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Everything posted by herbiejuan

  1. I'm amazed at how the corpse resembled the SS and the old timer believer the SA. We both carried out the will of der leader but one of us, the masses, the foot soldiers were disposable, only the true salted ones were worthy of entering the holiest of holies, the promised land. The committed few... In light of the social and psychological perspective, it is understandable that there are still a handful of members adhering to the present truth and that it's basic belief system will go on for another generation of two. I'm guessing but twiland is laying it's existance and future on a child within their ranks, someone currently being raised up to be the MOG
  2. I'm wanting to increase my residential window cleaning work this year, since its too late to run a yellow page ad for this year I am gonna run a couple of ads in the newspaper and hang a sign off the foot end of my truck. I do a fair amount of commercial work so my truck is 1)readily seen and 2) easily recongised. I've got a small base of upper end residentials and enjoy the pace of residential work. We have quite a bit of mold and mildew here and oftentimes I find myself cleaning off more gunk from around the glass than off the glass itself. I've also noticed many many homes and yards reeking of mold and mildew and god knows what else so one service I plan to offer is a house scrub, basicly a scrubdown of the windows, frames shutters and doors, no squeegee, just a waterline, soapfeed and brush. So ssentially look at what other *things* you can offer you current clientele. Like you I am growing weary of this labor intensive way of paying the bills so I am in school to get smarter, but even after I am, I plan on working this window gig for a few more years to sorta catch-up with life and buy a nice sized tractor n canoe
  3. How funny! In this guys defense...there are a couple of wacko's in greasespotland that he/they most likely DON"T want posting in twiland. What amuses me the most if the fact that finally, after ALL the major misdeeds have been exposed they now *allow* their people a *public* forum. It's almost as if, the old timers are numb to what went on and the younger crowd who must be the oldtimers kids could care less. Wanna know what I think? While these kids are for the most part hostages to a closed personality cult (wthout personality)I'll bet as these kids grow up and go off to college, that mom n dad will be seeing less and less of the youngsters as they slowly fade (or run) into the sunset. Call it a hunch ;)-->
  4. Mine used to come over and cry and/or rant about how upset they were over the breakup of their marriage, being caught in the middle of a war with no rules was (to say the least) difficult. Then of course there were the klansmen landlords that left threatening notes when we wows had th audacity to invite a local black guy into the apartment for twig. Whole nother story of love bombing a class together... Abi, try sqirting him with the hose everytime he calls animal control maybe that'll break the habit ;)-->
  5. Wow Jar that sounds fun I'll bring the guitar n *other goodies* ;)-->
  6. There was a girl a year or two behind me in grammer school that joined up with a group when she was 15 (this was a few years after grammer school). She ran off to Oregon or Washington state I believe and sex seemed to be the central theme. When she came back 8 months later she had changed considerably. In the proper Roman Catholic tradition no one spoke openly of her experiences but it was common knowledge that underaged sex within the group was ok as evidenced by this friend of mines experience there. I've wondered what ever became of that girl, she obviously had things going on in her life before she joined this group, I hope she found some answers.
  7. It looks like a downward trend starting with Martindales rainbow shorts in AOS and ending in GREEN
  8. Hey I been over to that new way site, you know, the one this thread was about ;)--> It looks decent and in order, why is is everybody is afraid to use a little RED or PURPLE on their websites much? Just that boring GREEN --> life is sooo UNFAIR!! No not really, the site looked quite nice and I am sure it is a friendly place for folks to visit and be blessed and to chat and be blessed or any number of other things and be blessed. I'd love to just watch the site and see what happens, call it a sociological experiment or sumthing, personality cult (minus personality) meets the 21st century, should be fun :D-->
  9. They interviewed a spokesperson for the group and the boys friend. They picked a good media face, the boy looked upset. The young man did not provide specifics and the spokesperson dodged a few pointed questions. Ho hum Second page news next week I'll betcha
  10. I heard an interview tonight on Anderson Cooper with a similar ring to it, but they kept calling it the family, is this the same thing?
  11. I'm no expert I just ask lots of questions :D-->
  12. As me I find I have a compodium of issues to deal with, my sincere hope in life is to be able to acknowledge and address most of them.
  13. Ok so R n D may or may not have dined at the Y M went on a rant about homo's and is in exile Women were more capable than the men at taking care of business men could teach often but the women were in charge hmmm
  14. John I just finished abnormal psych (and got a B in it) from what I learned, psychology is just now understanding the connection between certain kinds of stress and personality/mood disorders. Personality disorders begin whenever they begin and may come and go or be *cured*, mood disorders begin in childhood and usually persist for a lifetime. We, meaning the medical profession (with the exception of many nurses) are just now understanding and accepting these concepts. Holisitic health care looks at these factors (and more) to connect the dots but it is an emerging field and has a couple of quirks that need addressing. In all honesty I can say that being able to have complete honestly with one person is vital to mental health.
  15. I found the women leadership were more on the ball than then men and it seemed most men had a woman nearby taking notes. lol talk about a derailed thread John you are a horrible person shame on you for wanting to clock a defensless woman!
  16. I've seen first hand the results that happen when a man uses his size and strenght to intimidate his wife, it is not pretty. State laws at the time required the woman to press charges, which didn't happen and the restraining order was a joke. From my perspective living with mental illness is quite capable of creating its own set of mental illness. Never knowing who it is your are talking or dealing with, the manic one or the depressed the deceptive/decietful actor or the damaged child within this can place quite a strain on the caregiver. Signals can quite easily get lost in the ongoing insanity. Add in all those poor children and I'll guarantee you there were issues popping up all over the place. This was a real tragedy, one that might have been prevented if we had the ability to read minds and predict outcome but alas we can only guess at one and are clueless with the other.
  17. what I' like to ask of everybocy in way or out is if you (craig) would care to meet me sometime on own, by ourselves one on one mano al mano...
  18. what I think in terms of me is someome told me is... You could of toruted me to death and I wound't have told you the truth had my lfe depemded on in it so deep was the abuse so deep was the secets
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