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Everything posted by QuietThinker

  1. So, I'm chatting with my IRC pals today, during the Sheffield United Match...which, by the way, we lost in abysmal fashion to Liverpool 4 - 0, it was brutal. And, I'm running 5 different programs as usual...working away. The machine freezes...I reboot it...all seems well enough. I take a nap after the defeat because, well, I needed one. I wake up...there is a funky message telling me that: I have an unmountable boot volume... Rebooting gets me the same message every time. I stroll in here to my desktop, which I hardly ever use, since I prefer to be in the other room. I look things up, I find the repair pages at MS, I follow the protocols... Now it won't recognize the internal hard disk at all. So, I'm currently shopping new lappies on Ebay. However, for once, I actually applied myself this morning and wrote 3 chapters for the novel that I have under contract...that's about 65 pages. Also, I have a project for work, which is languishing in the now unrecognizable hard drive. As to back ups, yes, I do...every night, like clockwork, I back up onto my own network...this happens at midnight. Of course, that means that everything I did today is in the ether. Now, I could rewrite those 65 pages, but as any one can attest...it's exceedingly difficult when you've already written them out. Oh, and let's not even think about all the things I graded today and photoshopped for my lab students which are now stuck in a file I can't get to for obvious reasons. So...what do I do now? Can anyone help me recover my HD from afar, or do I take it to a shop...do I even bother to take it to a shop? If I take it to a shop, does anyone think it will be possible for them to even recover my data? And does anyone have a general idea what I might expect to pay for this, so I know what I'm looking at? I might add, that this computer came from dell, with whom I've had a miserable experience, and my warranty ran out on February 16. Oh yes. Oh yes it did. *sigh* *spit* *wail* Suggestions? Anyone? Thanks in advance, for any info... ~QT
  2. Mr.Ham! I just spat tea onto my laptop...LOL. Ah well, it forced me to clean it... *walks away, still muttering and laughing...kinder, gentler...LOL* Thanks for posting that, I needed it! Cheers, ~QT
  3. Discovering a friend isn't really a friend can be as devastating, too. I think it's Horrid, FAL...and your compassion for his wife is admirable. Hope he gets his, frankly. ~QT
  4. Many happy returns of the day, Dot! Cheers!
  5. Hello, Caribousam. We haven't met yet, so, nice to meet you. I would like to respectfully disagree with your statement, quoted above. I would suggest that the label "cult" has been accurately applied to TWI (I do not speak on the subject of CES, but from what I've read throughout and learned from others involved, there are some alarming similarities). The term, or label as you have described it, is not applied merely because of some doctrinal differences, but because of the systematic application of practices that have been detrimental to the members. These points of control and abuse are well-documented not only here on GS, but are recognizable against any standard of definitions applying to what is, or isn't, a cult. My statements are not made out of fear, anger, bitterness, or any sense of personal betrayal. The term cult carries weight because of what it connotes and it should. To imply that it is a mere difference in doctrinal practice and interpretation that differs from "much of established Christian groups" would be to excuse or negate the damage done to the people involved, as well as to gloss over the potential for harm which is still in existence. All of that being said, I continue to read your posts with interest. ~QT
  6. You must have been really chuffed!
  7. BOWTWI, DW (my fella) thinks This Dictionary on British Slang and Colloquial Usage might be of use to you. Additionally... I think you might find British English from A to Zed helpful. Cheers, ~QT
