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Everything posted by pond

  1. I sent my kids to bible camp too they loved it and my son earned his "god and me" badge in boy scouts. I do not know it does bother me when i hear info i believe is wrong from the bible, but i wouldnt say anything . I might be wrong too i have used either twi or its offshoot as my source of information crap al these years i could be wrong . ??? dont know so i do not say. sunday school bible camp for children keep things very simple basic christian chapter and verse. no harm done.. i get bothered by the radio when they talk about how God uses people and I do not believe that... I hae holy spirit but im out of the game of competition thinking Im a mini Jesus saving the world. that is the part that bothers me most. hard to explain.
  2. We have a church that does a coffe house here that brings in many disabled from the group homes to enjoy. In twi the disabled or sick where kind of frightening really My twig leader had a a very disabled child and the hell and I mean hell they went through.. it is a sin. they put her in a group home to join family corps. We prayed for her to be healed and i fully believe the family was more tormented by the religous belifs of why that child was ill and disabled than her disability itself. they got divorced etc... I mean what does God say about divorce? yet it was common in twi. It is hard to describe but it is like twi felt anyone not appearing perfect form was a black mark on how well the "ministry" was doing. to be honest i didnt see much of the full sharing of all people in twi.. they always looked for a reason on just why this could happen and somone would be blamed. not right not healthy not good. not loving and dare i say not god's Will for his creation.
  3. Well now lets start with that comment Jesus Christ found me and rescued me I was the one lOST the "searching for me was done by God almighty. I really do not think im a mini Christ anymore saving the world .. with the ego and ower trip that comes with that mind set. i have no issues with the church any church I think of them as any other group of people who enjoy getting together and doing what turns them on ... I think my attitude is the problem for them. I have no problem with conflict although i do not confront any group unless God tells me to say something it just inst loving to hurt anyone or be unkind and without love what do I have? .trust me I fully understand why and i doubt i will be "fooled again, seems to be the core of the problem if you ask me. I was born again before i took pfal , i had witnessed a pastor stand up in our small country church and say he didnt believe God was real when he was busted for having an affair with one of the youth group girls.. drama in church was not new to me. I over learned this one omg did I. yeah im in the game still myself me too. I went to the off shoots fellowships and look at that! same stuff! surprise surprise I do not love it when i hear a teaching or a prayer that i think is Wrong for example thank ou God my new born baby was born with mutiple disorders thankyou for the blessing this brings my life etc.. yeah bothers me. i will give it up thanks. And that is the other big freaking lesson i took out of tWI no one has walked the same PATH as another we all came in and left with different mind sets and experiences hence the different opions and thoughts about where and what it means to each person. I do not believe in group think anymore. I never gave up on the "thing" that recuded me? He isnt a thing He is real and alive and very Powerful His name is Jesus christ.. what thing are you talking about? selling pfal class? naw I think iw ould sell flowers today. just me. nah none of those emotions come to my mind mostly boredoom and intolerence for ignorance on top of drama I believe will be involved. my life is disappointing enough thanks without church. pot luck suppers bother me ya never know what the hell meat is really in that dish do ya? me too yet It is not "taken away" it feels bigger and better but certainly less crowded with people who agree without knowing a better or bigger way to do it. hope this helps.
  4. I agree good post Dmiller It is al those years of bible study. I listen they make a mistake i discount them. it is instilled in me like a flea I cant shake. I rarely SAY anything anymore but i do not get involved in groups because of it. my dear dear friend want me to go to this bible study i went once it was not "complex" enough for me I guess without all the reference and greek and well you know the teachings we have all heard and how they are "explained. i wasnt entertained enough i guess and have not gone back i mean two or three sentences form the SAME chapter and that is a teaching??? im still sick I do not think church would like me. and i do not want to find anything "wrong" with the teaching. yet i am a cult head . my life has been so different from most christians i know i cant relate . sad? how would i know any different and I have tried it just doesnt work my brain is fried or something.
  5. pond

    Native Americans

    Johnny they have not been at this politicaly as long as the Native American who have been fighting for their rights their helps from the FEDERAL govt with a very different nature and is much later they get all the federal money and some land but I do not think they have tribes or nations within their culture. The wanted the money and the rights but do not want the seperate nation. Most treaties are contested and changed and ammended to suit the many tribes. The eskimo's and alaska itself was added much much later and not as legaly entwined , but they do get the money and promises written for them . in fact your representitives politicaly fight for their culture to be PRESERVED which is different than RESERVED understand? they are a minority status what they worked out in their treaties is up to them and the govt. in Alaska to fight... see Indidans are seperate the american govt DOES not represent them they are their own nation. a difference.
  6. pond

    Am I what I am?

    ok I will try but this shows his yellow belly I so admire. It is his best IM too sexy picture, he is even holding the paw in a dangle (yes i always did wonder if he cold be) he is so pretty and has so many colors i will try again. thanks his head might be smaller than his body in real life but we do not talk about that. Loook we al have things we are working on dont we no need to get get personal about what a portion is or isnt in life at this stage.. he is 19 years old.
  7. pond

    Am I what I am?

