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Everything posted by pond

  1. waysider he often went on about the prcision of what he thought the bible meant, and how it says what it means and means what it says, so in this case with judas he says well it must mean this ... and it might not but like you said because he was a teacher we bought the sale. father told him ? well the way i look at that is Father will tell me if i need to know. seriously maybe he did "tell" you but he didnt tell me does he love you more or something? and that is how the dam elistist crap was. i wish i was 50 when i was 20 .
  2. not me but my husband at the time. the thing is this really. so here they are all powerful filled with the power of christ ABLE to do ALL things etc... to be feared and respected. It is the devil who runs from the power of our Father not the other way around. explain to me HOW if one has all this power from on high we are just to freak out and run away or throw away a person who is "possessed"? what is the big deal hmm? to me it sounds like fear. I know when Im afraid I stand for the most I meet it head on I seek the fear and talk to it work through it and go for it , if it is a person I think is out to get me I do not throw them away I engage until the issue is resolved. well if they have a gun or something I use wisdom of course, but my point is why is it if the "devil" is involved we are to be fearful? didnt Jesus christ already win this fight?
  3. Im not talking about a pollly anna world either in which rose colored glass appear and everything is alright. What i Can and should judge is my own behaviour my own choices my own thoughts. Is it ok for me to have sex with a married man, should I stay involved in an organizatio I know is capable of harm? those are judgements we need to make for our own selfs. That is why the Lord is called a wonderful conselor because hhe does help us in making good choices and following His will for our life. We are often warned of harm of people being sinners this is clear in the bible, no surprise to god when bad stuff happens to those he loves... He knows we are capable of following the wrong choice and getting into trouble here , that is exactly the reason He gave us a SAVIOUR. Many involved in these groups particularly twi believe they are mini Jesus running the world today, with magic spells put on others and the ability to decide above God what another life was is or will be. to take care of our own individual part in the body of this New creation is all god or Jesus asks and 9sorry to bust any bubble of ego) really all we can do for HIM. Twi really taught some to focus on evil to think evil to give evil thoughts a name and a place in your life. it is the cult thinking of us vs them evil vs good (although the bible clearly states NONE are good) and in his last book life vs death. the bible asks us to keep our mind on things ABOVE what this world has dished out , to think good thoughts and to do good unto all. I mean if those who participate in this activity really think they are warning anyone about what vpw CAn do as far as sin it is a little late now he isnt capable of anymore harm. so it seems to me it is only your time and your life your wasting away talking crap about another and trying real hard to white wash it with as a noble deed for mankind. LCM is not the only one who has comminted adultry it seems to me it is so very common for those in position of authority to become corrupt today this is not a news flash for many today. so what is the point I ask that one has to write a thread to decide who will be in the kingdom or who wont? I mean i believe I hope I will but tht is all it is a HOPE the story turns out alright I can not even know for certain it will be true in my own life. I just believe it to be so, it has not happened so I wont know till It happens. why does it matter to YOU how big anothers sin is? why does it matter to YOU if a dead guy is going to be in the kingdom or not? all the threads in this world will never give you the power to decide any persons fate (thank God) . Selling pfal is the core of this you know.. if you heard somone SIT you felt ou did God a favor you did a good thing for mankind. not really god gives the increase so says the bible not YOU or PFAL and now this thinking has come full circle and you believe you can decide who will burn in hell and must discuss it . some things for some people never change.
  4. Concerning Judas The time line is wrong, none of the disciples recieved holy spirit as a gift from God through Jesus because it was his Resurrection that enabled eternal life for all those who believe romans 10 and 9. Also a interesting fact here is the fact Judas did kill his own self, he rejected Jesus as Lord , and his life ended when it all became to much . I think those who reject Jesus today make the same choice. they live until life ends for them they hold no promise of the kingdom of the life God grants those who believe in Him . no eternal life just a life then death. Judgement is not today we recieve consequences to be sure of bad choices, we are children of God growing up day by day. He is our father and the judgement is not for today if you believe in what Jesus christ did for mankind and for God you will have eternal life. I do not know about folks who spend their days deciding who is the better christian and who sinned a bigger sin or for how long.. it seems to me that behaviour is exactly the problems Jesus had with the religous leaders and pharasee's who loved God and was pointing the finger at just how wrong the other guy was . it was the men and women who wanted to trick and scheme to bring judgements on others that Jesus said didnt know HIM and said their father was the devil. In the very least so much energy spent deciding who is wrong and more wrong certainly takes away from the efort of loving one another which is to be our focus as Jesus clearly COMMANDS.
  5. well he spent a good many years killing and being wrong, nd as far as repentance what did he do exactly? He had a ministry. I am not the one who forgives sin Rascal , Jesus is by his very life. how many times can a person be forgiven? you sure ?
  6. yes I agree the power was all about what peole could do. Like magic spells . witchcraft really. you better stay away from that person he will zap you really hard (for God) remember that thinking you could not be worthy of a certion person or go to their meetings or fellowship because you only took the pfal class and had not gone corps or whatever? Im glad im old now and do not give a rats foot who you think you are anymore im here deal with it. i like this life better. and this thinking goes to professionals who want to analize me and i do not think they have a clue as well. it takes a long time to become a real person and know what you know . pw was older and he had matured to the point he esteemed himself as adults do. most of the believers were so young or damaged coming in it was easy to tell us the moon was made of green cheeses.
  7. I do think of Paul and his conversion. He murdered them the folks who followed the teachings of christ he sought them as enemys and slaughterd many . I would be afraid of Him. then in His encouter with Jesus He changed his behaviour and well it is written. now do ya think they woke up one day and said that Paul guy the ones who KILLED and seeks to murder us is now a changed man? well they did. but i would have had doubts if one day he didnt slip and decide well this was a cult and Im going back to do Gods work and kill them all ! he didnt but he could have . Jesus brought us a Grace in this time that is beyond measure, and as stated the motive must be love.. not loving to kill one another, so he lived met Jesus and God allowed him a ministry that changed the very course of all time. he was a man who killed in his belief it was the right thing to do for GOD. He thought he was doing the right thing but was very wrong. those who lost the people they loved had to forgive him to follow his teachings Im thinking some may have said well jesus is just alright with me but that Paul is another story and chose to not heed his leadership. This is Gods record of events not mine.
  8. yes how do i know it was really an angel? i asked him. he didnt use the word angel he had just told me he did not know alot about "here" where? he didnt mean the town or the state he met the big here as in not at all here.m he had a dove on his shirt you know the little holy spirit doves some wore in twi? it was sparkly and i asked about it then I thought he is an angel and he was so not familiar with " where he was" he fixed my car opened the hood and fixed it . I was really stuck no cell phones then and the kids were at day care..... I needed my car, he fixed it. i asked him if he was born again he said no he cant be got all flustered when I asked why he said they coulnt be but he loved God very much. he was an angel. then he went away i never saw him walk away and this was a parking LOT! the shop was closed and no other cars had come or gone. so I went into the store to cancel the tow truck i didnt have money to pay for and I said that guy just fixed it. they said no guy was out there this was about four feet from the shop.
  9. pond


