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Everything posted by waysider

  1. It was part of Oral Roberts' "Fourth Man" sermon. If you want to skip to it, it's found at 37:36
  2. Why would I need to ask anyone? I'm a big boy now and expected to form my own opinions.
  3. It seems to me, it's you who has dodged the challenge to look beyond to see more clearly. Does the positive stuff, as scant as it was, negate the negative stuff? Nevermind, I'm pretty sure in your mind it does.
  4. Well, duh. You ask: "The Teacher" P.O. Box 347 Nude Knockoff, Ahia.
  5. Ya know, for a guy who doesn't even know me, you sure seem to think you know a lot about me.
  6. Exactly. As long as we master the collaterals, everything will be fine.
  7. Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a chocolate chip cookie, will give him an oatmeal instead?
  8. Wierwille spoke of Jesus's Bar Mitzva as being unique because of his perceived illegitimacy. No such custom appears in the Bible. Furthermore, the Bar Mitzva originated in the 14th century CE. Does this glaring error negate the veracity of the collaterals? For some people, it apparently does not. God must have told Wierwille to intentionally include this error.
  9. "The epistles do not tell us how God picks people for super special jobs." The Bible offers no instructions on small engine repair, either.
  10. ...as we were heard to proclaim, "Someday I'll be a REAL boy!"
  11. It was the ancient tongue of the Gibberish people, who spoke a language known as Jibber-Jabber.
  12. Yo, Mike Nobody really gives a crap that you can't handle the truth.
  13. It's always hard, for anyone, to lose a loved one. But, to carry on through life believing things might have been different, if only you had said "lo shonta" a few more times? Well, that a whole other level of cruelty.
  14. If it didn't happen, it was all your own fault. Not enough S.I.T., not enough word studies, not enough believing, not enough mastering of the collaterals, not enough this, not enough that, not enough of the other thing. But, hey, no need to feel any guilt or shame. That would be negative.
  15. I don't know about you guys, but I have definitely formed some new perspectives on the law of believing.
  16. "I am currently reading undertow but I am not one to be convinced from one perspective." Here it is from another perspective: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/2251610 It's an easy read.
  17. His whole "freedom from condemnation" doctrine was crafted to fit this premise. "Do what you like, as long as you like what you do."---VPW
  18. Good advice. If I ever write a history of Jack The Ripper, I'll be sure to paint him as a real swell guy.
  19. I don't recall a time when he DIDN'T push this idea, starting very early in PFAL. He rephrased it many different ways and used it as a way to say the 10 commandments didn't apply to the Grace Administration. (They're for spiritual sissies.)
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