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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net

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Everything posted by coolchef1248 @adelphia.net

  1. hey galen thanks for the info we have tried them all and find that those little fabric softener sheets you put in the dryer work best! just pin 1 or 2 of them on you. it works great cept when we visit the clothing opptional resort we go to !lol galen do you pass my way when you visit maine??
  2. heck i am 56 now and retired in 1995 when i was 45 i was lucky yes lucky, worked for a good co. i am so busy now i wonder what i did when i was working! as far as insurance goes... again i am lucky i have good coverage for me and mine at no cost,so this is easy for me to say...if i didn't have it and had no minor dependants i wouldn't worry about haveing any. what can they do ?through you out of the ambulence if you need it? just a thought. best wishs to you
  3. medic nice to put a face with aname cards are on the way stay safe
  4. i live in maine. the black flies suck {really} the winters are cold,spring comes late, mud season comes early, but we never have to board up the windows! hurricanes were there longer than florida etc was move to maine!! lol
  5. thanks belle now it hit a {bell} with me i will try it a camp this weekend. i have some nice salmon fillets that a friend of mine's kid sent fro alaska will let you know num num num can't wait
  6. when iwas encouraged to get my friends divorced it came from wc. [deleted by moderator]
  7. belle that lime/ginger will be tried this week it sounds great but did you mean pinches?or inches lol thanks for shareing
  8. medic the cards wiil be on their way tommorow or monday.when you recieve them please send a note via snail mail so i can read it at a metting to our members. i wish you all the best dennis arsenault 401 waldo st rumford maine 04276 thanks
  9. i never let new rose bushes flower the first year. cut the buds just below where you see a stem with 5 leaves. i also dust mine every 10 or so
  10. medic i a check for $1,000.00 to buy phone cards what do i do?
  11. when i was a twig leader i was instructed by leader**** to encourage divorce to a couple in our twid i did do this and they divorced. i still feel like **** for this today and it was over 25 years ago. thank god the guy is still my best friend he was befor we got involved in this devilish cult
  12. i guess i have to keep reminding my self it;s God and His Son not veepee
  13. onion eater put a few chin whiskers on that guy and it could be you lol but i know what you use the chain saw for.....quatering moose!
  14. ps there are tons of lavender recipes on the web just look up lavender
  15. i have never done the sweet potato on the grill but how could it be bad? what i do is cut thw yam in half lenght ways then slice in to halh moon cuts then slosh aroun in olive oil then dust with cinnomen bake in a 400 oven yum yum yum!
  16. try this grilled or baked salmon or haddock 3# fish fillets 4T honey 6T olive oil 1 t crushed lavender 1 nice bottle of white wine{1/4 cup for the recipe, the rest for you} 1T worchestershire sauce 1 t lemon juise put everything together except fish on med heat stirring constantly til reduce by 1/3 grill fish basting with sauce serve with a nice fruity rice pilaf{apples golden raisons} fresh asparagus topped with hollandaise enjoy chops 4 thick pork chops 1 t coarse kosher salt 1 t ground pepper or pepper supreme 1/2 t lavender 2 t thyme 1 t rosemary 1 tbs olive oil combine all and give the chops a good rub with it cover and let stand at room temp for a few hours grill til 155 degrees i like this with cinnoman roasted sweet potatos
  17. medic what kind of cards would be best? 30 or 60 min incraments? they will be in the mail on fri. not sure yet if it will be $500.00 or $1,000.00
  18. i meant i would try it on taters!!i will give you a few recipes later today
  19. sorry lorna here is my humble opinion.. the biggest terrorest in the world is sitting in the oval office! he said the war is over we have accomplished our mission. why have so many of our kids died sence that statement?
  20. laleo that sounds wonderful! i will try it. steve... choc. mint? never heard of it sounds great please expound
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