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Posts posted by skyrider

  1. As I understand it, twi has a policy wherein their leadership -- way corps and/or fellowship coordinators -- CANNOT have a mortgage. According to twi's doctrine, a mortgage is synonymous with debt! If found out.....these "leadership" are relieved of these commitments and responsibilities.

    Yet, I know of two situations whereby twi's "leadership" has circumvented twi's policies. One situation involves way corps in the SE region....another situation involves an advanced class couple in the Midwest region.

    Here's how it works!! In the attempt to circumvent twi's micromanaged policy on debt, these two couples have solicited their parents to acquire the mortgage and payments are made directly to their parents. The parents, in turn, pay the monthly mortgage. Of course, the verbal arrangement on the side holds the understanding that, in all actuality, this property and investment is accruing towards the couple and their future! In this bizarre arrangement to help their children, these parents take part in this deception!

    Do they, corps folks, have mortgage payments? Technically, no.....their parents "bought" the home. Do they rent the property? Well, yes......sort of.

    Ever heard the saying?........Back door guests are always best! icon_smile.gif:)-->

    And, to help the couple.......back door mortgage payments are welcomed! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    You see, twi.....the more you try to legalize twi followers, the MORE they see its insanity. Even after all these years of "sanctifying the household" and "crossing the bridge"........COMMON SENSE still prevails!!!

    icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D-->


  2. ex10,

    Yeah, personal stories are our "soapbox" and the internet is our "microphone." Finally, we get to stand up and voice our insights, our feelings, our point of view.

    It's amazing to be reconnected with friends and acquaintences. After years of constant moving, and room setup, and ushering at events......we can sit and ENJOY the commaraderie and all.

    Hearing others' stories is riveting. I really enjoy it. Thanks.

  3. quote:
    lindy....good question. Here's what I remember....

    Feb 1999..............Allxns fired from hq staff.

    Mar/Apr 1999..........Waydale up and running

    Jun/Jul 1999..........Lxchts in Florida left twi.

    Jun/Jul 1999..........Moxquexas in Colorado left.

    Jun/Jul 2000..........Laxlys in Texas left.

    Sep 2000..............Martindale was ousted by lawyers.

    Feb/Mar 2001..........Lawsuit settled out of court.

    Others might know more specifics.....but nonetheless, its intriguing!!

    Others DO know more specifics......so here's an updated timeline. Thanks.

    Feb 1999.............P. Allxn confronts lcm and the Allxns leave hq staff.

    Mar/Apr 1999.........P. Allxn gets waydale up and running.

    Apr 2000.............Announcement/public statement regarding lcm & "one-time affair."

    Apr 2000.............Allxn lawsuit against lcm/twi.

    Jun/Jul 2000.........Lxchts in Michigan left twi.

    Jun/Jul 2000.........Mxsquedxs exit twi and write "exit info document" for waydale.

    Jun/Jul 2000.........Lxllys in Texas leave in middle of night avoiding confrontation.

    Sept 2000............Martindale is ousted by twi lawyers

    Sometime later.......Lawsuit is settled out of court -- some speculate on twi's demands.

    Hope this helps the "rough" timeline. If it needs further changing, I'll edit it. icon_smile.gif:)-->

    Now....back to the topic. Personal stories, like HCW's on the LEAD accident, can finally be voiced.....via the internet. It has answered several questions for me. Bits and pieces of what I'd heard thru the years have been fitted together. I'm thankful and intrigued by this information.

    Even this thread has cleared up "scattered information" from different parts of the country. Thanks.

  4. quote:
    I'm thinking mutual skyrider.

    The key is coming to your own conclusions based on what you think and what you beleive. When I left TWI I went through everything I think I think.

    Now that I'm done with that I know what I think. Therefore I can see more clearly what "YOU" think.

    HCW.....yeah, so did I.

    In my situation, I had a running start......and was definitely on guard for many years before leaving twi. In my mind, all of twi's upper echelon were "red-flagged" by 1986......vpw, lcm, cgeer, txwnsend, etc. I knew too much and needed more time to "scope the landscape."

    Like you noted, I went through everything I think I think. Everything! Back through all my years of programs, of commitments, of why I signed the green card and where my thinking was at THAT time!

    Like a scalpel, I cut down deep....so very deep! All the while, I kept in mind that The word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword; piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Where were MY thoughts? Where was MY thinking? What do I believe??

    I clearly understand why some here at GS are still "sorting thru the mess." It's just so much, so overwhelming, so deceptive. Layer by layer, one needs to keep his surgical eyes open!

    From what I've observed here at GS, there are LOTS of "individual thinkers"............and a great place to share personal stories. icon_wink.gif;)-->

  5. quote:

    What I'm saying is that mutual thinking "happens to be" individual people who think what they think on their own.

    Group think is where ONE person influences other people to think like him.

    The difference is virtually indicernable when one looks at a group of people. It is only upon deeper scrutiny of the group that one can discern the difference.

