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Everything posted by herbiejuan

  1. herbiejuan

    Cadance n Cat

    From the album: Some Shots from Nova Scotia

    I wonder who won this little game...
  2. herbiejuan

    at last :)

    From the album: Some Shots from Nova Scotia

    maybe muhahaha
  3. herbiejuan

    more please?

    From the album: Some Shots from Nova Scotia

    yup you guessed it, more
  4. herbiejuan

    and more

    From the album: Some Shots from Nova Scotia

    more and
  5. herbiejuan


    From the album: Some Shots from Nova Scotia

    still more
  6. herbiejuan

    Petite Isle

    From the album: Some Shots from Nova Scotia

    Here are a few shots from Nova Scotia that I took a few years ago
  7. herbiejuan


    I was quite irked when I noticed that $1.25 charge added for each 411 call I made. I thought to myself isn't that a damnedable rip-off and vowed to use the free phone book they hand out as much as possible but everynownthen I still resort to directory assistance and everynownthen still get ....ed when I see my phone bill. I'm just glad I have no teenagers living at home using those other overpriced "options" like *69, call waiting and three way calling....one month, between one kids *69 another's 3 way calling AND long distance collect calls from a "friend" in jail I ended up with an additional $120 added to my phone bill, needless to say those services were blocked immediately.
  8. Belle I'm with you on that one! Roy I wouldn't worry too much about the date if I were you, there is not much anyone could do if the devil himself pops out of the ground.
  9. Ahh yes the growers school. I have partnered with several local state and regional npo's and government groups to develop a growers school for sustainable agriculture. It is not so much a school at this point as a grant proposal but we should know something by March. It's focus is to give interested growers a good understanding of sustainble and organic practices like cover crops, composting, tractor selection and maintenance, free range chickens, goats and processing. GO has developed the curriculum UGA is providing oversight and the course work itself will be taught by experienced farmers with an emphasis on hands on field work. The farmers have public speaking skills, having hosted several large farm tours last year so we expect good things. A CD and sillybus will accompany the course. I've thought about naming it Power for Abundant Growing or maybe The Way of Abundant Vegetables but I think I like the Growers School name better.
  10. herbiejuan

    DSICBD part 3

    A friend of mine recently produced these promotional videos for Georgia Organics. I think they look very good. You will need to go to the portfolio section of her website to see them. Joan Produces Webpage
  11. 70ยบ today, January 2nd, a long long line of thunderstorms passing through and tornado warnings and a possible touchdown in Fayette Co.... Yes Virginia there is global warming
  12. WG I remember peering into a hand held magnifying glass at those very stamps you are describing. We had stamps from the British Isles, South America, Russia and many other places We used some weird kind of mucilage tape to connect the stamps to the pages and had them organized by country. Gawd only knows what was on that mucilage
  13. herbiejuan

    Stupid Question

    Belle I duct taped three filters together to make a shop wide dust collecter prefilter system and I hooked that up to a fan to collect airbourne dust, I also had a 2 horse primary dust collector that ate most of the dust, chips and occasional chunks of wood that I swept into it. In addition, I had a 1/8th horse personal air filtration system that I used while sanding and finishing but it was a pain in the a$$ to use so I mostly didn't. I looked into running central heat into the old house but figured unless it was well insulated it was going to be a waste of my money and time. Most heating systems are composed of a heating unit, a blower, and duct work to get the hot air from point A to point B, the precise delivery method differs from system to system but overall I'm guessing it's not that hard to figure out nor make adjustements to.
  14. I knew you wouldn't stay away for ever :P Glad you guys are doing well
  15. I knew you guys were cheap but sheesh I had no idea! :o
  16. Why yes I am having difficulty posting via this moniker yet I have no problem posting via another moniker (we do love multiple names don't we), this overlap seems odd to me but it is probably an oversight. BTW is there another reason for using the Gmail program to contact you guys or is it simply (as you stated previously) a way to keep permanent records of all correspondance?
  17. I'm curious where the link is that allows folks to contact moderators and/or administrators.
  18. Fein makes a corner sander designed to fit into corners of all things It uses a triangular hook and loop sanding pad and has several interesting attachments.
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