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Everything posted by topoftheworld

  1. "Is leadership coming over?" Priceless! If mountains were so devilish, how do they explain Gunnison? An exception to the rule?!
  2. Brings new meaning to "Instant Gratification." Nothing says "Love" like a new hymen. "Like a virgin, hey, for the very second time" Sheesh!
  3. How's this? Thanks for the beer AbleDove!
  4. What's this coffee table book ya'll keep talking about? History of the Way Part 1, 2, or 3?
  5. No, but the float detector had to be working! (For my Way Corps bro's & sis's). Everything matching, toothbrushes out of sight, towels lined up, floor clean, TP with paper on the outside (let's not start that debate), candle on back of toilet, "Footprints" poster prominently placed. Or.....maybe that was just me. Aauuhhh!
  6. Thank you for the honor, Digi. I'm designing the entryway statue as we speak. Doves of the World, unite!
  7. Groucho: Those were my favorite types of twigs Rascal: You must go to the kitchen right now and mix all your sugar packs every which way: it is a healing step that must be partaken by all of us. Makes me wonder if the person who wrote the screenplay for "Sleeping with the Enemy" was a TC at one time. The bathroom had to be perfect, too, ya know.
  8. Well. if I joined up, I'd have to be TopDove, but I fear that would cause problems among the leadership. I would be relegated to DoveTop, which is to closely aligned to StoveTop, which wouldn't bode well for my future. Thinking it through, maybe DoveWorld would work better, and represent our ultimate message "Doves over the World"! Wheh! Now that that's settled, I would be honored to run the "Dove Patrol".
  9. topoftheworld


    How you catch a unique rabbit? You neek up on him. How do you catch a tame rabbit? Tame way.
  10. Ex & Dot In reading your post's I think you've answered a question for me I've long wondered about. I'm positive that we are talking about the same wonderful person. I had a tape (released as a SNT) of the graduation of the 4th Corps. LCM and Sunny both taught. I have no recollection of LCM remarks, but Sunny's I do, and it became one of my favorites. I carried that tape with me and listened to it constantly until it was stolen out of my car along with other music tapes and tape recorder when my car was broken into. Years later, when I got to Emporia, I went to the tape library to look it up. I found the tape, alright, but SUNNY's TEACHING WAS GONE. It had been replaced with somebody else. It was one of those "what the hell" moments that was the beginning of the end for me. If you were no longer part of the Way, then whatever you had contributed was wiped out. Those f'ing bastards. Explain's why the Way bookstore is so bare.
  11. Hysterical! I also watched "It's a Wonderful Life and "Big Chill"; I'm saving "Rocky Horror" for after midnight! Where do you find those things!
  12. Oh, yeah, Jim: The room could not have that "Just Vacummed" look. The art of swooshing the vacum just enough so that the lines wouldn't show was a mastered art form. I think it was a required course at Emporia (just kidding).
  13. I debated about what handle to use when first signing up. I considered going the low road to express my experience with TWI (you know, "Betrayed" "Screwed Up" "LostForGood", "ThrownAway", stuff like that) but then I decided to take the high road and chose a good moment in time. This is a true story. I was living in a Way Home after taking the class, still in high school, and working afternoons and weekends at a Kentucky Fried Chicken in the San Fernando Valley in LA. It was getting near Halloween and our Twig was planning a Mini-concert/fellowship for Halloween night. R#$#n H%^$N, bless her heart, was practicing "I'm on the top of the world", which was a top ten song around then (yeah, I'm really dating myelf now!). She was a beautiful woman and a great singer, and we all enjoyed her music. A few days before the party, I was working late on a Saturday night at KFC. We had had a very busy day, the store was closed, and we were cleaning up, listening to the local radio playing in the background, when we were interrupted by two men wearing ski masks and carrying double barrel shotguns. When they first came in the back of the store, I thought it was a joke being played by some other co-workers who were off that night, so I didn't follow the screamed commands being given until I saw the guns. I froze. One of the a$$h$$%'s pointed the gun at me and told me to get down. I didn't move. He then aimed the gun away from me and fired. It totaled the disposal system and got my attention in a hurry. After they grabbed the money and left, my co-workers picked my up and put me in a chair. The enormity of what had just happened hit me, and my little 17 year old brain began to disintregrate. I could feal myself beginning to fall to pieces when suddenly, on the radio, came "I on the top of world looking down on creation!" Hearing that song snapped my brain back like a rubber band, and I knew that God had not only saved us, but saved me from a mental breakdown. That's how I interpreted it anyway. So TopOfTheWorld is my way of saying that everything is allright no matter what, and God shows his faithfulness in sometimes unexpected ways.