    HCW.....yeah, it is splitting hairs and I kinda see what you're getting at. But...when "people think what they think on their own" and EXIT twi......and later find this website and see substantiating evidence by dozens and dozens of posters.....is that "mutual thinking" or "groupthink?"

    I doubt that I'm not the only one who formulated my opinions of twi before coming here.

    Anyways.....it matters little to me. I've got several stories of my own to tell........someday.

    Thanks HCW for posting this. Also, you DO play a mean basketball game! That I know first-hand! icon_wink.gif;)-->

  6. A la,

    No, Pxnarxllos left in Sep/Oct of 2002.....I'm fairly certain.

    You might be thinking of the Lxllys.....they asked to be Branch Coordinators in Austin, rather than keep doing the Region. From what I heard, the night before believers were coming over to help them move into another apartment/townhouse.....the Lxllys drove away in the middle of the night with their stuff.

    In this way, the Lxllys avoided the face-melting confrontation from the new Region guy!

  7. quote:
    But good point about online stories. It can only help. I wonder whe it was that a they started really harping on us to not veiw these cop-out's websites. I must have been after these computer savvy leaders left. Actually I am pretty sure it was.

    lindy......as best I recall, the "public release version" of lcm's "one-time affair" was in April 1999. Knowing that Pxxl Allxn's waydale was up and cranking out information......twi told their followers that going online to anti-way websites could get them possessed.

    In the last five years.....twi has gone underground. Twi's written communication has greatly diminished. Lists of yearly leadership assignments is no longer sent out. Announcements, assignments and numbers involved hardly get a mention on a SNS tape.

    In the last five years.....twi has become more covert. It's NO WONDER that, when settling out of court with Pxxl Allxn, one of the demanded requests of twi was to CLOSE DOWN WAYDALE!! icon_eek.gif

    Long live Greasespot Cafe.....and keep telling those first-hand experiences.

    Thanks Paw.

  8. quote:
    Excathedra, thanks for the kind words. I never really had the heart to go back after that trauma, though I flirted with the thought from time to time. The burden was too great for me to bear. But what did Jesus say, my yoke is easy and my burden is light? .

    Took me a couple of years to recover, but after that, being Joe Believer at twig was easy and light.

    Oldies.....I commend you for taking the time to reflect on your experiences, your trauma and decline the "invitation" to reapply. Obviously, in reading thru all these posts, you can see that many of us agree that we would have been far better off had we distanced ourselves from twi's upper hierarchy much earlier.

    That's an understatement!! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

  9. HCW.....don't quite follow you point on "mutual thinking" and "groupthink"...

    Just following your story, I posted this above:



    Dean Don told me about Rochelle's suicide after I had told him why I had come to see him. He told me that she and Kevin W. had been caught having sex and they had both been dismissed from the Corps. He went on about how Kevin had told her he loved her in order to get her to sex him and that she was OK to leave with him because she thought they were in love.

    He said that after they left Kevin told her something to the effect of, "Whoa, hold your horses," when she talked about getting married and starting a life together. He said that Kevin's coming clean about lying to her to get in her pants had devastated her. He left her & she committe suicide and was found dead in a motel.

    I was so devastated that I didn't really notice there were holes in the story. I had thought she was found in a motel in Emporia, all these years until someone told me the rest of her story.


    The gross culpability thickens!

    What happened after the accident is most telling of trustees......and the rest of the story!!

  10. lindy....good question. Here's what I remember....

    Feb 1999..............Allxns fired from hq staff.

    Mar/Apr 1999..........Waydale up and running

    Jun/Jul 1999..........Lxchts in Florida left twi.

    Jun/Jul 1999..........Moxquexas in Colorado left.

    Jun/Jul 2000..........Laxlys in Texas left.

    Sep 2000..............Martindale was ousted by lawyers.

    Feb/Mar 2001..........Lawsuit settled out of court.

    Others might know more specifics.....but nonetheless, its intriguing!! icon_smile.gif:)-->

  11. quote:
    Holy cow.. when I think I had it bad, I remind myself that it could have been far worse.. coulda been corpse.

    Yes, Mr. H.....isolation and control is a deadly mixture in the hands of a drambuie-drinking, self-serving, bible-bending leader.

  12. Reading the first-hand account of the LEAD accident has been very enlightening......to say the least. Sitting in the passenger seat, HCW had undisputable and undeniable knowledge of how the accident happened. And now....he continues with details of its aftermath.

    When Waydale and a couple of its predecessors hit the Internet, it changed twi's landscape forever. Not only did Pxxl Allxn successfully expose martindale and his illicit behavior, but the "power of the internet" was front and center for the trustees to see!!

    Personal stories had a voice......finally! Accountability by the "internet-press" could pressure the trustees towards change! The spiritual abuse found within the walls of twi would and could be shouted from monitor to monitor!!

    For these reasons and more......it has intrigued me for years that certain region coordinators shortly after the birth of waydale quickly and quietly exited twi. And, what's more.....the ones that come to mind had internet-savvy understanding of its capabilities!!! And, some of these people knew Pxxl Allxn and his deep understanding of two things: twi & www (world wide web). icon_eek.gif

    Quite abruptly........Alxn Lxcht and wife left twi.

