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Everything posted by rhino

  1. rhino

    Table Wine

    LOL xenophobes? local wines offer a lot, and the money gets recirculated to educate your kids ... why buy from the snobby french? or from chile? There are many new hybrids of grapes coming out. Favoring support for a local economy doesn't make someone a xenophobe. And choosing what country you want to support with your trade doesn't mean you are thumbing your nose at others. Enough of the name calling oeno. Perhaps fewer wars wold be fought if we didn't enrich those that want to destroy us. (France isn't in that category at the moment) edited part in color
  2. rhino

    Table Wine

    forget all that foreign stuff .. support your local winery ... or make your own and the california grapes are no better than midwest grapes, though some wineries need to perfect their process ... the wine tastes much better if you make it yourself ... even better if you grow your own grapes ... never pay more than $15 for a bottle of wine ...
  3. maybe they are figurin smart people are not gonna to sign up for their bs, cuz they will be on the internet figurin out the scam ... so their best bet is to claim smart people are full of debil spurts ... or maybe they have just gone over the edge and are trying to cling to the few boneheads they have remaining ... but I AM starting to think college is now full of a lot of garbage ... education has been watered down for a lot of degrees, and far leftyism is rampant there ... still .... if you want to learn how to cipher in computereese ... pretty much gotta put up with the show ...
  4. bay sick basic I like that or coast card coast guard indy feet in defeat hmmmm
  5. Looks like fun ... and you could go on different cruises all the time ... BUT ... here a nursing home is more like $100 / day for your own room, and that is for someone that needs a lot of help. If you can still take care of yourself, you can get a 2 bedroom assisted living apartment with garage for about $55/day (per person for a couple). That includes 3 meals and linens. They even have activities and various entertainment areas. We're all just looking for our folks, right? LOL
  6. There seemed to be different modes "leaders" would display. When the "Way Hat" was on, some pushed the party line real hard, then in their living room having a beer they were different. And some allowed more of the "real them" out than others. But I'd say the harsher they were as leaders, the harsher they really were, and the living room wasn't always open. If I believed in possession I'd say those Way spirits would really take over at times for some. :blink: But I guess it was more peer pressure / ego driven / filling some void ... I don't know ... but twi did more to bring out the bad than the good. Anyway ... that was a long time ago in a place far far away ... how we went in to twi and how we came out doesn't matter as much as good fishing, good gardening, good music... good living today. Salute!
  7. Ding ding ding .... we have a winner ... Actually Tom got it right with Houseparty, but Braveheart is also acceptable. :) Art really added a lot of joy to the world with that routine ...
  8. that would be interesting .. but there is no way to know how it is edited, and if the comments are really representitive. A claim of being unbiased often precedes the biased part.
  9. LOL I'm pretty sure Tom is psychic ...But really, he gave the answer in his own cryptic way, but doesn't want to do the next puzzle. So since Tom will give it away, but not give the answer, that leaves it open I guess. But what fun is that?
  10. I like it out here in left field. I'm really not sure which comment you're referring to.No, I wasn't drinking when I wrote that, but it was 5:00 am or so. I feel the same now at 7am. I just think the bigger picture is the clergy was the power structure that was twi. Many good people may have been caught up in that, but if they were part of it and didn't confront abuses ... they should not be proud of that aspect of their twi life. I still get my dander up a little when I sense that being down played. Honestly, we all should have split much earlier as I see it. To not confront was to submit.
  11. Well, the point was that a problem became entrenched ... and wasn't dealt with adequately. The bad molesting priests were reassigned, right?. I have no idea what percent it was ... but it certainly did a lot of harm to the catholic church reputation, priests boogering boys is a standing joke. (Even South Park did a show on that) From the stories, it seems it must have been higher than 2%, is that 2% that were removed? From accounts I have read, it seems they had (have?) some serious problems there.So if that much harm could be done because the church didn't deal with 2% (or 10%), then so much more so with twi. I think this is where the cult mentality came in. People really became blinded to the harm that was being done. It's hard to break out of that cult mentality. And it's not just the sex. Like I said, a lot did "good" despite the evils, but being ordained was another ego thing to compel one to stay in the cult, and lead others in as well. My stance is that I "rue the day" that I lead anyone into going WOW or going Corps ... anything that subjected these innocent people to twi dogma and twi abuse. Cult leaders are what kept the cult going. We do agree it was a harmful cult, don't we? While women were being led to vp's motorcoach, I was leading fresh meat to the way corps. And it wasn't just that abuse, but the subjection to the whole power structure ... which apparently really blossomed in the '90's. Good Seed was great, there were some genuine times, especially earlier ... but you have to look at the whole structure.