  14. I have to say that I came to the same conclusion: Martindale was just giving lip service to Geer until he could get a handle on which way the wind was blowing. I think he took the whole thing, not as a "realignment" of the direction of the ministry, but more of a direct attack on his own perverted actions, from the "Athlete's" fiasco on. Geer was short on details, at least in this setting: you have to believe that things discussed in the previous days contained info that wasn't for public consumption, and that was more than he could take. What is tragic is that the people that were brought in as witnesses, like Art Poling, who were participants in hearing the garbage presented, were then thoroughly trashed. Well, if there were people around for your public flogging, then when the opportunity to throw them out and then destroy their character or standing with God became available, wouldn't you take it? Bally's can have him.
  15. Bet the honey wagon had fun with that one, huh? "Ooh, that smell!"
  16. No, Galen, that is a lot! Questions: Did we hear about this on the news (CNN, MSNBC, etc) or was it ignored? And I wonder what the state of the munitions were, i.e. were they old stock or fresh? Is somebody continuing to supply Irag to keep the battle going (Or is that just a stupid question.)? Nice to know that Irag has it's share of concerned citizens. Our boys need all the help they can get!
  17. My 2 cents: "Eddie and the Cruisers" "12 Angry Men" Henry Fonda "Wargames" Matthew Broderick in his younger days "Camelot" A good classic that never dies I've wanted to find "Streets of Fire" - Michael Pare & Diane Lane from 1984. I've got the LP soundtrack but I've never found the movie: shows up occasionally on late night TV. Definite cult classic and the music is great.
  18. Happy birthday as well, Z. Enjoy your posts. Check your PMs.
  19. Satari001 is correct about the "write-off's". If you couldn't manifest the right "spirit", you were relegated to the bottom of barrel and then booted when the opportunity appeared. Rascal & Dot: Your courage in sharing is unbelievable. It takes true strength to be willing to share what you have, and to TRUST that others will respect that as well. The PDSS is very real. I'm not completely ready yet to share my story, but believe me when I say that it was years before I felt any sense of normalcy. My first ten years out were divided into two parts: daily survival and daily condemation for leaving TWI. For many reasons-some related to TWI and some not-it has been a struggle every day to find a reason to want to wake up the next. Every day I would find a reason, and I have no idea why. The past twenty years have only improved slightly, but I've discovered that every time I begin to get close to someone, I self-destruct so that people won't have to see the "real me"; and I've begun to see that it is in large part a direct result of what happened to me at the end of TWI. The stuff keeps me from people who made actually care, but because they aren't "believer's", I can't trust them. The mental crap is deeply imbedded. Being here is helping: at least I could finally see that mine is not an abnormal story. But I do understand that dark tunnel. At least we have each other.
  20. Thoughts for the New Year-never get tired of reading this. "Most of what I really need to know about how to live, and what to do, and how to be, I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain but there in the sandbox at nursery school." "These are the things I learned: Share everything. Play fair. Don't hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don't take things that aren't yours. Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your hands before you eat. Flush. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. Live a balanced life. Learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some." "Take a nap every afternoon. When you go out into the world, watch for traffic, hold hands and stick together. Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the plastic cup. The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that." "Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the plastic cup-they all die. So do we." "And remember the book about Dick and Jane and the first word of all: LOOK. Everything you need to know is in there somewhere. The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation. Ecology and politics and sane living." "Think of what a better world it would be if we all-the whole world-had cookies and milk about 3 o'clock every afternoon and than lay down in our blankets for a nap. Or if we had a basic policy in our nation and other nations to always put things back where we found them and cleaned up our own messes. And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out into the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together." Robert Fulghum Happy New Year, Everyone! I'm thankful to be a part of this particular sandbox and I look forward to getting to know you better as we hold hands and watch for traffic together.
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