    What do you think? ok the poll didnt work , internet stupid again.. a poll should I keep this picture for my posts or is he a cat only a Pond could love?
  8. pond

    Native Americans

    exactly Bill! where would it end with the he hit me first stuff? but more important is welfare just doesnt work.. and a victim mentality does not progress anyone or group of people. generations of money helps and resources have been granted to Native americans and yet they still struggle . When and what would it take for them to succeed? and become a nation that could survive and live well without the constant aid? for me it isnt about the money or the resource although dMILLER does make very valid political points and Johnny ... who is being ripped off? who is taking advantage? are you certain? why are they still oppressed and in need of such exemption etc? See I believe any and all welfare creates a co-depency mind set and once instilled in ANY peron or people as a third and fourth and on and on gernerational issue can not be broken. so in my opinionthe war over the land was fairly worked out at the time with the surviving ancestors .. but what we give them today Like many minoriites that can not beat the tide of welfare is a type of dependency much much worse than a stick with fire, because it isnt a bullet killing them it is indeed a sense of hopelessness for change . to me that decays much much worse than a wound on the skin, it is a dep wound on the soul of any person told they can not so we must.
  9. much better writing Mike! it is nice to speak with a poster who can express their words without the confusion and twisting and guessing games you often play with. yes posting is a difficult thing in the medium of writing.... yet you seem to play guessing games on purpose to intice or make us wonder what you know that we do not. like a game of cat and mouse. you do it on purpose. the result is NOT as you want you get ignored and dismissed more than arouse interest. Im not trying to hurt you your above post is simple enough to be understood and expressed in a manner most would enjoy. I do think it would benefit you to write without the arrogant game you know your playing with posters.
  10. pond

    Native Americans

    and the chat room posts you took way to much space up with to read are written by a soicologist or anthropoligist a student that are far removed from the real life of common folk in any culture what they demand people should think or believe about one another is truly insignificant to anyone other than a forum for those who want political change for their own mean and gain . or an academic setting that feeds off anyones opinion as long as they pay to say it and get paid to listen to it. many opinions out there on how people should think... be real the facts do not change. the RULES of engagment do not change. lifestyle and culture did not happen in a vacum nor does change. nor does it need too merely because an internet chat room has space for those to write their emotions on it without becoming involved in the very basic issues they rave and rant about so freely .
  11. pond

    Native Americans

    hey waysider give me her phone number i will telephone her and tell her you need the blanket back right away for ya!
  12. pond

    Native Americans

    #1. You need a Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB). Without a CIB, it doesn't matter if you are even full-blooded Native American, the government will not consider you a Native American. To be eligible for a CIB, one or both parents must submit a copy of their CIB to a tribal enrollment office along with a copy of your birth certificate. #2. Blood quantum. This varies from tribe to tribe, however the standard tends to be 1/4 blood. The indian nation is interested in preserving their culture and traditions and religion, I want you to note even FUL-blooded Native ancestry does NOT mean the tribe will accept you as part of their nation. they often time don't that is why the parents must provide proof not only of the blood line to the tribe.. but of your willingness to become a part of their Seperate Nation. Famous Americans or Indians never accepted by the tribe do not count as Native Americans , they do not live in the welfare state made for them by white man nor do they live or abide by the treatys or alliances written.
  13. pond

    Native Americans

    one from your list CHER had a hit song titled "half breed " or something the entire song was about how the indians do NOTthe girl accept such as a part of their nation. lol how ironic. to use a minority group to gain fame because people are ignorant on what DEFINES an native |American, is cruel and selfish and wrong... but it works. becuase people are stupid. and believe the old western movies and are often interested in their religion and spiritual practices..and what a sense of "being different" than USA. INDIANS are different they have their own nation their own rules their own laws etc. it is a mystery to the white man how their culture operates.. so they pretend they might be a part of it for fame or to be noted. doesnt mean they are Native Americans in the least.
  14. pond

    Native Americans

    I did not read all your list . The ones i did glance at fall into this group. America has a fantasy about "indians", a old west romance mind set of being "special" or something. Again how many of these people are a MINORITY status. to have some "indian blood" in ya means little to nothing as far as our govt. or the tribes . Your previous link provides the data on how a Native American is defined. you really need to be more accurant in your defining of terms anyone who has balck hair or a relative who was once in an affair with a red blood can have blood lines . it means nothing at all. Tribes decide who is an indian and cher, loreeta lynn etc.lololol your list is ridiculas NEVER lived in the society RESERVED for a SEPERATE NATION . To be considered a minority an Native american RULES APPLY and few of the few i did scan on your list qualify for the status of a minority or the tribe . it is a seperate NATION AMERICANS ARE NOT INDIANS HELLLO get it? INDIANS ARE NOT AMERICANS HELLO get it again?? ignorant people who watched to many western movies as a kid have a fastasy and add credit to the "indian " title because they have an air of mystery and difference than "white people" it means nothing in reality. many on your list are NOT NATIVE Americans they are Americans.
  15. pond