  8. I saw a lot of that, too....so sad. And nice to meet you, too, Mr. H.
  9. Me too, Lori ;-) It's part of the reason why I dig the "fella" so much. Although, he's from yorkshire, specifically Sheffield, and up t'north they have some interesting speech patterns. For example, they use "thee" and "thou" in informal conversations, though, not, say, at work. So, if you meet a friend and want to say, "Hey, How are you? How's it going?" you would say, "Ey up! 'Alreight, thee!" other fun sayings from t'north... "Tha's nowt but enough to be goin' on with." translates into "I've said enough on this matter" or "I've given you enough work to do now." We do have an explicit agreement though...he *never* calls me "Her Indoors" (wife or LTLP) and I never call him "Himself outside." Hmmm...let me think...what else fun...? Ah, the use of *our* If someone says to you, "Our lass" that generally refers to the mom or wife, sometimes a daughter...it depends on context. ...and for any folk music fans...Sheffield United (a football, not soccer, doncha know) uses the tune of "Annie's Song" for the team song, known as "The Greasy Chip Butty" song. It's unrelated to anywhere else in the country, but, some londoners still use rhyming slang (often what is called cockney language elsewhere)...so, an example would be: Telling porkies, which means telling lies. This comes from: telling pork pies (pies rhyming with lies). :-) QT
  10. Hi Mr. H... I read this thread with great interest as I have given this very subject some thought since I've been away from the boards. In the area where I live (and this is a couple of years ago now, I've not had contact since), there were very few TWIers who could be described as financially or socially successful, if the standard by which success is measured includes: making over 35k/year, salary, and having the ability to assess social situations accurately. We were told, as little'ns in the fellowship, that the reason things weren't growing apace was because we weren't trying hard enough, believing big enough, etc. "There are people out there hungry for the word!" was the rallying cry. Well, that may be so, however, were they hungry for the word we were s'posed to be offering is another matter entirely. During the witnessing events in which I was compelled to participate, I watched members of the fellowship select a target, then lob any number of biblical statements which were meant to get at the heart of the matter, but which missed the mark entirely. In part, because I saw people foist themselves on individuals and couples that were occupied in other business, some of it important. I have never worked in *sales* myself, but, I'm fairly sure that successful salespeople are able to read when their continued presence is actually costing them business rather than gaining it. After these dismal events, which included accosting strangers in parks, shopping malls, and, yes, Doctor's waiting rooms, the club-over-the-head from leadership was to remember that we weren't "selling anything." Um. yeah. Right. We were told to stay away from people who were obviously, or seemingly obviously, wealthy, because "they won't have hearts to hear." But, I suspect that was more disingenuous behavior. The fact is...when someone is prospering, feeling pretty good, and interested in life and maybe seeking a place to learn about a religion, in this case, the bible and Christianity...how likely are they to listen with respect to someone who tells them that they have no shot without the word as this organization teaches...that they are doomed to fear...and that they are sold out to the world because they put their education and career above everything else. It's an awfully poor sell, if you ask me. The very last contact I had with a TWIer was a few months ago...she called, I didn't check the caller ID, and I answered. We chatted for a moment and she asked what I was doing with myself. I mentioned I'd returned to school and accomplished a few other small things, and she said...to me..."That's great! You were always so smart and funny, if you could just come back, then we could do some great witnessing together about how God has blessed you so much!" Erm. This from the same woman who told me that finishing my education was a vain and prideful notion and that my jealousy of my then-husband was the root cause. Um, no...it was a promise he made to me when we were first together, his PhD first, then my returning to school. Funny...while we were together, after we sorted out his PhD, the *word* said that my education was superfluous--that from him and from leadership. So...if that's the package they're selling, and I think it still is, there won't be all that many takers from the pool of people who already have their lives together and can recognize the hard sell when they see it. I found the classes to be boring, tedious, and condescending...long on spectacular self-aggrandizing statements and short on actual logic. I was never able, in good conscience, endorse them...and have only now to feel guilty about those whom I convinced to sign up. I feel very responsible for doing such a damaging thing.
