabit objects or some objects leave an open door to their fine fellowship in your home. Was trying to clean up my life. I could sence a difference spiritually after I unloaded. It was cathartic.

    Although "All Aborad" was found up in my parents attic. I'm sure the presence of that record must have put a hardship in them. SORRY folks.

    I tore into that record with a drumal tool. Tried to make a chime out of it. Well, no sucess and it met the fate of all the other stuff. Cast out!

  5. Mr. P-Mosh,

    Glad you survived TWI. I can't amagin the garbage you have to work through havin been brought up there.

    Like you, I met some wonderful folks too.

    I wish you all the best. Glad you claimed your life and took it back.

  6. dig,

    I know how you feel. The girl that got me into TWI commited suiside. She was very dear to me. She was a corps grad and a loving person. Her husband was ordained clergy. So I have asked the questions you have too.

    Well, for me I don't buy the possession doctrine. She was very depressed after having a baby and at that time the mental health profession was not fully aware of post-partem depression. So she killed herself.

    There's a lot of reasons why people end their lives. Foe some it is family genetics at work. Some it is depression or a hoplessness that has no end. It is a relief for them to put an end to what they have no contol over. It is a mental disorder not a spiritual disorder.

    I know of one child who saw the death of both parents and has been out of his mind with anger. He is so wounded that I think for him to recover from the violence that he has received and witness in his life, is near impossible. He has no conscience and is severly antisocial.

    One of my co-worker said the best thing for this kid is to not continue to live. He has attemped suiside many times. Now that is sad but I tend to agree. He is so unhappy and out of his mind that a life time of therapy would not get his soul to heal.

    There are some unfortunat folks that suffer so internally that no form of meds or therapy can releive them. Possession. No, Hell No. Stock it up to having imperfect bodies and minds. And sometimes trama to the head will cause a psycological shift.

    What I do believe about possession is in the case of Jeffery Dohmer or Ted Bundie. Where the evil was acted on another human being. Serial killers to be exact.

    BiBlically I don't buy the suiside possession thing. I don't care how you interpret the Bible.

  7. RAf,

    How did know you were going to say that?

    Hey, somthing that just came to mind. Do you remember hearing in DWA..."You cannot offend a corpes?"(sp?) The whole mind thought was in the context of witnessing to the "natural man" that he is dead spiritually. To offend him is irrelevent. I thought that was pretty arrogant to lable someone who doesn't believe as you do a Corpes.

    I guess TWI thought it was OK to offend their brethern in Christ because they where worse then dead...they are pooozzzesed. IMO mark and avoiding a believer is a slap in the face to Christ who is supposed to be the head of the church. If this is their understanding of JC, then who needs a saviour that discards people.

    I'm glad the JC that I have come to understand does not behave like that. Shame on you TWI. You give JESUS CHRIST a bad name.

  8. I find that folks that profess being Christians usally have some sort of baggage that comes with the territory of believing Traditional Christianity.

    Spiritulality is quit the opposit of TC. If his being is compassionate and he loves you what more could you ask for. By your description of this gentleman he sounds like a keeper.

    Does he have a brother?

  9. Am I possesed............................

    If taking possession of my own thoughts,mind,life,fianaces,personal property and free will is being possesed.....I HOPE SO!

    If gaining my own sence of self, self- esteme,courage,wit,happiness,ownership,personal strength,respect is signs of possession....I HOPE SO!

    When I respect all peoples and faiths and do not be the judge or critic of any...

    When I ANSWER to the different drumming of my own SOUL and live athenticly...

    I HOPE SO... icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

  10. Prior to the Way Corps I experianced some really wonderful moments. What was absent was leadership involvement. It seemed that God honored and moved inspite of TWI. I sincerly believe that God honored the heart not the doctrine.

    God was available and present INSPITE OF TWI.

  11. Dig,

    I know my fear was bad but reading it from a family man's or women's point of view is much more intense. So much more to concider and work through. My hat is off to you for your courage to leave. Utmost respect, brother.

  12. Shell,

    I'm not sure I believe the TWI teachings about rewards. I used to live in light of the Hope but not anymore. It's to complicated for my simplistic mind.

    From your post I gather your husband was a great man. It also sounds like he lived his potential in all areas. Future crowns be Damn. Sounds like he was a CROWN.

  13. My whole point in sharing my experiance was how did I get to this mind set that having sex with a married man was o.k? I for one do not get a thrill out of oral sex. And by the way it was a one way street. I gave and did not recieve.

    With that having been said, if you knew me prior to the WAY CORPs this would be out of character. So there were many factors that led to my actions. Factors that have some roots in PFAL. (That has been covered in this thread.) Sometimes what has not been said speaks louder than what has been said. What was not been addressed in PFAL was adultry but murder. And again IMO set a precident, to open the door to the "if you can handle it" crap. I feel I was set up "Brainwashed" with years of indoctrination to come to this mind set.(How many times do you take PFAL? How Many times did you run a class? Where we not guided into mastering PFAL?)

    Lots of non-verbals from men and women both! Women who by example took a back seat to abusive male dominance in there marrages and relationship to men in general. Mrs.V.P is a good example of such a relationship. I think How@rd All@n should have been V.Ps wife with all the attention he received. Dorthia W. did not deserve what was delt to her while she was married to V.P. And all the stuff that has surfaced since his death...how humilating.