    Cat whispering

    I am checking to see if the cat picture shows up . this is my male kitty not to scary is he? no comment on the weight.
  16. pond

    Cat whispering

    ok again my experience and I have read some about the dominate cat in a house hold. MY male cat has always and I mean always been the doinate cat... if he witness me petting the other cat he will attack her without mercy and rip her fur out and stand on her till she is exhuasted. she has to wait till he is out of the room to be pette and she isnt a reall big one for petting (probabky because she takes her life in her own paws when she is petted. when i come home she is NOT allowed to greet me at the door only him first then when he gets the tap on the head can she come over for a pet. Unless he is a big slob and is still in bed. then she can because he is to lazy. nOW before you think this is being a bullly after a decade of fur flying I do not understand it to be this way HE is protecting her in his manly way He is very much a territory cat and she for the most part can do as she pleases unless he decides no way he doesnt like it then she gets her foot kicked. after more than a decade together they have for the most part worked out their relationship. and she adores him even if she doesnt really like him. they do not sleep together or be very social with one another for the most part BUT if he has a issue she is the vocal one in MY face telling me all about the problem untill i take care of his need. and every once in a while I see him kiss her gently on the ear with love. so she is a little bitchy and high strung in my opinion and he has had to "take a stand with her" but I have frozen guests in fear they flip right out when the cats used to fight and they would take off all through the house ripping out their fur and biting and stratching like war is on! I think when people are over she want to see what is going on and meet people and He says no it isnt safe let me go first... now not so much but i have fewer people over. I have read the pages about how to stop the dominance of one cat over another NONE of them have ever worked for me... but i didnt want to get into their relationship and always allowed them to have it there way if she didnt want to stay or him either one could have left they are indoor outdoor cats. almost two decades later they are still together albeit with some serious ground rules .
  17. pond

    Native Americans

    I wish i had the solution for the co-dependcy these welfare programs generate. Native americans may have 'deserved" the right to live in the land we americans wanted. but they lost the war. The treatys are always involved in the courts, they may be unfair .. BUT the welfare state of the tribes has NOT helped them establish a better lifestyle they are all below the poverty line of standard living , huge percentage are unemployed still after generations of alliance and help. so it has not helped. 1 in four black males are also unemployed ok? THINK about it in the terms of ALL blacks are less than 13% of our society. you can point to the very few who have succeeded and try to remember that is the minority within the minority. if you want to make this about individuals it isnt it is facts of how we as a UNION of States create co-depency by helping minorities which absolutly decays their life and culture to the point of being completely dependent and without any resource other than being a welfare state. I really did derail the thread with this but if the Native Americans were "here first" we americans have certainly put them in their place.. but without a huge history lesson the ones who signed these treatys and alliances were Indidans and many orginaly made out far better and/or sold out their own people, and frankly i do not believe ignorance has anything to do with it. the strong survive. evolution of a culture or a race has more to do with individual decisions than many may chose to believe. nearly 100 years ago, Johnny times have changed. blessed I do not know she married a man who looked VASTLY differently than her family was moved to a moutain top that was snowed in without access for 6 months out of the years stuck there to keep house provide service have raise the family without her culture or relatives. Indian reservation are a welfare state I believe anyone that has to be completely dependent on the Govt moneys to survive and live is not right, no freedom and no real choice in life. see my above post.
  18. this is embarrassing. yet because i believe you love your animals like I do I will share my experience and hope it helps. my cat is a nervous cat very high strung she gets stressed out easy and shoots her fur out in mass amounts when feeling confused or nervous. it is a real problem I mean she really shed all of her fur and gets a bald spot from it. soooooooooooo i had a shawl i ued to put around my shoulders one night I threw it at her because she was so freaky... she began to suck on one of its tassles and knead its yarn like a baby kitten would do to its mom . it is embarrassing but to my family we understand she must have a mental problem and need that security of me that is in the shawl. maybe if you give her a shirt or old nightgown or blanket fromyou to do what dogs do( I have never seen a dog put their paws back and forth like a cats does when they nurse maybe they do ) and do not shame her for it she will calm down . just an idea. I would guess an animal can get demented as much as a human can and get old and needy and insecure. the older these cats get the more they want to sit ON me too.
  19. pond