  12. Maybe there is an analogy to be made with the "boy love" in the Catholic church. How does that crap become so pervasive? It doesn't get dealt with strongly enough in the church and seems to become accepted in practice. They get reassigned to molest elsewhere. Same with ego and salesmanship (and adultrous behavior?) being promoted over inspiration and heart. Some good strong men and women no doubt helped many despite the twi structure, but real problems were not dealt with. Of course that would have meant dealing with vp and many at the root, so even for clergy aware of the problem (how many were not aware?), it would have been difficult. But denial and turning a blind eye seemed the order of the day, and that became systemic. In that respect I hold even those "good guys" accountable, because they lended credibility to the whole charade. If anyone was going to reveal the corruption to the twiggies, it should have been the clergy. I guess it finally was clergy that shed light on the crap ... the very reverend chris geeer.
  13. Well, I was never told I was right ... didn't want to presume ... Houseparty is correct ... you win again Tom... you are really good :)
  14. don't get stuck on stupid ... you can make live chat full screen... live chat can have colors, but in flash there have been half hour discussions about what color to use so someone's text doesn't disappear ... loads slower? maybe, but after that few seconds it is much more responsive ... by the time flash puts your response up, there have been 3 other points and 2 jokes told, live chat is pretty immediate ... it even has cool sounds like the doorbell and my fav' ... squeeky toy! huh well, it has those little avatars bouncing all over ... lotsa clutter ... not what I want when many people are talking ... flash is just some flash ... live chat is the real deal. and many have more connection problems with flash ... don't be a stumblingblock to those good folks ... vote LIVE CHAT ... (free beer on the ride to the polls)
  15. we'll have to do a "get out the vote" on live chat tonight. Free beer on the ride to the polls.
  16. Who was that minister from a denomination (I think) that was in twi back in the 70's , 80's? I can't quite pull up the name. Was he around Emporia? He struck me more as someone that would really minister to people genuinely, not for fanfare. And the secret to radiant living guy, maybe, though I didn't know him (Peter Wade?). Ross, that's right, thanks sky ... wonder what he really thought of VP ...
  17. blade sing sad dills blazing saddles another one Tom helped with ... he is smart
  18. Yup ... it was a great club ... they were oh so much better ... in their smug way ... LOL OK, now I'm gonna dredge up some past memories ... the "clergy" having me wait outside for new people, while he taught MY teaching ... verse by verse ... bastid ... I can hear thru the door dick. LOL And the time he put his hands in the pants of a new "grad" in my Way home ... by revelation I guess. And the cute girl staff at his home ... man ... clergy my arse. Why did I stick around that long? Weakness I guess ... Of course higher up rev's that pulled girls' tops down, in good fun of course. I guess there may have been some that were OK ... maybe. I'd say in hindsight being "ordained" in twi was more demerit than something to be proud of. But maybe I was just jealous. Or maybe they were just bigger jerks. I'm just trying to make friends with all the heavy revy's here LOL My3cents was OK, as far as I know :) Of course now he seems lost in that liberal cult called the democrats, but there may be hope for him.
  19. One more vote for "live chat" and we can close the polls.
  20. Isn't the military working on camo' clothing that changes to match the surroundings? Maybe the outfit is basically the same, but it changes patterns. Sorta like an LCD screen in cloth. It just doesn't look like there is time for much else, except maybe changing a collar or scarf. Or what MStar said.
  21. I wonder where they get the big bucks? Maybe there is a big market out east for craftsmen. I see them at Home Depot frequently here in Illinois.
  22. Forcing plants just seems so wrong, too cult like to trick them into doing what you want. ... what was that book? "The Secret Life of Plants" lol But really, I just know what google tells me. Bulbs are cool cuz they come up early and on their own. I've never grown any indoors. It would be neat to have some coming up through the winter.
  23. South Park did a show last season about Scientology, and revealed their ridiculous beliefs (I guess .. at least they flashed a title saying "this is what scientology really teaches"). Well, the guy that does the voice of Chef is a scientologist, and he quit (though some quotes from him didn't sound that angry, so some believe his "handlers" helped him quit). Anyway, Comedy Central got pressured into not showing the episode again, (supposedly pressure from Tom Cruise, another scientologist). So the new episode shows Chef getting into a cult, the "Super Special Adventure Club" or something like that. It changes him, his friends try to bring him back, the cult kidnaps him, then he ends up dead. A final fairwell to Chef ... or to Isaac Hayes (his voice), the scientologist. So ... maybe there is nothing else to say ... but I like South Park, and it was sorta cool that they took this on directly. Of course scientology is more famous than twi, still I thought there might be some comparisons or comments. How did that cult do so well while twi failed? Are the two more the same or different? Will South Park take on the Islam cartoons in coming episodes? Are chef's chocolate salty balls too crude to comment on? Serious or humorous comments welcomed
  24. I had no idea that was Ma Kettle, though I had heard of her. OK Linda, you really owe us one this time. And thanks Tom ... for putting one up for "Rats"
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