  11. Ahhh...but you haven't lived til you've had greasy chip butty!
  12. I understand the main gist of what you're looking for BOWTWI. I've sent a text message and email to my fella (He's a brit and taught English for a time, before going into journalism). He has promised to send me any information he can find that may be of use. I'll let you know as soon as he comes across with it. Occasionally, I write for British publications and off the top of my head I can tell you to be on the look out for the Present Perfect tense, which is often used in British English to show an immediate past event still impacting the present. I'm sure you're already used to spelling rules, etc. cheers, ~QT
  13. *** An Update *** Well, Hello again, everyone. I am sorry and must apologize for my unexplained hiatus starting in August of last year. What initially began as a vacation simply turned into another round of divorce negotiations. In August, I left to spend a week in Copenhagen, Denmark. While I was away, the person who came to feed my pets informed me I had a letter from my husband's attorney. I had her open it and read it to me. The gist was that another round of depositions needed to be scheduled and there was a quiet threat that my laptop would need to be surrendered. The complaint was that I was taking action to undermine my husband's role in the children's lives by interfering with his religious beliefs. There were other things, too, but, it was all basically a final-volley to renegotiate our settlement terms. Acting on the advice of my own attorney, I left my laptop in Denmark and except for the use of email for work, I stayed away from all my own net-spots--not just grease spot. Nothing came of the threats and everything has been signed and settled, though we are still waiting for the final judgement to come in. Also, I've left my former "day job" and have returned to school fulltime. I also work on campus in the Genetics Lab--a job I really love. I love being "Beaker!" I'm still writing, too--still have the kids, and things continue on in much the same way, except that I really am free to speak my mind now. It is incredibly liberating. I'm sure it will take me weeks to get back up to speed, and I have, now, begun to carefully read all the posts I've missed since August. And there has really been a lot of activity!!! It was nice to see a lot of people in chat last night, and I want to say thanks to Paw for looking me up, and giving me the encouragement I needed to return here. It is very nice to be back. ~QT
  14. I carefully stowed away everything that I did believe in order to fit in and to try and be the wife my then-husband had envisioned. I never openly questioned or balked at the party line...but, on the inside, I knew I was faking. One of the major disappointments for me was that no one ever called me on my obvious faking of SIT and Prophecy, and apparently no one received revelation that I was sitting on the fellowship sofa actively training my mind to disregard what I was hearing. What I wanted to believe was that I would be reached and come to an understanding that would bring me peace. Funny...I'm both happy and peaceful now, believing none of what I'd been previously taught. ~QT
  15. Ah...c'mon Tom...come to the dark side the dark side... guess! (you know you want to!) qt
  16. Hope I didn't kill the thread...but, here, a couple of more lines... Sometimes are good . . . sometimes are bad That's all a part of life To post much more would be to post the title! qt
  17. How relieved you must be, Lisa, and what a long ordeal. Congratulations and I hope you and your family are very well, indeed! qt
  18. I was listening to this song this morning...I still really like it. While growing up or trying to Not knowing where to start I looked around for someone who May help reveal my heart Have a go, then, qt
  19. I'm sure there are people who can help, qtana :-) My experience will not benefit you, I don't think. I came to twi as an adult, and my children were too small when I left for me to comment effectively on the roles/expectations of kids. I babysat for leadership's kids...and while the kids I watched were mostly fine, I remember organizing activities for children's fellowships during certain classes...the kids I knew were kids...a few were supercilious brats raised that way by arrogant parents, and most were nice kids, though very naive about life in general. More naive than most kids, I think. So, if any of that helps, I'm glad, and if you have any questions about those things, perhaps I could help there. Cheers, QT
  20. Wishing you all the best, Raf! Happy Birthday! qt
  21. Hmph. And I was nice, too, and everything. I really. really. don't like being lied to. I've had rather enough of it in recent years, all things considered, but I want to send some thanks to those who tipped me as to WE's duplicity. See, there's that word again. *sigh* qt
  22. Thank you, Tom...I'm endeavouring never to grow up. :-) Did I hijack from WasWay? I'm just curious as to whose turn it is now? qt
  23. Hi Maggie! Glad to say hello to someone new, like me. And wow...I'm still digesting your post. You really must have been amazed by those things. My little girl was a small giant when she was born, while I did nurse, I too, caught a bunch of flack for supplementing her. I will say, though, that the one person whose friendship I will really miss, helped me through good times and bad. I have seen her accept every suggesting with the *meekness* twi seemed to desire, even she she felt it was wrong...she bailed my @zz out when my little girl was an infant, and one day, I hope she is able to step out and stand in the sunshine without the overwhelming guilt and fear. cheers, and welcome, MaggieM, qt
  24. Thank you all, very, very much for taking the time to answer. I had thought it might come down to some of the points made here, and taking into account the detailed post Mark made on the foolhardy thread, and refreshing myself with some of what was suggested, I think I have a better picture now. Thanks for taking the time to help me pick through this! QT
  25. I know! I know! Tom, It's cowboy movie from David Crosby's if only I could remember my name! It came out the year I was born. I like the whole album! :-) QT
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