    Native Americans

    Im not speaking about the folks who relatives had a baby with an indian. who romance what their blood line means .. Im speaking about a nation of people that have been reserved to live within their own nation to be accepted in a tribe menas more than having "indian" dna in your genes. the reservation is a seperate community it is where they all live they have RIGHTS and are granted them through the tribe and to the landetc, If your an indian you belong to a tribe all tribes live on reservations. they do not vote they do not pay taxes they do not go to war many many many facets of life is not at all what AMERICA defines as citizens they are NOT citizens of the usa they are a SEPERATEnation within the USA . get it? land granted to them as a SEPERATE nation. they are not part of the USA they are sperate. their land and rights and LAWS are RESERVED for their people which is NOT USA. hence the idea of reservation for them to live as THEIR PEOPLE decide SEPERATE from AMERICA. helllo doubt all you want you may want to get educated first. yes some do have homes on the res.. but for the most part the reservations are a mess here. beautiful country but the lifestyle is extreme poverty. If an indian is not part of their tribe( I have never ever heard of such a thing) they will not be a member of their NATION which has been reserved by the treaty alliances to live within certain borders of land. those borders are the reservations. it is romantic for white men to think hey i got some indian blood doesnt mean a thing to the indian other than you screwed a indian woman or your mama did a brown skin do not be foolish.. your not native american unless your have the papers.. and with the "papers" come some very erious rules of engagement. look up do some reading on how the tribes are doing in america it isnt pretty . maybe out west they do better here in the north they suffer badly by their own hand and alcohol is a very rampant problem, although the casino's are helping to change the situations . we can ONLY have gambling ON the reservations per the treaty alliance BUT it is being contested in the courts now and if the indians LOSE well things will change again. my grandmother who is still alive was bought and paid for by a white man for a sum of money when she was fourteen years old she left the res... and spawnded five children with that man .. they look very indian but they are not she has no rights to tribal privilidge.. nor does her children my father her son was a officer in the ARMY etc. they are citizen of the USA she was married to a white man. a baby with indian DNA does not have any rights to the RESERVATION UNLESS the tribe decides they want him/her. it is more than blood it is a spiritual community steeped in traditions and culture.
  20. pond


    wel thank you Mike i understand your answer other than the bit with marsha . so no one can fully master it so in behaviour you can for the rest of our life remind somone how they are just not quite arrived yet... it sounds very much like my muscle is bigger than yours type of behaviour creating competition in a very fleshy manner without any sense of holy spirit that Jesus sent to every personwho bekives romans 10;9 ,10 in which He teaches each person has the ability to hear from the ONLY teacher we ever need ( yes the bible says Jesus is the only teacher we need) thx again
  21. pond

    Native Americans

    i do not get why they have such high alcoholic rates in their populations. the reservation in new york are most beautiful country but the home trailers mostly are ghetto like and run down most are unemployed and have serious drinking problems and recieve medical care paid by tax payers (of which they do not contribrute( money. im not being racist it is a serious issue on the reverations here, proverty is rampant and alcoholic issues. they are and have been suing the state for the exclusive rights for the gambling business on the res. so they have the ability to generate HUGE amounts yet still live for the most part below poverty level why?
  22. why is it when any person accuses another of sexual abuse or child abuse they should be kill without mercy before any trial or conviction? we do not kill child molesters we barely prosecute them . these people were murdered by a zealot group hell bent on taking justice into their own hands and deciding who was right and wrong . who was more wrong the cult heads or the people who get to decide to murder them because they didnt like what they thought they knew about them? you decide.
  23. pond


    offtopic: i do not want a commercial or what you think is wrong with everyone eles. just freaking answer the question will ya? have you mastered what you state will be the solution to everyones issue in life or not? If not( and as comminted as you have been and appear to claim to be to the books of twi) is it all then just an attempt at and as yet an impossible task because it is so deep and profound a wrting? :
  24. pond


    seriously mike in your opinion Has ANYONE mastered the pfal stuff? is it even possible? then you say as years go by people drift etc... well years have gone by for every person Mike so does your analysis apply to every person ? who has mastered this stuff in your opinion? it just sems to me every thing you write is about how the people have not mastered pfal you never write about those who have made the commintment long enough etc... ( it is not that difficult of a read Mike really) have you mastered the writting yu cherish?
  25. this incident haughts me. I was freaking out while it was happening and feel very strongly it was murder. maybe it was a cult that is not illegal the people were murdered and out right burned to death that day because a bully bigger than a cult head leader got a hair on his a$$ . i have not seen the movie but just from the reports and the events of the day I believe strongly it was MURDER by the FBI for no reason other than they could. we have a right in this country to live in a "cult" we have the right to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law we have a right to due process if the police and fbi had issues they could have used legal means instead of force to arrest what ever the problem was they chose to kill innocent people and they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for the doing of that. but they are not.
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