    you know Im a grown up. I assume this is an adult site. Why then does it seem like a parent child interaction and communication ? should and should not and try this and do that. adults generate idea's to proceed to the next level of progress. How many places do you know that just shame and shunn and punish one another in the course of a discussion? some have called it a pecking order nah it isnt It is positions of superiority thinking (for what ever reason) so I must now tell you how we are to think and behave. YOU NEED ME! grown up just do not communicate like this in the real world. ironicly it seldom if ever comes from those involvedin moderation.
  10. pond

    The Way, It Was

    wow waysider. I think in the real world that is considered manipulation . I have no desire to control a persons mind or actions. DO NOT THINK not at all. I believe God wants us to think about our choices and think everyday every moment we are alive to think think think , we tell our children think about what your doing , we tell our employee's we want one another to use their brains to think. It is a choice to accept Jesus christ as your Saviour it is a Choice to accept the gospel as truth. CHOICE INVOLES thinking about what you can do or not. i think that renewed mind page is screwed up. I remember a BC wife TY say we may not be "of" this world but we sure live in it, during the renewed mind class. so true I dare anyone to go to their employer wife child teacher or any public person not involved in the way and say NO NO cant think THAT it isnt renewing my mind to what the word says. no wonder the isolation grew so deep. Did Jesus say to sinners change your mind do not think? he asked them to "sin no more" in other words change behaviours that hurt them so they could get along better in the world. He didnt say do not think about anything other than the scripture, cant find the bathroom? do not think just do not think believe the scripture and you will never have to pee again . that is how some thought in the way.
  11. pond