    So having not a strong female role model in my life I took my Qs from TWI women and men. Shame on me.

    Well that is all I have to say about that.

  14. OM, I believe you received some form of egotisical, arregant joy out of this thread at my expense. What you have non-verbally done is interagated the issue inappropratly so that if other females were to speak their truth, it would be met with your meanspirited scruteny.(parden the spelling) BY your words I felt my soul was being raped and I believe that was your intent. To humiliate.

    I'v been in the mental health feild for over ten years and I know when a personal agenda is being masked. IMO your distaste for females rings loud and clear even if you do cloke it with the Bible. Most fundementalist do.

    So IMO your input wasn't really about adultry but more about degrading a female in the name of God. I can own my actions of adultry. Can you own for yourself what appears to be bitterness and hate twards women? And your attacks twards women who are apart of the Body of Christ?

    If this is loving your neibor as yourself then you most really loth some aspects of your being. I am really sad for you brother. I am sorry that, whatever you have suffered in life...it has brought you to this place of being. I'm sorry.

    I do not accept your apology if it was to patrenize me or others. I do accept it if.... you really mean it even if it is half hearted.


  15. I got to thinking about this dialog on this thread. I must admit without OM and his oppossing opinion, the truth of the matter would stay in a one dimention. With this vollying of facts, perspectives and insights you come up with a well rounded understanding of the truth. Regardless of the topic it seems he adds a bit of cement to the mix of things. To make what ever he is oppossing very concret.

    There has been many folks with sound logic and facts that have been embraced and validated because of his opposite views. So without his input the validation wouldnt be as sure and healing as complete. Thankfully I do not take him serious at all.

    What I do however recognize is a meanspiritedness about him that is prevlent. OM needs the teaching of TWI to keep himself contained and I understand this. Whitout this theological system you mignt have someone out and about doing greater harm. I'd rather have him here on these threads then anywhere else where it would do irreversable damage.

  16. OM, You had no intention of apologizing so stop the BS. I call it the way I see it and you my friend are a unhealthy individual. I'm sad that you will stay stuck in your world of Black and white. I know TWI has hurt a bunch of folks but you my friend, are the most hurt I'v seen on these post. You have a lot to recover from and I know your journey will be very painful. I don't think that you will be capable of going throug it. So I realize you can do no other.

    So happy trails my friend. And I really do you find some happiness and comfort in your life.

  17. I said I was done with topic and I'm back to give one last input.


    It is meaningless to me about OM perspective. He IMO, is incapable to go any farther than what he has been taught.

    I'v learned by working with amotionally disturbed kids how you can get hooked in a power struggle by words. This is what is happening here. OM is getting some secondary needs meet and you my fine friends are feeding into it. It's not about opinions with him it's abot attention seeking and manipulation. He has obviously got a few folks riled. And he enjoys the Power of being confrontational.

    Like the kids I work with, the more you try to reason with them , the more hooked you become.

    GOOD JOB, OM you once again, gained control of the post by being what TWI has trained you to be. But I sence you had some serious behavior issues befor TWI and that TWI was a place to comfortably hide or act out on your stuff.


  18. OM, please see my post on page 9 to you.

    Ladies and Gentleman I am done with this topic. I expressed my experiance with an Ordained Clergy and how I was misled in my understanding. To my knowledge the seed that was planted had its roots in PFAL. It took more then PFAL to get me to compromise my self respect. Years of Autocratic influence. First with my father, then to be cycled to TWI.

    Please look into the book "For your own Good" by Alice Miller. In the Pages you will see how both Om and my self have fallen victume to a horrible mindset. His for being so judgmental and black an white, mine for blind allegence to athority. We are both are victumes.


  19. I am really sad for OM. His issues with women,grace,autocratic relationships and understandable neurosis have made him not in touch with his core self. It must be hard living in his black and white world and I understand why he must live there. Anything other than black or white is to scary. With what he has posted...he can do no other... and I accept that.

    OM, I wish you would consider reading a book I resently stumbled apon. "FOR YOUR OWN GOOD" [Hidden Crulity in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence} by Alice Miller.

    I really do hope one day that you experiance the liberation of grace and love. Also enjoy the healing that exist in the gray. Imbus

  20. Thank you my brothers in Christ. Thank you for your sensitivity and support. It means so much to have you all speak your truth in my behalf. That speaks volumes of your spirituality and depth of heart. THANK YOU. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->THANKS

    OM, I don't really have to say anything, your post says it all... about you. I think boy, you have been found out, what your true character is. HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. greas-sup o, I mean wasup!

    I'm proud to be associated with you fine folks.

    Us greasers have united under the flag of freedom,individuality and most of all to be greasy.

    I'v tried to de-grease myself to no avail. I'v tried Sea Breeze, alcohol, and a little Clericil. I'v been to the Dr. about my condition and he said I have a terminal case of greasiness.

    SSSSSSOOOOOO....I guess I will have to live with being a grease spot and just hope for the best.


    P.S If I'm a good grease spot can I come back and be reincarnated into Boil on LOYBOY'S face?

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