    Quite abruptly........Pxxl Mxsquedx and wife left twi.

    Quite abruptly........Txm Lxlly and wife left twi.

    Even John Rxynolds, as a trustee, didn't last very long. Hmmmmmmmmm......

  13. quote:
    Dean Don told me about Rochelle's suicide after I had told him why I had come to see him. He told me that she and Kevin W. had been caught having sex and they had both been dismissed from the Corps. He went on about how Kevin had told her he loved her in order to get her to sex him and that she was OK to leave with him because she thought they were in love.

    He said that after they left Kevin told her something to the effect of, "Whoa, hold your horses," when she talked about getting married and starting a life together. He said that Kevin's coming clean about lying to her to get in her pants had devastated her. He left her & she committe suicide and was found dead in a motel.

    I was so devastated that I didn't really notice there were holes in the story. I had thought she was found in a motel in Emporia, all these years until someone told me the rest of her story.

    The gross culpability thickens!

    What happened after the accident is most telling of trustees......and the rest of the story!!

  14. quote:
    This was another reason it was so devastating to a person who got the the boot. When we went into the Corps, we thought God was the "real director" in a sense, and so, when one was "found wanting", it was as if God rejected that person as a below par believer".

    Okay.....call me naive or whatever, but I firmly believed that when I was accepted into the corps program that it was two years of training/learning with an interim year inbetween. The interim year would help expose those areas of weakness and all. I honestly thought that as long as one was putting forth a concerted effort to learn and grow, to receive and practice......THAT was the commitment. Much like going to college classes, I guess.

    Here's a chuckle for you.....our first corps night, on Wednesday, was held in Emporia's chapel. One of my good buddies was traveling thru and heading west. He stopped into visit me about 20 minutes before the corps meeting. He found my dorm room and, together we walked over to the chapel. I invited him. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    He wasn't corps! He wasn't even an advanced class grad! About 10 minutes into the meeting and some corps guy sorta noticed that my friend looked outta place and said, "Is he corps?" I said, "No" (not really thinking much about it). Then, this corps guy says....."He can't be in here" and I said, "Oh." My friend quietly exited out the west entrance.

    My, oh my........LEGALISM has grown lots of hair since then. icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

  15. quote:
    Yes, a fine example of the slow process of LEGALISM forming at a snails pace year after year, right before our blinded eyes. And we all silently wondered why we were not truly happy with our lives.

    Good point, igotout.

    Yeah.....LEGALISM has a way of wrapping itself around your head and suffocating you to death. No wonder it's one of the main topics in Galatians.

  16. quote:
    As you pointed out, Skyrider, this evolved. Many of us thought you do your three year (not four year)program, and then you graduate, at which point your are qualified to be a twig or branch leader, going where your wanted to.

    THAT was it! Get the "training".....and then, get outta there!

    He11....I figured if Balaam could learn a few things from his foot, then surely I could stick it out and learn a few things from a few blowhards!!!

  17. Shaz......yeah, I was jesting a bit. After all these years, it is amazing to step back and see how twi's standards were not subject to accountability.

    Aww yes....the recognized corps. Another sneaky way of phrasing the program. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    But really, just thinking out loud here.......why did the corps program have a "special human race" ideology? When I signed on the line.....there was not one hint of that in the promotional brochure.

    Thanks Hope....for that waydale info. And.....I thought twi specifically declared that they DID NOT mark and avoid people???

    icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

  18. By the early 80s......the term cop out had gained legs.....and had evolved to mean....any corps person or corps grad who quit taking assignments was a cop out.

    Twi changed the parameters.

    Now, it was a LIFETIME COMMITMENT to stand with twi.

    And, that labeling is still in effect to this day. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

  19. quote:
    And why should they be allowed to talk to anyone? They were the ones who broke their comittment to God Dr. Wierwille, and The Way Corps? When they broke their comittments, they weren't worth the powder and lead to blow themselves up with! They no longer had a head! Their neck was just blowing bubbles by that time! Why should God ever even spit in their direction again! Greasespots all!! Agghh! Agghh!!!

    Oh wait, did I just say that? Oh sorry, I'm not Craig, really....I just got carried away...

    Jonny......for a second there, I could actually hear craig's voice. icon_eek.gif

    At the very least, there should have been a "review committee" of two or three individuals who would panel to hear BOTH sides. Grievances of the program or leaders' attitudes or whatever SHOULD have had a hearing. Not a yes-men, voice-over, shout-n-out confrontation......BUT a fair hearing.

    Fair is fair.....and iff the corps person proved to be beligerent and a scorner.....then it would expose that too.

  20. rascal.......unbelievable!!!

    Of course, when a corps person was dismissed and could NOT TALK TO ANYONE.....the separation was immediate.

    No personal exchange of information from friends.

    No personal comfort.........with embracing hugs.

    No personal exhortation.....with write soon, "I will miss you."

    Cold and calloused and calculating.....twi leadership got in the last damaging word!

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