    I think we all hear what we want to hear. and if it isnt forthcoming we actualy seek out answers that fit the mold we desire . this is a fact of life for most, and given the emotional and entrenched areana of a web site such as this I do not think any mod can "control" the outcome of these discussions. I see very little discussion really it is just two sides of one issue just in a battle of wits and stupidity. who wins? I do not know. I hear the reaction to such interactions with the conclusion involving frustration and stalemate . Some believe complaining can work I guess this is one time i agree, but the solution is further away from the reality. I see those most involved in the battle as unable to see their individual participation as a issue it is always the other guys" problem or wrong. It does dismiss the valid parts of GS down to a very few players who just refuse to stop playing games . the mods can set rules but the constant work it would entail as Mod cow states can not be done. I think the threads that end up like serve in the sense of a warning , I hear loud and clear as I read, DO I want to involve myself with that fight?" so it is the same old same old because of the same old ironic isnt it? I think we all hear what we want to hear. and if it isnt forthcoming we actualy seek out answers that fit the mold we desire . this is a fact of life for most, and given the emotional and entrenched areana of a web site such as this I do not think any mod can "control" the outcome of these discussions. I see very little discussion really it is just two sides of one issue just in a battle of wits and stupidity. who wins? I do not know. I hear the reaction to such interactions with the conclusion involving frustration and stalemate . Some believe complaining can work I guess this is one time i agree, but the solution is further away from the reality. I see those most involved in the battle as unable to see their individual participation as a issue it is always the other guys" problem or wrong. It does dismiss the valid parts of GS down to a very few players who just refuse to stop playing games . the mods can set rules but the constant work it would entail as Mod cow states can not be done. I think the threads that end up like serve in the sense of a warning , I hear loud and clear as I read, DO I want to involve myself with that fight?" so it is the same old same old because of the same old ironic isnt it?
  12. I assume by what posts i have read that those who consider the title victim hate the ones they claim to be victims of. my bad if that is not true. well it wouldnt be a discussion board it would be a board with very little debate, maybe a disscussion board for only those select . is that what your looking for? I think the idea of a seperate area but Pawtucket said he tried that and it didnt work so ...
  13. Do you think it is Vp that is being admired? I think it is his work his books his research , Is it not his writing and beliefs that is the base line for all of the off shoots? I think it changed because he is dead hard to esteem a person who has been dead for so long, so it is his writings etc.. "they admire" why is that do you suppose?
  14. Does disagreement = disruption? for everyone. If so, the clearly it is not an open board of discussions but a hate site .
  15. no not to leave twi most who post here and get into these debates have been writing on this forum for years and are clearly more into one another than a conspiracy to plot against those who may stillbe involved with twi. no I think Socks wrote a very nice piece that covers why and also my previous posts maybe within this thread spells out why for me.
  16. no you didnt imply that but it has been said on this thread that it is unfair that some have a voice that another disapproves of . I do not see it as any more of an attack than what the "other side" is capable of. How the communication styles can or will ever change is the tall order for the mods to figure out. I have no clue how they can do it without restricting certain viewpoints , it is interesting to see what can happen.
  17. pond

    A Thread For Quitters

    my boss took that kept smoking on it, got so confused she could NOT do her job was very depressed and confused, then she got very very sick and ended up with more pills to clear her lungs.. so the dr. took her off it I do not Raf that drug was on the news here as a dangerous drug says a warning to me.
  18. Abby yes it is in HOW one makes a statement or a question, that is what words are abby communication and this venue is what it is . it is very easy to misread or misconstrue or even misunderstand what one reads, and instead of clarity being sought it is always on attack mode like a war . did not did to .. elementary at best. I think that is what Paw is strugling with how to clean it up without unfair censorship. cause the thing is and many do not quite see this what goes for tit must go for the tot get it? Paw is NOT unfair. of that IM convinced. the trouble is if he comes down on the forum with certain Rules for some the huge question will be why not for the others and it will appear bias and unfair. it is his call and a tough one indeed. you want to use the word How to describe what one is saying as wrong, how one says it, ok then who is the educator? or trains another on how to speak properly on theses forums ? who writes the standard what is the standard etc. to each his own on these boards really isnt it?
  19. But now I see Quite the rally call you made eh? The idea is if a poster has a question and states it and it goes against the governing leaders position (the victims) it is NOT ever allowed. right ? it is considered harrasment and to be AVOIDED as in marked and avoided as a bad bad poster. what a stand ! impressive and clear to all those with ears to hear.
  20. So it is to be if it is written on these threads. It is the gospel truth? no accountability needed, no checks no balances. nothing but words on the www, grease spot friends say it is true so if you do not believe it you must lack compassion. quite a leap from your stance towards STF and CES when you write in that thread about how foolish their decision making skills were tanzia. I guess we get to pick and chose who to judge and believe at the end of the day hmm.
  21. Well dooj what do I do about the ruby slippers? and how about that fairy godmother her wand hmm? knew the truth the whole time she did. do ya think dorothy got angry at her? and then the final shot with the farm hands and auntie em and that nighbor who didnt like the dog was that real or what? profound indeed
  22. Well McCoy turned into a big time lawyer and was just fine until he got the mad cow disease . spock went the way of writing poetry and growing his hair long again( maybe with the secret agenda of hiding those ears in shame) I also happen to believe mob mentality doesnt make a statement true or false it makes it insane.
  23. ex to you it is a fact and those who chose to believe in what your saying it may be a fact, But the fact remains this forum is what it is and as many relationshps are formed here is how great the trust goes. so I guess it has turned into a who know who type of elitism just like the way had. with some being chosen the leaders because they have been considered victims and not to be hurt or evenquestioned in authority! yes it is a type of thinking well ingrained and played out once again for those who are still entrenched with this type of thought patterns. it is cult thinking.
  24. Groucho you said it all in your post If you had doubts wouldnt it be best to keep them to yourself UNTIL THE TRUTH COULD BE DETERMINED. What will it take? for the truth to be determined? it differs between the individuals doesnt it? Some chose to believe everything written on the internet by a nameless faceless poster on the www. as gospel. and even more so if they have been psoting with them for years and had fun and a party and free reign to say whatever they like with back-up for the drama! some do not. I know WD case of court of law standards is getting stale because that will NOT HAPPEN now he is dead been dead will most probably continue to be dead until he isnt. so it is all opinion formed on what one says on the internet. no real TRUTH is going to happen as far as proving anything as truth or not. BUT and YET your attempts to Silence the fact these are NOT facts but opinions speaks volumes on the INTENT of just what is accpetable as a voice here. and to try to silence those who disagree with your opinion is what has turned into mainstay here on the forums.
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