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Posts posted by LornaDoone

  1. Still praying for you. If you go someplace warm, you and your family could tent camp for a while until you get on your feet & it would be like a mini vacation. Someone did it in CT during the summer months and it worked out great. The fellowship with campers is usually sweet.

    In the meantime, God definitely has a door open for you. Keep your heart light, the adversary sucks.

  2. Honey, you tell your children what to do and when, no one else. God made you their Mom & if anyone interferes, God will deal with them. I would have asked IF they wanted to help and for how long and just told them that's the breaks.

    Things will work out, stay calm & don't go off the deep end. The calmer you are the more in control you will be of the situation and God can work better.



  3. Thanks y'all! I've invited him over here. Hopefully he'll take me up on it.

    A man convinced aginst his will is of the same opinion still. Sounds like he's sold out to being a martyr. Bottom line is we are not under the law.

    Better he spends his time watching Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life". Every sperm is sacred you know! NOT! This is a crock of you know what! Poor guy but I don't think he sounds too open to what God says, sounds like he likes the legalism and "bondgage".

    "Happy is he who condemneth not himself in the thing which he alloweth".

    Romans 14:17  For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

    18  For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men.

    19  Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.

    20  For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence.

    21  It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak.

    22  Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.

    23  And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.

  4. Perfect example of this Belle, is your insistance that twi taught that SIT is required for salvation.

    If you can get that simple concept wrong, it wouldn't surprise me that you and other folks could possibly get some other stuff wrong as well.

    You are correct Oldie's. I see alot of things here that are exaggerated. I know you can take any senario and turn it into a "policy". Many times people say things but that does not necessarily represent the whole ministry but another leaders warped perception of what they think is "policy".

    As for Belle, "the Way" never, never said SIT was necessary for salvation. What we were taught was that SIT was the proof that someone was born again and that was the only way you could know for sure someone was born again. So this is what I mean, this was taken way off track if that is what Belle was implying. No man can say Jesus is lord but by the holy ghost. (don't remember off hand which scripture it is) but let's not take it out of context. All believers born again can speak in tongues but all believers born again will not speak in tongues.

    This is all hearsay bs. I also baby sat, right up until the time I left. I was always asked and never made to feel guilty if I said no. I used to do things for the branch coordinators and they were always thankful and never expected me to do them. I would fold laundry etc. It was my choice. So I really don't believe some of the bs here being "unwritten" policy. Alot of these things that were said to believers were not mandates by TWI but individuals who went overboard. Oh well, we are not all perfect people. Perhaps they were doing their best at the time. I would attribute them to bad habits rather than "unwritten mandates" and a waste of time to even talk about. The past is past put it behind you, I'm sure there are more serious things to talk about here.

    And you don't throw people out for having a mortgage, we had and still have a mortgage and no one ever implied that to us. :nono5:

  5. When we were in the corps our need basis did not allow for pretty new things to keep hubby's attention. So it was suggested to me by my coordinator that to entice my hubby, try wearing my negligee backwards and he would think it was new.

    Got all ready, went to the door to surprise him when he came home and it worked. He did not know it was an old negligee. The 1st thing out of his mouth:

    "Where did you get the shiitt stains on the front of your nightie" BOMBBBBBBBBBBBBED big time.

    Can't please anyone most of the time! :sleep1:

  6. Ummmmmmmmmm are we on the right track here? :dance:


    3 entries found for scum.

    To select an entry, click on it.

    scum[1,noun]scum[2,intransitive verb]pond scum

    Main Entry: 1scum

    Pronunciation: 'sk&m

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Middle English, from Middle Dutch schum; akin to Old High German scum foam

    1 a : extraneous matter or impurities risen to or formed on the surface of a liquid often as a foul filmy covering -- compare POND SCUM 2 b : the scoria of metals in a molten state : DROSS c : a slimy film on a solid or gelatinous object

    2 a : REFUSE b : a low, vile, or worthless person or group of people

    - scum·my /'sk&-mE/ adjective

  7. "It seems like you have chosen to get your counseling from a twi spinoff-------are you sure that you will receive the best insight from another cult? It might be just what you need, but for me...........it would be just the same as calling up twi hq and asking to meet with ole rosie her self for grief counseling."

    I hope it is what you need..............

    Gee Radar, you have such insight. So all spinoffs are cults and I guess you have visited each of them and gotten some great spiritual revelation. You are so critical, I think you should go for counselling. As for comparing TWI to any other spinoff, perhaps you should get to know them better before you mock good, God loving believers.

    Amazing I have been so busy but I can come back 6 months later and you are still in the same negative frame of mind.


  8. Very interesting posts. On Catcup's other thread I posted about the funds we sent in so you can read it there if you like to. I certainly don't disagree as to the abuse or if anyone has problems with the doctrine. From what is happening, there are those that are in that are being encouraged to say they are sorry? Does that mean the teaching they heard implies that the leadership was not aware of the abuse? Of course they knew and were behind most of it due to the pressure they put on BC, FC. etc.

    I would never go back and was not asking about that, I was more interested in forgiveness if it were sincere. As far as not trusting them again, trust is earned and it would take them a long time to earn it back but at least those that were severely injured by TWI might get some peace in their lives if they were at least convinced that they were sincere.

    As far as doctrine, anyone is free to debate those issues. I personally never expected them to be perfect and have utilized the principals of The Word I was taught and they work. As far as giving money back, in which I gave plenty over 29 yrs, I don't even care about it, I gave it to God not TWI and he has blessed me abundantly over an above what I ever expected.

    One last thought, I honestly cannot say if they are still being so hard on Homos or the Catholic Church etc. I don't think most of us can speculate that they are. I have family in and I don't hear any of that anymore, I think it went out with LCM.

    thanks for sharing, love you guys (all inclusive noun) :wave:

  9. Hi Mark,

    I hear what you are saying but maybe I didn't make my thoughts clear. I didn't mean that doctrine or research of these different groups should not be discussed, I was more inferring it may be time to let go of any animosity toward certain individuals and move forward. Are we out for blood? Would God want the browbeating to continue? What does the Word say?

    If discussions were to continue, then would you include discussing the World Wide Church of God, not just TWI. Why pick on one organization over another, you could include most religions in this type of discussion. I personally don't agree with most of the religious groups in this world?

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