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Everything posted by jardinero

  1. Hey, speaking of lifting Russell, did I ever "share" with you guys that he was my WOW brother 74-75 in bee-yoo-tee-full Bethlehem, PA??? Yes, I lived a whole year with that sicko (and still, I love him dearly!). I wish I was the psychopath I know to be... Jardinero ;)-->
  2. A wonderful, heartwarming, family feel good movie based on a true story. Cuba Gooding, Jr. is excellent as a mildly mentally retarded young man, nicknamed "Radio", whose life crosses paths with a high school football coach (Ed Harris) in a small town in South Carolina. Radio eventually steals the heart of the coach, his family, the high school and the town and teaches them a lot of heart and love lessons along the way. Great reminder of what's important in life! Cuba Gooding and Ed Harris are excellently paired in this one, although it will probably not break the box office records. May be a little too deep for young children, but 8 years and up or so ought to enjoy it. Two thumbs up from Jardinero and Jardinero Jr.
  3. That letter is the most disgusting, vile, vulgar document I have ever read! I couldn't even finish it. Someone ought to commit that man to a mental institution and keep him off the streets. I wouldn't let him near my home, my family, my friends, etc. Un-freaking-believable! J.
  4. Hi Polar Bear: I checked. It's correct (maybe check your typing! ;)-->). I receive email at this address all the time, so I know it works (jardinero228@hotmail.com). If for some reason you still don't get through, try leaving me a private topic. Jardinero
  5. Hey, someone should post the Weenie group pic on the Picture thread! I don't know how. Sudo??? J.
  6. Borgs. You will be assimilated. Sheesh! J.
  7. Yippee!!! Tommyboy is back!!! Margaritas for everyone (sorry, I don't do snowcones). So after you ketchup (no pressure), get this thread goin!!! I'm having early morning snicker withdrawal while I'm having my coffee. These slackers (well, except for your seester Ex who has been doing missionary work reforming a troll on another thread :)-->). Musta been all the margaritas (closest I could come to snowcones)! And that Simonseesboosums - - he could use 2 snowcones!!! We missed you! Welcome back... XXXOOO Seester J.
  8. Jim: Back atcha - - PT. Jardinero
  9. I was 8 years old and in third grade at St. Leander's Catholic School, San Leandro, Calif. Sister Berchman, my teacher, came out to the playground where we were at recess, looking very sad and shaken up to tell us the news that our president had just been shot. I don't know that we really understood the depth of her words, but I will never forget the look on her face. Interestingly, in the same week, the pastor of our parish, Monsignor O'Reilly died suddenly - - and the two deaths occuring within one week, really shook up all the families we knew. Within a very short time (can't remember now if it was days or weeks) one of the older nuns who had taught at the school for decades, died of old age. Those 3 deaths in such a short time made a very lasting impression on me as an 8 year old child. Jardinero
  10. (((Ex))) Now that's more like it! ;)-->
  11. Two Holidays? O.K. What's up with that, 9ers???? We can forgive one holiday in a week, but TWO??? Youse guys are really slacking! Tom Strange - - come back!!!! This group needs a shot of humor, a shot of inspiration, a couple of shots of espresso!!! O.K. How about margaritas??? Maybe that will hold you til the snow cone man comes back!!! Sheesh! J. ;)-->
  12. simonzewhiner, Yes...usually...getting in the mood is good...um, no...mostly...oh get over it... ...o.k. feel better now? Now get to posting, dammit! P.S. Thanks. was it good for you?? ;)-->
  13. O.K. The 11/17/2003 holiday is over. So when I have my coffee in the morning, I want to be able to turn to the funny pages over here at the 9th spot and have my chuckle for the day. Tommy S. Come back !!!!! They need you to inspire them here!!!! Tee hee. J.
  14. Yes, I knew Kenny when he was in the corps also and he was how you describe him - - sweet, gentle, kind. So sad to hear that about him. Never would've figured he'd ever want to be like LCM. Maybe he had a lobotomy. J.
  15. Yes Alfie; It's Geer's group he's involved with and like many involved with that group, it's their way or the highway! They still think they have all the answers. J.
  16. Well, Chinny, you DESERVE to be spoiled!!!! And, Steve, Chinny already beat you to the punch in chat. I think I am coming (what's the date again? you can PT me)and it's only 3 hrs. the way I drive :D-->
  17. Pirate: Thank you for sharing this story and for the reminder. I'm sure your wife is grieved over this young life now gone. I had a former co-worker stop by my house on Thursday night who needed to talk. It seems his 17 yr. old daughter had tried to commit suicide two weeks before. I know Maria. She is a lovely, vibrant young lady. Straight A student, sings in the gospel choir, lead in drama productions, active in church. Took an entire bottle of Valium one Saturday. They don't know yet where she got it, but evidently she had thought about this for a bit. She had just broken up with her boyfriend, but I'm sure there is a lot more below the surface. Anyway, it just made me reflect on how fragile life is sometimes. People need to be reached out to, listened to, hugged, loved. Some come to feel like they are a ship passing others in the night with no real connection to anyone. There are wonderful people here at GSC who continue to reach out and help people deal with their wounds; and there are people who are in our non-Internet lives who need a kind word, a hug, a venting session, flowers, a prayer, a meal.... Thanks for the reminder, Pirate. Jardinero
  18. Chinny: Hope it's a wonderfully fun day with your sweet man and the chinettes!!!! Enjoy! J.
  19. Tcat: Don't forget the meteor showers go for the next 5 days or so, so it's bound to clear up in time for you to see lots of shooting stars (the Leonids). Have fun with your new toy! J.
  20. We go way back. Tom and my sis went to school together. Vicki and I were WOWs together in '74. We were all in Mesa, AZ together in the mid-80s. They left before I did and I talked to Tom after a while and had a good, long chat. Last I heard they were in No. Calif. (I'm thinking near Santa Rosa). Anyone know how they are doing or what they are up to? Anyone have an email addy or other contact info? I'd love to say hi. PT me or email (in profile). Thanks. Jardinero
  21. We were in residence together in Indiana. Bernie was a wonderful and sweet man; and so devoted to Peggybelle. He was a kind and gentle soul, loving and always had such a fun twinkle in his eye. I look forward to seeing you again some day, dear brother. Your sis.
  22. Ging, Do you mean Jerry Carr? If so, he's been out for years. From what I understand (and I've heard this from numerous folks who have attended his group), does a very legalistic splinter group in NJ. J.
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